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LOVE 11.3 [Mysterious Mysteries]
Released: 2019-10-27
* Added support for FLAC audio files.
* Added support for microphone recording on Android.
* Added (false by default). On Android, setting it to true requests microphone recording permission from the user.
* Added Decoder:clone.
* Added Data:getFFIPointer.
* Added Joystick:getDeviceInfo.
* Added Joystick:getGamepadMappingString and love.joystick.getGamepadMappingString(guid).
* Added love.math.colorToBytes and love.math.colorFromBytes.
* Added 'usedpiscale' boolean (true by default) to love.window.setMode and love.conf. Disables automatic DPI scaling when false.
* Added love.window.getDisplayOrientation and a love.displayrotated callback.
* Added love.window.get/setVSync, to allow setting vsync without recreating the window.
* Added love.window.getSafeArea.
* Added an optional vertex count parameter to Mesh:setVertices.
* Added support for rgba4, rgb5a1, rgb565, rgb10a2, rg11b10f, r8, rg8, r16, rg16, r16f, rg16f, r32f, and rg32f formats in ImageData and Images.
* Added support for loading .dds files that contain uncompressed pixel data.
* Changed audio file type detection, so it probes all supported backends for unrecognized extensions.
* Fixed "bad lightuserdata" errors when running love on some arm64 devices.
* Fixed boot.lua's line numbers in stack traces to match its source code.
* Fixed the deprecation system not fully restarting when love.event.quit("restart") is used.
* Fixed love.isVersionCompatible.
* Fixed named Channels persisting across love.event.quit("restart") occurrences.
* Fixed race conditions when different love.physics Worlds are used in different threads.
* Fixed World:getJoints to return the fully resolved type of the Joint, instead of the base type.
* Fixed love.timer.sleep(0) to return control to the OS scheduler instead of being a no-op.
* Fixed love.math.randomNormal incorrectly using cached state after love.math.setRandomSeed or setRandomState.
* Fixed returning an incorrect hash for certain input sizes.
* Fixed to cause a Lua error instead of crashing when invalid arguments are used.
* Fixed the Data-returning variant of and File:read to return the number of bytes that were read.
* Fixed love.filesystem's require loaders to error instead of crashing when no argument is given.
* Fixed love.filesystem.mount(Data).
* Fixed a memory leak when loading files in some situations.
* Fixed
* Fixed audio clicks immediately after playing a Source on iOS.
* Fixed Source:play + Source:stop + Source:play looping the first few ms of sound for streaming Sources on iOS.
* Fixed Source:play + Source:seek looping the first few ms of sound for streaming Sources on iOS.
* Fixed occasional pops in streaming sources on iOS.
* Fixed to use previously set playback positions on stopped Sources.
* Fixed Source:setEffect(name, true) and Source:getEffect(name) when the effect has no associated Filter.
* Fixed, "queue") to cause a Lua error.
* Fixed Source:setPitch to error if the given pitch is <= 0, NaN, or infinity.
* Fixed video seeking and pausing in various scenarios.
* Fixed an audio Source memory leak when a Video gets garbage collected after playing it.
* Fixed video playback support on some Adreno-based Android devices.
* Fixed black fringes around text in some situations.
* Fixed extreme flickering when text moves along non-integer coordinates.
* Fixed the first character in a string sometimes not being processed during text vertex generation.
* Fixed Text:set(" ") not clearing any previously set text in a Text object.
* Fixed to return a table with boolean values in its fields instead of number values.
* Fixed lines not rendering properly if a single line has more than 65,000 vertices.
* Fixed a pixel shader performance regression on some graphics drivers when OpenGL 3 or OpenGL ES 3 is used.
* Fixed text not showing up on Radeon HD 3000-series graphics cards on Windows.
* Fixed non-integer DPI scale values being truncated to integers in
* Fixed creating depth canvases on Windows systems when using an Intel HD 3000 GPU.
* Fixed automatic batching performance to be more consistent on all operating systems.
* Fixed gammaToLinearPrecise in shaders not being as precise as it should be.
* Fixed ImageData:paste and ImageData:setPixel to have more consistent clamping and rounding of color values when different formats are used.
LOVE 11.2 [Mysterious Mysteries]
Released: 2018-11-25
* Added Source:setAirAbsorption and Source:getAirAbsorption.
* Added Body:setTransform and Body:getTransform.
* Improved performance of slightly on iOS and Android.
* Fixed filesystem initialization on Windows 10 update 1809.
* Fixed compatibility with Lua 5.2 and 5.3.
* Fixed the explicit format + Data argument variant of
* Fixed love.joystick.setGamepadMapping not being able to change existing mappings.
* Fixed a crash on quit on Linux if a custom cursor is active when quitting.
* Fixed a crash in the Data variant of Shader:send when it's called after love.window.setMode.
* Fixed a error message to be less confusing.
LOVE 11.1 [Mysterious Mysteries]
Released: 2018-04-15
* Fixed failing randomly.
* Fixed when no Canvas is active.
* Fixed stencil and depth support on older phones.
* Fixed love.event.quit causing crashes and other unexpected behaviour if a Canvas is active.
* Fixed Fixture:getShape crashing when returning a ChainShape.
* Fixed love.joystick.loadJoystickMappings outputting a deprecation warning about love.filesystem.isFile.
* Fixed Source:queue to show the correct argument name in the error message when an invalid data parameter is given.
* Fixed t.console=true causing an error on Windows if lovec.exe is used.
LOVE 11.0 [Mysterious Mysteries]
Released: 2018-04-01
* Added Object:release.
* Added Data:clone.
* Added queueable audio sources.
* Added audio input support.
* Added Source filters: low gain, high gain and band pass.
* Added audio effect APIs (reverb, echo, etc.)
* Added variants of SoundData:getSample/setSample which take a channel parameter.
* Added variants of all table-with-fields-returning get* functions, the new variants take an existing table to fill in.
* Added a variant to World:update, which accepts the number of iterations to run. The defaults are now 8 and 3.
* Added Body:isTouching.
* Added RopeJoint:setMaxLength.
* Added a click count argument to love.mousepressed and love.mousereleased.
* Added variants of love.filesystem.mount which accept a Data or FileData object containing zipped data.
* Added love.filesystem.get/setCRequirePath, and use that to find c libraries for require.
* Added variants of File:read and which take an enum to determine whether they return a FileData or a string.
* Added module. It includes hex/base64 encoding functions, MD5 and SHA hashing, string packing, compression APIs, and more.
* Added Channel:hasRead, which checks if a message has been read. Takes an id, which Channel:push will now return.
* Added variants of Channel:demand and Channel:supply which take a timeout argument.
* Added Transform objects to love.math.
* Added support for different ImageData formats, including RGBA8 (the default), RGBA16, RGBA16F, and RGBA32F.
* Added the ability to load Radiance HDR, OpenEXR, and 16 bit PNG images.
* Added (replaces
* Added the ability to specify a per-object pixel density scale factor when creating Images, Canvases, Fonts, and Videos. Affects drawing.
* Added Texture:getPixelWidth/Height and
* Added Texture:getPixelDensity,, and Font:getPixelDensity.
* Added Texture:getMipmapCount, getFormat, getLayerCount, getDepth, and getTextureType.
* Added Array, Cubemap, and Volume texture types and corresponding Image and Canvas APIs.
* Added, returns a table with fields indicating support for each texture type.
* Added mipmapping support to Canvases, including both auto-generated mipmaps and manually rendering to a specific mipmap level.
* Added 'stencil8', 'depth24stencil8', 'depth32fstencil8', 'depth16', 'depth24', and 'depth32f' pixel formats for Canvases.
* Added variant of which accepts a table of settings.
* Added optional 'readable' boolean field to the table passed into
* Added optional 'depthstencil' field to the table passed into, for using a depth/stencil Canvas.
* Added optional 'depth' and 'stencil' boolean fields to the table passed into setCanvas, for enabling depth and stencil buffers if 'depthstencil' isn't used.
* Added shadow sampler support for Canvases.
* Added for using the depth buffer for depth testing/writes. Depth values of rendered objects can only be set via shaders.
* Added, for culling back- or front-facing triangles when drawing a Mesh.
* Added
* Added variant of which takes a 'readable' boolean.
* Added and SpriteBatch:add/setLayer for easily drawing layers of Array Textures.
* Added variants of and printf which take a Font argument.
* Added variants of to control how the active depth and stencil buffers are cleared.
* Added and
* Added and
* Added
* Added for manually flushing automatically batched draws.
