Arena = Object:extend() Arena:implement(State) Arena:implement(GameObject) function Arena:init(name) self:init_state(name) self:init_game_object() end function Arena:on_enter(from, level, units, passives) self.hfx:add('condition1', 1) self.hfx:add('condition2', 1) self.level = level or 1 self.units = units self.passives = passives if not state.mouse_control then input:set_mouse_visible(false) end trigger:tween(2, main_song_instance, {volume = 0.5, pitch = 1}, math.linear) steam.friends.setRichPresence('steam_display', '#StatusFull') steam.friends.setRichPresence('text', 'Arena - Level ' .. self.level) self.floor = Group() self.main = Group():set_as_physics_world(32, 0, 0, {'player', 'enemy', 'projectile', 'enemy_projectile', 'force_field'}) self.post_main = Group() self.effects = Group() self.ui = Group() self.credits = Group() self.main:disable_collision_between('player', 'player') self.main:disable_collision_between('player', 'projectile') self.main:disable_collision_between('player', 'enemy_projectile') self.main:disable_collision_between('projectile', 'projectile') self.main:disable_collision_between('projectile', 'enemy_projectile') self.main:disable_collision_between('projectile', 'enemy') self.main:disable_collision_between('enemy_projectile', 'enemy') self.main:disable_collision_between('enemy_projectile', 'enemy_projectile') self.main:disable_collision_between('player', 'force_field') self.main:disable_collision_between('projectile', 'force_field') self.main:enable_trigger_between('projectile', 'enemy') self.main:enable_trigger_between('enemy_projectile', 'player') self.main:enable_trigger_between('player', 'enemy_projectile') self.damage_dealt = 0 self.damage_taken = 0 self.main_slow_amount = 1 self.enemies = {Seeker, EnemyCritter} self.color = self.color or fg[0] -- Spawn solids and player self.x1, self.y1 = gw/2 - 0.8*gw/2, gh/2 - 0.8*gh/2 self.x2, self.y2 = gw/2 + 0.8*gw/2, gh/2 + 0.8*gh/2 self.w, self.h = self.x2 - self.x1, self.y2 - self.y1 self.spawn_points = { {x = self.x1 + 32, y = self.y1 + 32, r = math.pi/4}, {x = self.x1 + 32, y = self.y2 - 32, r = -math.pi/4}, {x = self.x2 - 32, y = self.y1 + 32, r = 3*math.pi/4}, {x = self.x2 - 32, y = self.y2 - 32, r = -3*math.pi/4}, {x = gw/2, y = gh/2, r = random:float(0, 2*math.pi)} } self.spawn_offsets = {{x = -12, y = -12}, {x = 12, y = -12}, {x = 12, y = 12}, {x = -12, y = 12}, {x = 0, y = 0}} self.last_spawn_enemy_time = love.timer.getTime() Wall{group = self.main, vertices = math.to_rectangle_vertices(-40, -40, self.x1, gh + 40), color = bg[-1]} Wall{group = self.main, vertices = math.to_rectangle_vertices(self.x2, -40, gw + 40, gh + 40), color = bg[-1]} Wall{group = self.main, vertices = math.to_rectangle_vertices(self.x1, -40, self.x2, self.y1), color = bg[-1]} Wall{group = self.main, vertices = math.to_rectangle_vertices(self.x1, self.y2, self.x2, gh + 40), color = bg[-1]} WallCover{group = self.post_main, vertices = math.to_rectangle_vertices(-40, -40, self.x1, gh + 40), color = bg[-1]} WallCover{group = self.post_main, vertices = math.to_rectangle_vertices(self.x2, -40, gw + 40, gh + 40), color = bg[-1]} WallCover{group = self.post_main, vertices = math.to_rectangle_vertices(self.x1, -40, self.x2, self.y1), color = bg[-1]} WallCover{group = self.post_main, vertices = math.to_rectangle_vertices(self.x1, self.y2, self.x2, gh + 40), color = bg[-1]} for i, unit in ipairs(units) do if i == 1 then self.player = Player{group = self.main, x = gw/2, y = gh/2 + 16, leader = true, character = unit.character, level = unit.level, passives = self.passives, ii = i} else self.player:add_follower(Player{group = self.main, character = unit.character, level = unit.level, passives = self.passives, ii = i}) end end local units = self.player:get_all_units() for _, unit in ipairs(units) do local chp = CharacterHP{group = self.effects, x = self.x1 + 8 + (unit.ii-1)*22, y = self.y2 + 14, parent = unit} unit.character_hp = chp end if self.level == 1000 then self.level_1000_text = Text2{group = self.ui, x = gw/2, y = gh/2, lines = {{text = '[fg, wavy_mid]SNKRX', font = fat_font, alignment = 'center'}}} -- self.level_1000_text2 = Text2{group = self.ui, x = gw/2, y = gh/2 + 64, lines = {{text = '[fg, wavy_mid]SNKRX', font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center'}}} -- Wall{group = self.main, vertices = math.to_rectangle_vertices(gw/2 - 0.45*self.level_1000_text.w, gh/2 - 0.3*self.level_1000_text.h, gw/2 + 0.45*self.level_1000_text.w, gh/2 - 3), snkrx = true, color = bg[-1]} elseif self.level == 6 or self.level == 12 or self.level == 18 or self.level == 24 or self.level == 25 then self.boss_level = true self.start_time = 3 self.t:after(1, function() self.t:every(1, function() if self.start_time > 1 then alert1:play{volume = 0.5} end self.start_time = self.start_time - 1 self.hfx:use('condition1', 0.25, 200, 10) end, 3, function() alert1:play{pitch = 1.2, volume = 0.5} camera:shake(4, 0.25) SpawnEffect{group = self.effects, x = gw/2, y = gh/2 - 48} SpawnEffect{group = self.effects, x = gw/2, y = gh/2, action = function(x, y) spawn1:play{pitch = random:float(0.8, 1.2), volume = 0.15} SpawnMarker{group = self.effects, x = x, y = y} self.t:after(0.75, function() self.boss = Seeker{group = self.main, x = x, y = y, character = 'seeker', level = self.level, boss = level_to_boss[self.level]} end) end} self.t:every(function() if self.boss and not self.boss.dead then return (#self.main:get_objects_by_classes(self.enemies) <= 1) and not self.spawning_enemies elseif self.boss and self.boss.dead then return (#self.main:get_objects_by_classes(self.enemies) <= 0) and not self.spawning_enemies end end, function() self.hfx:use('condition1', 0.25, 200, 10) self.hfx:pull('condition2', 0.0625) self.t:after(0.5, function() self.spawning_enemies = true self.t:after((8 + math.floor(self.level/2))*0.1 + 0.5 + 0.75, function() self.spawning_enemies = false end, 'spawning_enemies') local spawn_type = random:table{'left', 'middle', 'right'} local spawn_points = {left = {x = self.x1 + 32, y = gh/2}, middle = {x = gw/2, y = gh/2}, right = {x = self.x2 - 32, y = gh/2}} local p = spawn_points[spawn_type] SpawnMarker{group = self.effects, x = p.x, y = p.y} self.t:after(0.75, function() self:spawn_n_enemies(p, nil, 8 + math.floor(self.level/2)) end) end) end) end) self.t:every(function() return self.start_time <= 0 and (self.boss and self.boss.dead) and #self.main:get_objects_by_classes(self.enemies) <= 0 and not self.spawning_enemies and not self.quitting end, function() self:quit() if self.level == 6 then state.achievement_speed_booster = true system.save_state() steam.userStats.setAchievement('SPEED_BOOSTER') steam.userStats.storeStats() elseif self.level == 12 then state.achievement_exploder = true system.save_state() steam.userStats.setAchievement('EXPLODER') steam.userStats.storeStats() elseif self.level == 18 then state.achievement_swarmer = true system.save_state() steam.userStats.setAchievement('SWARMER') steam.userStats.storeStats() elseif self.level == 24 then state.achievement_forcer = true system.save_state() steam.userStats.setAchievement('FORCER') steam.userStats.storeStats() elseif self.level == 25 then state.achievement_cluster = true system.save_state() steam.userStats.setAchievement('CLUSTER') steam.userStats.storeStats() end end) end) else -- Set win condition and enemy spawns self.win_condition = 'wave' self.level_to_max_waves = { 2, 3, 4, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 7, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7, 10, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 25, } self.level_to_distributed_enemies_chance = { 0, 5, 10, 10, 15, 15, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 30, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, } self.max_waves = self.level_to_max_waves[self.level] self.wave = 0 self.start_time = 3 self.t:after(1, function() self.t:every(1, function() if self.start_time > 1 then alert1:play{volume = 0.5} end self.start_time = self.start_time - 1 self.hfx:use('condition1', 0.25, 200, 10) end, 3, function() alert1:play{pitch = 1.2, volume = 0.5} camera:shake(4, 0.25) SpawnEffect{group = self.effects, x = gw/2, y = gh/2 - 48} self.t:every(function() return #self.main:get_objects_by_classes(self.enemies) <= 0 and not self.spawning_enemies end, function() self.wave = self.wave + 1 if self.wave > self.max_waves then return end self.hfx:use('condition1', 0.25, 200, 10) self.hfx:pull('condition2', 0.0625) self.t:after(0.5, function() if random:bool(self.level_to_distributed_enemies_chance[self.level]) then local n = math.ceil((8 + (self.wave-1)*2)/7) for i = 1, n do self.t:after((i-1)*2, function() self:spawn_distributed_enemies() end) end else self.spawning_enemies = true self.t:after((8 + (self.wave-1)*2)*0.1 + 0.5 + 0.75, function() self.spawning_enemies = false end, 'spawning_enemies') local spawn_type = random:table{'left', 'middle', 'right'} local spawn_points = {left = {x = self.x1 + 32, y = gh/2}, middle = {x = gw/2, y = gh/2}, right = {x = self.x2 - 32, y = gh/2}} local p = spawn_points[spawn_type] SpawnMarker{group = self.effects, x = p.x, y = p.y} self.t:after(0.75, function() self:spawn_n_enemies(p, nil, 8 + (self.wave-1)*2) end) end end) end, self.max_waves+1) end) self.t:every(function() return #self.main:get_objects_by_classes(self.enemies) <= 0 and self.wave > self.max_waves and not self.quitting and not self.spawning_enemies end, function() self:quit() end) end) if self.level == 20 and self.trailer then Text2{group = self.ui, x = gw/2, y = gh/2 - 24, lines = {{text = '[fg, wavy]SNKRX', font = fat_font, alignment = 'center'}}} Text2{group = self.ui, x = gw/2, y = gh/2, sx = 0.5, sy = 0.5, lines = {{text = '[fg, wavy_mid]play now!', font = fat_font, alignment = 'center'}}} Text2{group = self.ui, x = gw/2, y = gh/2 + 24, sx = 0.5, sy = 0.5, lines = {{text = '[light_bg, wavy_mid]music: kubbi - ember', font = fat_font, alignment = 'center'}}} end end if self.level == 1 then local t1 = Text2{group = self.floor, x = gw/2, y = gh/2 + 2, sx = 0.6, sy = 0.6, lines = {{text = '[light_bg]<- or a -> or d', font = fat_font, alignment = 'center'}}} local t2 = Text2{group = self.floor, x = gw/2, y = gh/2 + 18, lines = {{text = '[light_bg]turn left turn right', font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center'}}} local t3 = Text2{group = self.floor, x = gw/2, y = gh/2 + 46, sx = 0.6, sy = 0.6, lines = {{text = '[light_bg]esc - options', font = fat_font, alignment = 'center'}}} local t4 = Text2{group = self.floor, x = gw/2, y = gh/2 + 68, sx = 0.6, sy = 0.6, lines = {{text = '[light_bg]n - mute sfx', font = fat_font, alignment = 'center'}}} local t5 = Text2{group = self.floor, x = gw/2, y = gh/2 + 90, sx = 0.6, sy = 0.6, lines = {{text = '[light_bg]m - mute music', font = fat_font, alignment = 'center'}}} t1.t:after(8, function() t1.t:tween(0.2, t1, {sy = 0}, math.linear, function() = 0 end) end) t2.t:after(8, function() t2.t:tween(0.2, t2, {sy = 0}, math.linear, function() = 0 end) end) t3.t:after(8, function() t3.t:tween(0.2, t3, {sy = 0}, math.linear, function() = 0 end) end) t4.t:after(8, function() t4.t:tween(0.2, t4, {sy = 0}, math.linear, function() = 0 end) end) t5.t:after(8, function() t4.t:tween(0.2, t5, {sy = 0}, math.linear, function() = 0 end) end) end -- Calculate class levels local units = {} table.insert(units, self.player) for _, f in ipairs(self.player.followers) do table.insert(units, f) end local class_levels = get_class_levels(units) self.ranger_level = class_levels.ranger self.warrior_level = class_levels.warrior self.mage_level = class_levels.mage self.rogue_level = class_levels.rogue self.nuker_level = class_levels.nuker self.curser_level = class_levels.curser self.forcer_level = class_levels.forcer self.swarmer_level = class_levels.swarmer self.voider_level = class_levels.voider self.enchanter_level = class_levels.enchanter self.healer_level = class_levels.healer self.psyker_level = class_levels.psyker self.conjurer_level = class_levels.conjurer self.sorcerer_level = class_levels.sorcerer self.t:every(0.375, function() local p = random:table(star_positions) Star{group = star_group, x = p.x, y = p.y} end) self.enemy_spawns_prevented = 0 self.t:every(8, function() if self.died then return end if self.arena_clear_text then return end if self.quitting then return end if self.spawning_enemies then return end if self.won then return end if self.choosing_passives then return end local n = self.enemy_spawns_prevented if math.floor(n/4) <= 0 then return end self.spawning_enemies = true local spawn_points = table.copy(self.spawn_points) self.t:after({0, 0.2}, function() local p = random:table_remove(spawn_points) SpawnMarker{group = self.effects, x = p.x, y = p.y} self.t:after(0.75, function() self:spawn_n_enemies(p, 1, math.floor(n/4), true) end) end) self.t:after({0, 0.2}, function() local p = random:table_remove(spawn_points) SpawnMarker{group = self.effects, x = p.x, y = p.y} self.t:after(0.75, function() self:spawn_n_enemies(p, 2, math.floor(n/4), true) end) end) self.t:after({0, 0.2}, function() local p = random:table_remove(spawn_points) SpawnMarker{group = self.effects, x = p.x, y = p.y} self.t:after(0.75, function() self:spawn_n_enemies(p, 3, math.floor(n/4), true) end) end) self.t:after({0, 0.2}, function() local p = random:table_remove(spawn_points) SpawnMarker{group = self.effects, x = p.x, y = p.y} self.t:after(0.75, function() self:spawn_n_enemies(p, 4, math.floor(n/4), true) end) end) self.t:after(0.75 + math.floor(n/4)*0.25, function() self.spawning_enemies = false end, 'spawning_enemies') self.enemy_spawns_prevented = 0 end) end function Arena:on_exit() self.floor:destroy() self.main:destroy() self.post_main:destroy() self.effects:destroy() self.ui:destroy() self.credits:destroy() self.t:destroy() self.floor = nil self.main = nil self.post_main = nil self.effects = nil self.ui = nil self.credits = nil self.units = nil self.passives = nil self.player = nil self.t = nil self.springs = nil self.flashes = nil self.hfx = nil end function Arena:update(dt) if main_song_instance:isStopped() then main_song_instance = _G[random:table{'song1', 'song2', 'song3', 'song4', 'song5'}]:play{volume = 0.5} end if self.shop_text then self.shop_text:update(dt) end -- print(self.enemy_spawns_prevented) if input.escape.pressed and not self.transitioning and not self.in_credits and not self.choosing_passives then if not self.paused then input:set_mouse_visible(true) trigger:tween(0.25, _G, {slow_amount = 0}, math.linear, function() slow_amount = 0 self.paused = true self.paused_t1 = Text2{group = self.ui, x = gw/2, y = gh/2 - 108, sx = 0.6, sy = 0.6, lines = {{text = '[bg10]<-, a or m1 ->, d or m2', font = fat_font, alignment = 'center'}}} self.paused_t2 = Text2{group = self.ui, x = gw/2, y = gh/2 - 92, lines = {{text = '[bg10]turn left turn right', font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center'}}} self.ng_t = Text2{group = self.ui, x = gw/2 + 63, y = gh - 50, lines = {{text = '[bg10]current: ' .. current_new_game_plus, font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center'}}} self.resume_button = Button{group = self.ui, x = gw/2, y = gh - 225, force_update = true, button_text = 'resume game (esc)', fg_color = 'bg10', bg_color = 'bg', action = function(b) trigger:tween(0.25, _G, {slow_amount = 1}, math.linear, function() slow_amount = 1 self.paused = false self.paused_t1.dead = true self.paused_t2.dead = true self.paused_t1 = nil self.paused_t2 = nil self.ng_t.dead = true self.ng_t = nil if self.resume_button then self.resume_button.dead = true; self.resume_button = nil end if self.restart_button then self.restart_button.dead = true; self.restart_button = nil end if self.mouse_button then self.mouse_button.dead = true; self.mouse_button = nil end if self.sfx_button then self.sfx_button.dead = true; self.sfx_button = nil end if self.music_button then self.music_button.dead = true; self.music_button = nil end if self.video_button_1 then self.video_button_1.dead = true; self.video_button_1 = nil end if self.video_button_2 then self.video_button_2.dead = true; self.video_button_2 = nil end if self.video_button_3 then self.video_button_3.dead = true; self.video_button_3 = nil end if self.quit_button then self.quit_button.dead = true; self.quit_button = nil end if self.screen_shake_button then self.screen_shake_button.dead = true; self.screen_shake_button = nil end if self.screen_movement_button then self.screen_movement_button.dead = true; self.screen_movement_button = nil end if self.cooldown_snake_button then self.cooldown_snake_button.dead = true; self.cooldown_snake_button = nil end if self.arrow_snake_button then self.arrow_snake_button.dead = true; self.arrow_snake_button = nil end if self.ng_plus_plus_button then self.ng_plus_plus_button.dead = true; self.ng_plus_plus_button = nil end if self.ng_plus_minus_button then self.ng_plus_minus_button.dead = true; self.ng_plus_minus_button = nil end system.save_state() end, 'pause') end} self.restart_button = Button{group = self.ui, x = gw/2, y = gh - 200, force_update = true, button_text = 'restart run (r)', fg_color = 'bg10', bg_color = 'bg', action = function(b) self.transitioning = true ui_transition2:play{pitch = random:float(0.95, 1.05), volume = 0.5} ui_switch2:play{pitch = random:float(0.95, 1.05), volume = 0.5} ui_switch1:play{pitch = random:float(0.95, 1.05), volume = 0.5} TransitionEffect{group = main.transitions, x = gw/2, y = gh/2, color = fg[0], transition_action = function() slow_amount = 1 gold = 2 passives = {} main_song_instance:stop() run_passive_pool_by_tiers = { [1] = { 'wall_echo', 'wall_rider', 'centipede', 'temporal_chains', 'amplify', 'amplify_x', 'ballista', 'ballista_x', 'blunt_arrow', 'berserking', 'unwavering_stance', 'assassination', 'unleash', 'blessing', 'hex_master', 'force_push', 'spawning_pool'}, [2] = {'ouroboros_technique_r', 'ouroboros_technique_l', 'intimidation', 'vulnerability', 'resonance', 'point_blank', 'longshot', 'explosive_arrow', 'chronomancy', 'awakening', 'ultimatum', 'echo_barrage', 'reinforce', 'payback', 'whispers_of_doom', 'heavy_impact', 'immolation', 'call_of_the_void'}, [3] = {'divine_machine_arrow', 'divine_punishment', 'flying_daggers', 'crucio', 'hive', 'void_rift'}, } max_units = 7 + current_new_game_plus main:add(BuyScreen'buy_screen') locked_state = nil system.save_run() main:go_to('buy_screen', 0, {}, passives) end, text = Text({{text = '[wavy, bg]restarting...', font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center'}}, global_text_tags)} end} self.mouse_button = Button{group = self.ui, x = gw/2, y = gh - 150, force_update = true, button_text = 'mouse control: ' .. tostring(state.mouse_control and 'yes' or 'no'), fg_color = 'bg10', bg_color = 'bg', action = function(b) ui_switch1:play{pitch = random:float(0.95, 1.05), volume = 0.5} state.mouse_control = not state.mouse_control b:set_text('mouse control: ' .. tostring(state.mouse_control and 'yes' or 'no')) input:set_mouse_visible(state.mouse_control) end} self.sfx_button = Button{group = self.ui, x = gw/2 - 46, y = gh - 175, force_update = true, button_text = 'sounds (n): ' .. tostring(state.volume_muted and 'no' or 'yes'), fg_color = 'bg10', bg_color = 'bg', action = function(b) ui_switch2:play{pitch = random:float(0.95, 1.05), volume = 0.5} b.spring:pull(0.2, 200, 10) b.selected = true ui_switch1:play{pitch = random:float(0.95, 1.05), volume = 0.5} if sfx.volume == 0.5 then sfx.volume = 0 state.volume_muted = true elseif sfx.volume == 0 then sfx.volume = 0.5 state.volume_muted = false end b:set_text('sounds (n): ' .. tostring(state.volume_muted and 'no' or 'yes')) end} self.music_button = Button{group = self.ui, x = gw/2 + 46, y = gh - 175, force_update = true, button_text = 'music (m): ' .. tostring(state.music_muted and 'no' or 'yes'), fg_color = 'bg10', bg_color = 'bg', action = function(b) ui_switch2:play{pitch = random:float(0.95, 1.05), volume = 0.5} b.spring:pull(0.2, 200, 10) b.selected = true ui_switch1:play{pitch = random:float(0.95, 1.05), volume = 0.5} if music.volume == 0.5 then music.volume = 0 state.music_muted = true elseif music.volume == 0 then music.volume = 0.5 state.music_muted = false end b:set_text('music (m): ' .. tostring(state.music_muted and 'no' or 'yes')) end} self.video_button_1 = Button{group = self.ui, x = gw/2 - 86, y = gh - 125, force_update = true, button_text = 'window size-', fg_color = 'bg10', bg_color = 'bg', action = function() ui_switch1:play{pitch = random:float(0.95, 1.05), volume = 0.5} sx, sy = sx - 1, sy - 1 love.window.setMode(480*sx, 270*sy), = sx, sy state.fullscreen = false end} self.video_button_2 = Button{group = self.ui, x = gw/2, y = gh - 125, force_update = true, button_text = 'window size+', fg_color = 'bg10', bg_color = 'bg', action = function() ui_switch1:play{pitch = random:float(0.95, 1.05), volume = 0.5} sx, sy = sx + 1, sy + 1 love.window.setMode(480*sx, 270*sy), = sx, sy state.fullscreen = false end} self.video_button_3 = Button{group = self.ui, x = gw/2 + 79, y = gh - 125, force_update = true, button_text = 'fullscreen', fg_color = 'bg10', bg_color = 'bg', action = function() ui_switch1:play{pitch = random:float(0.95, 1.05), volume = 0.5} local _, _, flags = love.window.getMode() local window_width, window_height = love.window.getDesktopDimensions(flags.display) sx, sy = window_width/480, window_height/270 ww, wh = window_width, window_height love.window.setMode(window_width, window_height, {fullscreen = true}) state.fullscreen = true end} self.screen_shake_button = Button{group = self.ui, x = gw/2 - 57, y = gh - 100, w = 110, force_update = true, button_text = '[bg10]screen shake: ' .. tostring(state.no_screen_shake and 'no' or 'yes'), fg_color = 'bg10', bg_color = 'bg', action = function(b) ui_switch1:play{pitch = random:float(0.95, 1.05), volume = 0.5} state.no_screen_shake = not state.no_screen_shake b:set_text('screen shake: ' .. tostring(state.no_screen_shake and 'no' or 'yes')) end} self.cooldown_snake_button = Button{group = self.ui, x = gw/2 + 75, y = gh - 100, w = 145, force_update = true, button_text = '[bg10]cooldowns on snake: ' .. tostring(state.cooldown_snake and 'yes' or 'no'), fg_color = 'bg10', bg_color = 'bg', action = function(b) ui_switch1:play{pitch = random:float(0.95, 1.05), volume = 0.5} state.cooldown_snake = not state.cooldown_snake b:set_text('cooldowns on snake: ' .. tostring(state.cooldown_snake and 'yes' or 'no')) end} self.arrow_snake_button = Button{group = self.ui, x = gw/2 + 65, y = gh - 75, w = 125, force_update = true, button_text = '[bg10]arrow on snake: ' .. tostring(state.arrow_snake and 'yes' or 'no'), fg_color = 'bg10', bg_color = 'bg', action = function(b) ui_switch1:play{pitch = random:float(0.95, 1.05), volume = 0.5} state.arrow_snake = not state.arrow_snake b:set_text('arrow on snake: ' .. tostring(state.arrow_snake and 'yes' or 'no')) end} self.screen_movement_button = Button{group = self.ui, x = gw/2 - 69, y = gh - 75, w = 135, force_update = true, button_text = '[bg10]screen movement: ' .. tostring(state.no_screen_movement and 'no' or 'yes'), fg_color = 'bg10', bg_color = 'bg', action = function(b) ui_switch1:play{pitch = random:float(0.95, 1.05), volume = 0.5} state.no_screen_movement = not state.no_screen_movement if state.no_screen_movement then camera.x, camera.y = gw/2, gh/2 camera.r = 0 end b:set_text('screen movement: ' .. tostring(state.no_screen_movement and 'no' or 'yes')) end} self.ng_plus_minus_button = Button{group = self.ui, x = gw/2 - 58, y = gh - 50, force_update = true, button_text = 'NG+ down', fg_color = 'bg10', bg_color = 'bg', action = function(b) ui_switch1:play{pitch = random:float(0.95, 1.05), volume = 0.5} b.spring:pull(0.2, 200, 10) b.selected = true current_new_game_plus = math.clamp(current_new_game_plus - 1, 0, 5) state.current_new_game_plus = current_new_game_plus self.ng_t.text:set_text({{text = '[bg10]current: ' .. current_new_game_plus, font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center'}}) end} self.ng_plus_plus_button = Button{group = self.ui, x = gw/2 + 5, y = gh - 50, force_update = true, button_text = 'NG+ up', fg_color = 'bg10', bg_color = 'bg', action = function(b) ui_switch1:play{pitch = random:float(0.95, 1.05), volume = 0.5} b.spring:pull(0.2, 200, 10) b.selected = true current_new_game_plus = math.clamp(current_new_game_plus + 1, 0, new_game_plus) state.current_new_game_plus = current_new_game_plus self.ng_t.text:set_text({{text = '[bg10]current: ' .. current_new_game_plus, font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center'}}) end} self.quit_button = Button{group = self.ui, x = gw/2, y = gh - 25, force_update = true, button_text = 'quit', fg_color = 'bg10', bg_color = 'bg', action = function() system.save_state() steam.shutdown() love.event.quit() end} end, 'pause') else if not state.mouse_control then input:set_mouse_visible(false) end trigger:tween(0.25, _G, {slow_amount = 1}, math.linear, function() slow_amount = 1 self.paused = false self.paused_t1.dead = true self.paused_t2.dead = true self.paused_t1 = nil self.paused_t2 = nil self.ng_t.dead = true self.ng_t = nil if self.resume_button then self.resume_button.dead = true; self.resume_button = nil end if self.restart_button then self.restart_button.dead = true; self.restart_button = nil end if self.mouse_button then self.mouse_button.dead = true; self.mouse_button = nil end if self.sfx_button then self.sfx_button.dead = true; self.sfx_button = nil end if self.music_button then self.music_button.dead = true; self.music_button = nil end if self.video_button_1 then self.video_button_1.dead = true; self.video_button_1 = nil end if self.video_button_2 then self.video_button_2.dead = true; self.video_button_2 = nil end if self.video_button_3 then self.video_button_3.dead = true; self.video_button_3 = nil end if self.screen_shake_button then self.screen_shake_button.dead = true; self.screen_shake_button = nil end if self.screen_movement_button then self.screen_movement_button.dead = true; self.screen_movement_button = nil end if self.cooldown_snake_button then self.cooldown_snake_button.dead = true; self.cooldown_snake_button = nil end if self.arrow_snake_button then self.arrow_snake_button.dead = true; self.arrow_snake_button = nil end if self.quit_button then self.quit_button.dead = true; self.quit_button = nil end if self.ng_plus_plus_button then self.ng_plus_plus_button.dead = true; self.ng_plus_plus_button = nil end if self.ng_plus_minus_button then self.ng_plus_minus_button.dead = true; self.ng_plus_minus_button = nil end system.save_state() end, 'pause') end end if self.paused or self.died or self.won and not self.transitioning then if input.r.pressed then self.transitioning = true ui_transition2:play{pitch = random:float(0.95, 1.05), volume = 0.5} ui_switch2:play{pitch = random:float(0.95, 1.05), volume = 0.5} ui_switch1:play{pitch = random:float(0.95, 1.05), volume = 0.5} TransitionEffect{group = main.transitions, x = gw/2, y = gh/2, color = fg[0], transition_action = function() slow_amount = 1 gold = 2 passives = {} main_song_instance:stop() run_passive_pool_by_tiers = { [1] = { 'wall_echo', 'wall_rider', 'centipede', 'temporal_chains', 'amplify', 'amplify_x', 'ballista', 'ballista_x', 'blunt_arrow', 'berserking', 'unwavering_stance', 'assassination', 'unleash', 'blessing', 'hex_master', 'force_push', 'spawning_pool'}, [2] = {'ouroboros_technique_r', 'ouroboros_technique_l', 'intimidation', 'vulnerability', 'resonance', 'point_blank', 'longshot', 'explosive_arrow', 'chronomancy', 'awakening', 'ultimatum', 'echo_barrage', 'reinforce', 'payback', 'whispers_of_doom', 'heavy_impact', 'immolation', 'call_of_the_void'}, [3] = {'divine_machine_arrow', 'divine_punishment', 'flying_daggers', 'crucio', 'hive', 'void_rift'}, } max_units = 7 + current_new_game_plus main:add(BuyScreen'buy_screen') locked_state = nil system.save_run() main:go_to('buy_screen', 0, {}, passives) end, text = Text({{text = '[wavy, bg]restarting...', font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center'}}, global_text_tags)} end if input.escape.pressed then self.in_credits = false if self.credits_button then self.credits_button:on_mouse_exit() end for _, object in ipairs(self.credits.objects) do object.dead = true end self.credits:update(0) end end self:update_game_object(dt*slow_amount) main_song_instance.pitch = math.clamp(slow_amount*self.main_slow_amount, 0.05, 1) star_group:update(dt*slow_amount) self.floor:update(dt*slow_amount) self.main:update(dt*slow_amount*self.main_slow_amount) self.post_main:update(dt*slow_amount) self.effects:update(dt*slow_amount) self.ui:update(dt*slow_amount) self.credits:update(dt) end function Arena:quit() if self.died then return end self.quitting = true if self.level == 25 then if not self.win_text and not self.win_text2 then self.won = true locked_state = nil system.save_run() trigger:tween(1, _G, {slow_amount = 0}, math.linear, function() slow_amount = 0 end, 'slow_amount') trigger:tween(4, camera, {x = gw/2, y = gh/2, r = 0}, math.linear, function() camera.x, camera.y, camera.r = gw/2, gh/2, 0 end) self.win_text = Text2{group = self.ui, x = gw/2, y = gh/2 - 66, force_update = true, lines = {{text = '[wavy_mid, cbyc2]congratulations!', font = fat_font, alignment = 'center'}}} trigger:after(2.5, function() self.build_text = Text2{group = self.ui, x = 40, y = 20, force_update = true, lines = {{text = "[wavy_mid, fg]your build", font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center'}}} for i, unit in ipairs(self.units) do CharacterPart{group = self.ui, x = 40, y = 40 + (i-1)*19, character = unit.character, level = unit.level, force_update = true, cant_click = true, parent = self} end if current_new_game_plus == 5 then self.win_text2 = Text2{group = self.ui, x = gw/2, y = gh/2 + 30, force_update = true, lines = { {text = "[fg]now you've really beaten the game!", font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center', height_multiplier = 1.24}, {text = "[fg]thanks a lot for playing it and completing it entirely!", font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center', height_multiplier = 1.24}, {text = "[fg]this game was inspired