Player = Object:extend() Player:implement(GameObject) Player:implement(Physics) Player:implement(Unit) function Player:init(args) self:init_game_object(args) self:init_unit() if self.character == 'vagrant' then self.color = character_colors.vagrant self:set_as_rectangle(9, 9, 'dynamic', 'player') self.visual_shape = 'rectangle' self.classes = character_classes.vagrant self.attack_sensor = Circle(self.x, self.y, 96) self.t:cooldown(2, function() local enemies = self:get_objects_in_shape(self.attack_sensor, main.current.enemies); return enemies and #enemies > 0 end, function() local closest_enemy = self:get_closest_object_in_shape(self.attack_sensor, main.current.enemies) if closest_enemy then self:shoot(self:angle_to_object(closest_enemy)) end end, nil, nil, 'shoot') elseif self.character == 'swordsman' then self.color = character_colors.swordsman self:set_as_rectangle(9, 9, 'dynamic', 'player') self.visual_shape = 'rectangle' self.classes = character_classes.swordsman self.attack_sensor = Circle(self.x, self.y, 64) self.t:cooldown(3, function() local enemies = self:get_objects_in_shape(self.attack_sensor, main.current.enemies); return enemies and #enemies > 0 end, function() self:attack(96) end, nil, nil, 'attack') elseif self.character == 'wizard' then self.color = character_colors.wizard self:set_as_rectangle(9, 9, 'dynamic', 'player') self.visual_shape = 'rectangle' self.classes = character_classes.wizard self.attack_sensor = Circle(self.x, self.y, 128) self.t:cooldown(2, function() local enemies = self:get_objects_in_shape(self.attack_sensor, main.current.enemies); return enemies and #enemies > 0 end, function() local closest_enemy = self:get_closest_object_in_shape(self.attack_sensor, main.current.enemies) if closest_enemy then self:shoot(self:angle_to_object(closest_enemy)) end end, nil, nil, 'shoot') elseif self.character == 'archer' then self.color = character_colors.archer self:set_as_rectangle(9, 9, 'dynamic', 'player') self.visual_shape = 'rectangle' self.classes = character_classes.archer self.attack_sensor = Circle(self.x, self.y, 160) self.t:cooldown(2, function() local enemies = self:get_objects_in_shape(self.attack_sensor, main.current.enemies); return enemies and #enemies > 0 end, function() local closest_enemy = self:get_closest_object_in_shape(self.attack_sensor, main.current.enemies) if closest_enemy then self:shoot(self:angle_to_object(closest_enemy), {pierce = 1000}) end end, nil, nil, 'shoot') elseif self.character == 'scout' then self.color = character_colors.scout self:set_as_rectangle(9, 9, 'dynamic', 'player') self.visual_shape = 'rectangle' self.classes = character_classes.scout self.attack_sensor = Circle(self.x, self.y, 64) self.t:cooldown(2, function() local enemies = self:get_objects_in_shape(self.attack_sensor, main.current.enemies); return enemies and #enemies > 0 end, function() local closest_enemy = self:get_closest_object_in_shape(self.attack_sensor, main.current.enemies) if closest_enemy then self:shoot(self:angle_to_object(closest_enemy), {chain = 3}) end end, nil, nil, 'shoot') elseif self.character == 'cleric' then self.color = character_colors.cleric self:set_as_rectangle(9, 9, 'dynamic', 'player') self.visual_shape = 'rectangle' self.classes = character_classes.cleric self.last_heal_time = love.timer.getTime() self.t:every(2, function() local all_units = self:get_all_units() if table.any(all_units, function(v) return v.hp <= 0.5*v.max_hp end) and love.timer.getTime() - self.last_heal_time > 6 then self.last_heal_time = love.timer.getTime() for _, unit in ipairs(all_units) do unit:heal(0.1*unit.max_hp*(self.heal_effect_m or 1)) end heal1:play{pitch = random:float(0.95, 1.05), volume = 0.5} end end) elseif self.character == 'outlaw' then self.color = character_colors.outlaw self:set_as_rectangle(9, 9, 'dynamic', 'player') self.visual_shape = 'rectangle' self.classes = character_classes.outlaw self.attack_sensor = Circle(self.x, self.y, 96) self.t:cooldown(3, function() local enemies = self:get_objects_in_shape(self.attack_sensor, main.current.enemies); return enemies and #enemies > 0 end, function() local closest_enemy = self:get_closest_object_in_shape(self.attack_sensor, main.current.enemies) if closest_enemy then self:shoot(self:angle_to_object(closest_enemy)) end end, nil, nil, 'shoot') elseif self.character == 'blade' then self.color = character_colors.blade self:set_as_rectangle(9, 9, 'dynamic', 'player') self.visual_shape = 'rectangle' self.classes = character_classes.blade self.attack_sensor = Circle(self.x, self.y, 64) self.t:cooldown(4, function() local enemies = self:get_objects_in_shape(self.attack_sensor, main.current.enemies); return enemies and #enemies > 0 end, function() self:shoot() end, nil, nil, 'shoot') elseif self.character == 'elementor' then self.color = character_colors.elementor self:set_as_rectangle(9, 9, 'dynamic', 'player') self.visual_shape = 'rectangle' self.classes = character_classes.elementor self.attack_sensor = Circle(self.x, self.y, 128) self.t:cooldown(7, function() local enemies = self:get_objects_in_shape(self.attack_sensor, main.current.enemies); return enemies and #enemies > 0 end, function() local enemy = self:get_random_object_in_shape(self.attack_sensor, main.current.enemies) if enemy then self:attack(128, {x = enemy.x, y = enemy.y}) end end, nil, nil, 'attack') elseif self.character == 'saboteur' then self.color = character_colors.saboteur self:set_as_rectangle(9, 9, 'dynamic', 'player') self.visual_shape = 'rectangle' self.classes = character_classes.saboteur self.t:every(8, function() self.t:every(0.25, function() SpawnEffect{group = main.current.effects, x = self.x, y = self.y, action = function(x, y) Saboteur{group = main.current.main, x = x, y = y, parent = self, conjurer_buff_m = self.conjurer_buff_m or 1} end} end, 2) end) elseif self.character == 'stormweaver' then self.color = character_colors.stormweaver self:set_as_rectangle(9, 9, 'dynamic', 'player') self.visual_shape = 'rectangle' self.classes = character_classes.stormweaver self.t:every(8, function() stormweaver1:play{pitch = random:float(0.95, 1.05), volume = 0.5} local followers local leader = (self.leader and self) or self.parent if self.leader then followers = self.followers else followers = self.parent.followers end for _, f in ipairs(followers) do if f.character ~= 'swordsman' and f.character ~= 'cleric' and f.character ~= 'elementor' and f.character ~= 'saboteur' then f:chain_infuse(4) end end end) elseif self.character == 'sage' then self.color = character_colors.sage self:set_as_rectangle(9, 9, 'dynamic', 'player') self.visual_shape = 'rectangle' self.classes = character_classes.sage self.attack_sensor = Circle(self.x, self.y, 96) self.t:cooldown(12, function() local enemies = self:get_objects_in_shape(self.attack_sensor, main.current.enemies); return enemies and #enemies > 0 end, function() local closest_enemy = self:get_closest_object_in_shape(self.attack_sensor, main.current.enemies) if closest_enemy then self:shoot(self:angle_to_object(closest_enemy)) end end) elseif self.character == 'squire' then self.color = character_colors.squire self:set_as_rectangle(9, 9, 'dynamic', 'player') self.visual_shape = 'rectangle' self.classes = character_classes.squire elseif self.character == 'cannoneer' then self.color = character_colors.cannoneer self:set_as_rectangle(9, 9, 'dynamic', 'player') self.visual_shape = 'rectangle' self.classes = character_classes.cannoneer self.attack_sensor = Circle(self.x, self.y, 128) self.t:cooldown(6, function() local enemies = self:get_objects_in_shape(self.attack_sensor, main.current.enemies); return enemies and #enemies > 0 end, function() local closest_enemy = self:get_closest_object_in_shape(self.attack_sensor, main.current.enemies) if closest_enemy then self:shoot(self:angle_to_object(closest_enemy)) end end, nil, nil, 'shoot') elseif self.character == 'dual_gunner' then self.color = character_colors.dual_gunner self:set_as_rectangle(9, 9, 'dynamic', 'player') self.visual_shape = 'rectangle' self.classes = character_classes.dual_gunner self.attack_sensor = Circle(self.x, self.y, 96) self.t:cooldown(2, function() local enemies = self:get_objects_in_shape(self.attack_sensor, main.current.enemies); return enemies and #enemies > 0 end, function() local closest_enemy = self:get_closest_object_in_shape(self.attack_sensor, main.current.enemies) if closest_enemy then self:shoot(self:angle_to_object(closest_enemy)) end end, nil, nil, 'shoot') elseif self.character == 'hunter' then self.color = character_colors.hunter self:set_as_rectangle(9, 9, 'dynamic', 'player') self.visual_shape = 'rectangle' self.classes = character_classes.hunter self.attack_sensor = Circle(self.x, self.y, 160) self.t:cooldown(2, function() local enemies = self:get_objects_in_shape(self.attack_sensor, main.current.enemies); return enemies and #enemies > 0 end, function() local closest_enemy = self:get_closest_object_in_shape(self.attack_sensor, main.current.enemies) if closest_enemy then self:shoot(self:angle_to_object(closest_enemy)) end end, nil, nil, 'shoot') elseif self.character == 'chronomancer' then self.color = character_colors.chronomancer self:set_as_rectangle(9, 9, 'dynamic', 'player') self.visual_shape = 'rectangle' self.classes = character_classes.chronomancer elseif self.character == 'spellblade' then self.color = character_colors.spellblade self:set_as_rectangle(9, 9, 'dynamic', 'player') self.visual_shape = 'rectangle' self.classes = character_classes.spellblade self.t:every(2, function() self:shoot(random:float(0, 2*math.pi)) end, nil, nil, 'shoot') elseif self.character == 'psykeeper' then self.color = character_colors.psykeeper self:set_as_rectangle(9, 9, 'dynamic', 'player') self.visual_shape = 'rectangle' self.classes = character_classes.psykeeper elseif self.character == 'engineer' then self.color = self:set_as_rectangle(9, 9, 'dynamic', 'player') self.visual_shape = 'rectangle' self.classes = self.t:every(8, function() SpawnEffect{group = main.current.effects, x = self.x, y = self.y, color = orange[0], action = function(x, y) Turret{group = main.current.main, x = x, y = y, parent = self} end} end) end self:calculate_stats(true) if self.leader then self.previous_positions = {} self.followers = {} self.t:every(0.01, function() table.insert(self.previous_positions, 1, {x = self.x, y = self.y, r = self.r}) if #self.previous_positions > 256 then self.previous_positions[257] = nil end end) end end function Player:update(dt) self:update_game_object(dt) if self.character == 'squire' then local all_units = self:get_all_units() for _, unit in ipairs(all_units) do unit.squire_dmg_m = 1.1 unit.squire_def_m = 1.1 end elseif self.character == 'chronomancer' then local all_units = self:get_all_units() for _, unit in ipairs(all_units) do unit.chronomancer_aspd_m = 1.2 end end if table.any(self.classes, function(v) return v == 'ranger' end) then if main.current.ranger_level == 2 then self.chance_to_barrage = 20 elseif main.current.ranger_level == 1 then self.chance_to_barrage = 10 elseif main.current.ranger_level == 0 then self.chance_to_barrage = 0 end end if table.any(self.classes, function(v) return v == 'warrior' end) then if main.current.warrior_level == 2 then self.warrior_def_a = 50 elseif main.current.warrior_level == 1 then self.warrior_def_a = 25 elseif main.current.warrior_level == 0 then self.warrior_def_a = 0 end end if table.any(self.classes, function(v) return v == 'healer' end) then if main.current.healer_level == 1 then self.heal_effect_m = 1.25 else self.heal_effect_m = 1 end end if table.any(self.classes, function(v) return v == 'nuker' end) then if main.current.nuker_level == 2 then self.nuker_area_size_m = 1.25; self.nuker_area_dmg_m = 1.25 elseif main.current.nuker_level == 1 then self.nuker_area_size_m = 1.15; self.nuker_area_dmg_m = 1.15 elseif main.current.nuker_level == 0 then self.nuker_area_size_m = 1; self.nuker_area_dmg_m = 1 end end if table.any(self.classes, function(v) return v == 'conjurer' end) then if main.current.conjurer_level == 1 then self.conjurer_buff_m = 1.25 else self.conjurer_buff_m = 1 end end if table.any(self.classes, function(v) return v == 'rogue' end) then if main.current.rogue_level == 2 then self.chance_to_crit = 20 elseif main.current.rogue_level == 1 then self.chance_to_crit = 10 elseif main.current.rogue_level == 0 then self.chance_to_crit = 0 end end if table.any(self.classes, function(v) return v == 'enchanter' end) then if main.current.enchanter_level == 1 then self.enchanter_dmg_m = 1.25 else self.enchanter_dmg_m = 1 end end self.buff_def_a = (self.warrior_def_a or 0) self.buff_aspd_m = (self.chronomancer_aspd_m or 1) self.buff_dmg_m = (self.squire_dmg_m or 1)*(main.current.enchanter_dmg_m or 1) self.buff_def_m = (self.squire_def_m or 1) self.buff_area_size_m = (self.nuker_area_size_m or 1) self.buff_area_dmg_m = (self.nuker_area_dmg_m or 1) self:calculate_stats() if self.attack_sensor then self.attack_sensor:move_to(self.x, self.y) end self.t:set_every_multiplier('shoot', self.aspd_m) self.t:set_every_multiplier('attack', self.aspd_m) if self.leader then if input.move_left.down then self.r = self.r - 1.66*math.pi*dt end if input.move_right.down then self.r = self.r + 1.66*math.pi*dt end self:set_velocity(self.v*math.cos(self.r), self.v*math.sin(self.r)) if not main.current.won then local vx, vy = self:get_velocity() local hd = math.remap(math.abs(self.x - gw/2), 0, 192, 1, 0) local vd = math.remap(math.abs(self.y - gh/2), 0, 108, 1, 0) camera.x = camera.x + math.remap(vx, -100, 100, -24*hd, 24*hd)*dt camera.y = camera.y + math.remap(vy, -100, 100, -8*vd, 8*vd)*dt if input.move_right.down then camera.r = math.lerp_angle_dt(0.01, dt, camera.r, math.pi/256) elseif input.move_left.down then camera.r = math.lerp_angle_dt(0.01, dt, camera.r, -math.pi/256) elseif input.move_down.down then camera.r = math.lerp_angle_dt(0.01, dt, camera.r, math.pi/256) elseif input.move_up.down then camera.r = math.lerp_angle_dt(0.01, dt, camera.r, -math.pi/256) else camera.r = math.lerp_angle_dt(0.005, dt, camera.r, 0) end end self:set_angle(self.r) else local target_distance = 10.4*(self.follower_index or 0) local distance_sum = 0 local p local previous = self.parent for i, point in ipairs(self.parent.previous_positions) do local distance_to_previous = math.distance(previous.x, previous.y, point.x, point.y) distance_sum = distance_sum + distance_to_previous if distance_sum >= target_distance then p = point break end previous = point end if p then self:set_position(p.x, p.y) self.r = p.r if not self.following then spawn1:play{pitch = random:float(0.8, 1.2), volume = 0.15} for i = 1, random:int(3, 4) do HitParticle{group = main.current.effects, x = self.x, y = self.y, color = self.color} end HitCircle{group = main.current.effects, x = self.x, y = self.y, rs = 10, color = fg[0]}:scale_down(0.3):change_color(0.5, self.color) self.following = true end else self.r = self:get_angle() end end end function Player:draw() graphics.push(self.x, self.y, self.r, self.hfx.hit.x*self.hfx.shoot.x, self.hfx.hit.x*self.hfx.shoot.x) if self.visual_shape == 'rectangle' then graphics.rectangle(self.x, self.y, self.shape.w, self.shape.h, 3, 3, (self.hfx.hit.f or self.hfx.shoot.f) and fg[0] or self.color) end graphics.pop() end function Player:on_collision_enter(other, contact) local x, y = contact:getPositions() if other:is(Wall) then if self.leader then if other.snkrx then main.current.level_1000_text:pull(0.2, 200, 10) end self.hfx:use('hit', 0.5, 200, 10, 0.1) camera:spring_shake(2, math.pi - self.r) self:bounce(contact:getNormal()) local r = random:float(0.9, 1.1) player_hit_wall1:play{pitch = r, volume = 0.1} pop1:play{pitch = r, volume = 0.2} for i, f in ipairs(self.followers) do trigger:after(i*(10.6/self.v), function() f.hfx:use('hit', 0.5, 200, 10, 0.1) player_hit_wall1:play{pitch = r + 0.025*i, volume = 0.1} pop1:play{pitch = r + 0.05*i, volume = 0.2} end) end end elseif table.any(main.current.enemies, function(v) return other:is(v) end) then other:push(random:float(25, 35), self:angle_to_object(other)) if self.character == 'vagrant' or self.character == 'psykeeper' then other:hit(2*self.dmg) else other:hit(self.dmg) end if other.headbutting then self:hit((4 + math.floor(other.level/3))*other.dmg) else self:hit(other.dmg) end HitCircle{group = main.current.effects, x = x, y = y, rs = 6, color = fg[0], duration = 0.1} for i = 1, 2 do HitParticle{group = main.current.effects, x = x, y = y, color = self.color} end for i = 1, 2 do HitParticle{group = main.current.effects, x = x, y = y, color = other.color} end end end function Player:hit(damage) if self.dead then return end self.hfx:use('hit', 0.25, 200, 10) self:show_hp() local actual_damage = self:calculate_damage(damage) self.hp = self.hp - actual_damage _G[random:table{'player_hit1', 'player_hit2'}]:play{pitch = random:float(0.95, 1.05), volume = 0.5} camera:shake(4, 0.5) main.current.damage_taken = main.current.damage_taken + actual_damage local psykeeper = self:get_unit'psykeeper' if psykeeper then psykeeper.stored_heal = psykeeper.stored_heal + actual_damage if psykeeper.stored_heal > (0.1*self.level*psykeeper.max_hp) then local all_units = self:get_all_units() for _, unit in ipairs(all_units) do unit:heal(psykeeper.stored_heal*(self.heal_effect_m or 1)) end psykeeper.stored_heal = 0 heal1:play{pitch = random:float(0.95, 1.05), volume = 0.5} end end if self.hp <= 0 then hit4:play{pitch = random:float(0.95, 1.05), volume = 0.5} slow(0.25, 1) self.dead = true for i = 1, random:int(4, 6) do HitParticle{group = main.current.effects, x = self.x, y = self.y, color = self.color} end HitCircle{group = main.current.effects, x = self.x, y = self.y, rs = 12}:scale_down(0.3):change_color(0.5, self.color) if self.leader and #self.followers == 0 then main.current:die() else if self.leader then self:recalculate_followers() else self.parent:recalculate_followers() end end end end function Player:heal(amount) local hp = self.hp self.hfx:use('hit', 0.25, 200, 10) self:show_hp(1.5) self:show_heal(1.5) self.hp = self.hp + amount if self.hp > self.max_hp then self.hp = self.max_hp end end function Player:chain_infuse(duration) self.chain_infused = true self.t:after(duration or 2, function() self.chain_infused = false end, 'chain_infuse') end function Player:get_all_units() local followers local leader = (self.leader and self) or self.parent if self.leader then followers = self.followers else followers = self.parent.followers end return {leader, unpack(followers)} end function Player:get_unit(character) local all_units = self:get_all_units() for _, unit in ipairs(all_units) do if unit.character == character then return unit end end end function Player:recalculate_followers() if self.dead then local new_leader = table.remove(self.followers, 1) new_leader.leader = true new_leader.previous_positions = {} new_leader.followers = self.followers new_leader.t:every(0.01, function() table.insert(new_leader.previous_positions, 1, {x = new_leader.x, y = new_leader.y, r = new_leader.r}) if #new_leader.previous_positions > 256 then new_leader.previous_positions[257] = nil end end) main.current.player = new_leader for i, follower in ipairs(self.followers) do follower.parent = new_leader follower.follower_index = i end else for i = #self.followers, 1, -1 do if self.followers[i].dead then table.remove(self.followers, i) break end end for i, follower in ipairs(self.followers) do follower.follower_index = i end end end function Player:add_follower(unit) table.insert(self.followers, unit) unit.parent = self unit.follower_index = #self.followers end function Player:shoot(r, mods) mods = mods or {} camera:spring_shake(2, r) self.hfx:use('shoot', 0.25) local dmg_m = 1 local crit = false if self.chance_to_crit and random:bool(self.chance_to_crit) then dmg_m = 4; crit = true end if self.character == 'outlaw' then HitCircle{group = main.current.effects, x = self.x + 0.8*self.shape.w*math.cos(r), y = self.y + 0.8*self.shape.w*math.sin(r), rs = 6} r = r - 2*math.pi/8 for i = 1, 5 do local t = {group = main.current.main, x = self.x + 1.6*self.shape.w*math.cos(r), y = self.y + 1.6*self.shape.w*math.sin(r), v = 250, r = r, color = self.color, dmg = self.dmg*dmg_m, crit = crit, character = self.character, parent = self} Projectile(table.merge(t, mods or {})) r = r + math.pi/8 end elseif self.character == 'blade' then local enemies = self:get_objects_in_shape(self.attack_sensor, main.current.enemies) if enemies and #enemies > 0 then for _, enemy in ipairs(enemies) do local r = self:angle_to_object(enemy) HitCircle{group = main.current.effects, x = self.x + 0.8*self.shape.w*math.cos(r), y = self.y + 0.8*self.shape.w*math.sin(r), rs = 6} local t = {group = main.current.main, x = self.x + 1.6*self.shape.w*math.cos(r), y = self.y + 1.6*self.shape.w*math.sin(r), v = 250, r = r, color = self.color, dmg = self.dmg*dmg_m, crit = crit, character = self.character, parent = self} Projectile(table.merge(t, mods or {})) end end elseif self.character == 'sage' then HitCircle{group = main.current.effects, x = self.x + 0.8*self.shape.w*math.cos(r), y = self.y + 0.8*self.shape.w*math.sin(r), rs = 6} local t = {group = main.current.main, x = self.x + 1.6*self.shape.w*math.cos(r), y = self.y + 1.6*self.shape.w*math.sin(r), v = 25, r = r, color = self.color, dmg = self.dmg, pierce = 1000, character = 'sage', parent = self} Projectile(table.merge(t, mods or {})) elseif self.character == 'dual_gunner' then HitCircle{group = main.current.effects, x = self.x + 0.8*self.shape.w*math.cos(r) + 4*math.cos(r - math.pi/2), y = self.y + 0.8*self.shape.w*math.sin(r) + 4*math.sin(r - math.pi/2), rs = 6} HitCircle{group = main.current.effects, x = self.x + 0.8*self.shape.w*math.cos(r) + 4*math.cos(r + math.pi/2), y = self.y + 0.8*self.shape.w*math.sin(r) + 4*math.sin(r + math.pi/2), rs = 6} local t1 = {group = main.current.main, x = self.x + 1.6*self.shape.w*math.cos(r) + 4*math.cos(r - math.pi/2) , y = self.y + 1.6*self.shape.w*math.sin(r) + 4*math.sin(r - math.pi/2), v = 250, r = r, color = self.color, dmg = self.dmg*dmg_m, crit = crit, character = self.character, parent = self} local t2 = {group = main.current.main, x = self.x + 1.6*self.shape.w*math.cos(r) + 4*math.cos(r + math.pi/2) , y = self.y + 1.6*self.shape.w*math.sin(r) + 4*math.sin(r + math.pi/2), v = 250, r = r, color = self.color, dmg = self.dmg*dmg_m, crit = crit, character = self.character, parent = self} Projectile(table.merge(t1, mods or {})) Projectile(table.merge(t2, mods or {})) else HitCircle{group = main.current.effects, x = self.x + 0.8*self.shape.w*math.cos(r), y = self.y + 0.8*self.shape.w*math.sin(r), rs = 6} local t = {group = main.current.main, x = self.x + 1.6*self.shape.w*math.cos(r), y = self.y + 1.6*self.shape.w*math.sin(r), v = 250, r = r, color = self.color, dmg = self.dmg*dmg_m, crit = crit, character = self.character, parent = self} Projectile(table.merge(t, mods or {})) end if self.character == 'vagrant' or self.character == 'dual_gunner' then shoot1:play{pitch = random:float(0.95, 1.05), volume = 0.2} elseif self.character == 'archer' or self.character == 'hunter' then archer1:play{pitch = random:float(0.95, 1.05), volume = 0.35} elseif self.character == 'wizard' then wizard1:play{pitch = random:float(0.95, 1.05), volume = 0.15} elseif self.character == 'scout' or self.character == 'outlaw' or self.character == 'blade' or self.character == 'spellblade' then _G[random:table{'scout1', 'scout2'}]:play{pitch = random:float(0.95, 1.05), volume = 0.35} if self.character == 'spellblade' then wizard1:play{pitch = random:float(0.95, 1.05), volume = 0.15} end elseif self.character == 'cannoneer' then _G[random:table{'cannoneer1', 'cannoneer2'}]:play{pitch = random:float(0.95, 1.05), volume = 0.5} end if self.chance_to_barrage and random:bool(self.chance_to_barrage) then self:barrage(r, 4) end end function Player:attack(area, mods) mods = mods or {} camera:shake(2, 0.5) self.hfx:use('shoot', 0.25) local t = {group = main.current.effects, x = mods.x or self.x, y = mods.y or self.y, r = self.r, w = self.area_size_m*(area or 64), color = self.color, dmg = self.area_dmg_m*self.dmg, character = self.character} Area(table.merge(t, mods)) if self.character == 'swordsman' then _G[random:table{'swordsman1', 'swordsman2'}]:play{pitch = random:float(0.9, 1.1), volume = 0.75} elseif self.character == 'elementor' then elementor1:play{pitch = random:float(0.9, 1.1), volume = 0.5} end end function Player:barrage(r, n) n = n or 8 for i = 1, n do self.t:after((i-1)*0.075, function() archer1:play{pitch = random:float(0.95, 1.05), volume = 0.35} HitCircle{group = main.current.effects, x = self.x + 0.8*self.shape.w*math.cos(r), y = self.y + 0.8*self.shape.w*math.sin(r), rs = 6} local t = {group = main.current.main, x = self.x + 1.6*self.shape.w*math.cos(r), y = self.y + 1.6*self.shape.w*math.sin(r), v = 250, r = r + random:float(-math.pi/16, math.pi/16), color = self.color, dmg = self.dmg, parent = self, character = 'barrage'} Projectile(table.merge(t, mods or {})) end) end end Projectile = Object:extend() Projectile:implement(GameObject) Projectile:implement(Physics) function Projectile:init(args) self:init_game_object(args) self:set_as_rectangle(10, 4, 'dynamic', 'projectile') self.pierce = args.pierce or 0 self.chain = args.chain or 0 self.chain_enemies_hit = {} self.infused_enemies_hit = {} if self.character == 'sage' then self.dmg = 0 self.pull_sensor = Circle(self.x, self.y, 64*self.parent.area_size_m) = 0 self.t:tween(0.05, self, {rs = self.shape.w/2.5}, math.cubic_in_out, function() self.spring:pull(0.15) end) self.t:after(4, function() self.t:every_immediate(0.05, function() self.hidden = not self.hidden end, 7, function() self:die() end) end) self.color_transparent = Color(args.color.r, args.color.g, args.color.b, 0.08) self.t:every(0.08, function() HitParticle{group = main.current.effects, x = self.x, y = self.y, color = self.color} end) self.vr = 0 = random:float(-math.pi/4, math.pi/4) elseif self.character == 'spellblade' then self.pierce = 1000 self.orbit_r = 0 self.orbit_vr = 8*math.pi self.t:tween(6.25, self, {orbit_vr = math.pi}, math.expo_out, function() self.t:tween(12.25, self, {orbit_vr = 0}, math.linear) end) end end function Projectile:update(dt) self:update_game_object(dt) if self.character == 'spellblade' then self.orbit_r = self.orbit_r + self.orbit_vr*dt end self:set_angle(self.r) self:move_along_angle(self.v, self.r + (self.orbit_r or 0)) if self.character == 'sage' then self.pull_sensor:move_to(self.x, self.y) local enemies = self:get_objects_in_shape(self.pull_sensor, main.current.enemies) for _, enemy in ipairs(enemies) do enemy:apply_steering_force(math.remap(self:distance_to_object(enemy), 0, 100, 250, 50), enemy:angle_to_object(self)) end self.vr = self.vr +*dt end end function Projectile:draw() if self.character == 'sage' then if self.hidden then return end graphics.push(self.x, self.y, self.r + self.vr, self.spring.x, self.spring.x), self.y, + random:float(-1, 1), self.color), self.y,, self.color_transparent) local lw = math.remap(, 32, 256, 2, 4) for i = 1, 4 do graphics.arc('open', self.x, self.y,, (i-1)*math.pi/2 + math.pi/4 - math.pi/8, (i-1)*math.pi/2 + math.pi/4 + math.pi/8, self.color, lw) end graphics.pop() else graphics.push(self.x, self.y, self.r + (self.orbit_r or 0)) graphics.rectangle(self.x, self.y, self.shape.w, self.shape.h, 2, 2, self.color) graphics.pop() end end function Projectile:die(x, y, r, n) if self.dead then return end x = x or self.x y = y or self.y n = n or random:int(3, 4) for i = 1, n do HitParticle{group = main.current.effects, x = x, y = y, r = random:float(0, 2*math.pi), color = self.color} end HitCircle{group = main.current.effects, x = x, y = y}:scale_down() self.dead = true if self.character == 'wizard' then Area{group = main.current.effects, x = self.x, y = self.y, r = self.r, w = self.parent.area_size_m*32, color = self.color, dmg = self.parent.area_dmg_m*self.dmg, character = self.character} elseif self.character == 'blade' then Area{group = main.current.effects, x = self.x, y = self.y, r = self.r, w = self.parent.area_size_m*64, color = self.color, dmg = self.parent.area_dmg_m*self.dmg, character = self.character} elseif self.character == 'cannoneer' then Area{group = main.current.effects, x = self.x, y = self.y, r = self.r, w = self.parent.area_size_m*96, color = self.color, dmg = 2*self.parent.area_dmg_m*self.dmg, character = self.character} end end function Projectile:on_collision_enter(other, contact) local x, y = contact:getPositions() local nx, ny = contact:getNormal() local r = 0 if nx == 0 and ny == -1 then r = -math.pi/2 elseif nx == 0 and ny == 1 then r = math.pi/2 elseif nx == -1 and ny == 0 then r = math.pi else r = 0 end if other:is(Wall) then if self.character == 'archer' or self.character == 'hunter' or self.character == 'barrage' then self:die(x, y, r, 0) _G[random:table{'arrow_hit_wall1', 'arrow_hit_wall2'}]:play{pitch = random:float(0.9, 1.1), volume = 0.2} WallArrow{group = main.current.main, x = x, y = y, r = self.r, color = self.color} elseif self.character == 'scout' or self.character == 'outlaw' or self.character == 'blade' or self.character == 'spellblade' then self:die(x, y, r, 0) knife_hit_wall1:play{pitch = random:float(0.9, 1.1), volume = 0.2} local r = Unit.bounce(self, nx, ny) trigger:after(0.01, function() WallKnife{group = main.current.main, x = x, y = y, r = r, v = self.v*0.1, color = self.color} end) if self.character == 'spellblade' then magic_area1:play{pitch = random:float(0.95, 1.05), volume = 0.075} end elseif self.character == 'wizard' then self:die(x, y, r, random:int(2, 3)) magic_area1:play{pitch = random:float(0.95, 1.05), volume = 0.075} elseif self.character == 'cannoneer' then self:die(x, y, r, random:int(2, 3)) cannon_hit_wall1:play{pitch = random:float(0.95, 1.05), volume = 0.1} elseif self.character == 'engineer' then self:die(x, y, r, random:int(2, 3)) _G[random:table{'turret_hit_wall1', 'turret_hit_wall2'}]:play{pitch = random:float(0.9, 1.1), volume = 0.2} else self:die(x, y, r, random:int(2, 3)) proj_hit_wall1:play{pitch = random:float(0.9, 1.1), volume = 0.2} end end end function Projectile:on_trigger_enter(other, contact) if self.character == 'sage' then return end if table.any(main.current.enemies, function(v) return other:is(v) end) then if self.pierce <= 0 and self.chain <= 0 then self:die(self.x, self.y, nil, random:int(2, 3)) else if self.pierce > 0 then self.pierce = self.pierce - 1 end if self.chain > 0 then self.chain = self.chain - 1 table.insert(self.chain_enemies_hit, other) local object = self:get_random_object_in_shape(Circle(self.x, self.y, 160), main.current.enemies, self.chain_enemies_hit) if object then self.r = self:angle_to_object(object) self.v = self.v*1.25 end end HitCircle{group = main.current.effects, x = self.x, y = self.y, rs = 6, color = fg[0], duration = 0.1} HitParticle{group = main.current.effects, x = self.x, y = self.y, color = self.color} HitParticle{group = main.current.effects, x = self.x, y = self.y, color = other.color} end