BuyScreen = Object:extend() BuyScreen:implement(State) BuyScreen:implement(GameObject) function BuyScreen:init(name) self:init_state(name) self:init_game_object() end function BuyScreen:on_exit() self.main:destroy() self.effects:destroy() self.ui:destroy() self.t:destroy() self.main = nil self.effects = nil self.ui = nil self.shop_text = nil self.party_text = nil self.sets_text = nil self.items_text = nil self.ng_text = nil self.level_text = nil self.characters = nil self.sets = nil = nil self.info_text = nil self.units = nil self.passives = nil self.player = nil self.t = nil self.springs = nil self.flashes = nil self.hfx = nil self.tutorial_button = nil self.restart_button = nil self.level_button = nil end function BuyScreen:on_enter(from, level, loop, units, passives, shop_level, shop_xp) self.level = level self.loop = loop self.units = units self.passives = passives self.shop_level = shop_level self.shop_xp = shop_xp camera.x, camera.y = gw/2, gh/2 input:set_mouse_visible(true) steam.friends.setRichPresence('steam_display', '#StatusFull') steam.friends.setRichPresence('text', 'Shop - Level ' .. self.level) self.main = Group() self.effects = Group() self.ui = Group() self.tutorial = Group() self.locked = locked_state and locked_state.locked LockButton{group = self.main, x = 205, y = 18, parent = self} self:set_cards(self.shop_level, nil, true) self:set_party_and_sets() self:set_items() self.shop_text = Text({{text = '[wavy_mid, fg]shop [fg]- gold: [yellow]' .. gold, font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center'}}, global_text_tags) self.party_text = Text({{text = '[wavy_mid, fg]party ' .. tostring(#units) .. '/' .. tostring(max_units), font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center'}}, global_text_tags) self.sets_text = Text({{text = '[wavy_mid, fg]classes', font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center'}}, global_text_tags) self.items_text = Text({{text = '[wavy_mid, fg]items', font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center'}}, global_text_tags) self.ng_text = Text({{text = '[fg]NG+' .. current_new_game_plus, font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center'}}, global_text_tags) local get_elite_str = function(lvl) if (lvl-(25*self.loop)) % 6 == 0 or lvl % 25 == 0 then return ' (elite)' elseif (lvl-(25*self.loop)) % 3 == 0 then return ' (hard)' else return '' end end self.level_text = Text({{text = '[fg]Lv.' .. tostring(self.level) .. get_elite_str(self.level), font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center'}}, global_text_tags) RerollButton{group = self.main, x = 150, y = 18, parent = self} GoButton{group = self.main, x = gw - 90, y = gh - 20, parent = self} LevelButton{group = self.main, x = gw/2, y = 18, parent = self} self.tutorial_button = Button{group = self.main, x = gw/2 + 129, y = 18, button_text = '?', fg_color = 'bg10', bg_color = 'bg', action = function() self.in_tutorial = true self.title_text = Text2{group = self.tutorial, x = gw/2, y = 35, lines = {{text = '[fg]WELCOME TO SNKRX!', font = fat_font, alignment = 'center'}}} self.tutorial_text = Text2{group = self.tutorial, x = 228, y = 160, lines = { {text = '[fg]You control a snake of multiple heroes that auto-attack nearby enemies.', font = pixul_font, height_multiplier = 1.2}, {text = '[fg]You can steer the snake left or right by pressing [yellow]A/D[fg] or [yellow]left/right arrows[fg].', font = pixul_font, height_multiplier = 2.2}, {text = '[fg]Combine the same heroes to level them up:', font = pixul_font, height_multiplier = 1.2}, {text = '[fg]At [yellow]Lv.3[fg] heroes unlock special effects.', font = pixul_font, height_multiplier = 2.2}, {text = '[fg]Hire heroes of the same classes to unlock class passives:', font = pixul_font, height_multiplier = 1.2}, {text = '[fg]Each hero can have between [yellow]1 to 3[fg] classes.', font = pixul_font, height_multiplier = 2.2}, {text = '[fg]You gain [yellow]1 interest per 5 gold[fg], up to a maximum of 5.', font = pixul_font, height_multiplier = 1.2}, {text = "[fg]This means that saving above [yellow]25 gold[fg] doesn't yield more interest.", font = pixul_font, height_multiplier = 2.2}, {text = "[yellow, wavy_mid]Good luck!", font = pixul_font, height_multiplier = 2.2, alignment = 'center'}, }} self.tutorial_cards = {} table.insert(self.tutorial_cards, TutorialCharacterPart{group = self.tutorial, x = gw/2 + 34, y = gh/2 - 30, character = 'swordsman', level = 1}) table.insert(self.tutorial_cards, TutorialCharacterPart{group = self.tutorial, x = gw/2 + 54, y = gh/2 - 30, character = 'swordsman', level = 1}) table.insert(self.tutorial_cards, TutorialCharacterPart{group = self.tutorial, x = gw/2 + 74, y = gh/2 - 30, character = 'swordsman', level = 1}) table.insert(self.tutorial_cards, TutorialCharacterPart{group = self.tutorial, x = gw/2 + 34, y = gh/2 - 10, character = 'swordsman', level = 2}) table.insert(self.tutorial_cards, TutorialCharacterPart{group = self.tutorial, x = gw/2 + 54, y = gh/2 - 10, character = 'swordsman', level = 2}) table.insert(self.tutorial_cards, TutorialCharacterPart{group = self.tutorial, x = gw/2 + 74, y = gh/2 - 10, character = 'swordsman', level = 2}) table.insert(self.tutorial_cards, TutorialCharacterPart{group = self.tutorial, x = gw/2 + 114, y = gh/2 - 30, character = 'swordsman', level = 2}) table.insert(self.tutorial_cards, TutorialCharacterPart{group = self.tutorial, x = gw/2 + 114, y = gh/2 - 10, character = 'swordsman', level = 3}) table.insert(self.tutorial_cards, TutorialClassIcon{group = self.tutorial, x = gw/2 + 114, y = gh/2 + 18, class = 'warrior', units = {}}) table.insert(self.tutorial_cards, TutorialClassIcon{group = self.tutorial, x = gw/2 + 134, y = gh/2 + 18, class = 'warrior', units = {{character = 'swordsman'}, {character = 'barbarian'}, {character = 'juggernaut'}}}) table.insert(self.tutorial_cards, TutorialClassIcon{group = self.tutorial, x = gw/2 + 154, y = gh/2 + 18, class = 'warrior', units = {{character = 'swordsman'}, {character = 'barbarian'}, {character = 'juggernaut'}, {character = 'vagrant'}, {character = 'outlaw'}, {character = 'blade'}} }) self.close_button = Button{group = self.tutorial, x = gw - 20, y = 20, button_text = 'x', bg_color = 'bg', fg_color = 'bg10', action = function() trigger:after(0.01, function() self:quit_tutorial() end) end} end, mouse_enter = function(b) b.info_text = InfoText{group = main.current.ui, force_update = true} b.info_text:activate({ {text = '[fg]guide', font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center'}, }, nil, nil, nil, nil, 16, 4, nil, 2) b.info_text.x, b.info_text.y = b.x, b.y + 20 end, mouse_exit = function(b) b.info_text:deactivate() b.info_text.dead = true b.info_text = nil end} self.restart_button = Button{group = self.ui, x = gw/2 + 148, y = 18, force_update = true, button_text = 'R', fg_color = 'bg10', bg_color = 'bg', action = function(b) self.transitioning = true ui_transition2:play{pitch = random:float(0.95, 1.05), volume = 0.5} ui_switch2:play{pitch = random:float(0.95, 1.05), volume = 0.5} ui_switch1:play{pitch = random:float(0.95, 1.05), volume = 0.5} locked_state = nil TransitionEffect{group = main.transitions, x = gw/2, y = gh/2, color = state.dark_transitions and bg[-2] or fg[0], transition_action = function() slow_amount = 1 music_slow_amount = 1 gold = 3 passives = {} main_song_instance:stop() run_passive_pool = { 'centipede', 'ouroboros_technique_r', 'ouroboros_technique_l', 'amplify', 'resonance', 'ballista', 'call_of_the_void', 'crucio', 'speed_3', 'damage_4', 'shoot_5', 'death_6', 'lasting_7', 'defensive_stance', 'offensive_stance', 'kinetic_bomb', 'porcupine_technique', 'last_stand', 'seeping', 'deceleration', 'annihilation', 'malediction', 'hextouch', 'whispers_of_doom', 'tremor', 'heavy_impact', 'fracture', 'meat_shield', 'hive', 'baneling_burst', 'blunt_arrow', 'explosive_arrow', 'divine_machine_arrow', 'chronomancy', 'awakening', 'divine_punishment', 'assassination', 'flying_daggers', 'ultimatum', 'magnify', 'echo_barrage', 'unleash', 'reinforce', 'payback', 'enchanted', 'freezing_field', 'burning_field', 'gravity_field', 'magnetism', 'insurance', 'dividends', 'berserking', 'unwavering_stance', 'unrelenting_stance', 'blessing', 'haste', 'divine_barrage', 'orbitism', 'psyker_orbs', 'psychosink', 'rearm', 'taunt', 'construct_instability', 'intimidation', 'vulnerability', 'temporal_chains', 'ceremonial_dagger', 'homing_barrage', 'critical_strike', 'noxious_strike', 'infesting_strike', 'burning_strike', 'lucky_strike', 'healing_strike', 'stunning_strike', 'silencing_strike', 'culling_strike', 'lightning_strike', 'psycholeak', 'divine_blessing', 'hardening', } max_units = math.clamp(7 + current_new_game_plus + self.loop, 7, 12) main:add(BuyScreen'buy_screen') system.save_run() main:go_to('buy_screen', 1, 0, {}, passives, 1, 0) end, text = Text({{text = '[wavy, ' .. tostring(state.dark_transitions and 'fg' or 'bg') .. ']restarting...', font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center'}}, global_text_tags)} end, mouse_enter = function(b) b.info_text = InfoText{group = main.current.ui, force_update = true} b.info_text:activate({ {text = '[fg]restart run', font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center'}, }, nil, nil, nil, nil, 16, 4, nil, 2) b.info_text.x, b.info_text.y = b.x, b.y + 20 end, mouse_exit = function(b) b.info_text:deactivate() b.info_text.dead = true b.info_text = nil end} trigger:tween(1, main_song_instance, {volume = 0.2, pitch = 1}, math.linear) --[[ if self.level == 1 then self.screen_text = Text2{group = self.ui, x = gw/2, y = gh/2, lines = { {text = '[bg3]press K if screen is too large', font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center'}, {text = '[bg3]press L if screen is too small', font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center'}, }} self.t:after(8, function() self.t:tween(0.2, self.screen_text, {sy = 0}, math.linear, function() = 0 end) end) end ]]-- locked_state = {locked = self.locked, cards = {[1] and[1].unit,[2] and[2].unit,[3] and[3].unit}} system.save_run(self.level, self.loop, gold, self.units, self.passives, self.shop_level, self.shop_xp, run_passive_pool, locked_state) end function BuyScreen:update(dt) if main_song_instance:isStopped() then main_song_instance = _G[random:table{'song1', 'song2', 'song3', 'song4', 'song5'}]:play{volume = 0.2} end self:update_game_object(dt*slow_amount) if not self.in_tutorial and not self.paused then self.main:update(dt*slow_amount) self.effects:update(dt*slow_amount) self.ui:update(dt*slow_amount) if self.shop_text then self.shop_text:update(dt) end if self.sets_text then self.sets_text:update(dt) end if self.party_text then