* Added SpriteBatch:setDrawRange.
* Added per-shader opt in support for the GLSL 3.30 and GLSL ES 3.00 shading languages.
* Added 'void effect()' pixel shader entry point.
* Added
* Added Shader:hasUniform.
* Added support for non-square shader uniform matrices on desktop platforms and on mobile GLSL 3.
* Added Shader:send(matrixname, is_column_major, matrix, ...) which specifies how to interpret the matrix table arguments.
* Added Shader:send variants which accept a Data object.
* Added 'borderellipse' and 'borderrectangle' ParticleSystem distributions.
* Added variant of ParticleSystem:setEmissionArea which accepts an area angle and a flag for whether particle directions are relative to the center of the area.
* Added ParticleSystem:set/getAreaSpreadAngle and set/getAreaSpreadIsRelativeDirection.
* Added (replaces
* Added 'glsl3', 'instancing', 'fullnpot','pixelshaderhighp', and 'shaderderivatives' graphics features.
* Added 'anisotropy' graphics limit.
* Added Mesh instancing support via and Mesh:attachAttribute.
* Added a Mesh:attachAttribute variant that takes a different target attribute name.
* Added Mesh:detachAttribute.
* Added a variant of Mesh:setVertexMap which accepts a Data object.
* Added love.window.updateMode.
* Added love.window.isMinimized.
* Added love.window.restore.
* Added the ability to prevent love from creating a stencil buffer for the window.
* Added cycle detection to Variant's table serialization, cycles now cause an error, rather than a stack overflow.
* Added File and FileData variants.
* Added a default love.threaderror callback, which raises the error in the main thread.
* Added checks for invalid constants passed to love.keyboard.isDown/isScancodeDown.
* Added deprecation warnings, on by default for non-fused games.
* Added love.filesystem.getInfo.
* Added 'drawcallsbatched' to
* Added support for header-less DEFLATE to
* Deprecated love.filesystem.exists / isFile / isDirectory / isSymlink / getLastModified / getSize (use getInfo instead).
* Deprecated love.math.compress / decompress (use / decompress instead).
* - All renamed APIs are formally deprecated rather than completely removed.
* Renamed love.window.getPixelScale to love.window.getDPIScale.
* Renamed love.mouse.hasCursor to love.mouse.isCursorSupported.
* Renamed ParticleSystem:setAreaSpread to ParticleSystem:setEmissionArea.
* Renamed love.errhand to love.errorhandler.
* Renamed Source/SoundData/Decoder:getChannels to getChannelCount.
* Renamed PrismaticJoint/RevoluteJoint:hasLimitsEnabled to areLimitsEnabled.
* Renamed to
* Renamed all get[Object]List functions to get[Object]s.
* Removed the default source type for
* Removed variant of love.filesystem.newFileData which takes base64 data, use instead.
* Removed the no-argument variant of Text:set, use Text:clear instead.
* Removed, use instead.
* Removed the 'void effects(...)' pixel shader entry point. Use the new 'void effect()' instead.
* Removed Shader:getExternVariable, use Shader:hasUniform instead.
* Removed, use instead.
* Removed deprecated enet function host:socket_get_address.
* Removed functions deprecated in LÖVE 0.10.2:
* Removed Shader:sendInt, Shader:sendBoolean, Shader:sentFloat, Shader:sendMatrix, and Shader:sendTexture (use Shader:send instead).
* Removed love.window.isCreated (use love.window.isOpen instead).
* Improved performance when drawing textures, shapes, lines, and points by automatically batching their draw calls together when possible.
* Improved performance of Shader:send when the Shader is not active.
* Improved performance of love.math.randomNormal when LuaJIT's JIT compiler is enabled.
* Improved performance of love.filesystem.lines and File:lines, especially when reading from a file inside a zip/.love.
* Changed all color values to be in the range 0-1, rather than 0-255.
* Changed high-dpi functionality to require much less code (often none at all) for graphics to appear at the correct sizes and positions.
* Changed and friends to ignore carriage returns.
* Changed the 'multiply' blend mode to error if not used with the 'premultiplied' blend alpha mode, since the formula only works with that anyway.
* Changed some, love.window, and love.event APIs to cause an error if a Canvas is active.
* Changed stenciling functionality with a Canvas active to require stencil=true (or a custom stencil-formatted Canvas) to be set in setCanvas.
* Changed Mesh:setDrawRange to take 'start' and 'count' parameters instead of 'min' and 'max'.
* Changed the 'vsync' field of love.window.setMode and t.window in love.conf. It's now an integer with 0 disabling vsync.
* Changed the audio playback APIs drastically.
* Changed enet to no longer set the 'enet' global, again matching luasocket.
* Changed Source seeking behaviour, all kinds of Sources now behave similarly when seeking past the boundaries.
* Changed love.timer.step, it now returns dt.
* Changed and love.errhand to return a function for their main loop, which gets called until love quits.
* Updated and improved command line argument handling.
* Updated the boot sequence to show an error instead of the no-game screen, if a nonexistant folder is passed in as the source game directory.
* Updated 'love.exe --version' on Windows to print to the parent console.
* Updated Android print rerouting and JIT compilation disabling to apply inside threads.
* Updated invalid enum value error messages to show a list of the valid enum values.
* Updated Source:seek to work if the Source isn't playing.
* Updated love.event.poll to stop allocating memory unnecessarily.
* Updated love.math.random to have improved numeric distribution.
* Updated to support Core Profile OpenGL 3.3+ when available.
* Updated shaders to always expose derivative functions (dFdx, dFdy, fwidth) when available in OpenGL ES.
* Updated shaders to allow using VERTEX and PIXEL in shader code.
* Updated to take transformation scale into account when determining the number of segments to use.
* Updated Font glyph generation to improve antialiasing.
* Updated Canvas:newImageData to return an ImageData with a format that matches the Canvas' as closely as possible.
* Updated to treat file names ending with "@2x", "@3x", etc. as a pixel density scale factor if none is explicitly supplied.
* Updated the error message when bad values are given to
* Updated the maximum transformation/state stack depth from 64 to 128.
* Updated the default error handler to allow copying the error to the clipboard when the user decides to do so.
* Updated love.filesystem.setRequirePath to support multiple template '?' characters in each path.
* Updated luasocket to version 3.0rc1.
* Updated love.joystick.loadGamepadMappings so it doesn't error when given an empty string.
* Updated love.joystick.setGamepadMapping to use the controller's name for the new mapping when possible.
* Fixed error in default error handler when the error message contains non UTF-8 bytes.
* Fixed a memory leak when sending love objects to threads which never load that object's module.
* Fixed a memory leak in enet when peer:send fails.
* Fixed os.execute always returning -1 in Linux.
* Fixed the default reference angle for WeldJoint, PrismaticJoint, and RevoluteJoint.
* Fixed Fixture:getShape to reuse the existing internal Fixture-owned shape.
* Fixed MouseJoint:setFrequency to error instead of crashing if a frequency of 0 is set.
* Fixed love.system.set/getClipboardText to error instead of crashing, when a window hasn't been created.
* Fixed Joystick:getGamepadMapping to work with xinput controllers.
* Fixed love.joystick.setGamepadMapping's replacement code.
* Fixed baseline calculation when rendering text.
* Fixed VaryingTexCoords and love_ScreenSize in shaders to be 'highp' in OpenGL ES, when supported.
* Fixed ParticleSystem:setParticleLifetime to error if a negative value is given.
* Fixed Shader:send and Shader:sendColor ignoring the last argument for an array.
* Fixed a crash when is called after a love.window.setMode while the transformation stack was not empty.
* Fixed love.window.isMaximized.
* Fixed video playback to work with a wider range of Ogg Theora files.
* Fixed video seeking to be faster.
* Fixed BezierCurves to error instead of hanging in some situations.
* Fixed compilation of luasocket with newer luajit 2.1.0 beta versions.
LOVE 0.10.2 [Super Toast]
Released: 2016-10-31
* Added lovec.exe in Windows. It is the same as love.exe but built with the Console subsystem, so it always uses or provides a console.
* Added the ability to restart the game via love.event.quit("restart").
* Added support for passing a table to love.mouse.isDown, love.keyboard.isDown, love.keyboard.isScancodeDown, Joystick:isDown, and Joystick:isGamepadDown.
* Added love.window.isMaximized.
* Added 'shaderswitches' field to the table returned by
* Added Quad:getTextureDimensions.
* Added 'ellipse' area distribution to ParticleSystems.
* Added support for BC4-7 compressed texture formats in KTX files.
