local path = ... if not path:find("init") then require(path .. ".datastructures.string") require(path .. ".datastructures.table") require(path .. ".external") require(path .. ".graphics.graphics") require(path .. ".game.object") require(path .. ".system") require(path .. ".datastructures.graph") require(path .. ".datastructures.grid") require(path .. ".game.gameobject") require(path .. ".game.group") require(path .. ".game.state") require(path .. ".game.physics") require(path .. ".game.steering") require(path .. ".graphics.animation") require(path .. ".graphics.camera") require(path .. ".graphics.canvas") require(path .. ".graphics.color") require(path .. ".graphics.font") require(path .. ".graphics.image") require(path .. ".graphics.shader") require(path .. ".graphics.text") require(path .. ".graphics.tileset") require(path .. ".map.solid") require(path .. ".map.tilemap") require(path .. ".math.polygon") require(path .. ".math.chain") require(path .. ".math.circle") require(path .. ".math.line") require(path .. ".math.math") require(path .. ".math.random") require(path .. ".math.rectangle") require(path .. ".math.spring") require(path .. ".math.triangle") require(path .. ".math.vector") require(path .. ".game.trigger") require(path .. ".game.input") require(path .. ".sound") require(path .. ".game.parent") require(path .. ".game.springs") require(path .. ".game.flashes") require(path .. ".game.hitfx") end function engine_run(config) if not web then love.filesystem.setIdentity(config.game_name) steam.init() system.load_state() local _, _, flags = love.window.getMode() local window_width, window_height = love.window.getDesktopDimensions(flags.display) if config.window_width ~= 'max' then window_width = config.window_width end if config.window_height ~= 'max' then window_height = config.window_height end local limits = love.graphics.getSystemLimits() local anisotropy = limits.anisotropy msaa = limits.canvasmsaa if config.msaa ~= 'max' then msaa = config.msaa end if config.anisotropy ~= 'max' then anisotropy = config.anisotropy end gw, gh = config.game_width or 480, config.game_height or 270 sx, sy = window_width/(config.game_width or 480), window_height/(config.game_height or 270) ww, wh = window_width, window_height if state.sx and state.sy then sx, sy = state.sx, state.sy love.window.setMode(state.sx*gw, state.sy*gh, {fullscreen = state.fullscreen, vsync = config.vsync, msaa = msaa or 0, display = config.display}) else state.sx, state.sy = sx, sy love.window.setMode(window_width, window_height, {fullscreen = config.fullscreen, vsync = config.vsync, msaa = msaa or 0, display = config.display}) end love.window.setTitle(config.game_name) else gw, gh = config.game_width or 480, config.game_height or 270 sx, sy = 2, 2 ww, wh = 960, 540 end love.window.setIcon(love.image.newImageData('assets/images/icon.png')) love.graphics.setBackgroundColor(0, 0, 0, 1) love.graphics.setColor(1, 1, 1, 1) love.joystick.loadGamepadMappings("engine/gamecontrollerdb.txt") graphics.set_line_style(config.line_style or "rough") graphics.set_default_filter(config.default_filter or "nearest", config.default_filter or "nearest", anisotropy or 0) combine = Shader("default.vert", "combine.frag") replace = Shader("default.vert", "replace.frag") full_combine = Shader("default.vert", "full_combine.frag") input = Input() input:bind_all() for k, v in pairs(config.input or {}) do input:bind(k, v) end random = Random() trigger = Trigger() camera = Camera(gw/2, gh/2) mouse = Vector(0, 0) last_mouse = Vector(0, 0) mouse_dt = Vector(0, 0) init() if love.timer then love.timer.step() end if not web then _, _, flags = love.window.getMode() fixed_dt = 1/flags.refreshrate else fixed_dt = 1/60 end local accumulator = fixed_dt local dt = 0 frame, time = 0, 0 if not web then refresh_rate = flags.refreshrate else refresh_rate = 60 end return function() if love.event then love.event.pump() for name, a, b, c, d, e, f in love.event.poll() do if name == "quit" then if not love.quit or not love.quit() then system.save_state() steam.shutdown() return a or 0 end elseif name == "keypressed" then input.keyboard_state[a] = true; input.last_key_pressed = a elseif name == "keyreleased" then input.keyboard_state[a] = false elseif name == "mousepressed" then input.mouse_state[input.mouse_buttons[c]] = true; input.last_key_pressed = input.mouse_buttons[c] elseif name == "mousereleased" then input.mouse_state[input.mouse_buttons[c]] = false elseif name == "wheelmoved" then if b == 1 then input.mouse_state.wheel_up = true elseif b == -1 then input.mouse_state.wheel_down = true end elseif name == "gamepadpressed" then input.gamepad_state[input.index_to_gamepad_button[b]] = true; input.last_key_pressed = input.index_to_gamepad_button[b] elseif name == "gamepadreleased" then input.gamepad_state[input.index_to_gamepad_button[b]] = false elseif name == "gamepadaxis" then input.gamepad_axis[input.index_to_gamepad_axis[b]] = c elseif name == "textinput" then input:textinput(a) end end end if love.timer then dt = love.timer.step() end steam.runCallbacks() accumulator = accumulator + dt while accumulator >= fixed_dt do frame = frame + 1 input:update(fixed_dt) trigger:update(fixed_dt) camera:update(fixed_dt) local mx, my = love.mouse.getPosition() mouse:set(mx/sx, my/sy) mouse_dt:set(mouse.x - last_mouse.x, mouse.y - last_mouse.y) update(fixed_dt) system.update() input.last_key_pressed = nil last_mouse:set(mouse.x, mouse.y) accumulator = accumulator - fixed_dt time = time + fixed_dt end if love.graphics and love.graphics.isActive() then love.graphics.origin() love.graphics.clear(love.graphics.getBackgroundColor()) draw() love.graphics.present() end if love.timer then love.timer.sleep(0.001) end end end