self.party_text:update(dt) end if self.items_text then self.items_text:update(dt) end if self.ng_text then self.ng_text:update(dt) end if self.level_text then self.level_text:update(dt) end else self.ui:update(dt*slow_amount) self.tutorial:update(dt*slow_amount) end if self.in_tutorial and input.escape.pressed then self:quit_tutorial() end if input.escape.pressed and not self.transitioning and not self.in_tutorial then if not self.paused then open_options(self) else close_options(self) end end for _, part in ipairs(self.characters) do part.y = 40 + (part.i-1)*19 end end function BuyScreen:quit_tutorial() self.in_tutorial = false self.tutorial_text.dead = true self.tutorial_text = nil self.title_text.dead = true self.title_text = nil for _, t in ipairs(self.tutorial_cards) do t.dead = true end self.close_button.dead = true self.close_button = nil self.tutorial_cards = {} self.tutorial:update(0) end function BuyScreen:draw() self.main:draw() self.effects:draw() if self.items_text then self.items_text:draw(32, 145) end if self.level_text then self.level_text:draw(265, gh - 20) end if self.unit_grabbed then local x, y = camera:get_mouse_position() y = math.clamp(y, 40, 40 + (#self.units-1)*19) graphics.push(self.unit_grabbed.x, y, 0) graphics.rectangle(self.unit_grabbed.x, y, 14, 14, 3, 3, bg[5]) graphics.print_centered(self.unit_grabbed.level, pixul_font, self.unit_grabbed.x + 0.5, y + 2, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, bg[10]) for _, part in ipairs( do part:draw(y) end graphics.pop() end if self.shop_text then self.shop_text:draw(64, 20) end if self.sets_text then self.sets_text:draw(328, 20) end if self.party_text then self.party_text:draw(440, 20) end if current_new_game_plus > 0 then self.ng_text:draw(265, gh - 40) end if self.paused then graphics.rectangle(gw/2, gh/2, 2*gw, 2*gh, nil, nil, modal_transparent) end self.ui:draw() if self.in_tutorial then graphics.rectangle(gw/2, gh/2, 2*gw, 2*gh, nil, nil, modal_transparent_2) arrow:draw(gw/2 + 93, gh/2 - 30, 0, 0.4, 0.35) arrow:draw(gw/2 + 93, gh/2 - 10, 0, 0.4, 0.35) end self.tutorial:draw() end function BuyScreen:buy(character, i) local bought if table.any(self.units, function(v) return v.character == character end) and gold >= character_tiers[character] then if table.any(self.units, function(v) return v.character == character and v.level == 3 end) then if not self.info_text then self.info_text = InfoText{group = main.current.ui} self.info_text:activate({ {text = "[fg]this unit has already reached max level", font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center'}, }, nil, nil, nil, nil, 16, 4, nil, 2) self.info_text.x, self.info_text.y = gw - 140, gh - 20 end self.t:after(2, function() self.info_text:deactivate(); self.info_text.dead = true; self.info_text = nil end, 'info_text') else gold = gold - character_tiers[character] self.shop_text:set_text{{text = '[wavy_mid, fg]shop [fg]- [fg, nudge_down]gold: [yellow, nudge_down]' .. gold, font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center'}} for _, unit in ipairs(self.units) do if unit.character == character then if unit.level == 1 then unit.reserve[1] = unit.reserve[1] + 1 if unit.reserve[1] > 1 then unit.reserve[1] = 0 unit.level = 2 unit.spawn_effect = true end elseif unit.level == 2 then unit.reserve[1] = unit.reserve[1] + 1 if unit.reserve[1] > 2 then if unit.reserve[2] == 1 then unit.reserve[2] = 0 unit.reserve[1] = 0 unit.level = 3 unit.spawn_effect = true else unit.reserve[2] = unit.reserve[2] + 1 unit.reserve[1] = 0 end end end end end bought = true end else if #self.units >= max_units then if not self.info_text then self.info_text = InfoText{group = main.current.ui} self.info_text:activate({ {text = '[fg]maximum number of units [yellow](' .. max_units .. ') [fg]reached', font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center'}, }, nil, nil, nil, nil, 16, 4, nil, 2) self.info_text.x, self.info_text.y = gw - 140, gh - 20 end self.t:after(2, function() self.info_text:deactivate(); self.info_text.dead = true; self.info_text = nil end, 'info_text') else if gold >= character_tiers[character] then gold = gold - character_tiers[character] self.shop_text:set_text{{text = '[wavy_mid, fg]shop [fg]- [fg, nudge_down]gold: [yellow, nudge_down]' .. gold, font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center'}} table.insert(self.units, {character = character, level = 1, reserve = {0, 0}}) bought = true end end end self:set_party_and_sets() return bought end function BuyScreen:gain_gold(amount) gold = gold + amount or 0 self.shop_text:set_text{{text = '[wavy_mid, fg]shop [fg]- [fg, nudge_down]gold: [yellow, nudge_down]' .. gold, font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center'}} end function BuyScreen:set_cards(shop_level, dont_spawn_effect, first_call) if then for i = 1, 3 do if[i] then[i]:die(dont_spawn_effect) end end end = {} local all_units = {} local unit_1 local unit_2 local unit_3 local shop_level = shop_level or 1 local tier_weights = level_to_shop_odds[shop_level] repeat unit_1 = random:table(tier_to_characters[random:weighted_pick(unpack(tier_weights))]) unit_2 = random:table(tier_to_characters[random:weighted_pick(unpack(tier_weights))]) unit_3 = random:table(tier_to_characters[random:weighted_pick(unpack(tier_weights))]) all_units = {unit_1, unit_2, unit_3} until not table.all(all_units, function(v) return table.any(non_attacking_characters, function(u) return v == u end) end) if first_call and locked_state then if[1] then[1] = ShopCard{group = self.main, x = 60, y = 75, w = 80, h = 90, unit =[1], parent = self, i = 1} end if[2] then[2] = ShopCard{group = self.main, x = 140, y = 75, w = 80, h = 90, unit =[2], parent = self, i = 2} end if[3] then[3] = ShopCard{group = self.main, x = 220, y = 75, w = 80, h = 90, unit =[3], parent = self, i = 3} end else[1] = ShopCard{group = self.main, x = 60, y = 75, w = 80, h = 90, unit = unit_1, parent = self, i = 1}[2] = ShopCard{group = self.main, x = 140, y = 75, w = 80, h = 90, unit = unit_2, parent = self, i = 2}[3] = ShopCard{group = self.main, x = 220, y = 75, w = 80, h = 90, unit = unit_3, parent = self, i = 3} end end function BuyScreen:set_party_and_sets() if self.characters then for _, part in ipairs(self.characters) do part:die() end end self.characters = {} local y = 40 for i, unit in ipairs(self.units) do table.insert(self.characters, CharacterPart{group = self.main, x = gw - 30, y = y + (i-1)*19, character = unit.character, level = unit.level, reserve = unit.reserve, i = i, spawn_effect = unit.spawn_effect, parent = self}) unit.spawn_effect = false end if self.sets then for _, icon in ipairs(self.sets) do icon:die(true) end end self.sets = {} local classes = get_classes(self.units) for i, class in ipairs(classes) do local x, y if #classes <= 6 then x, y = math.index_to_coordinates(i, 2) else x, y = math.index_to_coordinates(i, 3) end table.insert(self.sets, ClassIcon{group = self.main, x = (#classes <= 6 and 319 or 308) + (x-1)*20, y = 45 + (y-1)*56, class = class, units = self.units, parent = self}) end end function BuyScreen:set_items() if self.items then for _, item in ipairs(self.items) do item:die() end end self.items = {} local y = 182 for k, passive in ipairs(self.passives) do local i, j = math.index_to_coordinates(k, 4) table.insert(self.items, ItemCard{group = self.main, x = 45 + (i-1)*60, y = y + (j-1)*50, w = 40, h = 50, passive = passive.passive , level = passive.level, xp = passive.xp, parent = self, i = k}) end end SteamFollowButton = Object:extend() SteamFollowButton:implement(GameObject) function SteamFollowButton:init(args) self:init_game_object(args) self.interact_with_mouse = true self.shape = Rectangle(self.x, self.y, pixul_font:get_text_width('follow me on steam!') + 12, pixul_font.h + 4) self.text = Text({{text = '[greenm5]follow me on steam!', font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center'}}, global_text_tags) end function SteamFollowButton:update(dt) self:update_game_object(dt) if main.current.in_credits then return end if self.selected and input.m1.pressed then ui_switch2:play{pitch = random:float(0.95, 1.05), volume = 0.5} self.spring:pull(0.2, 200, 10) self.selected = true ui_switch1:play{pitch = random:float(0.95, 1.05), volume = 0.5} system.open_url'' end end function SteamFollowButton:draw() graphics.push(self.x, self.y, 0, self.spring.x, self.spring.y) graphics.rectangle(self.x, self.y, self.shape.w, self.shape.h, 4, 4, self.selected and fg[0] or green[0]) self.text:draw(self.x, self.y) graphics.pop() end function SteamFollowButton:on_mouse_enter() if main.current.in_credits then return end love.mouse.setCursor(love.mouse.getSystemCursor'hand') ui_hover1:play{pitch = random:float(1.3, 1.5), volume = 0.5} pop2:play{pitch = random:float(0.95, 1.05), volume = 0.5} self.selected = true self.text:set_text{{text = '[fgm5]follow me on steam!', font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center'}} self.spring:pull(0.05, 200, 10) end function SteamFollowButton:on_mouse_exit() if main.current.in_credits then return end love.mouse.setCursor() self.text:set_text{{text = '[greenm5]follow me on steam!', font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center'}} self.selected = false end WishlistButton = Object:extend() WishlistButton:implement(GameObject) function WishlistButton:init(args) self:init_game_object(args) self.interact_with_mouse = true if self.w_to_wishlist then self.shape = Rectangle(self.x, self.y, 85, 18) self.text = Text({{text = '[bg10]w to wishlist', font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center'}}, global_text_tags) else self.shape = Rectangle(self.x, self.y, 110, 18) self.text = Text({{text = '[bg10]wishlist on steam', font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center'}}, global_text_tags) end end function WishlistButton:update(dt) self:update_game_object(dt) if self.selected and input.m1.pressed then ui_switch2:play{pitch = random:float(0.95, 1.05), volume = 0.5} self.spring:pull(0.2, 200, 10) self.selected = true ui_switch1:play{pitch = random:float(0.95, 1.05), volume = 0.5} system.open_url'' end end function WishlistButton:draw() graphics.push(self.x, self.y, 0, self.spring.x, self.spring.y) graphics.rectangle(self.x, self.y, self.shape.w, self.shape.h, 4, 4, self.selected and fg[0] or bg[1]) self.text:draw(self.x, self.y + 1) graphics.pop() end function WishlistButton:on_mouse_enter() ui_hover1:play{pitch = random:float(1.3, 1.5), volume = 0.5} pop2:play{pitch = random:float(0.95, 1.05), volume = 0.5} self.selected = true if self.w_to_wishlist then self.text:set_text{{text = '[fgm5]w to wishlist', font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center'}} else