by:", font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center', height_multiplier = 4}, {text = "[fg]so check those games out, they're fun!", font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center', height_multiplier = 1.24}, {text = "[fg]and to get more games like this in the future:", font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center', height_multiplier = 4}, {text = "[wavy_mid, yellow]thanks for playing!", font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center'}, }} SteamFollowButton{group = self.ui, x = gw/2, y = gh/2 + 78, force_update = true} Button{group = self.ui, x = gw - 40, y = gh - 44, force_update = true, button_text = 'credits', fg_color = 'bg10', bg_color = 'bg', action = function() self:create_credits() end} Button{group = self.ui, x = gw - 32, y = gh - 20, force_update = true, button_text = 'quit', fg_color = 'bg10', bg_color = 'bg', action = function() love.event.quit() end} local open_url = function(b, url) ui_switch2:play{pitch = random:float(0.95, 1.05), volume = 0.5} b.spring:pull(0.2, 200, 10) b.selected = true ui_switch1:play{pitch = random:float(0.95, 1.05), volume = 0.5} system.open_url(url) end Button{group = self.ui, x = gw/2 - 50, y = gh/2 + 12, force_update = true, button_text = 'nimble quest', fg_color = 'bluem5', bg_color = 'blue', action = function(b) open_url(b, '') end} Button{group = self.ui, x = gw/2 + 50, y = gh/2 + 12, force_update = true, button_text = 'dota underlords', fg_color = 'bluem5', bg_color = 'blue', action = function(b) open_url(b, '') end} else self.win_text2 = Text2{group = self.ui, x = gw/2, y = gh/2 + 20, force_update = true, lines = { {text = "[fg]you've beaten the game!", font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center', height_multiplier = 1.24}, {text = "[fg]i made this game in 3 months as a dev challenge", font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center', height_multiplier = 1.24}, {text = "[fg]and i'm happy with how it turned out!", font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center', height_multiplier = 1.24}, {text = "[fg]if you liked it too and want to play more games like this:", font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center', height_multiplier = 4}, {text = "[fg]i will release more games this year, so stay tuned!", font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center', height_multiplier = 1.4}, {text = "[wavy_mid, yellow]thanks for playing!", font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center'}, }} SteamFollowButton{group = self.ui, x = gw/2, y = gh/2 + 34, force_update = true} RestartButton{group = self.ui, x = gw - 40, y = gh - 20, force_update = true} trigger:after(8, function() self.try_ng_text = Text2{group = self.ui, x = gw - 210, y = gh - 20, force_update = true, lines = { {text = '[cbyc3]try a harder difficulty with +1 max snake size:', font = pixul_font}, }} end) self.credits_button = Button{group = self.ui, x = gw - 40, y = gh - 44, force_update = true, button_text = 'credits', fg_color = 'bg10', bg_color = 'bg', action = function() self:create_credits() end} --[[ self.restart_button = Button{group = self.ui, x = gw - 40, y = gh - 68, force_update = true, button_text = 'restart', fg_color = 'bg10', bg_color = 'bg', action = function(b) self.transitioning = true ui_transition2:play{pitch = random:float(0.95, 1.05), volume = 0.5} ui_switch2:play{pitch = random:float(0.95, 1.05), volume = 0.5} ui_switch1:play{pitch = random:float(0.95, 1.05), volume = 0.5} TransitionEffect{group = main.transitions, x = gw/2, y = gh/2, color = fg[0], transition_action = function() slow_amount = 1 gold = 2 passives = {} main_song_instance:stop() run_passive_pool_by_tiers = { [1] = { 'wall_echo', 'wall_rider', 'centipede', 'temporal_chains', 'amplify', 'amplify_x', 'ballista', 'ballista_x', 'blunt_arrow', 'berserking', 'unwavering_stance', 'assassination', 'unleash', 'blessing', 'hex_master', 'force_push', 'spawning_pool'}, [2] = {'ouroboros_technique_r', 'ouroboros_technique_l', 'intimidation', 'vulnerability', 'resonance', 'point_blank', 'longshot', 'explosive_arrow', 'chronomancy', 'awakening', 'ultimatum', 'echo_barrage', 'reinforce', 'payback', 'whispers_of_doom', 'heavy_impact', 'immolation', 'call_of_the_void'}, [3] = {'divine_machine_arrow', 'divine_punishment', 'flying_daggers', 'crucio', 'hive', 'void_rift'}, } max_units = 7 + current_new_game_plus main:add(BuyScreen'buy_screen') system.save_run() main:go_to('buy_screen', 0, {}, passives) end, text = Text({{text = '[wavy, bg]restarting...', font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center'}}, global_text_tags)} end} ]]-- end end) if current_new_game_plus == 1 then state.achievement_new_game_1 = true system.save_state() steam.userStats.setAchievement('NEW_GAME_1') steam.userStats.storeStats() end if current_new_game_plus == 5 then state.achievement_new_game_5 = true system.save_state() steam.userStats.setAchievement('GAME_COMPLETE') steam.userStats.storeStats() end if self.ranger_level >= 2 then state.achievement_rangers_win = true system.save_state() steam.userStats.setAchievement('RANGERS_WIN') steam.userStats.storeStats() end if self.warrior_level >= 2 then state.achievement_warriors_win = true system.save_state() steam.userStats.setAchievement('WARRIORS_WIN') steam.userStats.storeStats() end if self.mage_level >= 2 then state.achievement_mages_win = true system.save_state() steam.userStats.setAchievement('MAGES_WIN') steam.userStats.storeStats() end if self.rogue_level >= 2 then state.achievement_rogues_win = true system.save_state() steam.userStats.setAchievement('ROGUES_WIN') steam.userStats.storeStats() end if self.healer_level >= 2 then state.achievement_healers_win = true system.save_state() steam.userStats.setAchievement('HEALERS_WIN') steam.userStats.storeStats() end if self.enchanter_level >= 2 then state.achievement_enchanters_win = true system.save_state() steam.userStats.setAchievement('ENCHANTERS_WIN') steam.userStats.storeStats() end if self.nuker_level >= 2 then state.achievement_nukers_win = true system.save_state() steam.userStats.setAchievement('NUKERS_WIN') steam.userStats.storeStats() end if self.conjurer_level >= 2 then state.achievement_conjurers_win = true system.save_state() steam.userStats.setAchievement('CONJURERS_WIN') steam.userStats.storeStats() end if self.psyker_level >= 2 then state.achievement_psykers_win = true system.save_state() steam.userStats.setAchievement('PSYKERS_WIN') steam.userStats.storeStats() end if self.curser_level >= 2 then state.achievement_cursers_win = true system.save_state() steam.userStats.setAchievement('CURSERS_WIN') steam.userStats.storeStats() end if self.forcer_level >= 2 then state.achievement_forcers_win = true system.save_state() steam.userStats.setAchievement('FORCERS_WIN') steam.userStats.storeStats() end if self.swarmer_level >= 2 then state.achievement_swarmers_win = true system.save_state() steam.userStats.setAchievement('SWARMERS_WIN') steam.userStats.storeStats() end if self.voider_level >= 2 then state.achievement_voiders_win = true system.save_state() steam.userStats.setAchievement('VOIDERS_WIN') steam.userStats.storeStats() end if self.sorcerer_level >= 3 then state.achievement_sorcerers_win = true system.save_state() steam.userStats.setAchievement('SORCERERS_WIN') steam.userStats.storeStats() end local units = self.player:get_all_units() local all_units_level_2 = true for _, unit in ipairs(units) do if unit.level ~= 2 then all_units_level_2 = false break end end if all_units_level_2 then state.achievement_level_2_win = true