* Added PrismaticJoint:getAxis and WheelJoint:getAxis.
* Added 2-point version of love.physics.newRevoluteJoint.
* Added table variants of Fixture:setCategory and Fixture:setMask.
* Added getNextVertex and getPreviousVertex to ChainShape and EdgeShape.
* Added optional reference angle arguments to RevoluteJoint, PrismaticJoint, and WeldJoint constructors.
* Added RevoluteJoint:getReferenceAngle, PrismaticJoint:getReferenceAngle, and WeldJoint:getReferenceAngle.
* Deprecated undocumented Shader:sendTexture, Shader:sendMatrix, Shader:sendInt, and Shader:sendFloat functions.
* Fixed love on iOS 6.
* Fixed os.execute always returning -1 on Linux.
* Fixed the love.lowmemory callback to call collectgarbage() after the callback has fired, instead of before.
* Fixed love.math.noise(nil) to error instead of returning nil.
* Fixed an occasional crash when a Thread ends.
* Fixed a hang at the end of video playback with some video files.
* Fixed the video decoding thread to not do any work when there are no videos to decode.
* Fixed to no longer error if is disabled.
* Fixed a rare bug in Source:play for streaming Sources if the associated OpenAL source object was previously used for a static Source.
* Fixed corrupted Font glyphs in rare cases.
* Fixed stencils inside Canvases on some OpenGL ES 2 devices.
* Fixed an OpenGL error in OpenGL ES 3 when multiple render targets are used.
* Fixed love.window.setMode crashing when called with a Canvas active.
* Fixed love.window.maximize to update the reported window dimensions immediately.
* Fixed gamma correction of ImageFonts and BMFonts with colored images.
* Fixed the default shader improperly applying gamma correction to per-vertex colors when gamma correction is requested but not supported on OpenGL ES.
* Fixed text coloring breaking because of an empty string.
* Fixed large burst of particles when dramatically increasing the emission rate of a ParticleSystem.
* Fixed SpriteBatch:setBufferSize to keep old sprite data if it can fit.
* Fixed MouseJoint:getBodies unconditionally erroring.
* Fixed memory leak in Text:set.
* Fixed incorrect kerning caused by using kerning information for the wrong character in some fonts.
* Fixed ImageData:setPixel/getPixel/mapPixel and SoundData:setSample/getSample to properly handle non-integer coordinates.
* Improved performance of Channel methods by roughly 2x in many cases.
* Improved performance of Shader:send when small numbers of arguments are given.
* Updated love.filesystem.mount to accept a DroppedFile as the first parameter.
* Updated Shader:send to do type and argument checking based on the specified uniform variable's information instead of the arguments to the function.
* Updated Shader:send to accept a flat table for matrix uniforms.
LOVE 0.10.1 [Super Toast]
Released: 2016-02-14
* Added a new love.conf flag t.externalstorage, which determines whether files are saved in internal or external storage on Android devices.
* Added a new variant of which can draw different types of arcs ("pie", "open", or "closed").
* Added "lighten" and "darken" BlendModes. They can only be used with the "premultiplied" BlendAlphaMode.
* Added the "lighten" GraphicsFeature constant.
* Added the ability to avoid clearing specific Canvases when calling, if multiple Canvases are active at once via
* Added Text:getDimensions.
* Added optional "collideconnected" argument to love.physics.newMotorJoint.
* Fixed a Lua error in the no-game screen if the window's height is too small.
* Fixed the default error handler to reset the mouse Cursor.
* Fixed love.filesystem functions crashing when called if liblove is used directly without calling love.filesystem.init.
* Fixed audio on Android to pause when the app is inactive, and resume when the app becomes active again.
* Fixed the Video decoding thread hanging after Video:seek or when a Video finishes.
* Fixed Video:isPlaying to always return false after it finishes playing.
* Fixed RandomGenerator:random crashing if a nil 'self' is used.
* Fixed loading BMFont files which have characters with 0 width or height (a space character, for example).
* Fixed causing crashes if FileData is passed in.
* Fixed causing crashes on OpenGL ES 2 systems when a Canvas is active.
* Fixed a driver bug on some Android devices which caused all objects to show up as black.
* Fixed a driver bug on Windows with AMD graphics cards where would not always work.
* Fixed Shader:sendColor incorrectly converting alpha values from sRGB to linear RGB when gamma-correct rendering is enabled.
* Fixed double-converting colors from sRGB to linear RGB when gamma-correct rendering is enabled.
* Fixed* crashing when there is no graphics context/window.
* Updated the Windows executable to prefer the high-powered AMD graphics card on systems which have switchable Intel+AMD GPUs.
* Updated love.touch.getTouches to return the list of IDs in the relative order that the touches initially happened, instead of being in a random order.
* Updated the error messages caused by invalid or bad arguments to ImageData and SoundData methods to be more descriptive.
LOVE 0.10.0 [Super Toast]
Released: 2015-12-22
* Added an iOS port.
* Added an Android port.
* Added the flag t.accelerometerjoystick to love.conf. Disables accelerometer-as-joystick functionality on mobile devices when false.
* Added the flag t.gammacorrect to love.conf (replaces t.window.srgb.) Enabling it globally enables gamma-correct rendering, when supported.
* Added video playback support for Ogg Theora videos, via and Video objects.
* Added module. It is not used for displaying videos on-screen, only decoding them.
* Added love.touch module. Note that it has important differences from the touch implementation in the LÖVE 0.9 Android and iOS ports.
* Added love.touchpressed, love.touchreleased, and love.touchmoved.
* Added love.system.vibrate.
* Added love.filesystem.setRequirePath and love.filesystem.getRequirePath.
* Added an optional program exit argument to love.event.quit.
* Added love.filedropped and love.directorydropped event callback functions.
* Added love.lowmemory event callback function, called when the app is running out of memory on mobile operating systems.
* Added love.textedited event callback function, called when the user is compositing text (e.g. via an IME.)
* Added love.wheelmoved event callback function (replaces "wu" and "wd" constants for love.mousepressed.)
* Added love.mouse.hasCursor.
* Added a boolean argument to love.mousepressed and love.mousereleased indicating whether the button event originated from a touch press.
* Added optional x/y/width/height arguments to love.keyboard.setTextInput. They tell the system where text will show up so on-screen keyboards can avoid that area.
* Added Source:getType (replaces Source:isStatic.)
* Added Source:getDuration and Decoder:getDuration.
* Added an optional string argument containing raw pixel byte data to the width/height variant of love.image.newImageData.
* Added
* Added rounded-rectangle support to
* Added (replaces
* Added
* Added an optional argument to which indicates whether to treat the colors of drawn objects as having pre-multiplied alpha.
* Added (replaces
* Added (replaces
* Added and (replaces
* Added
* Added color arguments to It no longer always uses the background color value.
* Added
* Added
* Added the "clampzero" WrapMode.
* Added the ability to specify custom mipmaps when creating an image, via, {mipmaps={mip1, mip2, ...}})
* Added optional x/y/width/height arguments to Image:refresh and Canvas:newImageData.
* Added Image:getFlags.
* Added one- and two-channel Canvas formats: r8, rg8, r16f, rg16f, r32f, and rg32f.
* Added support for different formats in each Canvas when using multi-canvas rendering. Added the "multicanvasformats" Graphics Feature constant.
* Added support for OpenGL ES 2 and 3.
* Added support for loading ETC, EAC, PVRTC, and ASTC compressed textures on systems that support them.
* Added custom vertex attribute support for Meshes via new variants of
* Added Mesh:setVertexAttribute and Mesh:getVertexAttribute.
* Added Mesh:getVertexFormat.
* Added Mesh:flush.
* Added an optional 'startvertex' argument to Mesh:setVertices.
* Added the ability for and Mesh:setVertices to accept a Data object.
* Added Mesh:setAttributeEnabled and Mesh:isAttributeEnabled.
* Added Mesh:attachAttribute.
* Added SpriteBatch:attachAttribute.
* Added Shader:sendColor.
* Added new shader functions: gammaCorrectColor, gammaToLinear, and linearToGamma. The functions also have 'precise' and 'fast' variants.
* Added Text objects and
* Added per-character color support to and to Text objects.
* Added BMFont bitmap font file support to and love.font.
* Added kerning support for TrueType/OpenType and BMFont Fonts.
* Added an optional font hinting argument to when loading TrueType fonts.
* Added an optional spacing argument to, which applies additional spacing to all rendered glyphs.
* Added Font:setFallbacks.
* Added love.window.maximize.
* Added love.window.close.