self.text:set_text{{text = '[fgm5]wishlist on steam', font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center'}} end self.spring:pull(0.2, 200, 10) end function WishlistButton:on_mouse_exit() if self.w_to_wishlist then self.text:set_text{{text = '[bg10]w to wishlist', font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center'}} else self.text:set_text{{text = '[bg10]wishlist on steam', font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center'}} end self.selected = false end RestartButton = Object:extend() RestartButton:implement(GameObject) function RestartButton:init(args) self:init_game_object(args) self.shape = Rectangle(self.x, self.y, pixul_font:get_text_width('restart') + 4, pixul_font.h + 4) self.interact_with_mouse = true self.text = Text({{text = '[bg10]NG+' .. tostring(current_new_game_plus), font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center'}}, global_text_tags) end function RestartButton:update(dt) if main.current.in_credits then return end self:update_game_object(dt) if self.selected and input.m1.pressed then main.current.transitioning = true ui_transition2:play{pitch = random:float(0.95, 1.05), volume = 0.5} ui_switch2:play{pitch = random:float(0.95, 1.05), volume = 0.5} ui_switch1:play{pitch = random:float(0.95, 1.05), volume = 0.5} TransitionEffect{group = main.transitions, x = gw/2, y = gh/2, color = state.dark_transitions and bg[-2] or fg[0], transition_action = function() slow_amount = 1 music_slow_amount = 1 gold = 3 passives = {} main_song_instance:stop() run_passive_pool = { 'centipede', 'ouroboros_technique_r', 'ouroboros_technique_l', 'amplify', 'resonance', 'ballista', 'call_of_the_void', 'crucio', 'speed_3', 'damage_4', 'shoot_5', 'death_6', 'lasting_7', 'defensive_stance', 'offensive_stance', 'kinetic_bomb', 'porcupine_technique', 'last_stand', 'seeping', 'deceleration', 'annihilation', 'malediction', 'hextouch', 'whispers_of_doom', 'tremor', 'heavy_impact', 'fracture', 'meat_shield', 'hive', 'baneling_burst', 'blunt_arrow', 'explosive_arrow', 'divine_machine_arrow', 'chronomancy', 'awakening', 'divine_punishment', 'assassination', 'flying_daggers', 'ultimatum', 'magnify', 'echo_barrage', 'unleash', 'reinforce', 'payback', 'enchanted', 'freezing_field', 'burning_field', 'gravity_field', 'magnetism', 'insurance', 'dividends', 'berserking', 'unwavering_stance', 'unrelenting_stance', 'blessing', 'haste', 'divine_barrage', 'orbitism', 'psyker_orbs', 'psychosink', 'rearm', 'taunt', 'construct_instability', 'intimidation', 'vulnerability', 'temporal_chains', 'ceremonial_dagger', 'homing_barrage', 'critical_strike', 'noxious_strike', 'infesting_strike', 'burning_strike', 'lucky_strike', 'healing_strike', 'stunning_strike', 'silencing_strike', 'culling_strike', 'lightning_strike', 'psycholeak', 'divine_blessing', 'hardening', } system.save_state() main:add(BuyScreen'buy_screen') system.save_run() main:go_to('buy_screen', 1, 0, {}, passives, 1, 0) end, text = Text({{text = '[wavy, ' .. tostring(state.dark_transitions and 'fg' or 'bg') .. ']restarting...', font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center'}}, global_text_tags)} end end function RestartButton:draw() graphics.push(self.x, self.y, 0, self.spring.x, self.spring.y) graphics.rectangle(self.x, self.y, self.shape.w, self.shape.h, 4, 4, self.selected and fg[0] or bg[1]) self.text:draw(self.x, self.y + 1, 0, 1, 1) graphics.pop() end function RestartButton:on_mouse_enter() if main.current.in_credits then return end ui_hover1:play{pitch = random:float(1.3, 1.5), volume = 0.5} pop2:play{pitch = random:float(0.95, 1.05), volume = 0.5} self.selected = true self.text:set_text{{text = '[fgm5]NG+' .. tostring(current_new_game_plus), font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center'}} self.spring:pull(0.2, 200, 10) end function RestartButton:on_mouse_exit() if main.current.in_credits then return end self.text:set_text{{text = '[bg10]NG+' .. tostring(current_new_game_plus), font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center'}} self.selected = false end Button = Object:extend() Button:implement(GameObject) function Button:init(args) self:init_game_object(args) self.shape = Rectangle(self.x, self.y, args.w or (pixul_font:get_text_width(self.button_text) + 8), pixul_font.h + 4) self.interact_with_mouse = true self.text = Text({{text = '[' .. self.fg_color .. ']' .. self.button_text, font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center'}}, global_text_tags) end function Button:update(dt) self:update_game_object(dt) if main.current.in_credits and not self.credits_button then return end if self.hold_button then if self.selected and input.m1.pressed then self.press_time = love.timer.getTime() self.spring:pull(0.2, 200, 10) end if self.press_time then if input.m1.down and love.timer.getTime() - self.press_time > self.hold_button then self:action() self.press_time = nil self.spring:pull(0.1, 200, 10) end end if input.m1.released then self.press_time = nil self.spring:pull(0.1, 200, 10) end else if self.selected and input.m1.pressed then if self.action then self:action() end end if self.selected and input.m2.pressed then if self.action_2 then self:action_2() end end end end function Button:draw() graphics.push(self.x, self.y, 0, self.spring.x, self.spring.y) if self.hold_button and self.press_time then graphics.set_line_width(5) graphics.set_color(fg[-5]) graphics.arc('open', self.x, self.y, 0.6*self.shape.w, 0, math.remap(love.timer.getTime() - self.press_time, 0, self.hold_button, 0, 1)*2*math.pi) graphics.set_line_width(1) end graphics.rectangle(self.x, self.y, self.shape.w, self.shape.h, 4, 4, self.selected and fg[0] or _G[self.bg_color][0]) self.text:draw(self.x, self.y + 1, 0, 1, 1) graphics.pop() end function Button:on_mouse_enter() if main.current.in_credits and not self.credits_button then return end ui_hover1:play{pitch = random:float(1.3, 1.5), volume = 0.5} pop2:play{pitch = random:float(0.95, 1.05), volume = 0.5} self.selected = true self.text:set_text{{text = '[fgm5]' .. self.button_text, font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center'}} self.spring:pull(0.2, 200, 10) if self.mouse_enter then self:mouse_enter() end end function Button:on_mouse_exit() if main.current.in_credits and not self.credits_button then return end self.text:set_text{{text = '[' .. self.fg_color .. ']' .. self.button_text, font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center'}} self.selected = false if self.mouse_exit then self:mouse_exit() end end function Button:set_text(text) self.button_text = text self.text:set_text{{text = '[' .. self.fg_color .. ']' .. self.button_text, font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center'}} self.spring:pull(0.2, 200, 10) end GoButton = Object:extend() GoButton:implement(GameObject) function GoButton:init(args) self:init_game_object(args) self.shape = Rectangle(self.x, self.y, 28, 18) self.interact_with_mouse = true self.text = Text({{text = '[greenm5]GO!', font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center'}}, global_text_tags) end function GoButton:update(dt) self:update_game_object(dt) if self.selected and input.m1.pressed and not self.transitioning then if #self.parent.units == 0 then if not self.info_text then error1:play{pitch = random:float(0.95, 1.05), volume = 0.5} self.info_text = InfoText{group = main.current.ui} self.info_text:activate({ {text = '[fg]cannot start the round with [yellow]0 [fg]units', font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center'}, }, nil, nil, nil, nil, 16, 4, nil, 2) self.info_text.x, self.info_text.y = gw/2, gh/2 + 10 end self.t:after(2, function() self.info_text:deactivate(); self.info_text.dead = true; self.info_text = nil end, 'info_text') else locked_state = {locked = self.parent.locked, cards = {[1] and[1].unit,[2] and[2].unit,[3] and[3].unit}} ui_switch2:play{pitch = random:float(0.95, 1.05), volume = 0.5} self.spring:pull(0.2, 200, 10) self.selected = true ui_switch1:play{pitch = random:float(0.95, 1.05), volume = 0.5} ui_transition1:play{pitch = random:float(0.95, 1.05), volume = 0.5} self.transitioning = true system.save_run(self.parent.level, self.parent.loop, gold, self.parent.units, self.parent.passives, self.parent.shop_level, self.parent.shop_xp, run_passive_pool, locked_state) TransitionEffect{group = main.transitions, x = self.x, y = self.y, color = state.dark_transitions and bg[-2] or character_colors[random:table(self.parent.units).character], transition_action = function() main:add(Arena'arena') main:go_to('arena', self.parent.level, self.parent.loop, self.parent.units, self.parent.passives, self.parent.shop_level, self.parent.shop_xp, self.parent.locked) end, text = Text({{text = '[wavy, ' .. tostring(state.dark_transitions and 'fg' or 'bg') .. ']level ' .. tostring(self.parent.level) .. '/' .. tostring(25*(self.parent.loop+1)), font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center'}}, global_text_tags)} end end end function GoButton:draw() graphics.push(self.x, self.y, 0, self.spring.x, self.spring.y) graphics.rectangle(self.x, self.y, self.shape.w, self.shape.h, 4, 4, self.selected and fg[0] or green[0]) self.text:draw(self.x, self.y + 1, 0, 1, 1) graphics.pop() end function GoButton:on_mouse_enter() ui_hover1:play{pitch = random:float(1.3, 1.5), volume = 0.5} pop2:play{pitch = random:float(0.95, 1.05), volume = 0.5} self.selected = true self.text:set_text{{text = '[fgm5]GO!', font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center'}} self.spring:pull(0.2, 200, 10) end function GoButton:on_mouse_exit() self.text:set_text{{text = '[greenm5]GO!', font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center'}} self.selected = false end LockButton = Object:extend() LockButton:implement(GameObject) function LockButton:init(args) self:init_game_object(args) self.shape = Rectangle(self.x, self.y, 32, 16) self.interact_with_mouse = true if self.parent.locked then self.shape.w = 44 else self.shape.w = 32 end if self.parent.locked then self.text = Text({{text = '[fgm5]' .. tostring(self.parent.locked and 'unlock' or 'lock'), font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center'}}, global_text_tags) else self.text = Text({{text = '[bg10]' .. tostring(self.parent.locked and 'unlock' or 'lock'), font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center'}}, global_text_tags) end end function LockButton:update(dt) self:update_game_object(dt) if self.selected and input.m1.pressed then self.parent.locked = not self.parent.locked if not self.parent.locked then locked_state = nil end if self.parent.locked then locked_state = {locked = true, cards = {[1] and[1].unit,[2] and[2].unit,[3] and[3].unit}} system.save_run(self.parent.level, self.parent.loop, gold, self.parent.units, self.parent.passives, self.parent.shop_level, self.parent.shop_xp, run_passive_pool, locked_state) end ui_switch2:play{pitch = random:float(0.95, 1.05), volume = 0.5} self.selected = true self.spring:pull(0.2, 200, 10) self.text:set_text{{text = '[fgm5]' .. tostring(self.parent.locked and 'unlock' or 'lock'), font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center'}} if self.parent.locked then self.shape.w = 44 else self.shape.w = 32 end end end function LockButton:draw() graphics.push(self.x, self.y, 0, self.spring.x, self.spring.y) graphics.rectangle(self.x, self.y, self.shape.w, self.shape.h, 4, 4, (self.selected or self.parent.locked) and fg[0] or bg[1]) self.text:draw(self.x, self.y + 1) graphics.pop() end function LockButton:on_mouse_enter() ui_hover1:play{pitch = random:float(1.3, 1.5), volume = 0.5} pop2:play{pitch = random:float(0.95, 1.05), volume = 0.5} self.selected = true self.text:set_text{{text = '[fgm5]' .. tostring(self.parent.locked and 'unlock' or 'lock'), font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center'}} self.spring:pull(0.2, 200, 10) end function LockButton:on_mouse_exit() if not self.parent.locked then self.text:set_text{{text = '[bg10]' .. tostring(self.parent.locked and 'unlock' or 'lock'), font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center'}} end self.selected = false end LevelButton = Object:extend() LevelButton:implement(GameObject) function LevelButton:init(args) self:init_game_object(args) self.interact_with_mouse = true self.shape = Rectangle(self.x, self.y, 16, 16) self.text = Text({{text = '[bg10]' .. tostring(self.parent.shop_level), font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center'}}, global_text_tags) self.shop_xp = self.parent.shop_xp or 0 self.max_xp = (self.parent.shop_level == 1 and 3) or (self.parent.shop_level == 2 and 4) or (self.parent.shop_level == 3 and 5) or (self.parent.shop_level == 4 and 6) or (self.parent.shop_level == 5 and 0) end function LevelButton:update(dt) self:update_game_object(dt) if self.selected and input.m1.pressed then if self.parent.shop_level >= 5 then return end if gold < 5 then self.spring:pull(0.2, 200, 10) self.selected = true error1:play{pitch = random:float(0.95, 1.05), volume = 0.5} if not self.info_text_2 then self.info_text_2 = InfoText{group = main.current.ui} self.info_text_2:activate({ {text = '[fg]not enough gold', font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center'}, }, nil, nil, nil, nil, 16, 4, nil, 2) self.info_text_2.x, self.info_text_2.y = gw/2, gh/2 + 30 end self.t:after(2, function() self.info_text_2:deactivate(); self.info_text_2.dead = true; self.info_text_2 = nil end, 'info_text_2') else ui_switch2:play{pitch = random:float(0.95, 1.05), volume = 0.5} self.shop_xp = self.shop_xp + 1 if self.shop_xp >= self.max_xp then self.shop_xp = 0 self.parent.shop_level = self.parent.shop_level + 1 self.max_xp = (self.parent.shop_level == 1 and 3) or (self.parent.shop_level == 2 and 4) or (self.parent.shop_level == 3 and 5) or (self.parent.shop_level == 4 and 6) or (self.parent.shop_level == 5 and 0) end self.parent.shop_xp = self.shop_xp self:create_info_text() self.selected = true self.spring:pull(0.2, 200, 10) gold = gold - 5 self.parent.shop_text:set_text{{text = '[wavy_mid, fg]shop [fg]- [fg, nudge_down]gold: [yellow, nudge_down]' .. gold, font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center'}} self.text = Text({{text = '[bg10]' .. tostring(self.parent.shop_level), font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center'}}, global_text_tags) system.save_run(self.parent.level, self.parent.loop, gold, self.parent.units, self.parent.passives, self.parent.shop_level, self.parent.shop_xp, run_passive_pool, locked_state) end end end function LevelButton:draw() graphics.push(self.x, self.y, 0, self.spring.x, self.spring.y) graphics.rectangle(self.x, self.y, self.shape.w, self.shape.h, 4, 4, self.selected and fg[0] or bg[1]) self.text:draw(self.x, self.y + 1) for i = 1, self.max_xp do graphics.line(self.x + 0.9*self.shape.w + (i-1)*5, self.y - self.shape.h/3, self.x + 0.9*self.shape.w + (i-1)*5, self.y + self.shape.h/3, bg[1], 2) end for i = 1, self.shop_xp do graphics.line(self.x + 0.9*self.shape.w + (i-1)*5, self.y - self.shape.h/3, self.x + 0.9*self.shape.w + (i-1)*5, self.y + self.shape.h/3, fg[0], 2) end graphics.pop() end function LevelButton:create_info_text() if self.info_text then self.info_text:deactivate() self.info_text.dead = true end self.info_text = nil if self.parent.shop_level < 5 then local t11, t12 = get_shop_odds(self.parent.shop_level, 1), get_shop_odds(self.parent.shop_level+1, 1) local t21, t22 = get_shop_odds(self.parent.shop_level, 2), get_shop_odds(self.parent.shop_level+1, 2) local t31, t32 = get_shop_odds(self.parent.shop_level, 3), get_shop_odds(self.parent.shop_level+1, 3) local t41, t42 = get_shop_odds(self.parent.shop_level, 4), get_shop_odds(self.parent.shop_level+1, 4) self.info_text = InfoText{group = main.current.ui} self.info_text:activate({ {text = '[yellow]Lv.' .. self.parent.shop_level .. '[fg] shop, XP: [yellow]' .. self.shop_xp .. '/' .. self.max_xp .. '[fg], +1 XP cost: [yellow]5', font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center', height_multiplier = 1.5}, {text = '[bg10]chances of units appearing on the shop', font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center', height_multiplier = 1.25}, {text = '[yellow]current shop level [fgm10]next shop level', font = pixul_font, alignment = 'left', height_multiplier = 1.25}, {text = '[fg]tier 1: ' .. t11 .. '%' .. tostring(t11 < 10 and ' ' or '') .. ' [fgm8]tier 1: ' .. t12 .. '%', font = pixul_font, alignment = 'left', height_multiplier = 1.25}, {text = '[green]tier 2: ' .. t21 .. '%' .. tostring(t21 < 10 and ' ' or '') .. ' [fgm6]tier 2: ' .. t22 .. '%', font = pixul_font, alignment = 'left', height_multiplier = 1.25}, {text = '[blue]tier 3: ' .. t31 .. '%' .. tostring(t31 < 10 and ' ' or '') .. ' [fgm4]tier 3: ' .. t32 .. '%', font = pixul_font, alignment = 'left', height_multiplier = 1.25}, {text = '[purple]tier 4: ' .. t41 .. '%' .. tostring(t41 < 10 and ' ' or '') .. ' [fgm2]tier 4: ' .. t42 .. '%', font = pixul_font, alignment = 'left', height_multiplier = 1.25}, }, nil, nil, nil, nil, 16, 4, nil, 2) self.info_text.x, self.info_text.y = gw/2, gh/2 - 45 elseif self.parent.shop_level == 5 then local t11 = get_shop_odds(self.parent.shop_level, 1) local t21 = get_shop_odds(self.parent.shop_level, 2) local t31 = get_shop_odds(self.parent.shop_level, 3) local t41 = get_shop_odds(self.parent.shop_level, 4) self.info_text = InfoText{group = main.current.ui} self.info_text:activate({ {text = '[yellow]Lv.' .. self.parent.shop_level .. '[fg] shop', font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center', height_multiplier = 1.5}, {text = '[bg10]chances of units appearing on the shop', font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center', height_multiplier = 1.25}, {text = '[yellow]current shop level', font = pixul_font, alignment = 'left', height_multiplier = 1.25}, {text = '[fg]tier 1: ' .. t11 .. '%', font = pixul_font, alignment = 'left', height_multiplier = 1.25}, {text = '[green]tier 2: ' .. t21 .. '%', font = pixul_font, alignment = 'left', height_multiplier = 1.25}, {text = '[blue]tier 3: ' .. t31 .. '%', font = pixul_font, alignment = 'left', height_multiplier = 1.25}, {text = '[purple]tier 4: ' .. t41 .. '%', font = pixul_font, alignment = 'left', height_multiplier = 1.25}, }, nil, nil, nil, nil, 16, 4, nil, 2) self.info_text.x, self.info_text.y = gw/2, gh/2 - 45 end end function LevelButton:on_mouse_enter() ui_hover1:play{pitch = random:float(1.3, 1.5), volume = 0.5} pop2:play{pitch = random:float(0.95, 1.05), volume = 0.5} self.selected = true self.text:set_text{{text = '[fgm5]' .. tostring(self.parent.shop_level), font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center'}} self.spring:pull(0.2, 200, 10) self:create_info_text() end function LevelButton:on_mouse_exit() self.text:set_text{{text = '[bg10]' .. tostring(self.parent.shop_level), font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center'}} self.selected = false if self.info_text then self.info_text:deactivate() self.info_text.dead = true end self.info_text = nil end RerollButton = Object:extend() RerollButton:implement(GameObject) function RerollButton:init(args) self:init_game_object(args) self.interact_with_mouse = true if self.parent:is(BuyScreen) then self.shape = Rectangle(self.x, self.y, 54, 16) self.text = Text({{text = '[bg10]reroll: [yellow]2', font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center'}}, global_text_tags) elseif self.parent:is(Arena) then self.shape = Rectangle(self.x, self.y, 60, 16) local merchant for _, unit in ipairs(self.parent.starting_units) do if unit.character == 'merchant' then merchant = unit break end end if self.parent.level == 3 or (merchant and merchant.level == 3) then self.free_reroll = true self.text = Text({{text = '[bg10]reroll: [yellow]0', font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center'}}, global_text_tags) else self.text = Text({{text = '[bg10]reroll: [yellow]5', font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center'}}, global_text_tags) end end end function RerollButton:update(dt) self:update_game_object(dt) if self.selected and input.m1.pressed then if self.parent:is(BuyScreen) then if gold < 2 then self.spring:pull(0.2, 200, 10) self.selected = true error1:play{pitch = random:float(0.95, 1.05), volume = 0.5} if not self.info_text then self.info_text = InfoText{group = main.current.ui} self.info_text:activate({ {text = '[fg]not enough gold', font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center'}, }, nil, nil, nil, nil, 16, 4, nil, 2) self.info_text.x, self.info_text.y = gw/2, gh/2 + 10 end self.t:after(2, function() self.info_text:deactivate(); self.info_text.dead = true; self.info_text = nil end, 'info_text') else ui_switch2:play{pitch = random:float(0.95, 1.05), volume = 0.5} self.parent:set_cards(self.parent.shop_level, true) self.selected = true self.spring:pull(0.2, 200, 10) gold = gold - 2 self.parent.shop_text:set_text{{text = '[wavy_mid, fg]shop [fg]- [fg, nudge_down]gold: [yellow, nudge_down]' .. gold, font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center'}} system.save_run(self.parent.level, self.parent.loop, gold, self.parent.units, self.parent.passives, self.parent.shop_level, self.parent.shop_xp, run_passive_pool, locked_state) end elseif self.parent:is(Arena) then if gold < 5 and not self.free_reroll then self.spring:pull(0.2, 