system.save_state() steam.userStats.setAchievement('LEVEL_2_WIN') steam.userStats.storeStats() end local units = self.player:get_all_units() local all_units_level_3 = true for _, unit in ipairs(units) do if unit.level ~= 3 then all_units_level_3 = false break end end if all_units_level_3 then state.achievement_level_3_win = true system.save_state() steam.userStats.setAchievement('LEVEL_3_WIN') steam.userStats.storeStats() end end else if not self.arena_clear_text then self.arena_clear_text = Text2{group = self.ui, x = gw/2, y = gh/2 - 48, lines = {{text = '[wavy_mid, cbyc]arena clear!', font = fat_font, alignment = 'center'}}} end self:gain_gold() self.t:after(3, function() if self.level % 3 == 0 then self.arena_clear_text.dead = true trigger:tween(1, _G, {slow_amount = 0}, math.linear, function() slow_amount = 0 end, 'slow_amount') trigger:tween(4, camera, {x = gw/2, y = gh/2, r = 0}, math.linear, function() camera.x, camera.y, camera.r = gw/2, gh/2, 0 end) self:set_passives() RerollButton{group = main.current.ui, x = 40, y = 40, parent = self, force_update = true} self.shop_text = Text({{text = '[wavy_mid, fg]gold: [yellow]' .. gold, font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center'}}, global_text_tags) else self:transition() end end, 'transition') end end function Arena:set_passives(from_reroll) if from_reroll then self:restore_passives_to_pool(0)[1].dead = true[2].dead = true[3].dead = true = {} end local card_w, card_h = 100, 100 local w = 3*card_w + 2*20 self.choosing_passives = true = {} local tier_1 = random:weighted_pick(unpack(level_to_passive_tier_weights[level or self.level])) local tier_2 = random:weighted_pick(unpack(level_to_passive_tier_weights[level or self.level])) local tier_3 = random:weighted_pick(unpack(level_to_passive_tier_weights[level or self.level])) local passive_1 = random:table_remove(run_passive_pool_by_tiers[tier_1]) local passive_2 = random:table_remove(run_passive_pool_by_tiers[tier_2]) local passive_3 = random:table_remove(run_passive_pool_by_tiers[tier_3]) if passive_1 then table.insert(, PassiveCard{group = main.current.ui, x = gw/2 - w/2 + 0*(card_w + 20) + card_w/2, y = gh/2 - 6, w = card_w, h = card_h, card_i = 1, tier = tier_1, arena = self, passive = passive_1, force_update = true}) end if passive_2 then table.insert(, PassiveCard{group = main.current.ui, x = gw/2 - w/2 + 1*(card_w + 20) + card_w/2, y = gh/2 - 6, w = card_w, h = card_h, card_i = 2, tier = tier_2, arena = self, passive = passive_2, force_update = true}) end if passive_3 then table.insert(, PassiveCard{group = main.current.ui, x = gw/2 - w/2 + 2*(card_w + 20) + card_w/2, y = gh/2 - 6, w = card_w, h = card_h, card_i = 3, tier = tier_3, arena = self, passive = passive_3, force_update = true}) end self.passive_text = Text2{group = self.ui, x = gw/2, y = gh/2 - 65, lines = {{text = '[fg, wavy]choose one', font = fat_font, alignment = 'center'}}} if not passive_1 and not passive_2 and not passive_3 then self:transition() end end function Arena:restore_passives_to_pool(j) for i = 1, 3 do if i ~= j then if[i] and run_passive_pool_by_tiers[[i].tier] then table.insert(run_passive_pool_by_tiers[[i].tier],[i].passive) end end end end function Arena:draw() self.floor:draw() self.main:draw() self.post_main:draw() self.effects:draw() graphics.draw_with_mask(function() star_canvas:draw(0, 0, 0, 1, 1) end, function() camera:attach() graphics.rectangle(gw/2, gh/2, self.w, self.h, nil, nil, fg[0]) camera:detach() end, true) camera:attach() if self.start_time and self.start_time > 0 and not self.choosing_passives then graphics.push(gw/2, gh/2 - 48, 0, self.hfx.condition1.x, self.hfx.condition1.x) graphics.print_centered(tostring(self.start_time), fat_font, gw/2, gh/2 - 48, 0, 1, 1, nil, nil, self.hfx.condition1.f and fg[0] or red[0]) graphics.pop() end if self.boss_level then if self.start_time <= 0 then graphics.push(self.x2 - 106, self.y1 - 10, 0, self.hfx.condition2.x, self.hfx.condition2.x) graphics.print_centered('kill the elite', fat_font, self.x2 - 106, self.y1 - 10, 0, 0.6, 0.6, nil, nil, fg[0]) graphics.pop() end else if self.win_condition then if self.win_condition == 'wave' then if self.start_time <= 0 then graphics.push(self.x2 - 50, self.y1 - 10, 0, self.hfx.condition2.x, self.hfx.condition2.x) graphics.print_centered('wave:', fat_font, self.x2 - 50, self.y1 - 10, 0, 0.6, 0.6, nil, nil, fg[0]) graphics.pop() local wave = self.wave if wave > self.max_waves then wave = self.max_waves end graphics.push(self.x2 - 25 + fat_font:get_text_width(wave .. '/' .. self.max_waves)/2, self.y1 - 8, 0, self.hfx.condition1.x, self.hfx.condition1.x) graphics.print(wave .. '/' .. self.max_waves, fat_font, self.x2 - 25, self.y1 - 8, 0, 0.75, 0.75, nil, fat_font.h/2, self.hfx.condition1.f and fg[0] or yellow[0]) graphics.pop() end end end end camera:detach() if self.level == 20 and self.trailer then graphics.rectangle(gw/2, gh/2, 2*gw, 2*gh, nil, nil, modal_transparent) end if self.choosing_passives or self.won or self.paused or self.died then graphics.rectangle(gw/2, gh/2, 2*gw, 2*gh, nil, nil, modal_transparent) end self.ui:draw() if self.shop_text then self.shop_text:draw(40, 20) end if self.in_credits then graphics.rectangle(gw/2, gh/2, 2*gw, 2*gh, nil, nil, modal_transparent_2) end self.credits:draw() end function Arena:die() if not self.died_text and not self.won and not self.arena_clear_text then self.t:cancel('divine_punishment') self.died = true locked_state = nil system.save_run() self.t:tween(2, self, {main_slow_amount = 0}, math.linear, function() self.main_slow_amount = 0 end) self.died_text = Text2{group = self.ui, x = gw/2, y = gh/2 - 32, lines = { {text = '[wavy_mid, cbyc]you died...', font = fat_font, alignment = 'center', height_multiplier = 1.25}, }} self.t:after(2, function() self.death_info_text = Text2{group = self.ui, x = gw/2, y = gh/2, sx = 0.7, sy = 0.7, lines = { {text = '[wavy_mid, fg]level reached: [wavy_mid, yellow]' .. self.level, font = fat_font, alignment = 'center'}, }} self.restart_button = Button{group = self.ui, x = gw/2, y = gh/2 + 24, force_update = true, button_text = 'restart run (r)', fg_color = 'bg10', bg_color = 'bg', action = function(b) self.transitioning = true ui_transition2:play{pitch = random:float(0.95, 1.05), volume = 0.5} ui_switch2:play{pitch = random:float(0.95, 1.05), volume = 0.5} ui_switch1:play{pitch = random:float(0.95, 1.05), volume = 0.5} TransitionEffect{group = main.transitions, x = gw/2, y = gh/2, color = fg[0], transition_action = function() slow_amount = 1 gold = 2 passives = {} main_song_instance:stop() run_passive_pool_by_tiers = { [1] = { 'wall_echo', 'wall_rider', 'centipede', 'temporal_chains', 'amplify', 'amplify_x', 'ballista', 'ballista_x', 'blunt_arrow', 'berserking', 'unwavering_stance', 'assassination', 'unleash', 'blessing', 'hex_master', 'force_push', 'spawning_pool'}, [2] = {'ouroboros_technique_r', 'ouroboros_technique_l', 'intimidation', 'vulnerability', 'resonance', 'point_blank', 'longshot', 'explosive_arrow', 'chronomancy', 'awakening', 'ultimatum', 'echo_barrage', 'reinforce', 'payback', 'whispers_of_doom', 'heavy_impact', 'immolation', 'call_of_the_void'}, [3] = {'divine_machine_arrow', 'divine_punishment', 'flying_daggers', 'crucio', 'hive', 'void_rift'}, } max_units = 7 + current_new_game_plus main:add(BuyScreen'buy_screen') system.save_run() main:go_to('buy_screen', 0, {}, passives) end, text = Text({{text = '[wavy, bg]restarting...', font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center'}}, global_text_tags)} end} end) return true end end