* Added love.window.requestAttention.
* Added love.window.setDisplaySleepEnabled and love.window.isDisplaySleepEnabled.
* Added BezierCurve:renderSegment and BezierCurve:removeControlPoint.
* Added BezierCurve:getSegment.
* Added love.math.compress and love.math.decompress.
* Added Channel:performAtomic.
* Changed love.mousepressed, love.mousereleased, and love.mouse.isDown to use button numbers instead of named button constants.
* Changed love.keypressed to be love.keypressed(key, scancode, isrepeat).
* Changed love.keyreleased to be love.keyreleased(key, scancode).
* Changed Font:getWrap's second return value to be a table containing the text split into lines.
* Changed's optional second argument to be a table of flags (flags are "mipmaps" and "linear".)
* Changed the arguments for the standard variants of to newMesh(vertices [, drawmode, usage]) and newMesh(vertexcount [, drawmode, usage]).
* Changed ImageData:encode to return a FileData object. ImageData:encode's first parameter is now the format to encode to, and the second parameter is an optional filename to write to.
* Renamed the "normal" Fullscreen Type to "exclusive".
* Renamed the DistanceModel constants "inverse clamped", "linear clamped", and "exponent clamped" to "inverseclamped", "linearclamped", and "exponentclamped".
* Renamed the "additive", "subtractive", and "multiplicative" BlendModes to "add", "subtract", and "multiply".
* Renamed the KeyConstant and Scancode representing the spacebar from " " to "space".
* Renamed File:eof to File:isEOF.
* Renamed Canvas:getImageData to Canvas:newImageData.
* Renamed love.image's CompressedData type to CompressedImageData.
* Removed callback variant of love.filesystem.getDirectoryItems.
* Removed the "wu" and "wd" constants for love.mousepressed (replaced by love.wheelmoved.)
* Removed the named mouse button constants (replaced by button numbers.)
* Removed Source:isStatic (replaced by Source:getType.)
* Removed image loading support for all (non-compressed texture) file formats except for PNG, JPEG, TGA, and BMP.
* Removed JPEG encoding support from ImageData:encode.
* Removed (replaced by
* Removed and
* Removed (replaced by
* Removed (replaced by
* Removed (replaced by and
* Removed the "canvas", "shader", "npot", "subtractive", and "mipmap" Graphics Feature constants (the features always have guaranteed support now.)
* Removed the "multicanvas" Graphics Feature constant (use instead.)
* Removed the "srgb" Graphics Feature constant (use or instead.)
* Removed the "srgb" flag in love.window.setMode and in the t.window table in love.conf (Replaced by t.gammacorrect.)
* Removed the "premultiplied" blend mode ("alpha", "premultiplied") now does the same thing.)
* Removed Canvas:getPixel (use Canvas:newImageData instead.)
* Removed Canvas:clear (use instead.)
* Removed Mesh:getVertices.
* Removed Mesh:setVertexColors and Mesh:hasVertexColors (use Mesh:setAttributeEnabled("VertexColor", enable) instead.)
* Removed functions deprecated in LOVE 0.9.1 and 0.9.2:
* Removed and (replaced by
* Removed Mesh:set/getImage, SpriteBatch:set/getImage, and ParticleSystem:set/getImage (replaced by set/getTexture.)
* Removed SpriteBatch:bind/unbind.
* Removed Canvas:getFSAA and the "fsaa" flag in love.conf and love.window.setMode (replaced by Canvas:getMSAA and "msaa".)
* Removed the "dxt" and "bc5" Graphics Feature constant (replaced by
* Removed the "hdrcanvas" Graphics Feature constant (replaced by
* Removed love.window.getWidth/getHeight/getDimensions (use or love.window.getMode instead.)
* Fixed utf8.char.
* Fixed detection of fused love games.
* Fixed World:getCallbacks and World:getContactFilter when used in coroutines.
* Fixed crashes when objects which store Lua callback functions are garbage collected after being used in coroutines.
* Fixed memory leaks in love.physics if World:destroy is never called. When a World is GCed it now destroys all objects it owns.
* Fixed love.keyboard.getKeyFromScancode crashing when an invalid scancode is given.
* Fixed decoding of 8-bit WAV files.
* Fixed a crash issue when rewinding streaming ogg Sources, when certain versions of libvorbis are used.
* Fixed not rewinding streaming Sources.
* Fixed the stencil buffer in Canvases when an unsupported MSAA value is used to create the Canvas.
* Fixed Canvas:renderTo to restore the previous Canvas if an error occurs in the passed function.
* Fixed to cause an error if that Canvas is the active one.
* Fixed Mesh:getVertexMap to return nil rather than an empty table, if no vertex map has been set.
* Fixed
* Fixed the default offset for particles when ParticleSystem:setQuads or ParticleSystem:setTexture is used.
* Fixed resetting all transformations.
* Fixed the "add" and "subtract" blend modes to no longer modify the alpha of the Canvas / screen.
* Improved the performance of World:rayCast and World:queryBoundingBox.
* Improved the performance of and other line drawing functions, when the "smooth" LineStyle is used.
* Improved the performance of Shader:send when matrices are used.
* Improved the performance of ImageData and SoundData methods when LuaJIT's JIT compiler is enabled, by using efficient FFI code.
* Improved the performance of love.math.noise, love.math.gammaToLinear, love.math.linearToGamma, love.math.random, and RandomGenerator:random when LuaJIT's JIT compiler is enabled.
* Updated the compatibility warning notice to use a message box and to show the version specified in love.conf.
* Updated the compatibility warning notice to display before main.lua is loaded.
* Updated the __tostring metamethod of love objects to output the pointer value, similar to tostring(table).
* Updated World:setCallbacks, World:setContactFilter, World:queryBoundingBox, and World:rayCast to have improved argument type checking.
* Updated threads to load love.filesystem automatically.
* Updated love.filesystem to enable symlinks by default.
* Updated love.math.setRandomSeed and RandomGenerator:setSeed to produce better results for the first few random() calls.
* Updated love.math.random and RandomGenerator:random to produce slightly better results in general.
* Updated Source methods that deal with spatial audio to error rather than failing silently if the Source isn't mono.
* Updated the 3D and 4D variants of love.math.noise to use Perlin noise rather than Simplex noise, to avoid patent issues.
* Updated ImageFonts to no longer treat separator pixels as spacing.
* Updated the default font to use less memory.
* Updated the behavior of text wrapping with and Font:getWrap to work better.
* Updated and to no longer automatically round the x and y position arguments.
* Updated some error messages for to be more descriptive.
* Updated color functions to automatically apply love.math.gammaToLinear to color values when gamma-correct rendering is enabled.
* Updated the 'normal' Canvas format to internally use 'srgb' rather than 'rgba8' when gamma-correct rendering is enabled.
* Updated to affect all drawn objects, including ParticleSystems, SpriteBatches, and Meshes.
* Updated the default fullscreen type to be "desktop" rather than "exclusive".
* Updated the minimum runtime system requirements of LOVE to require OpenGL 2.1 or OpenGL ES 2 support.
* Updated the pixel shader effect function so screen_coords.y is 0 at the top of the screen instead of the bottom.
* Updated Images to require setting the mipmaps flag to true on creation in order to use mipmaps.
* Updated Images to allow mipmaps for non-power-of-two sizes.
LOVE 0.9.2 [Baby Inspector]
Released: 2015-02-14
* Added Lua 5.3's UTF-8 module (via utf8 = require("utf8")).
* Added Shader:getExternVariable.
* Added several new canvas texture formats.
* Added
* Added
* Added ParticleSystem:setQuads.
* Added ParticleSystem:setLinearDamping.
* Added SpriteBatch:flush.
* Added
* Added "mirroredrepeat" wrap mode.
* Added and
* Added optional duration argument to Joystick:setVibration.
* Added love.joystick.loadGamepadMappings and love.joystick.saveGamepadMappings.
* Added Joint:setUserData and Joint:getUserData.
* Added Joint:getBodies.
* Added GearJoint:getJoints.
* Added Contact:getFixtures and Body:getContactList.
* Added Body:getWorld.
* Added Body:getJointList.
* Added Body/Contact/Fixture/Joint/World:isDestroyed.
* Added love.mousemoved event callback.
* Added love.mouse.setRelativeMode and love.mouse.getRelativeMode.
* Added Scancode enums, love.keyboard.getKeyFromScancode, and love.keyboard.getScancodeFromKey.
* Added love.window.getDisplayName.
* Added love.window.minimize.
* Added love.window.showMessageBox.
