-- The base Trigger class. -- A global instance of this called "trigger" is available by default. Trigger = Object:extend() function Trigger:init() self.triggers = {} self.time = love.timer.getTime() end -- Calls the action every frame until it's cancelled via trigger:cancel. -- The tag must be passed in otherwise there will be no way to stop this from running. -- If after is passed in then it is called after the run is cancelled. function Trigger:run(action, after, tag) local tag = tag or random:uid() local after = after or function() end self.triggers[tag] = {type = "run", timer = 0, after = after, action = action} end -- Calls the action after delay seconds. -- Or calls the action after the condition is true. -- If tag is passed in then any other trigger actions with the same tag are automatically cancelled. -- trigger:after(2, function() print(1) end) -> prints 1 after 2 seconds -- trigger:after(function() return self.should_print_1 end, function() print(1) end) -> prints 1 after self.should_print_1 is set to true function Trigger:after(delay, action, tag) local tag = tag or random:uid() if type(delay) == "number" or type(delay) == "table" then self.triggers[tag] = {type = "after", timer = 0, unresolved_delay = delay, delay = self:resolve_delay(delay), action = action} else self.triggers[tag] = {type = "conditional_after", condition = delay, action = action} end end -- Calls the action every delay seconds if the condition is true. -- If the condition isn't true when delay seconds are up then it waits and only performs the action and resets the timer when that happens. -- If times is passed in then it only calls action for that amount of times. -- If after is passed in then it is called after the last time action is called. -- If tag is passed in then any other trigger actions with the same tag are automatically cancelled. -- trigger:cooldown(2, function() return #self:get_objects_in_shape(self.attack_sensor, enemies) > 0 end, function() self:attack() end) -> only attacks when 2 seconds have passed and there are more than 0 enemies around function Trigger:cooldown(delay, condition, action, times, after, tag) local times = times or 0 local after = after or function() end local tag = tag or random:uid() self.triggers[tag] = {type = "cooldown", timer = 0, unresolved_delay = delay, delay = self:resolve_delay(delay), condition = condition, action = action, times = times, max_times = times, after = after, multiplier = 1} end -- Calls the action every delay seconds. -- Or calls the action once every time the condition becomes true. -- If times is passed in then it only calls action for that amount of times. -- If after is passed in then it is called after the last time action is called. -- If tag is passed in then any other trigger actions with the same tag are automatically cancelled. -- trigger:every(2, function() print(1) end) -> prints 1 every 2 seconds -- trigger:every(2, function() print(1) end, 5, function() print(2) end) -> prints 1 every 2 seconds 5 times, and then prints 2 -- trigger:every(function() return player.hit end, function() print(1) end) -> prints 1 every time the player is hit -- trigger:every(function() return player.grounded end, function() print(1), 5, function() print(2) end) -> prints 1 every time the player becomes grounded 5 times, and then prints 2 -- Note that if using this as a condition, the action will only be triggered when the condition jumps from being false to true. -- If the condition remains true for multiple frames then the action won't be triggered further, unless it becomes false and then becomes true again. function Trigger:every(delay, action, times, after, tag) local times = times or 0 local after = after or function() end local tag = tag or random:uid() if type(delay) == "number" or type(delay) == "table" then self.triggers[tag] = {type = "every", timer = 0, unresolved_delay = delay, delay = self:resolve_delay(delay), action = action, times = times, max_times = times, after = after, multiplier = 1} else self.triggers[tag] = {type = "conditional_every", condition = delay, last_condition = false, action = action, times = times, max_times = times, after = after} end end -- Same as every except the action is called immediately when this function is called, and then every delay seconds. function Trigger:every_immediate(delay, action, times, after, tag) local times = times or 0 local after = after or function() end local tag = tag or random:uid() self.triggers[tag] = {type = "every", timer = 0, unresolved_delay = delay, delay = self:resolve_delay(delay), action = action, times = times, max_times = times, after = after, multiplier = 1} action() end -- Calls the action every frame for delay seconds. -- Or calls the action every frame the condition is true. -- If after is passed in then it is called after the duration ends or after the condition becomes false. -- If tag is passed in then any other trigger actions with the same tag are automatically cancelled. -- trigger:during(5, function() print(random:float(0, 100)) end) -- trigger:during(function() return self.should_print_random_float end, function() print(random:float(0, 100)) end) -> prints the random float as long as self.should_print_random_float is true function Trigger:during(delay, action, after, tag) local after = after or function() end local tag = tag or random:uid() if type(delay) == "number" or type(delay) == "table" then self.triggers[tag] = {type = "during", timer = 0, unresolved_delay = delay, delay = self:resolve_delay(delay), action = action, after = after} elseif type(delay) == "function" then self.triggers[tag] = {type = "conditional_during", condition = delay, last_condition = false, action = action, after = after} end end -- Tweens the target's values specified by the source table for delay seconds using the given tweening method. -- All tween methods can be found in the math/math file. -- If after is passed in then it is called after the duration ends. -- If tag is passed in then any other trigger actions with the same tag are automatically cancelled. -- trigger:tween(0.2, self, {sx = 0, sy = 0}, math.linear) -> tweens this object's scale variables to 0 linearly over 0.2 seconds -- trigger:tween(0.2, self, {sx = 0, sy = 0}, math.linear, function() self.dead = true end) -> tweens this object's scale variables to 0 linearly over 0.2 seconds and then kills it function Trigger:tween(delay, target, source, method, after, tag) local method = method or math.linear local after = after or function() end local tag = tag or random:uid() local initial_values = {} for k, _ in pairs(source) do initial_values[k] = target[k] end self.triggers[tag] = {type = "tween", timer = 0, unresolved_delay = delay, delay = self:resolve_delay(delay), target = target, initial_values = initial_values, source = source, method = method, after = after} end -- Cancels a trigger action based on its tag. -- This is automatically called if repeated tags are given to trigger actions. function Trigger:cancel(tag) if self.triggers[tag] and self.triggers[tag].type == "run" then self.triggers[tag].after() end self.triggers[tag] = nil end -- Resets the timer for a tag. -- Useful when you need to start counting that tag from 0 after an event happens. function Trigger:reset(tag) self.triggers[tag].timer = 0 end -- Returns the delay of a given tag. -- This is useful when delays are set randomly (trigger:every({2, 4}, ...) would set the delay at a random number between 2 and 4) and you need to know what the value chosen was. function Trigger:get_delay(tag) return self.triggers[tag].delay end -- Returns the current iteration of an every trigger action with the given tag. -- Useful if you need to know that its the nth time an every action has been called. function Trigger:get_every_iteration(tag) return self.triggers[tag].max_times - self.triggers[tag].times end -- Sets a multiplier for an every tag. -- This is useful when you need the event to happen in a varying interval, like based on the player's attack speed, which might change every frame based on buffs. -- Call this on the update function with the appropriate multiplier. function Trigger:set_every_multiplier(tag, multiplier) if not self.triggers[tag] then return end self.triggers[tag].multiplier = multiplier or 1 end function Trigger:get_every_multiplier(tag) if not self.triggers[tag] then return end return self.triggers[tag].multiplier end -- Returns the elapsed time of a given trigger as a number between 0 and 1. -- Useful if you need to know where you currently are in the duration of a during call. function Trigger:get_during_elapsed_time(tag) if not self.triggers[tag] then return end return self.triggers[tag].timer/self.triggers[tag].delay end function Trigger:get_timer_and_delay(tag) if not self.triggers[tag] then return end return self.triggers[tag].timer, self.triggers[tag].delay end function Trigger:get_time() self.time = love.timer.getTime() return self.time end function Trigger:resolve_delay(delay) if type(delay) == "table" then return random:float(delay[1], delay[2]) else return delay end end function Trigger:destroy() self.triggers = nil end function Trigger:update(dt) self.time = self.time + dt for tag, trigger in pairs(self.triggers) do if trigger.timer then trigger.timer = trigger.timer + dt end if trigger.type == "run" then trigger.action() elseif trigger.type == "cooldown" then if trigger.timer > trigger.delay*trigger.multiplier and trigger.condition() then trigger.action() trigger.timer = 0 trigger.delay = self:resolve_delay(trigger.unresolved_delay) if trigger.times > 0 then trigger.times = trigger.times - 1 if trigger.times <= 0 then trigger.after() self.triggers[tag] = nil end end end elseif trigger.type == "after" then if trigger.timer > trigger.delay then trigger.action() self.triggers[tag] = nil end elseif trigger.type == "conditional_after" then if trigger.condition() then trigger.action() self.triggers[tag] = nil end elseif trigger.type == "every" then if trigger.timer > trigger.delay*trigger.multiplier then trigger.action() trigger.timer = trigger.timer - trigger.delay*trigger.multiplier trigger.delay = self:resolve_delay(trigger.unresolved_delay) if trigger.times > 0 then trigger.times = trigger.times - 1 if trigger.times <= 0 then trigger.after() self.triggers[tag] = nil end end end elseif trigger.type == "conditional_every" then local condition = trigger.condition() if condition and not trigger.last_condition then trigger.action() if trigger.times > 0 then trigger.times = trigger.times - 1 if trigger.times <= 0 then trigger.after() self.triggers[tag] = nil end end end trigger.last_condition = condition elseif trigger.type == "during" then trigger.action(dt) if trigger.timer > trigger.delay then trigger.after() self.triggers[tag] = nil end elseif trigger.type == "conditional_during" then local condition = trigger.condition() if condition then trigger.action() end if trigger.last_condition and not condition then trigger.after() end trigger.last_condition = condition elseif trigger.type == "tween" then local t = trigger.method(trigger.timer/trigger.delay) for k, v in pairs(trigger.source) do trigger.target[k] = math.lerp(t, trigger.initial_values[k], v) end if trigger.timer > trigger.delay then trigger.after() self.triggers[tag] = nil end end end end