Media = Object:extend() Media:implement(State) function Media:init(name) self:init_state(name) end function Media:on_enter(from) camera.x, camera.y = gw/2, gh/2 self.main = Group() self.effects = Group() self.ui = Group() graphics.set_background_color(fg[0]) end function Media:update(dt) self.main:update(dt*slow_amount) self.effects:update(dt*slow_amount) self.ui:update(dt*slow_amount) end function Media:draw() self.main:draw() self.effects:draw() self.ui:draw() end --[[ build your party: hire heroes, rank them up and defeat endless waves of enemies make synergies: combine heroes of the same class to unlock unique class passives find passive items: further enhance your party with powerful passive items create your build: explore the possibilities and combinations to create your own unique build ]]--