* Added 'refreshrate' field to the table returned by love.window.getMode.
* Added love.window.toPixels and love.window.fromPixels.
* Added love.window.setPosition and love.window.getPosition, and 'x' and 'y' fields to love.window.setMode and t.window in love.conf.
* Added love.filesystem.isSymlink, love.filesystem.setSymlinksEnabled, and love.filesystem.areSymlinksEnabled.
* Added love.filesystem.getRealDirectory.
* Deprecated SpriteBatch:bind and SpriteBatch:unbind.
* Deprecated all uses of the name 'FSAA' in favor of 'MSAA'.
* Deprecated the 'hdrcanvas' graphics feature enum in favor of getCanvasFormats.
* Deprecated the 'dxt' and 'bc5' graphics feature enums in favor of getCompressedImageFormats.
* Fixed crashes when love objects are used in multiple threads.
* Fixed love.filesystem.setIdentity breaking in some situations when called multiple times.
* Fixed the default love.filesystem identity when in Fused mode in Windows.
* Fixed love.system.openURL sometimes blocking indefinitely on Linux.
* Fixed love.joystick.setGamepadMapping.
* Fixed the order of vertices in ChainShapes.
* Fixed love.mouse.getPosition returning outdated values if love.mouse.setPosition is used in the same frame.
* Fixed to error when given an invalid size argument.
* Fixed the filename and backtrace given when errors.
* Fixed a small memory leak if errors.
* Fixed shader:getWarnings returning unnecessary information.
* Fixed some cases of noncompliant shader code not properly erroring on some nvidia drivers.
* Fixed a potential crash when Shader objects are garbage collected.
* Fixed a potential small memory leak triggered when errors.
* Fixed, ...) causing the Mesh to do instanced rendering.
* Fixed Mesh:getVertexMap.
* Fixed Image:refresh generating mipmaps multiple times if mipmap filtering is enabled.
* Fixed Image:setMipmapFilter to not keep bad state around if it errors.
* Fixed Mesh:setDrawRange when the Mesh has a vertex map set.
* Fixed internal detection of the 'position' and 'effect' shader functions.
* Fixed Texture memory leak when Meshes are garbage collected.
* Fixed the default line join mode to be 'miter' instead of an undefined value.
* Fixed the default error handler text size when highdpi mode is enabled on a Retina monitor.
* Fixed the default error handler background color when sRGB mode is enabled for the window.
* Fixed love.window.setMode to fall back to the largest available mode if a width or height greater than the largest supported is specified and fullscreen is used.
* Fixed the state of wireframe mode when love.window.setMode is called.
* Fixed Canvas:getPixel to error if the coordinates are not within the Canvas' size.
* Fixed detection of compressed textures to work regardless of the file's extension.
* Renamed all cases of FSAA to MSAA. The FSAA names still exist for backward-compatibility.
* Updated the Windows executable to automatically prefer the higher performance GPU on nvidia Optimus systems.
* Updated the --console command-line argument in Windows to open the console before conf.lua is loaded.
* Updated t.console and the --console command-line argument in Windows to use the existing Console window, if love was launched from one.
* Updated the love executable to verify that the love library's version matches.
* Updated the Lua wrapper code for modules to avoid crashes when the module's instance is created, deleted, and recreated.
* Updated internal code for handling garbage collection of love objects to be more efficient.
* Updated love's initialization code to trigger a Lua error if love.conf has an error in it.
* Updated the paths returned by love.filesystem.getSaveDirectory and friends to strip double-slashes from the string.
* Updated the error message when love.filesystem.write or File:open fails because the directory doesn't exist.
* Updated the error message when love.math.setRandomseed(0) is attempted.
* Updated the error message when invalid UTF-8 strings are used in love functions that expect UTF-8.
* Updated love.physics.newPolygonShape and love.physics.newChainShape to accept a table of vertices.
* Updated love.physics.newChainShape to error if the number of arguments is invalid.
* Updated love.thread.newThread to accept a literal string of code directly.
* Updated love-created threads to use names visible in external debuggers.
* Updated SpriteBatch:unbind to use less VRAM if the SpriteBatch has the static usage hint.
* Updated, love.image.newImageData, etc. to leave less Lua-owned memory around.
* Updated to accept different stack types to push. Current types are "transform" and "all".
* Updated love shaders to accept GLSL ES precision qualifiers on variables, although they do nothing.
* Updated the error message for to be less cryptic if an invalid filename is given.
* Updated compressed texture loading code to allow BC6 and BC7 compressed textures (if the graphics driver supports them.)
LOVE 0.9.1 [Baby Inspector]
Released: 2014-04-01
* Added Source:clone.
* Added blend mode "screen".
* Added ParticleSystem:clone.
* Added ParticleSystem:moveTo, has smoother emitter movement compared to setPosition.
* Added ParticleSystem:setRelativeRotation.
* Added for debugging.
* Added Mesh:setDrawRange and Mesh:getDrawRange.
* Added CircleShape:getPoint and CircleShape:setPoint.
* Added Mesh/SpriteBatch/ParticleSystem:setTexture, accepts Canvases and Images.
* Added high-dpi window support for Retina displays in OS X, via the 'highdpi' window flag.
* Added love.window.getPixelScale.
* Added
* Added antialiasing support to Canvases.
* Added Canvas:getFSAA.
* Added 'love_ScreenSize' built-in variable in shaders.
* Added love.getVersion.
* Added support for gamma-correct rendering.
* Added"srgb").
* Added love.math.gammaToLinear and love.math.linearToGamma.
* Added RandomGenerator:getState and RandomGenerator:setState.
* Added Body:setUserData and Body:getUserData.
* Added some missing obscure key constants.
* Added optional callback function argument to love.filesystem.getDirectoryItems.
* Added love.system.openURL.
* Deprecated Mesh/SpriteBatch/ParticleSystem:setImage.
* Deprecated and
* Fixed with negative values causing incorrect line widths.
* Fixed Joystick:isDown using 0-based button index arguments.
* Fixed Source:setPitch to error when infinity or NaN is given.
* Fixed to restore the proper viewport and scissor rectangles.
* Fixed TrueType font glyphs which request a monochrome bitmap pixel mode.
* Fixed causing crashes when called in between
* Fixed tab characters ("\t") to display properly with
* Fixed to return false when love.window.setMode fails completely.
* Fixed love.window.setMode to not destroy OpenGL resources before checking whether a fullsceren size is supported.
* Fixed World:getBodyList and World:getJointList causing hard crashes.
* Fixed loading BC4 compressed textures.
* Fixed SoundData objects being initialized with garbage values.
* Fixed 8-bit SoundData samples when used in Sources.
* Updated the error text for love.filesystems module searchers when require fails.
* Updated the love.filesystem module searchers to be tried after package.preload instead of before.
* Updated, newSpriteBatch, and newMesh to accept Canvases.
* Updated Canvas drawing code, texture coordinates are no longer flipped vertically.
* Updated Canvas:renderTo to work properly if a Canvas is currently active.
* Updated ParticleSystem:setEmissionRate to accept non-integer numbers.
* Updated Source:play to return a boolean indicating success.
* Updated t.console in conf.lua to create the console before modules are loaded in Windows.
* Updated Mesh vertex maps (index buffers) to use less space in VRAM.
* Updated and Mesh:setVertices to default the UV parameters to 0,0.
* Updated Fixture:set/getUserData to work in Coroutines.
* Updated fullscreen-desktop and resizable window modes in OS X to use Mac OS 10.7's fullscreen Spaces.
* Updated love.filesystem's C library loader to look in paths added via love.filesystem.mount, in Fused mode.
* Updated the default code to make initial love.math.random calls more random.
LOVE 0.9.0 [Baby Inspector]
Released: 2013-12-13
* Added better multiplayer networking support via ENet.
* Added --fused command line argument, to simulate fusing.
* Added liblove.
* Added the ability to have exit values.
* Added exit value of 1 in case of error by default.
* Added basic support for the file:// uri scheme.
* Added love.filesystem.isFused.
* Added love.filesystem.getIdentity.
* Added love.filesystem.append.
* Added love.filesystem.getSize.
* Added love.filesystem.mount and love.filesystem.unmount.
* Added optional file search order parameter to love.filesystem.setIdentity.
* Added File:isOpen and File:getMode.
* Added Fie:setBuffer, File:getBuffer, and File:flush.
* Added textinput event for unicode text input.
* Added love.keyboard.setTextInput and love.keyboard.hasTextInput.
* Added previously internal Rasterizer and GlyphData object methods.
