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General balance
Enemies should have a chance to be spawned with a modifier as levels increase
Every 3rd level should be wave only
* Remove "enemies killed" mode
Balance playthroughs (record all balance playthroughs as they can be used for trailers; do this after graphical improvements done)
UI improvements
Hover class highlight
DPS list (right)
HP list (bottom)
Item list (left)
Graphical improvements
Further graphical improvements if there's time
3-4 pure gameplay playthroughs showcasing different builds
Better pause screen
* End screen
Ascension mode (difficulty ramps up faster and goes higher than normal at the end)
Music for bosses and shop
Come up with a few new ones as I play the game more and balance the numbers
Implement all the ones I already uploaded to Steam
Engine improvements for after SNKRX release
on_collision_enter/exit are automatically called and automatically call on_hit/on_leave for each object
This enables the definition of on_hit on each object and the question of where the logic should stay is solved/dodged
Spurred by Wall needing to have its own on_hit function to do something when the player hits it, without having to change player code for all Walls,
Defining on_hit on the Wall creation call for that specific Wall, and thus that specific Wall will have this behavior while other walls won't ?
Not sure if I should go all the way with event systems like this or only have it work for specific cases, need to think about it more