Unleash does not affect Witch --- Future updates: Chaos related classes Invoker - shoots a projectile with random properties, Lv.3 effect - ??? Trappers: Triangler - drops a trap and the 3rd trap will trigger the area, dealing X AoE damage 2-3 times Brawlers: units focused on crashing on enemies https://i.imgur.com/5YubukS.png - unit idea Conjurer unit that creates an unit that actively protects you from enemy projectiles Passive that makes critters and summons block enemy projectiles Hexblaster? - curser that consumes curses to deal damage Bench? - https://i.imgur.com/B1gNVKk.png Balance option for when there are more sets - https://i.imgur.com/JMynwbL.png Negative effect: colliding with yourself kills one of your units Go through this later https://i.imgur.com/4t7NA32.png <- lots of good improvements Remove level 3 units from rotation Hide cursor during waves Mouse follow control? Visuals for divine intervertion, fairy buff Fix enemies still spawning after arena clear (this happens with the extra enemy spawns that were blocked earlier) Fix highlight colors and highlight reserve Add visuals for defensive ouroboros Options menu from buy screen Volume slider Fix fullscreen with different resolutions that don't scale properly Roguelite update: Hades-like no map system, this is more elegant and requires way less work than something like Isaac or StS Units die permanently when they die Units can have items attached to them like in Underlords Unit item ideas: This unit's projectiles pierce/chain/fork/seek/split/stun/etc