* Added support for UTF-8 ImageFonts.
* Added Font:getAscent/getDescent/getBaseline.
* Added Font:setFilter/getFilter.
* Added Font:hasGlyphs.
* Added angle, scale, and shear parameters to
* Added HDR canvas support.
* Added mipmapping support (has isSupported test).
* Added vertex shader support.
* Added boolean support to Shader:send.
* Added Canvas:getPixel.
* Added blend mode "replace".
* Added line join modes.
* Added Mesh objects, allowing for arbitrary textured polygons.
* Added multiple render target support to
* Added
* Added
* Added
* Added
* Added SpriteBatch:getCount and SpriteBatch:getBufferSize.
* Added SpriteBatch:getColor.
* Added ParticleSystem:emit.
* Added ParticleSystem:setInsertMode and ParticleSystem:getInsertMode.
* Added many ParticleSystem getter methods.
* Added DXT compressed texture support via love.image.newCompressedData.
* Added love.image.isCompressed and Image:isCompressed.
* Added Image/Canvas/ImageData:getDimensions.
* Added anisotropic filtering support for Images, Canvases, and Fonts.
* Added Image:refresh.
* Added Image:getData.
* Added SoundData:getDuration and SoundData:getSampleCount.
* Added Source:isPlaying.
* Added Source:setRelative and Source:isRelative.
* Added Source:setCone and Source:getCone.
* Added Source:getChannels.
* Added new Channels API for love.thread.
* Added limited table support to Channel:push.
* Added Thread:getError.
* Added Thread:isRunning.
* Added threaderror event.
* Added love.math module.
* Added a platform-independent (good) random implementation to love.math.
* Added RandomGenerator objects.
* Added BezierCurve objects.
* Added love.math.triangulate and love.math.isConvex.
* Added love.math.noise.
* Added love.timer.getAverageDelta.
* Added Data:getString.
* Added Contact:getChildren.
* Added love.system module.
* Added love.system.getClipboardText and love.system.setClipboardText.
* Added love.system.getOS and love.system.getProcessorCount.
* Added love.window module.
* Added love.window.isVisible.
* Added flags to love.window.setMode.
* Added monitor choosing support to love.window.setMode.
* Added support for resizable, borderless, and non-centered windows.
* Added support for "fullscreen-desktop" mode.
* Added window resize and visible events.
* Added love.window.getDimensions.
* Added love.window.getIcon.
* Added t.window.icon to love.conf.
* Added love.mousefocus and love.window.hasMouseFocus.
* Added custom hardware cursors via love.mouse.newCursor.
* Added love.mouse.setX/setY.
* Added Joystick objects.
* Added love.joystick.getJoystick.
* Added joystick connect and disconnect events.
* Added joystickaxis and joystickhat events.
* Added unified Gamepad API for joysticks which have a similar layout to the Xbox controller.
* Added joystick vibration support, works with most common gamepads.
* OPTIONAL: Added support for Game Music Emu.
* Fixed fused mode in OS X.
* Fixed printing to the console in Windows before love.load is called.
* Fixed the default to not include the time taken by love.load in the first frame's dt.
* Fixed the error screen not always appearing until the next input event.
* Fixed love.event.clear.
* Fixed love.mouse.setPosition when called in love.load.
* Fixed scaling in several love.physics functions.
* Fixed Box2D exception in World:update.
* Fixed many uncaught Box2D / love.physics exceptions for Bodies and Joints.
* Fixed ChainShape:getPoints running out of Lua stack space and crashing.
* Fixed File:read reading past end of file.
* Fixed love.filesystem.setIdentity not removing read access from old directories.
* Fixed possible memory leak in utf-8 decoder.
* Fixed spacing for the last character in an ImageFont.
* Fixed line wrapping in
* Fixed to error if the wrap limit is negative.
* Fixed truncating strings with embedded zeros.
* Fixed crashes with font drawing on some ATI cards.
* Fixed artifacts when drawing lines at huge scale.
* Fixed Fonts and Canvases ignoring default image filter.
* Fixed scissor boxes when a canvas is set after is called.
* Fixed returning incorrect values.
* Fixed on some Windows systems.
* Fixed alpha blend mode.
* Fixed multiplicative blend mode.
* Fixed
* Fixed line numbers in shader errors.
* Fixed Shader:send with Images and Canvases failing sometimes.
* Fixed Shader:send to keep a reference to sent Images and Canvases.
* Fixed crash when binding SpriteBatches multiple times.
* Fixed SpriteBatches with more than 16,384 sprites.
* Fixed particle draw order for ParticleSystems.
* Fixed ParticleSystem:setSizes resetting the size variation.
* Fixed the graphics viewport not matching the window size when using an unsupported fullscreen mode.
* Fixed getMode and friends returning wrong values when using desktop size.
* Fixed keyrepeat settings being lost after (indirect) setMode.
* Fixed the icon being reset after setMode.
* Fixed memory leak in the mp3 decoder.
* Fixed sound issues with some versions of OpenAL soft, by enabling direct channels.
* Fixed 'random' hangs in audio.
* Fixed love.sound.newDecoder not accepting FileData.
* Fixed case (in)sensitivity of sound file extension parsing.
* Fixed looping support in tracker music formats.
* Fixed skipping/looping issues when playing streaming audio Sources.
* Fixed race condition in Source:play.
* Fixed WAVE sound playback.
* Moved love's startup to modules/love.
* Moved window-related functions from to love.window.
* Renamed love's boot script to 'love.boot', which can be required.
* Renamed love.filesystem.mkdir to love.filesystem.createDirectory.
* Renamed love.filesystem.enumerate to love.filesystem.getDirectoryItems.
* Renamed World:setAllowSleeping to World:setSleepingAllowed.
* Renamed ChainShape:setPrevVertex to ChainShape:setPreviousVertex.
* Renamed Joint:enableMotor to Joint:setMotorEnabled.
* Renamed Joint:enableLimit and Joint:isLimitEnabled to Joint:setLimitsEnabled and Joint:hasLimitsEnabled.
* Renamed t.screen to t.window in love.conf.
* Renamed to love.window.setTitle.
* Renamed PixelEffect to Shader (but now with vertex shaders).
* Renamed to
* Renamed ParticleSystem:setSprite to ParticleSystem:setImage.
* Renamed ParticleSystem:setGravity to ParticleSystem:setLinearAcceleration.
* Renamed ParticleSystem:setLifetime/setParticleLife to setEmitter/ParticleLifetime.
* Renamed ParticleSystem:count and all getNum* functions to get*Count.
* Renamed Source:setDistance to Source:setAttenuationDistances.
* Renamed SoundData:getBits and Decoder:getBits to SoundData:getBitDepth and Decoder:getBitDepth.
* Renamed love.mouse.setGrab to love.mouse.setGrabbed.
* Removed release mode.
* Removed love.keyboard.getKeyRepeat (see love.keyboard.hasKeyRepeat).
* Removed the unicode argument from love.keypressed (see love.textinput).
* Removed
* Removed
* Removed
* Removed
* Removed
* Removed (functionality is merged into
* Removed SpriteBatch:addq/setq (functionality is merged into SpriteBatch:add/set).
* Removed Quad:flip.
* Removed ParticleSystem:isFull/isEmpty.
* Removed ParticleSystem:getX/getY.
* Removed
* Removed and friends.
* Removed love.joystick module functions which operated on individual joysticks (see Joystick objects).
* Removed joystick ball support.
* Removed thread names.
* Removed old thread messaging API (see Channels).
* Removed love.timer.getMicroTime.
* Updated functions which return love objects to re-use the Lua-side object instead of always recreating it.
* Updated the windows console, it now tries to re-use an active one first.
* Updated error handling, error handlers now get resolved when the error occurs.
* Updated order of sleep/present in (now draws, *then* sleeps).
* Updated love.filesystem to try to create the appdata directory if it doesn't exist yet.
* Updated the default filesystem identity to omit file extension.
* Updated love.filesystem.newFile to optionally open the file.
* Updated most love.filesystem functions to return nil, error on internal failure.
* Updated love.keyboard.setKeyRepeat to take a boolean argument instead of numbers.
* Updated love.keypressed's second argument to be a boolean indicating key repeat.
* Updated keyboard key constants for some more modern keyboard keys.
* Updated window code to use adaptive vsync when available, if vsync is enabled.
* updated's x and y arguments to default to 0.
* Updated the setFilter and setWrap methods, the second argument is now optional.
* Updated Font and ParticleSystem rendering code, now more performant.
