Mini Boss every 3rd level Show a unit DPS list like Underlord's to the right side of the screen About 20-30 passive items that can be collected every 3 levels Lv.3 effects for every character Boss ideas Pretends to be dead, grants speed buffs to enemies after death, especially if the round has gone on for too long which means the player is surviving with 1 unit Classes and characters Trapper: releases +1 trap Plague Doctor [trapper, nuker]: releases an area that deals 6 AoE DoT Fisherman [trapper, warrior]: throws a net that entangles enemies and prevents them from moving Lich [mage, enchanter]: nearby enemies have decreased movement speed Items Resonance: hitting walls has a chance of releasing projectiles Ouroboros Technique: rotating around yourself makes every unit release projectiles AoE 1: all units that deal AoE damage have increased stat AoE 2: increased stat if all your units that deal damage deal AoE damage Proj 1: all units that release projectiles have increased stat Proj 2: increased stat if all your units that deal damage release projectiles Wallrider: hitting walls grants a speed buff for a small duration Enemy modifiers Grant nearby enemies a speed boost on death Grant nearby enemies a damage boost on death Explode into projectiles on death Charge up and headbutt towards the player at increased speed and damage Immune to knockback UI Highlight units of a class when hovering over the class icon in the "sets" section Add stat details to each unit when hovering over it in the "party" section Balance More damage to AoE units with big cooldowns Warriors that deal AoE damage should deal extra damage based on number of enemies hit Bugs Squire and Chronomancer don't affect leader Sage's pull force doesn't increase with unit level Cleric's healing amount doesn't increase with unit level Squire and Chronomancer's buffs don't increase with unit level