200, 10) self.selected = true error1:play{pitch = random:float(0.95, 1.05), volume = 0.5} if not self.info_text then self.info_text = InfoText{group = main.current.ui, force_update = true} self.info_text:activate({ {text = '[fg]not enough gold', font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center'}, }, nil, nil, nil, nil, 16, 4, nil, 2) self.info_text.x, self.info_text.y = gw/2, gh/2 + 10 end self.t:after(2, function() self.info_text:deactivate(); self.info_text.dead = true; self.info_text = nil end, 'info_text') else ui_switch2:play{pitch = random:float(0.95, 1.05), volume = 0.5} self.parent:set_passives(true) self.selected = true self.spring:pull(0.2, 200, 10) if not self.free_reroll then gold = gold - 5 end self.parent.shop_text:set_text{{text = '[fg, nudge_down]gold: [yellow, nudge_down]' .. gold, font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center'}} self.free_reroll = false self.text = Text({{text = '[bg10]reroll: [yellow]5', font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center'}}, global_text_tags) end end end end function RerollButton:draw() graphics.push(self.x, self.y, 0, self.spring.x, self.spring.y) if self.parent:is(Arena) then graphics.rectangle(self.x, self.y, self.shape.w, self.shape.h, 4, 4, self.selected and fg[0] or bg[-2]) else graphics.rectangle(self.x, self.y, self.shape.w, self.shape.h, 4, 4, self.selected and fg[0] or bg[1]) end self.text:draw(self.x, self.y + 1) graphics.pop() end function RerollButton:on_mouse_enter() ui_hover1:play{pitch = random:float(1.3, 1.5), volume = 0.5} pop2:play{pitch = random:float(0.95, 1.05), volume = 0.5} self.selected = true if self.parent:is(BuyScreen) then self.text:set_text{{text = '[fgm5]reroll: 2', font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center'}} elseif self.parent:is(Arena) then if self.free_reroll then self.text:set_text{{text = '[fgm5]reroll: 0', font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center'}} else self.text:set_text{{text = '[fgm5]reroll: 5', font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center'}} end end self.spring:pull(0.2, 200, 10) end function RerollButton:on_mouse_exit() if self.parent:is(BuyScreen) then self.text:set_text{{text = '[bg10]reroll: [yellow]2', font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center'}} elseif self.parent:is(Arena) then if self.free_reroll then self.text:set_text{{text = '[fgm5]reroll: [yellow]0', font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center'}} else self.text:set_text{{text = '[fgm5]reroll: [yellow]5', font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center'}} end end self.selected = false end TutorialCharacterPart = Object:extend() TutorialCharacterPart:implement(GameObject) function TutorialCharacterPart:init(args) self:init_game_object(args) self.shape = Rectangle(self.x, self.y,*20,*20) self.interact_with_mouse = true self.spring:pull(0.2, 200, 10) end function TutorialCharacterPart:update(dt) self:update_game_object(dt) end function TutorialCharacterPart:draw() graphics.push(self.x, self.y, 0,*self.spring.x,*self.spring.x) graphics.rectangle(self.x, self.y, 14, 14, 3, 3, self.highlighted and fg[0] or character_colors[self.character]) graphics.print_centered(self.level, pixul_font, self.x + 0.5, self.y + 2, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, self.highlighted and fg[-5] or _G[character_color_strings[self.character]][-5]) graphics.pop() end function TutorialCharacterPart:on_mouse_enter() ui_hover1:play{pitch = random:float(1.3, 1.5), volume = 0.5} self.selected = true self.spring:pull(0.2, 200, 10) self.info_text = InfoText{group = main.current.tutorial} self.info_text:activate({ {text = '[' .. character_color_strings[self.character] .. ']' .. self.character:capitalize() .. '[fg] - [yellow]Lv.' .. self.level, font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center', height_multiplier = 1.25}, {text = '[fg]Classes: ' .. character_class_strings[self.character], font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center', height_multiplier = 1.25}, {text = character_descriptions[self.character](self.level), font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center', height_multiplier = 2}, {text = '[' .. (self.level == 3 and 'yellow' or 'light_bg') .. ']Lv.3 [' .. (self.level == 3 and 'fg' or 'light_bg') .. ']Effect - ' .. (self.level == 3 and character_effect_names[self.character] or character_effect_names_gray[self.character]), font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center', height_multiplier = 1.25}, {text = (self.level == 3 and character_effect_descriptions[self.character]() or character_effect_descriptions_gray[self.character]()), font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center'}, }, nil, nil, nil, nil, 16, 4, nil, 2) self.info_text.x, self.info_text.y = gw/2, gh/2 + gh/4 - 12 end function TutorialCharacterPart:on_mouse_exit() self.selected = false if self.info_text then self.info_text:deactivate() self.info_text.dead = true end self.info_text = nil end CharacterPart = Object:extend() CharacterPart:implement(GameObject) function CharacterPart:init(args) self:init_game_object(args) self.shape = Rectangle(self.x, self.y,*20,*20) self.interact_with_mouse = true = {} local x = self.x - 20 if self.reserve then if self.reserve[2] and self.reserve[2] == 1 then table.insert(, CharacterPart{group = main.current.main, x = x, y = self.y, character = self.character, level = 2, i = self.i, parent = self}) x = x - 20 end for i = 1, self.reserve and self.reserve[1] or 0 do table.insert(, CharacterPart{group = main.current.main, x = x, y = self.y, character = self.character, level = 1, sx = 0.9, sy = 0.9, i = self.i, parent = self}) x = x - 20 end end self.spring:pull(0.2, 200, 10) if self.spawn_effect then SpawnEffect{group = main.current.effects, x = self.x, y = self.y, color = character_colors[self.character]} end self.just_created = true self.t:after(0.1, function() self.just_created = false end) end function CharacterPart:update(dt) self:update_game_object(dt) if self.cant_click then return end if not self.parent:is(CharacterPart) then if input.m1.pressed and self.colliding_with_mouse then self.grabbed = true self.parent.unit_grabbed = self end if self.grabbed and input.m1.released then self.grabbed = false self.parent.unit_grabbed = false self.spring:pull(0.2, 200, 10) --[[ for i, unit in ipairs(self.parent.units) do print(unit.character) end for i, character in ipairs(self.parent.characters) do print(character.y, character.character, character.shape.y) end ]]-- end for _, part in ipairs( do part.grabbed = self.grabbed end if self.parent.unit_grabbed and self.parent.unit_grabbed == self then local x, y = camera:get_mouse_position() local i if y >= self.y - 19 and y <= self.y + 19 then i = self.i elseif y < self.y - 19 then i = self.i - 1 elseif y > self.y + 19 then i = self.i + 1 end i = math.clamp(i, 1, #self.parent.units) -- i = math.clamp(math.floor((y - 40)/19) + 1, 1, #self.parent.units) self.parent.units[self.i], self.parent.units[i] = self.parent.units[i], self.parent.units[self.i] self.parent.characters[self.i], self.parent.characters[i] = self.parent.characters[i], self.parent.characters[self.i] self.parent.characters[self.i].i, self.parent.characters[i].i = self.i, i end end if self.selected and input.m2.pressed and not self.just_created then _G[random:table{'coins1', 'coins2', 'coins3'}]:play{pitch = random:float(0.95, 1.05), volume = 0.5} if self.reserve then self.parent:gain_gold(self:get_sale_price()) table.remove(self.parent.units, self.i) self:die() self.parent:set_party_and_sets() self.parent:refresh_cards() self.parent.party_text:set_text({{text = '[wavy_mid, fg]party ' .. tostring(#self.parent.units) .. '/' .. tostring(max_units), font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center'}}) system.save_run(self.parent.level, self.parent.loop, gold, self.parent.units, self.parent.passives, self.parent.shop_level, self.parent.shop_xp, run_passive_pool, locked_state) else self.parent.parent:gain_gold(self:get_sale_price()) self.parent.parent.units[self.i].reserve[self.level] = self.parent.parent.units[self.i].reserve[self.level] - 1 self:die() self.parent.parent:set_party_and_sets() self.parent.parent:refresh_cards() system.save_run(self.parent.parent.level, self.parent.parent.loop, gold, self.parent.parent.units, self.parent.parent.passives, self.parent.parent.shop_level, self.parent.parent.shop_xp, run_passive_pool, locked_state) end end self.shape:move_to(self.x, self.y) for _, part in ipairs( do part.y = self.y end end function CharacterPart:draw(y) graphics.push(self.x, self.y, 0,*self.spring.x,*self.spring.x) if self.grabbed then --[[ graphics.rectangle(self.x, self.y, 14, 14, 3, 3, bg[5]) graphics.print_centered(self.level, pixul_font, self.x + 0.5, self.y + 2, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, bg[10]) ]]-- else graphics.rectangle(self.x, self.y, 14, 14, 3, 3, self.highlighted and bg[10] or character_colors[self.character]) graphics.print_centered(self.level, pixul_font, self.x + 0.5, self.y + 2, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, self.highlighted and bg[5] or _G[character_color_strings[self.character]][-5]) end if y then graphics.rectangle(self.x, y, 14, 14, 3, 3, bg[5]) graphics.print_centered(self.level, pixul_font, self.x + 0.5, y + 2, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, bg[10]) end graphics.pop() end function CharacterPart:on_mouse_enter() ui_hover1:play{pitch = random:float(1.3, 1.5), volume = 0.5} self.selected = true self.spring:pull(0.2, 200, 10) self.info_text = InfoText{group = main.current.ui, force_update = self.force_update} self.info_text:activate({ {text = '[' .. character_color_strings[self.character] .. ']' .. self.character:capitalize() .. '[fg] - [yellow]Lv.' .. self.level .. '[fg], tier [yellow]' .. character_tiers[self.character] .. '[fg] - sells for [yellow]' .. self:get_sale_price(), font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center', height_multiplier = 1.25}, {text = '[fg]Classes: ' .. character_class_strings[self.character], font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center', height_multiplier = 1.25}, {text = character_descriptions[self.character](self.level), font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center', height_multiplier = 2}, {text = '[' .. (self.level == 3 and 'yellow' or 'light_bg') .. ']Lv.3 [' .. (self.level == 3 and 'fg' or 'light_bg') .. ']Effect - ' .. (self.level == 3 and character_effect_names[self.character] or character_effect_names_gray[self.character]), font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center', height_multiplier = 