* Updated SpriteBatch code, now more performant when adding/setting and (un)binding.
* Updated Canvas code to support more systems.
* Updated Canvas:getImageData and to be more efficient.
* Updated to create a fully opaque image by default.
* Updated error messages when sending bad values to Shaders.
* Updated to have a default buffer size of 1000.
* Updated ImageData:setPixel to accept a table and default to 255 alpha.
* Updated ImageData:mapPixel, is now more efficient and accepts optional x,y,w,h arguments.
* Updated love.image memory handling, improves errors and thread-safety.
* Updated all love object constructors to optionally accept FileData if they accept a filename.
* Updated allocation for SoundData, it's more efficient and less wasteful.
* Updated SoundData:set/getSample to error for invalid samples.
* Updated Source:set* functions to default z to 0.
* Updated Source:seek to error for negative offsets.
* Updated Thread:start to accept arguments which get passed to the thread.
* Updated love.timer.getFPS to be microsecond-accurate.
* Updated love.timer.getTime to be microsecond-accurate and monotonic.
* Updated Box2D to version 2.3.0.
LOVE 0.8.0 [Rubber Piggy]
Released: 2012-04-02
* Added release error screen.
* Added alpha to
* Added Canvas:clear(r, g, b, a).
* Added Canvas support to
* Added Canvas:getWidth and Canvas:getHeight.
* Added
* Added seek and tell to Source objects.
* Added color interpolation to ParticleSystem.
* Added automatic PO2 padding for systems not supporting the OpenGL extension.
* Added UTF-8 support for fonts.
* Added Box2D error handling for some commonly failing functions.
* Added ability for fused release games to have their write dir in appdata.
* Added shear transformation to drawing functions.
* Added origin to font printing.
* Added
* Added per-sprite colors on SpriteBatches.
* Added PixelEffects.
* Added
* Added
* Added love.event.quit.
* Added stencil masks.
* Added alternative SpriteBatch provider, it should work everywhere now.
* Added a loader for binary modules.
* Added Thread:getKeys.
* Added option of fractions for Quads.
* Added PNG, JPEG and GIF support to ImageData:encode.
* Added 64-bit support for Mac OS X.
* Added premultiplied blending mode.
* Added functions to set/get default image filter modes.
* Added SpriteBatch:set.
* Added new events system, with support for custom events and long event names.
* Added sound attenuation by distance.
* Added SpriteBatch:getImage.
* Added combine color mode.
* Added automatic random seeding to
* Added support for the subtract BlendMode on older graphics cards.
* Added love._os field, which contains the OS the game is running on.
* Fixed wrapping for single words.
* Fixed tracebacks not showing filenames.
* Fixed capable of causing overflows/underflows.
* Fixed setScissor on Canvases.
* Fixed several issues with audio, e.g. clicks and pops in mp3s.
* Fixed crashes when bodies were destroyed during collisions.
* Fixed bound SpriteBatches corrupting when drawing.
* Fixed thread-safety issues with ImageData.
* Fixed memory leaks in audio sources.
* Fixed thread's set (previously send) accidentally changing the type.
* Fixed SoundData allocating the wrong number of samples.
* Fixed SpriteBatch support on Intel cards.
* Fixed love.filesystem.lines() leaking.
* Fixed most leaking on unclosed File objects.
* Fixed crashes when operating on non-existent files.
* Fixed a bug where empty files on windows would never reach eof.
* Fixed crash when SoundData runs out of memory.
* Fixed ordering of loaders, love should have priority over lua.
* Fixed several miscellaneous memory leaks.
* Fixed a few cases where strings with \0 in them would not be stored correctly.
* Fixed love's startup time being in the first dt.
* Fixed internal string conversions, they are faster now.
* Fixed (bad) performance of ImageData:paste.
* Fixed not maintaining graphics state.
* Renamed SpriteBatch's lock/unlock to bind/unbind.
* Renamed Framebuffer to Canvas.
* Renamed love.thread.send/receive to set/get.
* Renamed to setCanvas.
* Removed canvas auto-clearing.
* Removed EncodedImageData.
* Removed old syntax for require (with extension).
* Removed[file], [size]).
* Removed Thread:kill.
* Updated love.joystick to be 1-indexed.
* Updated Sources to update more cleanly and control more intuitively.
* Updated font engine.
* Updated line drawing to a custom system.
* Updated love.timer.sleep to use seconds, like the rest of love.
* Updated love.timer to be more accurate.
* Updated to have max(10, r) as default for segments.
* Updated ImageData:encode to write to files directly.
* Updated version compatibility system to actually do something.
* Updated's order, events are checked just before update.
* Updated Box2D to version 2.2.1.
LOVE 0.7.2 [Game Slave]
Released: 2011-05-04
* Added Framebuffer:get/setWrap.
* Added love.event.clear.
* Added support for any number of arguments to love.keyboard.isDown, love.mouse.isDown and love.joystick.isDown.
* Added SpriteBatch:setImage().
* Fixed fused games not working.
* Fixed ParticleSystem:setSize ignoring the variation argument.
* Fixed some file-opening exceptions not being caught.
* Fixed files loaded by libmodplug being too loud.
* Fixed paths with periods in them not working.
* Fixed not detecting subtractive and multiplicative blend modes.
* Fixed crash when there was no memory available for newImageData(w, h).
* Updated PhysicsFS version to 2.0.2 on Windows
* Updated OpenAL Soft version to 1.13 on Windows
* Updated libmodplug version to on Windows
* Updated FreeType version to 2.4.4 on Windows
* Updated libmpg123 version to 1.13.2 on Windows
* Windows binary no longer depends on VC2005 runtime.
* Windows binary no longer depends on SSE2 support.
LOVE 0.7.1 [Game Slave]
Released: 2011-02-14
* Added source:isPaused()
* Added error when initial window can't be created.
* Added framebuffer filter modes.
* Added love.filesystem.getLastModified.
* Added filter modes for ImageFonts.
* Added dead key support by using "unknown" key with correct unicode value.
* Added 0 width and height in love.conf. (for current desktop resolution)
* Added alpha support when encoding TGA images.
* Fixed a lot of bugs regarding zero characters in threads.
* Fixed handling of a directory named "love" in current directory.
* Fixed a few unhandled errors in setScissor.
* Fixed a bug where old physics callbacks were never dereferenced.
* Fixed loss of mouse visibility settings on setMode.
* Fixed creation of a framebuffer unbinding current framebuffer.
* Fixed several race conditions in love.thread.
* Fixed 'love .', so it won't use lovedir/. as save dir.
* Fixed setLineHeight.
* Fixed extended ascii and ImageFonts.
* Fixed printf's line wrapping.
* Fixed crash when playing sounds.
* Fixed playback of mp3s with arbitrary sample rates.
* Fixed handling of negative indices in love.joystick.
* Fixed toggleFullscreen.
* Fixed unexpected behaviour with hash tables to
* Fixed mouse coordinates being capped after setMode.
* Fixed setFont's error handling on a non-existant file.
* Fixed issue where Windows builds would hard crash on Lua errors
* Removed custom sample rates for Decoders.
LOVE 0.7.0 [Game Slave]
Released: 2010-12-05
* Added love.thread.
* Added love.font.
* Added
* Added Source:play, Source:pause, etc.
* Added Source:isStatic().
* Added get/setPosition, get/setVelocity, and get/setDirection to Source.
* Added get/setGroupIndex to CircleShape and PolygonShape.
* Added Font:getWrap.
* Added identity field to love.conf.
* Added love.quit callback.
* Added love.focus callback.
* Added extra meter parameter to love.physics.newWorld.
* Added
* Added way to make the window desktop resolution.
* Added subtractive and multiplicative blend modes.
* Added body:getAllowSleeping.
* Added shape:getBody.
* Added love.filesystem.FileData for public usage.
* Added base64 support for love.filesystem.FileData.
* Added table support for and
* Added
* Added ?/init.lua to the loader.
* Fixed the debug module not being an upvalue of the error handlers. (you can now override debug)
* Fixed some cases when and friends, were acting on everything, not just the passed Source.
* Fixed setFixedRotation enabling other flags.
* Fixed a bug in the loader (for require).
* Fixed ParticleSystem::setSprite not retaining the new image.
* Fixed setMode removing images settings (wrapping, filters).
* Fixed shape:getBody, it's now exposed for LÖVE usage.
* Fixed DistanceJoint:getType() returning "circle" - it now returns "distance".
* Fixed SpriteBatches being unaffected by setColor
* Fixed the audio bug.
* Fixed invalid FSAA values crashing LÖVE.