if self.character == 'archer' or self.character == 'scout' or self.character == 'outlaw' or self.character == 'blade' or self.character == 'hunter' or self.character == 'spellblade' or self.character == 'engineer' then hit2:play{pitch = random:float(0.95, 1.05), volume = 0.35} if self.character == 'spellblade' then magic_area1:play{pitch = random:float(0.95, 1.05), volume = 0.15} end elseif self.character == 'wizard' then magic_area1:play{pitch = random:float(0.95, 1.05), volume = 0.15} else hit3:play{pitch = random:float(0.95, 1.05), volume = 0.35} end other:hit(self.dmg, self) if self.character == 'hunter' and random:bool(40) then trigger:after(0.01, function() SpawnEffect{group = main.current.effects, x = self.parent.x, y = self.parent.y, color = orange[0], action = function(x, y) Pet{group = main.current.main, x = x, y = y, r = self.parent:angle_to_object(other), v = 150, parent = self.parent, conjurer_buff_m = self.conjurer_buff_m or 1} end} end) end if self.parent.chain_infused then --[[ local units = self.parent:get_all_units() local stormweaver_level = 0 for _, unit in ipairs(units) do if unit.character == 'stormweaver' then stormweaver_level = unit.level break end end ]]-- local src = other for i = 1, 2 do _G[random:table{'spark1', 'spark2', 'spark3'}]:play{pitch = random:float(0.9, 1.1), volume = 0.3} table.insert(self.infused_enemies_hit, src) local dst = src:get_random_object_in_shape(Circle(src.x, src.y, 64), main.current.enemies, self.infused_enemies_hit) if dst then dst:hit(0.2*self.dmg) LightningLine{group = main.current.effects, src = src, dst = dst} src = dst end end end if self.crit then camera:shake(5, 0.25) rogue_crit1:play{pitch = random:float(0.95, 1.05), volume = 0.5} rogue_crit2:play{pitch = random:float(0.95, 1.05), volume = 0.15} for i = 1, 3 do HitParticle{group = main.current.effects, x = other.x, y = other.y, color = self.color, v = random:float(100, 400)} end for i = 1, 3 do HitParticle{group = main.current.effects, x = other.x, y = other.y, color = other.color, v = random:float(100, 400)} end HitCircle{group = main.current.effects, x = other.x, y = other.y, rs = 12, color = fg[0], duration = 0.3}:scale_down():change_color(0.5, self.color) end end end Area = Object:extend() Area:implement(GameObject) function Area:init(args) self:init_game_object(args) self.shape = Rectangle(self.x, self.y, 1.5*self.w, 1.5*self.w, self.r) local enemies = main.current.main:get_objects_in_shape(self.shape, main.current.enemies) for _, enemy in ipairs(enemies) do if self.character == 'elementor' then enemy:hit(2*self.dmg) else enemy:hit(self.dmg) end HitCircle{group = main.current.effects, x = enemy.x, y = enemy.y, rs = 6, color = fg[0], duration = 0.1} for i = 1, 1 do HitParticle{group = main.current.effects, x = enemy.x, y = enemy.y, color = self.color} end for i = 1, 1 do HitParticle{group = main.current.effects, x = enemy.x, y = enemy.y, color = enemy.color} end if self.character == 'wizard' or self.character == 'elementor' then magic_hit1:play{pitch = random:float(0.95, 1.05), volume = 0.5} elseif self.character == 'swordsman' then hit2:play{pitch = random:float(0.95, 1.05), volume = 0.35} elseif self.character == 'blade' then blade_hit1:play{pitch = random:float(0.9, 1.1), volume = 0.35} hit2:play{pitch = random:float(0.95, 1.05), volume = 0.2} elseif self.character == 'saboteur' then _G[random:table{'saboteur_hit1', 'saboteur_hit2'}]:play{pitch = random:float(0.95, 1.05), volume = 0.2} elseif self.character == 'cannoneer' then _G[random:table{'saboteur_hit1', 'saboteur_hit2'}]:play{pitch = random:float(0.95, 1.05), volume = 0.075} end end self.color = fg[0] self.color_transparent = Color(args.color.r, args.color.g, args.color.b, 0.08) self.w = 0 self.hidden = false self.t:tween(0.05, self, {w = args.w}, math.cubic_in_out, function() self.spring:pull(0.15) end) self.t:after(0.2, function() self.color = args.color self.t:every_immediate(0.05, function() self.hidden = not self.hidden end, 7, function() self.dead = true end) end) end function Area:update(dt) self:update_game_object(dt) end function Area:draw() if self.hidden then return end graphics.push(self.x, self.y, self.r, self.spring.x, self.spring.x) local w = self.w/2 local w10 = self.w/10 local x1, y1 = self.x - w, self.y - w local x2, y2 = self.x + w, self.y + w local lw = math.remap(w, 32, 256, 2, 4) graphics.polyline(self.color, lw, x1, y1 + w10, x1, y1, x1 + w10, y1) graphics.polyline(self.color, lw, x2 - w10, y1, x2, y1, x2, y1 + w10) graphics.polyline(self.color, lw, x2 - w10, y2, x2, y2, x2, y2 - w10) graphics.polyline(self.color, lw, x1, y2 - w10, x1, y2, x1 + w10, y2) graphics.rectangle((x1+x2)/2, (y1+y2)/2, x2-x1, y2-y1, nil, nil, self.color_transparent) graphics.pop() end Turret = Object:extend() Turret:implement(GameObject) Turret:implement(Physics) function Turret:init(args) self:init_game_object(args) self:set_as_rectangle(14, 6, 'static', 'player') self:set_restitution(0.5) self.hfx:add('hit', 1) self.color = orange[0] self.attack_sensor = Circle(self.x, self.y, 256) turret_deploy:play{pitch = 1.2, volume = 0.2} self.t:every({3.5, 4.5}, function() self.t:every({0.1, 0.2}, function() self.hfx:use('hit', 