1.25}, {text = (self.level == 3 and character_effect_descriptions[self.character]() or character_effect_descriptions_gray[self.character]()), font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center'}, }, nil, nil, nil, nil, 16, 4, nil, 2) self.info_text.x, self.info_text.y = gw/2, gh/2 + 10 --[[ if self.parent:is(BuyScreen) then for _, set in ipairs(self.parent.sets) do if table.any(character_classes[self.character], function(v) return v == set.class end) then set:highlight() end end end ]]-- end function CharacterPart:get_sale_price() if not character_tiers[self.character] then return 0 end local total = 0 total = total + ((self.level == 1 and character_tiers[self.character]) or (self.level == 2 and 2*character_tiers[self.character]) or (self.level == 3 and 6*character_tiers[self.character]) or 0) if self.reserve then if self.reserve[2] then total = total + self.reserve[2]*character_tiers[self.character]*2 end if self.reserve[1] then total = total + self.reserve[1]*character_tiers[self.character] end end return total end function CharacterPart:on_mouse_exit() self.selected = false if self.info_text then self.info_text:deactivate() self.info_text.dead = true end self.info_text = nil --[[ if self.parent:is(BuyScreen) then for _, set in ipairs(self.parent.sets) do if table.any(character_classes[self.character], function(v) return v == set.class end) then set:unhighlight() end end end ]]-- end function CharacterPart:die() self.dead = true for _, part in ipairs( do part:die() end if self.info_text then self.info_text:deactivate() self.info_text.dead = true self.info_text = nil end --[[ if self.selected and self.parent:is(BuyScreen) then for _, set in ipairs(self.parent.sets) do if table.any(character_classes[self.character], function(v) return v == set.class end) then set:unhighlight() end end end ]]-- end function CharacterPart:highlight() self.highlighted = true self.spring:pull(0.2, 200, 10) end function CharacterPart:unhighlight() self.highlighted = false self.spring:pull(0.05, 200, 10) end PassiveCard = Object:extend() PassiveCard:implement(GameObject) function PassiveCard:init(args) self:init_game_object(args) self.shape = Rectangle(self.x, self.y, self.w, self.h) self.interact_with_mouse = true self.passive_name = Text({{text = '[fg, wavy_mid]' .. passive_names[self.passive], font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center'}}, global_text_tags) self.passive_description = passive_descriptions[self.passive] self.spring:pull(0.2, 200, 10) end function PassiveCard:update(dt) self:update_game_object(dt) self.passive_name:update(dt) if self.selected and input.m1.pressed and self.arena.choosing_passives then self.arena.choosing_passives = false table.insert(self.arena.passives, {passive = self.passive, level = 1, xp = 0}) self.arena:restore_passives_to_pool(self.card_i) trigger:tween(0.25, _G, {slow_amount = 1, music_slow_amount = 1}, math.linear, function() slow_amount = 1 music_slow_amount = 1 self.arena:transition() end) ui_switch1:play{pitch = random:float(0.95, 1.05), volume = 0.5} self:die() end end function PassiveCard:draw() graphics.push(self.x, self.y, 0,*self.spring.x,*self.spring.x) self.passive_name:draw(self.x, self.y - 20) _G[self.passive]:draw(self.x, self.y + 24, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, fg[0]) graphics.pop() end function PassiveCard:on_mouse_enter() self.selected = true ui_hover1:play{pitch = random:float(1.3, 1.5), volume = 0.5} self.spring:pull(0.2, 200, 10) self.info_text = InfoText{group = main.current.ui, force_update = true} self.info_text:activate({ {text = self.passive_description, font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center', height_multiplier = 1.25}, }, nil, nil, nil, nil, 16, 4, nil, 2) self.info_text.x, self.info_text.y = gw/2, gh/2 + gh/4 - 6 end function PassiveCard:on_mouse_exit() self.selected = false self.info_text:deactivate() self.info_text.dead = true self.info_text = nil end function PassiveCard:die() self.dead = true if self.info_text then self.info_text:deactivate() self.info_text.dead = true self.info_text = nil end end ItemCard = Object:extend() ItemCard:implement(GameObject) function ItemCard:init(args) self:init_game_object(args) self.shape = Rectangle(self.x, self.y, self.w, self.h) self.interact_with_mouse = true self.max_xp = (self.level == 0 and 0) or (self.level == 1 and 2) or (self.level == 2 and 3) or (self.level == 3 and 0) self.unlevellable = table.any(unlevellable_items, function(v) return v == self.passive end) end function ItemCard:update(dt) self:update_game_object(dt) if self.parent:is(Arena) then return end if self.selected and input.m1.pressed and not self.unlevellable then if self.level >= 3 then return end if gold < 5 then self.spring:pull(0.2, 200, 10) self.selected = true error1:play{pitch = random:float(0.95, 1.05), volume = 0.5} if not self.info_text_2 then self.info_text_2 = InfoText{group = main.current.ui} self.info_text_2:activate({ {text = '[fg]not enough gold', font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center'}, }, nil, nil, nil, nil, 16, 4, nil, 2) self.info_text_2.x, self.info_text_2.y = gw/2, gh/2 + 30 end self.t:after(2, function() self.info_text_2:deactivate(); self.info_text_2.dead = true; self.info_text_2 = nil end, 'info_text_2') else ui_switch2:play{pitch = random:float(0.95, 1.05), volume = 0.5} self.xp = self.xp + 1 if self.xp >= self.max_xp then self.xp = 0 self.level = self.level + 1 self.max_xp = (self.level == 0 and 0) or (self.level == 1 and 2) or (self.level == 2 and 3) or (self.level == 3 and 0) if self.level == 2 then spawn_mark1:play{pitch = 1, volume = 0.6} end if self.level == 3 then spawn_mark1:play{pitch = 1.2, volume = 0.6} level_up1:play{pitch = 1, volume = 0.5} end end self:create_info_text() self.selected = true self.spring:pull(0.2, 200, 10) gold = gold - 5 for _, passive in ipairs(self.parent.passives) do if passive.passive == self.passive then passive.level = self.level passive.xp = self.xp end end self.parent.shop_text:set_text{{text = '[wavy_mid, fg]shop [fg]- [fg, nudge_down]gold: [yellow, nudge_down]' .. gold, font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center'}} self.text = Text({{text = '[bg10]' .. tostring(self.parent.shop_level), font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center'}}, global_text_tags) system.save_run(self.parent.level, gold, self.parent.units, self.parent.passives, self.parent.shop_level, self.parent.shop_xp, run_passive_pool, locked_state) end end if self.selected and input.m2.pressed then _G[random:table{'coins1', 'coins2', 'coins3'}]:play{pitch = random:float(0.95, 1.05), volume = 0.5} self.parent:gain_gold((self.level == 1 and 10) or (self.level == 2 and 20) or (self.level == 3 and 30)) table.remove(self.parent.passives, self.i) input.m2.pressed = false self.parent:set_items() system.save_run(self.parent.level, gold, self.parent.units, self.parent.passives, self.parent.shop_level, self.parent.shop_xp, run_passive_pool, locked_state) end end function ItemCard:draw() graphics.push(self.x, self.y, 0,*self.spring.x,*self.spring.x) if self.selected then graphics.rectangle(self.x, self.y, self.w, self.h, 6, 6, bg[-1]) end _G[self.passive]:draw(self.x, self.y, 0, 0.8, 0.7, 0, 0, fg[0]) if not self.unlevellable and not self.parent:is(Arena) then local x, y = self.x + self.w/2.5, self.y - self.h/2.5 if self.level == 1 then graphics.rectangle(x - 2, y, 2, 2, nil, nil, self.xp >= 1 and fg[0] or bg[5]) graphics.rectangle(x + 2, y, 2, 2, nil, nil, bg[5]) elseif self.level == 2 then graphics.rectangle(x - 4, y, 2, 2, nil, nil, self.xp >= 1 and fg[0] or bg[5]) graphics.rectangle(x, y, 2, 2, nil, nil, self.xp >= 2 and fg[0] or bg[5]) graphics.rectangle(x + 4, y, 2, 2, nil, nil, bg[5]) end end graphics.pop() end function ItemCard:create_info_text() if self.info_text then self.info_text:deactivate() self.info_text.dead = true end self.info_text = nil if self.level == 3 or self.unlevellable then self.info_text = InfoText{group = main.current.ui, force_update = true} self.info_text:activate({ {text = '[fg]' .. passive_names[self.passive] .. ', [yellow]Lv.' .. self.level, font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center', height_multiplier = 1.25}, {text = passive_descriptions_level[self.passive](self.level), font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center', height_multiplier = 1.25}, }, nil, nil, nil, nil, 16, 4, nil, 2) self.info_text.x, self.info_text.y = gw/2, gh/2 + 10 else self.info_text = InfoText{group = main.current.ui, force_update = true} self.info_text:activate({ {text = '[fg]' .. passive_names[self.passive] .. ', [yellow]Lv.' .. self.level .. '[fg], XP: [yellow]' .. self.xp .. '/' .. self.max_xp .. '[fg], +1 XP cost: [yellow]5[fg], sells for: [yellow]' .. tostring((self.level == 1 and 10) or (self.level == 2 and 20) or (self.level == 3 and 30)), font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center', height_multiplier = 1.25}, {text = passive_descriptions_level[self.passive](self.level), font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center', height_multiplier = 1.25}, }, nil, nil, nil, nil, 16, 4, nil, 2) self.info_text.x, self.info_text.y = gw/2, gh/2 + 10 end end function ItemCard:on_mouse_enter() self.selected = true ui_hover1:play{pitch = random:float(1.3, 1.5), volume = 0.5} self.spring:pull(0.2, 200, 10) self:create_info_text() end function ItemCard:on_mouse_exit() self.selected = false self.info_text:deactivate() self.info_text.dead = true self.info_text = nil end function ItemCard:die() self.dead = true if self.info_text then self.info_text:deactivate() self.info_text.dead = true self.info_text = nil end end function BuyScreen:refresh_cards() for i = 1, 3 do if[i] then[i]:refresh() end end end ShopCard = Object:extend() ShopCard:implement(GameObject) function ShopCard:init(args) self:init_game_object(args) self.shape = Rectangle(self.x, self.y, self.w, self.h) self.interact_with_mouse = true self.character_icon = CharacterIcon{group = main.current.effects, x = self.x, y = self.y - 26, character = self.unit, parent = self} self.class_icons = {} for i, class in ipairs(character_classes[self.unit]) do local x = self.x if #character_classes[self.unit] == 2 then x = self.x - 10 elseif #character_classes[self.unit] == 3 then x = self.x - 20 end table.insert(self.class_icons, ClassIcon{group = main.current.effects, x = x + (i-1)*20, y = self.y + 6, class = class, character = self.unit, units = self.parent.units, parent = self}) end self.cost = character_tiers[self.unit] self.spring:pull(0.2, 200, 10) self:refresh() end function ShopCard:refresh() self.owned = table.any(self.parent.units, function(v) return v.character == self.unit end) if self.owned then self.owned_n = 0 for _, unit in ipairs(self.parent.units) do if unit.character == self.unit then self.owned_n = self.owned_n + ((unit.level == 1 and 1) or (unit.level == 2 and 3) or (unit.level == 3 and 9)) if unit.reserve then self.owned_n = self.owned_n + (unit.reserve[2] or 0)*3 self.owned_n = self.owned_n + (unit.reserve[1] or 0) end end end end end function ShopCard:update(dt) self:update_game_object(dt) if self.selected and input.m1.pressed then if self.parent:buy(self.unit, self.i) then ui_switch1:play{pitch = random:float(0.95, 1.05), volume = 0.5} _G[random:table{'coins1', 'coins2', 'coins3'}]:play{pitch = random:float(0.95, 1.05), volume = 0.5} self:die()[self.i] = nil self.parent:refresh_cards() self.parent.party_text:set_text({{text = '[wavy_mid, fg]party ' .. tostring(#self.parent.units) .. '/' .. tostring(max_units), font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center'}}) locked_state = {locked = self.parent.locked, cards = {[1] and[1].unit,[2] and[2].unit,[3] and[3].unit}} system.save_run(self.parent.level, self.parent.loop, gold, self.parent.units, self.parent.passives, self.parent.shop_level, self.parent.shop_xp, run_passive_pool, locked_state) else error1:play{pitch = random:float(0.95, 1.05), volume = 0.5} self.spring:pull(0.2, 200, 10) self.character_icon.spring:pull(0.2, 200, 10) for _, ci in ipairs(self.class_icons) do ci.spring:pull(0.2, 200, 10) end end end end function ShopCard:select() self.selected = true self.spring:pull(0.2, 200, 10) self.t:every_immediate(1.4, function() if self.selected then self.t:tween(0.7, self, {sx = 0.97, sy = 0.97, plus_r = -math.pi/32}, math.linear, function() self.t:tween(0.7, self, {sx = 1.03, sy = 1.03, plus_r = math.pi/32}, math.linear, nil, 'pulse_1') end, 'pulse_2') end end, nil, nil, 'pulse') end function ShopCard:unselect() self.selected = false self.t:cancel'pulse' self.t:cancel'pulse_1' self.t:cancel'pulse_2' self.t:tween(0.1, self, {sx = 1, sy = 1, plus_r = 0}, math.linear, function(),, self.plus_r = 1, 1, 0 end, 'pulse') end function ShopCard:draw() graphics.push(self.x, self.y, 0,*self.spring.x,*self.spring.x) if self.selected then graphics.rectangle(self.x, self.y, self.w, self.h, 6, 6, bg[-1]) end if self.owned then local x, y = self.x + self.w/5, self.y - self.h/2 + 12 if self.owned_n == 1 then graphics.rectangle(x, y, 2, 2, nil, nil, character_colors[self.unit]) elseif self.owned_n == 2 then graphics.rectangle(x, y, 2, 2, nil, nil, character_colors[self.unit]) graphics.rectangle(x + 4, y, 2, 2, nil, nil, character_colors[self.unit]) elseif self.owned_n == 3 then graphics.rectangle(x, y, 4, 4, nil, nil, character_colors[self.unit]) elseif self.owned_n == 4 then graphics.rectangle(x, y, 4, 4, nil, nil, character_colors[self.unit]) graphics.rectangle(x + 5, y, 2, 2, nil, nil, character_colors[self.unit]) elseif self.owned_n == 5 then graphics.rectangle(x, y, 4, 4, nil, nil, character_colors[self.unit]) graphics.rectangle(x + 5, y, 2, 2, nil, nil, character_colors[self.unit]) graphics.rectangle(x + 9, y, 2, 2, nil, nil, character_colors[self.unit]) elseif self.owned_n == 6 then graphics.rectangle(x, y, 4, 4, nil, nil, character_colors[self.unit]) graphics.rectangle(x + 6, y, 4, 4, nil, nil, character_colors[self.unit]) elseif self.owned_n == 7 then graphics.rectangle(x, y, 4, 4, nil, nil, character_colors[self.unit]) graphics.rectangle(x + 6, y, 4, 4, nil, nil, character_colors[self.unit]) graphics.rectangle(x + 11, y, 2, 2, nil, nil, character_colors[self.unit]) elseif self.owned_n == 8 then graphics.rectangle(x, y, 4, 4, nil, nil, character_colors[self.unit]) graphics.rectangle(x + 6, y, 4, 4, nil, nil, character_colors[self.unit]) graphics.rectangle(x + 11, y, 2, 2, nil, nil, character_colors[self.unit]) graphics.rectangle(x + 15, y, 2, 2, nil, nil, character_colors[self.unit]) end end graphics.pop() end function ShopCard:on_mouse_enter() ui_hover1:play{pitch = random:float(1.3, 1.5), volume = 0.5} pop2:play{pitch = random:float(0.95, 1.05), volume = 0.5} self.selected = true self.spring:pull(0.1) self.character_icon.spring:pull(0.1, 200, 10) for _, class_icon in ipairs(self.class_icons) do class_icon.selected = true class_icon.spring:pull(0.1, 200, 10) end end function ShopCard:on_mouse_exit() self.selected = false for _, class_icon in ipairs(self.class_icons) do class_icon.selected = false end end function ShopCard:die(dont_spawn_effect) self.dead = true self.character_icon:die(dont_spawn_effect) for _, class_icon in ipairs(self.class_icons) do class_icon:die(dont_spawn_effect) end if self.info_text then self.info_text:deactivate() self.info_text.dead = true self.info_text = nil end end CharacterIcon = Object:extend() CharacterIcon:implement(GameObject) function CharacterIcon:init(args) self:init_game_object(args) self.shape = Rectangle(self.x, self.y, 40, 20) self.interact_with_mouse = true self.character_text = Text({{text = '[' .. character_color_strings[self.character] .. ']' .. string.lower(character_names[self.character]), font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center'}}, global_text_tags) end function CharacterIcon:update(dt) self:update_game_object(dt) self.character_text:update(dt) end function CharacterIcon:draw() graphics.push(self.x, self.y, 0,*self.spring.x,*self.spring.x) graphics.rectangle(self.x, self.y - 7, 14, 14, 3, 3, character_colors[self.character]) graphics.print_centered(self.parent.cost, pixul_font, self.x + 0.5, self.y - 5, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, _G[character_color_strings[self.character]][-5]) self.character_text:draw(self.x, self.y + 10) graphics.pop() end function CharacterIcon:on_mouse_enter() ui_hover1:play{pitch = random:float(1.3, 1.5), volume = 0.5} self.spring:pull(0.2, 200, 10) self.info_text = InfoText{group = main.current.ui} self.info_text:activate({ {text = '[' .. character_color_strings[self.character] .. ']' .. self.character:capitalize() .. '[fg] - cost: [yellow]' .. self.parent.cost, font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center', height_multiplier = 1.25}, {text = '[fg]Classes: ' .. character_class_strings[self.character], font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center', height_multiplier = 1.25}, {text = character_descriptions[self.character](1), font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center', height_multiplier = 2}, {text = '[' .. (self.level == 3 and 'yellow' or 'light_bg') .. ']Lv.3 [' .. (self.level == 3 and 'fg' or 'light_bg') .. ']Effect - ' .. (self.level == 3 and character_effect_names[self.character] or character_effect_names_gray[self.character]), font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center', height_multiplier = 1.25}, {text = (self.level == 3 and character_effect_descriptions[self.character]() or character_effect_descriptions_gray[self.character]()), font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center'}, -- {text = character_stats[self.character](1), font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center'}, }, nil, nil, nil, nil, 16, 4, nil, 2) self.info_text.x, self.info_text.y = gw/2, gh/2 + 10 end function CharacterIcon:on_mouse_exit() if self.info_text then self.info_text:deactivate() self.info_text.dead = true end self.info_text = nil end function CharacterIcon:die(dont_spawn_effect) self.dead = true if not dont_spawn_effect then SpawnEffect{group = main.current.effects, x = self.x, y = self.y + 4, color = character_colors[self.character]} end if self.info_text then self.info_text:deactivate() self.info_text.dead = true self.info_text = nil end end TutorialClassIcon = Object:extend() TutorialClassIcon:implement(GameObject) function TutorialClassIcon:init(args) self:init_game_object(args) self.shape = Rectangle(self.x, self.y + 11, 20, 40) self.interact_with_mouse = true self.spring:pull(0.2, 200, 10) end function TutorialClassIcon:update(dt) self:update_game_object(dt) end function TutorialClassIcon:draw() graphics.push(self.x, self.y, 0,*self.spring.x,*self.spring.x) local i, j, k, n = class_set_numbers[self.class](self.units) graphics.rectangle(self.x, self.y, 16, 24, 4, 4, self.highlighted and fg[0] or ((n >= i) and class_colors[self.class] or bg[3])) _G[self.class]:draw(self.x, self.y, 0, 0.3, 0.3, 0, 0, self.highlighted and fg[-5] or ((n >= i) and _G[class_color_strings[self.class]][-5] or bg[10])) graphics.rectangle(self.x, self.y + 26, 16, 16, 3, 3, self.highlighted and fg[0] or bg[3]) if i == 2 and not k then if self.highlighted then graphics.line(self.x - 3, self.y + 20, self.x - 3, self.y + 25, (n >= 1) and fg[-5] or fg[-10], 3) graphics.line(self.x - 3, self.y + 27, self.x - 3, self.y + 32, (n >= 2) and fg[-5] or fg[-10], 3) graphics.line(self.x + 4, self.y + 20, self.x + 4, self.y + 25, (n >= 3) and fg[-5] or fg[-10], 3) graphics.line(self.x + 4, self.y + 27, self.x + 4, self.y + 32, (n >= 4) and fg[-5] or fg[-10], 3) else graphics.line(self.x - 3, self.y + 20, self.x - 3, self.y + 25, (n >= 1) and class_colors[self.class] or bg[10], 3) graphics.line(self.x - 3, self.y + 27, self.x - 3, self.y + 32, (n >= 2) and class_colors[self.class] or bg[10], 3) graphics.line(self.x + 4, self.y + 20, self.x + 4, self.y + 25, (n >= 3) and class_colors[self.class] or bg[10], 3) graphics.line(self.x + 4, self.y + 27, self.x + 4, self.y + 32, (n >= 4) and class_colors[self.class] or bg[10], 3) end elseif i == 3 then if self.highlighted then graphics.line(self.x - 3, self.y + 19, self.x - 3, self.y + 22, (n >= 1) and fg[-5] or fg[-10], 3) graphics.line(self.x - 3, self.y + 24, self.x - 3, self.y + 27, (n >= 2) and fg[-5] or fg[-10], 3) graphics.line(self.x - 3, self.y + 29, self.x - 3, self.y + 32, (n >= 3) and fg[-5] or fg[-10], 3) graphics.line(self.x + 4, self.y + 19, self.x + 4, self.y + 22, (n >= 4) and fg[-5] or fg[-10], 3) graphics.line(self.x + 4, self.y + 24, self.x + 4, self.y + 27, (n >= 5) and fg[-5] or fg[-10], 3) graphics.line(self.x + 4, self.y + 29, self.x + 4, self.y + 32, (n >= 6) and fg[-5] or fg[-10], 3) else graphics.line(self.x - 3, self.y + 19, self.x - 3, self.y + 22, (n >= 1) and class_colors[self.class] or bg[10], 3) graphics.line(self.x - 3, self.y + 24, self.x - 3, self.y + 27, (n >= 2) and class_colors[self.class] or bg[10], 3) graphics.line(self.x - 3, self.y + 29, self.x - 3, self.y + 32, (n >= 3) and class_colors[self.class] or bg[10], 3) graphics.line(self.x + 4, self.y + 19, self.x + 4, self.y + 22, (n >= 4) and class_colors[self.class] or bg[10], 3) graphics.line(self.x + 4, self.y + 24, self.x + 4, self.y + 27, (n >= 5) and class_colors[self.class] or bg[10], 3) graphics.line(self.x + 4, self.y + 29, self.x + 4, self.y + 32, (n >= 6) and