Hide cursor during waves Mouse follow control? Item reroll for 15 gold Option to have an arrow at the head of the snake - https://imgur.com/a/poXVsoN Balance option for when there are more sets - https://i.imgur.com/JMynwbL.png Bench? - https://i.imgur.com/B1gNVKk.png Patch Notes: Decreased projectile speed for the exploder (blue enemy) Added tooltips for "restart run" and "tutorial" buttons on the shop Added a hold mechanism to the restart button, now it will only trigger a restart if you hold the button down for 1 second Fixed text that was going outside the screen for the Priest and the Assassin Fixed bug where Divine Punishment would continue triggering after death Removed cooldown visuals on snake for units that don't have cooldowns (Squire, Chronomancer and Psykeeper) Slightly decreased base game's difficulty