* Fixed a bunch of compiler warnings.
* Fixed OS X not properly using UTIs for .love files.
* Fixed the modplug decoder not properly handeling files that fail to load.
* Fixed a memory leak in setFont.
* Fixed bug where errors in threads wouldn't get picked up by demand.
* Fixed part of the bug with newlines when scaling text (rotating still messes up the lines).
* Fixed the bug where newImageFont would try to created ImageData out of ImageData.
* Fixed error handler not resetting the blend mode.
* Changed fonts, they're now po2 safe.
* Changed the traceback in the error screen.
* Changed font origin to top-left.
* Changed linux save dir location to obey to's XDG specs. (~/.local/share/love by default.)
* Removed font functions from
* Removed love.physics.newWorld(w, h). Use love.physics.newWorld(x1, y1, x2, y2) instead.
LOVE 0.6.2 [Jiggly Juice]
Released: 2010-03-06
* Fixed a bug causing ImageFonts to cut off some pixels.
* Fixed a bug where filled rectangles were too small.
* Fixed a bug in Image:setFilter where it would switch the parameters.
* Fixed a bug in ImageRasterizer where it wasn't using the data.
* Image filter and wrap modes now use string constants as well.
* Fixed double-transform bug in SpriteBatch.
* Errors are reported on stdout again.
* Another fix for the icons on ubuntu.
LOVE 0.6.1 [Jiggly Juice]
Released: 2010-02-07
* Added Shape:setGroupIndex and getGroupIndex.
* Added Body:setFixedRotation and Body:getFixedRotation.
* Added Body:setInertia.
* Added CircleShape:getLocalCenter and CircleShape:getWorldCenter.
* Added icons and file associations for the debs.
* Added the demos folder to the Mac OS X DMG.
* It's now possible to run a .love from Resources in Mac OS X, thanks to Steve Johnson.
* Fixed a bug with multiple Sources on the same Music.
* Fixed a bug so the mouse doesn't get crippled when the keyboard is disabled.
* Fixed a bug where drew a too large rectangle.
* Fixed a bug where memory wouldn't be released correctly.
* Fixed epic physics typo (getRestituion->getRestitution).
* Fixed crash on opening non-existent image.
* The error screen redraws when an event occurs.
* The default now gracefully handles disabled modules.
* The debian packages should now successfully include icons, file associations, etc, and should give the correct architecture.
* Added support for drawing polylines to - the syntax is the same as
* Removed Music and Sound. There are now only sources.
* Improved the stability of
LOVE 0.6.0 [Jiggly Juice]
Released: 2009-12-24
* Lost track of 0.6.0 changes a long while ago. Don't trust the list below.
* Added
* Added unicode-translated parameter to love.keypressed().
* Added love.event.
* Added love.filesystem.setIdentity().
* Added OpenAL dependency.
* Fixed love.fileystem problems with internal \0 in strings.
* Fixed love.filesystem.mkdir/remove not working when write directory not set.
* Fixed position of Window.
* Changed parameter order of draws().
* Changed origin for images to top-left.
* Changed to accept mode (removed from love.filesystem.newFile).
* Changed which now returns two parameters (data, length).
* Changed love.filesystem.write() which now takes up to four parameters (file, data, length, mode).
* Changed default color mode to "modulate".
* Changed name of love.color_normal to "replace".
* Changed name of love.blend_normal to "alpha".
* Changed the conf file format.
* Removed Color object.
* Removed Animation.
* Removed several constants.
* Removed for strings.
* Removed love.system.
* Removed SWIG.
* Removed boost.
* Removed SDL_mixer.
LOVE 0.5.0 [Salted Nuts]
Released: 2009-01-02
* Added love.joystick.
* Added network support via LuaSocket.
* Added support for loading of appended .love-file.
* Added love.filesystem.lines().
* Added a loader function to enable use of normal require().
* Added love.filesystem.load().
* Added love.filesystem.getSaveDirectory()
* Added love.filesystem.getWorkingDirectory()
* Added optional explicit destruction of Box2D objects.
* Added shape:testSegment().
* Added (.bmp only).
* Added default size (12) to font-related functions.
* Added filename, size )
* Added and related functions.
* Added and related functions.
* Changed to accept file name.
* Changed love.filesystem.write() to accept file name.
* Changed to accept CCW and CW ordering.
* Fixed adding bogus characters at the end of string.
* Fixed epic swigfusion bug.
* Fixed so it returns nil if no font is present.
* Fixed bug where always returns blend_normal.
* Fixed bug which caused error screen to be scissored (when enabled).
* Fixed Body:setAngle to accept degrees like everything else.
* Cleaned up love::File and love_physfs.
* Cleaned up love::Reference so it stores its reference in _G.
LOVE 0.4.0 [Taco Beam]
Released: 2008-08-29
* Added love.physics. (YES!)
* Added
* Added
* Added
* Added and to handle scissoring the graphical area.
* Fixed missing constants related to image optimization.
* Fixed memory leak related to love::File (thanks amnesiasoft!).
LOVE 0.3.2 [Lemony Fresh]
Released: 2008-07-04
* Added
* Added
* Added
* Added
* Added
* Added love.mouse.getPosition()
* Added love.audio_loop
* Added love.timer.getTime()
* Changed to accept CCW and CW ordering.
* Fixed default color mode bug.
* Fixed line width being applied unnecessarily.
* Fixed line width bug related to fullscreen toggle.
* Fixed music not looping.
LOVE 0.3.1 [Space Meat]
Released: 2008-06-21
* Fixed segfault related to graphics.
* Fixed wait-forever bug related to audio.
* Fixed error reporting not working across modules.
* Fixed bug where games with a trailing "/" would not start.
* Fixed bug which caused love.timer.sleep to delay for (way) too long.
LOVE 0.3.0 [Mutant Vermin]
Released: 2008-06-17
* Added ParticleSystem.
* Added visual error reporting.
* Added love.system for game control needs.
* Added input grabbing.
* Added functions in for display management.
* Added
* Added functions in for getting current color, font, etc.
* Added love.filesystem.enumerate() for getting folder contents.
* Added functions for setting the window caption.
* Added version checking. An error occurs if the game is incompatible.
* Fixed print() :)
* Removed all keyboard shortcuts.
* Save folders are now created only if required.
* On Windows, the new save location is %APPDATA%\LOVE\game
LOVE 0.2.1 [Impending Doom]
Released: 2008-03-29
* Added many functions in love.filesystem.
* Added a dedicated save-folder for each game.
* Added timer.sleep.
* Added line heights to font objects.
* Added
* Added scaling and rotation for text.
* Added variable spacing to ImageFont.
* Added support for variable line quality when drawing primitives.
* Added several functions for drawing sections of images. (
* Added image optimization function and padding function.
* Added
* Split devices up into actual SWIG-modules. This means that:
- Functions are used like this:, not
- love.objects is no more. Objects are created by an appropriate device.
* How you draw primitives has been altered.
* draw(string, x, y, wrap, align) has become drawf(string, x, y, wrap, align)
* Changed getFps to getFPS.
* Escape is no more ... enter: Alt+F4.
* love.filesystem.include has been renamed to love.filesystem.require.
* ImageFonts now consider the spacing as well as the glyph size.
* Fixed a massive ImageFont bug which resulted in float-positioning failure.
* Fixed a bug when loading fonts where the specified size doesn't represent the true size of the font.
* Updated DevIL to version 1.6.8-rc2 (Windows)
* Updated FreeType to freetype-2.3.5-1 (Windows)
* Updated Lua to 5.1.3 (Windows)
* Updated SDL to 1.2.13 (Windows)
* Removed boost::filesystem.
LOVE 0.2.0 [Mini-Moose]
Released: 2008-02-06
* Added ImageFont
* Added Animation
* Added text formatting functions
* Added setCenter for Image and Animation.
* Added methods for rendering of scaled/rotated sprites.
* Added the drawing of basic shapes.
* Added default font and embedded resources.
* Added Ctrl+R for reload.
* Added blending and color modes.
* Fixed memory usage of Graphics.
* Fixed a bug where the set text color would change the color of any images rendered.
* Fixed CWD bug.
* Fixed titlebar. Game title is now displayed.
LOVE 0.1.1 [Santa-Power]
Initial release!
Released: 2008-01-13
* Image loading and rendering.
* Sound loading and playing.
* Font loading and rendering.
* Lua-scriptable games.
* Config files.
* Stuff is loadable from archive files.
* Keyboard, mouse, display, timer, etc. (Basic devices).