class_colors[self.class] or bg[10], 3) end end graphics.pop() end function TutorialClassIcon:on_mouse_enter() ui_hover1:play{pitch = random:float(1.3, 1.5), volume = 0.5} self.spring:pull(0.2, 200, 10) local i, j, k, owned = class_set_numbers[self.class](self.units) self.info_text = InfoText{group = main.current.tutorial} self.info_text:activate({ {text = '[' .. class_color_strings[self.class] .. ']' .. self.class:capitalize() .. '[fg] - owned: [yellow]' .. owned, font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center', height_multiplier = 1.25}, {text = class_descriptions[self.class]((owned >= j and 2) or (owned >= i and 1) or 0), font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center'}, }, nil, nil, nil, nil, 16, 4, nil, 2) self.info_text.x, self.info_text.y = gw/2 - 25, gh/2 + 25 end function TutorialClassIcon:on_mouse_exit() if self.info_text then self.info_text:deactivate() self.info_text.dead = true end self.info_text = nil end ClassIcon = Object:extend() ClassIcon:implement(GameObject) function ClassIcon:init(args) self:init_game_object(args) self.shape = Rectangle(self.x, self.y + 11, 20, 40) self.interact_with_mouse = true self.t:every(0.5, function() self.flash = not self.flash end) self.spring:pull(0.2, 200, 10) end function ClassIcon:update(dt) self:update_game_object(dt) end function ClassIcon:draw() graphics.push(self.x, self.y, 0,*self.spring.x,*self.spring.x) local i, j, k, n = class_set_numbers[self.class](self.units) local next_n if self.parent:is(ShopCard) then next_n = n+1 if k then if next_n > k then next_n = nil end else if next_n > j then next_n = nil end end if table.any(self.units, function(v) return v.character == self.character end) then next_n = nil end end graphics.rectangle(self.x, self.y, 16, 24, 4, 4, self.highlighted and fg[0] or ((n >= i) and class_colors[self.class] or bg[3])) _G[self.class]:draw(self.x, self.y, 0, 0.3, 0.3, 0, 0, self.highlighted and fg[-5] or ((n >= i) and _G[class_color_strings[self.class]][-5] or bg[10])) graphics.rectangle(self.x, self.y + 26, 16, 16, 3, 3, self.highlighted and fg[0] or bg[3]) if i == 1 then if self.highlighted then graphics.rectangle(self.x, self.y + 26, 3, 9, nil, nil, (n >= 1) and fg[-5] or fg[-10]) else graphics.rectangle(self.x, self.y + 26, 3, 9, nil, nil, (n >= 1) and class_colors[self.class] or bg[10]) end if next_n then if next_n == 1 then graphics.rectangle(self.x, self.y + 26, 3, 9, nil, nil, self.flash and class_colors[self.class] or bg[10]) end end elseif i == 2 and not k then if self.highlighted then graphics.line(self.x - 3, self.y + 20, self.x - 3, self.y + 25, (n >= 1) and fg[-5] or fg[-10], 3) graphics.line(self.x - 3, self.y + 27, self.x - 3, self.y + 32, (n >= 2) and fg[-5] or fg[-10], 3) graphics.line(self.x + 4, self.y + 20, self.x + 4, self.y + 25, (n >= 3) and fg[-5] or fg[-10], 3) graphics.line(self.x + 4, self.y + 27, self.x + 4, self.y + 32, (n >= 4) and fg[-5] or fg[-10], 3) else graphics.line(self.x - 3, self.y + 20, self.x - 3, self.y + 25, (n >= 1) and class_colors[self.class] or bg[10], 3) graphics.line(self.x - 3, self.y + 27, self.x - 3, self.y + 32, (n >= 2) and class_colors[self.class] or bg[10], 3) graphics.line(self.x + 4, self.y + 20, self.x + 4, self.y + 25, (n >= 3) and class_colors[self.class] or bg[10], 3) graphics.line(self.x + 4, self.y + 27, self.x + 4, self.y + 32, (n >= 4) and class_colors[self.class] or bg[10], 3) end if next_n then if next_n == 1 then graphics.line(self.x - 3, self.y + 20, self.x - 3, self.y + 25, self.flash and class_colors[self.class] or bg[10], 3) elseif next_n == 2 then graphics.line(self.x - 3, self.y + 27, self.x - 3, self.y + 32, self.flash and class_colors[self.class] or bg[10], 3) elseif next_n == 3 then graphics.line(self.x + 4, self.y + 20, self.x + 4, self.y + 25, self.flash and class_colors[self.class] or bg[10], 3) elseif next_n == 4 then graphics.line(self.x + 4, self.y + 27, self.x + 4, self.y + 32, self.flash and class_colors[self.class] or bg[10], 3) end end elseif i == 2 and k == 6 then if self.highlighted then graphics.line(self.x - 5, self.y + 21, self.x - 5, self.y + 24, (n >= 1) and fg[-5] or fg[-10], 3) graphics.line(self.x - 5, self.y + 28, self.x - 5, self.y + 31, (n >= 2) and fg[-5] or fg[-10], 3) graphics.line(self.x + 0, self.y + 21, self.x + 0, self.y + 24, (n >= 3) and fg[-5] or fg[-10], 3) graphics.line(self.x + 0, self.y + 28, self.x + 0, self.y + 31, (n >= 4) and fg[-5] or fg[-10], 3) graphics.line(self.x + 5, self.y + 21, self.x + 5, self.y + 24, (n >= 5) and fg[-5] or fg[-10], 3) graphics.line(self.x + 5, self.y + 28, self.x + 5, self.y + 31, (n >= 6) and fg[-5] or fg[-10], 3) else graphics.line(self.x - 5, self.y + 21, self.x - 5, self.y + 24, (n >= 1) and class_colors[self.class] or bg[10], 3) graphics.line(self.x - 5, self.y + 28, self.x - 5, self.y + 31, (n >= 2) and class_colors[self.class] or bg[10], 3) graphics.line(self.x + 0, self.y + 21, self.x + 0, self.y + 24, (n >= 3) and class_colors[self.class] or bg[10], 3) graphics.line(self.x + 0, self.y + 28, self.x + 0, self.y + 31, (n >= 4) and class_colors[self.class] or bg[10], 3) graphics.line(self.x + 5, self.y + 21, self.x + 5, self.y + 24, (n >= 5) and class_colors[self.class] or bg[10], 3) graphics.line(self.x + 5, self.y + 28, self.x + 5, self.y + 31, (n >= 6) and class_colors[self.class] or bg[10], 3) end if next_n then if next_n == 1 then graphics.line(self.x - 5, self.y + 21, self.x - 5, self.y + 24, self.flash and class_colors[self.class] or bg[10], 3) elseif next_n == 2 then graphics.line(self.x - 5, self.y + 28, self.x - 5, self.y + 31, self.flash and class_colors[self.class] or bg[10], 3) elseif next_n == 3 then graphics.line(self.x + 0, self.y + 21, self.x + 0, self.y + 24, self.flash and class_colors[self.class] or bg[10], 3) elseif next_n == 4 then graphics.line(self.x + 0, self.y + 28, self.x + 0, self.y + 31, self.flash and class_colors[self.class] or bg[10], 3) elseif next_n == 5 then graphics.line(self.x + 5, self.y + 21, self.x + 5, self.y + 24, self.flash and class_colors[self.class] or bg[10], 3) elseif next_n == 6 then graphics.line(self.x + 5, self.y + 28, self.x + 5, self.y + 31, self.flash and class_colors[self.class] or bg[10], 3) end end elseif i == 3 then if self.highlighted then graphics.line(self.x - 3, self.y + 19, self.x - 3, self.y + 22, (n >= 1) and fg[-5] or fg[-10], 3) graphics.line(self.x - 3, self.y + 24, self.x - 3, self.y + 27, (n >= 2) and fg[-5] or fg[-10], 3) graphics.line(self.x - 3, self.y + 29, self.x - 3, self.y + 32, (n >= 3) and fg[-5] or fg[-10], 3) graphics.line(self.x + 4, self.y + 19, self.x + 4, self.y + 22, (n >= 4) and fg[-5] or fg[-10], 3) graphics.line(self.x + 4, self.y + 24, self.x + 4, self.y + 27, (n >= 5) and fg[-5] or fg[-10], 3) graphics.line(self.x + 4, self.y + 29, self.x + 4, self.y + 32, (n >= 6) and fg[-5] or fg[-10], 3) else graphics.line(self.x - 3, self.y + 19, self.x - 3, self.y + 22, (n >= 1) and class_colors[self.class] or bg[10], 3) graphics.line(self.x - 3, self.y + 24, self.x - 3, self.y + 27, (n >= 2) and class_colors[self.class] or bg[10], 3) graphics.line(self.x - 3, self.y + 29, self.x - 3, self.y + 32, (n >= 3) and class_colors[self.class] or bg[10], 3) graphics.line(self.x + 4, self.y + 19, self.x + 4, self.y + 22, (n >= 4) and class_colors[self.class] or bg[10], 3) graphics.line(self.x + 4, self.y + 24, self.x + 4, self.y + 27, (n >= 5) and class_colors[self.class] or bg[10], 3) graphics.line(self.x + 4, self.y + 29, self.x + 4, self.y + 32, (n >= 6) and class_colors[self.class] or bg[10], 3) end if next_n then if next_n == 1 then graphics.line(self.x - 3, self.y + 19, self.x - 3, self.y + 22, self.flash and class_colors[self.class] or bg[10], 3) elseif next_n == 2 then graphics.line(self.x - 3, self.y + 24, self.x - 3, self.y + 27, self.flash and class_colors[self.class] or bg[10], 3) elseif next_n == 3 then graphics.line(self.x - 3, self.y + 29, self.x - 3, self.y + 32, self.flash and class_colors[self.class] or bg[10], 3) elseif next_n == 4 then graphics.line(self.x + 4, self.y + 19, self.x + 4, self.y + 22, self.flash and class_colors[self.class] or bg[10], 3) elseif next_n == 5 then graphics.line(self.x + 4, self.y + 24, self.x + 4, self.y + 27, self.flash and class_colors[self.class] or bg[10], 3) elseif next_n == 6 then graphics.line(self.x + 4, self.y + 29, self.x + 4, self.y + 32, self.flash and class_colors[self.class] or bg[10], 3) end end end graphics.pop() end function ClassIcon:on_mouse_enter() ui_hover1:play{pitch = random:float(1.3, 1.5), volume = 0.5} self.spring:pull(0.2, 200, 10) local i, j, k, owned = class_set_numbers[self.class](self.units) self.info_text = InfoText{group = main.current.ui} self.info_text:activate({ {text = '[' .. class_color_strings[self.class] .. ']' .. (self.class == 'conjurer' and 'Builder' or self.class:capitalize()) .. '[fg] - owned: [yellow]' .. owned, font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center', height_multiplier = 1.25}, {text = class_descriptions[self.class]((k and (owned >= k and 3)) or (owned >= j and 2) or (owned >= i and 1) or 0), font = pixul_font, alignment = 'center'}, }, nil, nil, nil, nil, 16, 4, nil, 2) self.info_text.x, self.info_text.y = gw/2, gh/2 + 10 if not self.parent:is(ShopCard) then for _, character in ipairs(self.parent.characters) do if table.any(character_classes[character.character], function(v) return v == self.class end) then character:highlight() for _, c in ipairs( do c:highlight() end end end end end function ClassIcon:on_mouse_exit() if self.info_text then self.info_text:deactivate() self.info_text.dead = true end self.info_text = nil if not self.parent:is(ShopCard) then for _, character in ipairs(self.parent.characters) do if table.any(character_classes[character.character], function(v) return v == self.class end) then character:unhighlight() for _, c in ipairs( do c:unhighlight() end end end end end function ClassIcon:die(dont_spawn_effect) self.dead = true local i, j, k, n = class_set_numbers[self.class](self.units) if not dont_spawn_effect then SpawnEffect{group = main.current.effects, x = self.x, y = self.y + 4, color = (n >= i) and class_colors[self.class] or bg[3]} end if self.info_text then self.info_text:deactivate() self.info_text.dead = true self.info_text = nil end if self.selected and not self.parent:is(ShopCard) then for _, character in ipairs(self.parent.characters) do if table.any(character.classes, function(v) return v == self.class end) then character:highlight() end end end end function ClassIcon:highlight() self.highlighted = true self.spring:pull(0.2, 200, 10) end function ClassIcon:unhighlight() self.highlighted = false self.spring:pull(0.05, 200, 10) end