0.25, 200, 10) HitCircle{group = main.current.effects, x = self.x + 0.8*self.shape.w*math.cos(self.r), y = self.y + 0.8*self.shape.w*math.sin(self.r), rs = 6} local t = {group = main.current.main, x = self.x + 1.6*self.shape.w*math.cos(self.r), y = self.y + 1.6*self.shape.w*math.sin(self.r), v = 200, r = self.r, color = self.color, dmg = self.parent.dmg*(self.parent.conjurer_buff_m or 1), character = self.parent.character, parent = self.parent} Projectile(table.merge(t, mods or {})) turret1:play{pitch = random:float(0.95, 1.05), volume = 0.35} turret2:play{pitch = random:float(0.95, 1.05), volume = 0.35} end, 3) end) self.t:after(24*(self.parent.conjurer_buff_m or 1), function() local n = n or random:int(3, 4) for i = 1, n do HitParticle{group = main.current.effects, x = self.x, y = self.y, r = random:float(0, 2*math.pi), color = self.color} end HitCircle{group = main.current.effects, x = self.x, y = self.y}:scale_down() self.dead = true end) end function Turret:update(dt) self:update_game_object(dt) local closest_enemy = self:get_closest_object_in_shape(self.attack_sensor, main.current.enemies) if closest_enemy then self:rotate_towards_object(closest_enemy, 0.2) self.r = self:get_angle() end end function Turret:draw() graphics.push(self.x, self.y, self.r, self.hfx.hit.x, self.hfx.hit.x) graphics.rectangle(self.x, self.y, self.shape.w, self.shape.h, 3, 3, self.hfx.hit.f and fg[0] or self.color) graphics.pop() end Pet = Object:extend() Pet:implement(GameObject) Pet:implement(Physics) function Pet:init(args) self:init_game_object(args) self:set_as_rectangle(8, 8, 'dynamic', 'projectile') self:set_restitution(0.5) self.hfx:add('hit', 1) self.color = character_colors.hunter self.pierce = 6 pet1:play{pitch = random:float(0.95, 1.05), volume = 0.35} end function Pet:update(dt) self:update_game_object(dt) self:set_angle(self.r) self:move_along_angle(self.v, self.r) end function Pet:draw() graphics.push(self.x, self.y, self.r, self.hfx.hit.x, self.hfx.hit.x) graphics.rectangle(self.x, self.y, self.shape.w, self.shape.h, 3, 3, self.hfx.hit.f and fg[0] or self.color) graphics.pop() end function Pet:on_collision_enter(other, contact) local x, y = contact:getPositions() local nx, ny = contact:getNormal() local r = 0 if nx == 0 and ny == -1 then r = -math.pi/2 elseif nx == 0 and ny == 1 then r = math.pi/2 elseif nx == -1 and ny == 0 then r = math.pi else r = 0 end if other:is(Wall) then local n = n or random:int(3, 4) for i = 1, n do HitParticle{group = main.current.effects, x = x, y = y, r = random:float(0, 2*math.pi), color = self.color} end HitCircle{group = main.current.effects, x = x, y = y}:scale_down() self.dead = true hit2:play{pitch = random:float(0.95, 1.05), volume = 0.35} end end function Pet:on_trigger_enter(other) if table.any(main.current.enemies, function(v) return other:is(v) end) then if self.pierce <= 0 then camera:shake(2, 0.5) other:hit(self.parent.dmg*(self.conjurer_buff_m or 1)) other:push(35, self:angle_to_object(other)) self.dead = true local n = random:int(3, 4) for i = 1, n do HitParticle{group = main.current.effects, x = x, y = y, r = random:float(0, 2*math.pi), color = self.color} end HitCircle{group = main.current.effects, x = x, y = y}:scale_down() else camera:shake(2, 0.5) other:hit(self.parent.dmg*(self.conjurer_buff_m or 1)) other:push(35, self:angle_to_object(other)) self.pierce = self.pierce - 1 end self.hfx:use('hit', 0.25) HitCircle{group = main.current.effects, x = self.x, y = self.y, rs = 6, color = fg[0], duration = 0.1} HitParticle{group = main.current.effects, x = self.x, y = self.y, color = self.color} HitParticle{group = main.current.effects, x = self.x, y = self.y, color = other.color} end end Saboteur = Object:extend() Saboteur:implement(GameObject) Saboteur:implement(Physics) Saboteur:implement(Unit) function Saboteur:init(args) self:init_game_object(args) self:init_unit() self:set_as_rectangle(8, 8, 'dynamic', 'player') self:set_restitution(0.5) self.color = character_colors.saboteur self.character = 'saboteur' self.classes = character_classes.saboteur self:calculate_stats(true) self:set_as_steerable(self.v, 2000, 4*math.pi, 4) _G[random:table{'saboteur1', 'saboteur2', 'saboteur3'}]:play{pitch = random:float(0.8, 1.2), volume = 0.2} = random:table( end function Saboteur:update(dt) self:update_game_object(dt) self:calculate_stats() if not then = random:table( end if not then return end if then = random:table( end if not then return end self:seek_point(, self:rotate_towards_velocity(0.5) self.r = self:get_angle() end function Saboteur:draw() graphics.push(self.x, self.y, self.r, self.hfx.hit.x, self.hfx.hit.x) graphics.rectangle(self.x, self.y, self.shape.w, self.shape.h, 3, 3, self.hfx.hit.f and fg[0] or self.color) graphics.pop() end function Saboteur:on_collision_enter(other, contact) if table.any(main.current.enemies, function(v) return other:is(v) end) then camera:shake(4, 0.5) local t = {group = main.current.effects, x = self.x, y = self.y, r = self.r, w = self.area_size_m*64, color = self.color, dmg = self.area_dmg_m*self.dmg*(self.conjurer_buff_m or 1), character = self.character} Area(table.merge(t, mods or {})) self.dead = true end end