function Arena:create_credits() local open_url = function(b, url) ui_switch2:play{pitch = random:float(0.95, 1.05), volume = 0.5} b.spring:pull(0.2, 200, 10) b.selected = true ui_switch1:play{pitch = random:float(0.95, 1.05), volume = 0.5} system.open_url(url) end self.in_credits = true Text2{group = self.credits, x = 60, y = 20, lines = {{text = '[bg10]main dev: ', font = pixul_font}}} Button{group = self.credits, x = 117, y = 20, button_text = 'a327ex', fg_color = 'bg10', bg_color = 'bg', credits_button = true, action = function(b) open_url(b, '') end} Text2{group = self.credits, x = 60, y = 50, lines = {{text = '[blue]code: ', font = pixul_font}}} Button{group = self.credits, x = 102, y = 50, button_text = 'love2d', fg_color = 'bluem5', bg_color = 'blue', credits_button = true, action = function(b) open_url(b, '') end} Button{group = self.credits, x = 159, y = 50, button_text = 'bakpakin', fg_color = 'bluem5', bg_color = 'blue', credits_button = true, action = function(b) open_url(b, '') end} Button{group = self.credits, x = 226, y = 50, button_text = 'davisdude', fg_color = 'bluem5', bg_color = 'blue', credits_button = true, action = function(b) open_url(b, '') end} Button{group = self.credits, x = 295, y = 50, button_text = 'tesselode', fg_color = 'bluem5', bg_color = 'blue', credits_button = true, action = function(b) open_url(b, '') end} Button{group = self.credits, x = 365, y = 50, button_text = 'Davidobot', fg_color = 'bluem5', bg_color = 'blue', credits_button = true, action = function(b) open_url(b, '') end} Text2{group = self.credits, x = 60, y = 80, lines = {{text = '[green]music: ', font = pixul_font}}} Button{group = self.credits, x = 100, y = 80, button_text = 'kubbi', fg_color = 'greenm5', bg_color = 'green', credits_button = true, action = function(b) open_url(b, '') end} Text2{group = self.credits, x = 60, y = 110, lines = {{text = '[yellow]sounds: ', font = pixul_font}}} Button{group = self.credits, x = 135, y = 110, button_text = 'sidearm studios', fg_color = 'yellowm5', bg_color = 'yellow', credits_button = true, action = function(b) open_url(b, '') end} Button{group = self.credits, x = 217, y = 110, button_text = 'justinbw', fg_color = 'yellowm5', bg_color = 'yellow', credits_button = true, action = function(b) open_url(b, '') end} Button{group = self.credits, x = 279, y = 110, button_text = 'jcallison', fg_color = 'yellowm5', bg_color = 'yellow', credits_button = true, action = function(b) open_url(b, '') end} Button{group = self.credits, x = 342, y = 110, button_text = 'hybrid_v', fg_color = 'yellowm5', bg_color = 'yellow', credits_button = true, action = function(b) open_url(b, '') end} Button{group = self.credits, x = 427, y = 110, button_text = 'womb_affliction', fg_color = 'yellowm5', bg_color = 'yellow', credits_button = true, action = function(b) open_url(b, '') end} Button{group = self.credits, x = 106, y = 130, button_text = 'bajko', fg_color = 'yellowm5', bg_color = 'yellow', credits_button = true, action = function(b) open_url(b, '') end} Button{group = self.credits, x = 157, y = 130, button_text = 'benzix2', fg_color = 'yellowm5', bg_color = 'yellow', credits_button = true, action = function(b) open_url(b, '') end} Button{group = self.credits, x = 204, y = 130, button_text = 'lord', fg_color = 'yellowm5', bg_color = 'yellow', credits_button = true, action = function(b) open_url(b, '') end} Text2{group = self.credits, x = 70, y = 160, lines = {{text = '[red]playtesters: ', font = pixul_font}}} Button{group = self.credits, x = 130, y = 160, button_text = 'Jofer', fg_color = 'redm5', bg_color = 'red', credits_button = true, action = function(b) open_url(b, '') end} Button{group = self.credits, x = 172, y = 160, button_text = 'ekun', fg_color = 'redm5', bg_color = 'red', credits_button = true, action = function(b) open_url(b, '') end} Button{group = self.credits, x = 224, y = 160, button_text = 'cvisy_GN', fg_color = 'redm5', bg_color = 'red', credits_button = true, action = function(b) open_url(b, '') end} Button{group = self.credits, x = 292, y = 160, button_text = 'Blue Fairy', fg_color = 'redm5', bg_color = 'red', credits_button = true, action = function(b) open_url(b, '') end} Button{group = self.credits, x = 362, y = 160, button_text = 'Phil Blank', fg_color = 'redm5', bg_color = 'red', credits_button = true, action = function(b) open_url(b, '') end} Button{group = self.credits, x = 440, y = 160, button_text = 'DefineDoddy', fg_color = 'redm5', bg_color = 'red', credits_button = true, action = function(b) open_url(b, '') end} Button{group = self.credits, x = 140, y = 180, button_text = 'Ge0force', fg_color = 'redm5', bg_color = 'red', credits_button = true, action = function(b) open_url(b, '') end} Button{group = self.credits, x = 193, y = 180, button_text = 'Vlad', fg_color = 'redm5', bg_color = 'red', credits_button = true, action = function(b) open_url(b, '') end} Button{group = self.credits, x = 223, y = 180, button_text = 'F', fg_color = 'redm5', bg_color = 'red', credits_button = true, action = function(b) open_url(b, '') end} end function Arena:gain_gold() self.gold_gained = random:int(level_to_gold_gained[self.level][1], level_to_gold_gained[self.level][2]) self.interest = math.min(math.floor(gold/5), 5) gold = gold + self.gold_gained + self.interest end function Arena:transition() self.transitioning = true ui_transition2:play{pitch = random:float(0.95, 1.05), volume = 0.5} TransitionEffect{group = main.transitions, x = self.player.x, y = self.player.y, color = self.color, transition_action = function(t) slow_amount = 1 main:add(BuyScreen'buy_screen') system.save_run(self.level, gold, self.units, self.passives, run_passive_pool_by_tiers, locked_state) main:go_to('buy_screen', self.level, self.units, self.passives) t.t:after(0.1, function() t.text:set_text({ {text = '[nudge_down, bg]gold gained: ' .. tostring(self.gold_gained or 0), font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center', height_multiplier = 1.5}, {text = '[wavy_lower, bg]interest: 0', font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center', height_multiplier = 1.5}, {text = '[wavy_lower, bg]total: 0', font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center'} }) _G[random:table{'coins1', 'coins2', 'coins3'}]:play{pitch = random:float(0.95, 1.05), volume = 0.5} t.t:after(0.2, function() t.text:set_text({ {text = '[wavy_lower, bg]gold gained: ' .. tostring(self.gold_gained or 0), font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center', height_multiplier = 1.5}, {text = '[nudge_down, bg]interest: ' .. tostring(self.interest or 0), font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center', height_multiplier = 1.5}, {text = '[wavy_lower, bg]total: 0', font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center'} }) _G[random:table{'coins1', 'coins2', 'coins3'}]:play{pitch = random:float(0.95, 1.05), volume = 0.5} t.t:after(0.2, function() t.text:set_text({ {text = '[wavy_lower, bg]gold gained: ' .. tostring(self.gold_gained or 0), font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center', height_multiplier = 1.5}, {text = '[wavy_lower, bg]interest: ' .. tostring(self.interest or 0), font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center', height_multiplier = 1.5}, {text = '[nudge_down, bg]total: ' .. tostring((self.gold_gained or 0) + (self.interest or 0)), font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center'} }) _G[random:table{'coins1', 'coins2', 'coins3'}]:play{pitch = random:float(0.95, 1.05), volume = 0.5} end) end) end) end, text = Text({ {text = '[wavy_lower, bg]gold gained: 0', font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center', height_multiplier = 1.5}, {text = '[wavy_lower, bg]interest: 0', font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center', height_multiplier = 1.5}, {text = '[wavy_lower, bg]total: 0', font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center'} }, global_text_tags)} end function Arena:spawn_distributed_enemies() self.spawning_enemies = true local t = {'4', '4+4', '4+4+4', '2x4', '3x4', '4x2'} local spawn_type = t[random:weighted_pick(20, 20, 10, 15, 10, 15)] local spawn_points = table.copy(self.spawn_points) if spawn_type == '4' then local p = random:table_remove(spawn_points) SpawnMarker{group = self.effects, x = p.x, y = p.y} self.t:after(0.75, function() self:spawn_n_enemies(p) end) self.t:after(1.5, function() self.spawning_enemies = false end, 'spawning_enemies') elseif spawn_type == '4+4' then local p = random:table_remove(spawn_points) SpawnMarker{group = self.effects, x = p.x, y = p.y} self.t:after(0.75, function() self:spawn_n_enemies(p) self.t:after(2, function() self:spawn_n_enemies(p) end) end) self.t:after(3.5, function() self.spawning_enemies = false end, 'spawning_enemies') elseif spawn_type == '4+4+4' then local p = random:table_remove(spawn_points) SpawnMarker{group = self.effects, x = p.x, y = p.y} self.t:after(0.75, function() self:spawn_n_enemies(p) self.t:after(1, function() self:spawn_n_enemies(p) self.t:after(1, function() self:spawn_n_enemies(p) end) end) end) self.t:after(3.5, function() self.spawning_enemies = false end, 'spawning_enemies') elseif spawn_type == '2x4' then self.t:after({0, 0.2}, function() local p = random:table_remove(spawn_points) SpawnMarker{group = self.effects, x = p.x, y = p.y} self.t:after(0.75, function() self:spawn_n_enemies(p, 1) end) end) self.t:after({0, 0.2}, function() local p = random:table_remove(spawn_points) SpawnMarker{group = self.effects, x = p.x, y = p.y} self.t:after(0.75, function() self:spawn_n_enemies(p, 2) end) end) self.t:after(1.5, function() self.spawning_enemies = false end, 'spawning_enemies') elseif spawn_type == '3x4' then self.t:after({0, 0.2}, function() local p = random:table_remove(spawn_points) SpawnMarker{group = self.effects, x = p.x, y = p.y} self.t:after(0.75, function() self:spawn_n_enemies(p, 1) end) end) self.t:after({0, 0.2}, function() local p = random:table_remove(spawn_points) SpawnMarker{group = self.effects, x = p.x, y = p.y} self.t:after(0.75, function() self:spawn_n_enemies(p, 2) end) end) self.t:after({0, 0.2}, function() local p = random:table_remove(spawn_points) SpawnMarker{group = self.effects, x = p.x, y = p.y} self.t:after(0.75, function() self:spawn_n_enemies(p, 3) end) end) self.t:after(1.5, function() self.spawning_enemies = false end, 'spawning_enemies') elseif spawn_type == '4x2' then self.t:after({0, 0.2}, function() local p = random:table_remove(spawn_points) SpawnMarker{group = self.effects, x = p.x, y = p.y} self.t:after(0.75, function() self:spawn_n_enemies(p, 1, 2) end) end) self.t:after({0, 0.2}, function() local p = random:table_remove(spawn_points) SpawnMarker{group = self.effects, x = p.x, y = p.y} self.t:after(0.75, function() self:spawn_n_enemies(p, 2, 2) end) end) self.t:after({0, 0.2}, function() local p = random:table_remove(spawn_points) SpawnMarker{group = self.effects, x = p.x, y = p.y} self.t:after(0.75, function() self:spawn_n_enemies(p, 3, 2) end) end) self.t:after({0, 0.2}, function() local p = random:table_remove(spawn_points) SpawnMarker{group = self.effects, x = p.x, y = p.y} self.t:after(0.75, function() self:spawn_n_enemies(p, 4, 2) end) end) self.t:after(1.5, function() self.spawning_enemies = false end, 'spawning_enemies') end end function Arena:spawn_n_enemies(p, j, n, pass) if self.died then return end if self.arena_clear_text then return end if self.quitting then return end if self.won then return end if self.choosing_passives then return end if n and n <= 0 then return end j = j or 1 n = n or 4 self.last_spawn_enemy_time = love.timer.getTime() local check_circle = Circle(0, 0, 2) self.t:every(0.1, function() local o = self.spawn_offsets[(self.t:get_every_iteration('spawn_enemies_' .. j) % 5) + 1] SpawnEffect{group = self.effects, x = p.x + o.x, y = p.y + o.y, action = function(x, y) spawn1:play{pitch = random:float(0.8, 1.2), volume = 0.15} if not pass then check_circle:move_to(x, y) local objects = self.main:get_objects_in_shape(check_circle, {Seeker, EnemyCritter, Critter, Player, Illusion, Volcano, Saboteur, Pet, Turret}) if #objects > 0 then self.enemy_spawns_prevented = self.enemy_spawns_prevented + 1; return end end if random:bool(table.reduce(level_to_elite_spawn_weights[self.level], function(memo, v) return memo + v end)) then local elite_type = level_to_elite_spawn_types[self.level][random:weighted_pick(unpack(level_to_elite_spawn_weights[self.level]))] Seeker{group = self.main, x = x, y = y, character = 'seeker', level = self.level, speed_booster = elite_type == 'speed_booster', exploder = elite_type == 'exploder', shooter = elite_type == 'shooter', headbutter = elite_type == 'headbutter', tank = elite_type == 'tank', spawner = elite_type == 'spawner'} else Seeker{group = self.main, x = x, y = y, character = 'seeker', level = self.level} end end} end, n, nil, 'spawn_enemies_' .. j) end CharacterHP = Object:extend() CharacterHP:implement(GameObject) function CharacterHP:init(args) self:init_game_object(args) self.hfx:add('hit', 1) self.cooldown_ratio = 0 end function CharacterHP:update(dt) self:update_game_object(dt) local t, d = self.parent.t:get_timer_and_delay'shoot' if t and d then local m = self.parent.t:get_every_multiplier'shoot' self.cooldown_ratio = math.min(t/(d*m), 1) end local t, d = self.parent.t:get_timer_and_delay'attack' if t and d then local m = self.parent.t:get_every_multiplier'attack' self.cooldown_ratio = math.min(t/(d*m), 1) end local t, d = self.parent.t:get_timer_and_delay'heal' if t and d then self.cooldown_ratio = math.min(t/d, 1) end local t, d = self.parent.t:get_timer_and_delay'buff' if t and d then self.cooldown_ratio = math.min(t/d, 1) end local t, d = self.parent.t:get_timer_and_delay'spawn' if t and d then self.cooldown_ratio = math.min(t/d, 1) end end function CharacterHP:draw() graphics.push(self.x, self.y, 0, self.hfx.hit.x, self.hfx.hit.x) graphics.rectangle(self.x, self.y - 2, 14, 4, 2, 2, self.parent.dead and bg[5] or (self.hfx.hit.f and fg[0] or _G[character_color_strings[self.parent.character]][-2]), 2) if self.parent.hp > 0 then graphics.rectangle2(self.x - 7, self.y - 4, 14*(self.parent.hp/self.parent.max_hp), 4, nil, nil, self.parent.dead and bg[5] or (self.hfx.hit.f and fg[0] or _G[character_color_strings[self.parent.character]][-2])) end if not self.parent.dead then graphics.line(self.x - 8, self.y + 5, self.x - 8 + 15.5*self.cooldown_ratio, self.y + 5, self.hfx.hit.f and fg[0] or _G[character_color_strings[self.parent.character]][-2], 2) end graphics.pop() if state.cooldown_snake then if table.any(non_cooldown_characters, function(v) return v == self.parent.character end) then return end local p = self.parent graphics.push(p.x, p.y, 0, self.hfx.hit.x, self.hfx.hit.y) if not p.dead then graphics.line(p.x - 4, p.y + 8, p.x - 4 + 8, p.y + 8, self.hfx.hit.f and fg[0] or bg[-2], 2) graphics.line(p.x - 4, p.y + 8, p.x - 4 + 8*self.cooldown_ratio, p.y + 8, self.hfx.hit.f and fg[0] or _G[character_color_strings[p.character]][-2], 2) end graphics.pop() end end function CharacterHP:change_hp() self.hfx:use('hit', 0.5) end