local ripple = { _VERSION = 'Ripple', _DESCRIPTION = 'Audio helpers for LÖVE.', _URL = 'https://github.com/tesselode/ripple', _LICENSE = [[ MIT License Copyright (c) 2019 Andrew Minnich Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ]] } local unpack = unpack or table.unpack -- luacheck: ignore --[[ Represents an object that: - can have tags applied - has a volume - can have effects applied Tags, instances, and sounds are all taggable. Note that not all taggable objects have children - tags and sounds do, but instances do not. ]] local Taggable = {} --[[ Gets the total volume of this object given its own volume and the volume of each of its tags. ]] function Taggable:_getTotalVolume() local volume = self.volume for tag, _ in pairs(self._tags) do volume = volume * tag:_getTotalVolume() end return volume end --[[ Gets all the effects that should be applied to this object given its own effects and the effects of each of its tags. The object's own effects will override tag effects. Note: currently, if multiple tags define settings for the same effect, the final result is undefined, as taggable objects use pairs to iterate through the tags, which iterates in an undefined order. ]] function Taggable:_getAllEffects() local effects = {} for tag, _ in pairs(self._tags) do for name, filterSettings in pairs(tag:_getAllEffects()) do effects[name] = filterSettings end end for name, filterSettings in pairs(self._effects) do effects[name] = filterSettings end return effects end --[[ A callback that is called when anything happens that could lead to a change in the object's total volume. ]] function Taggable:_onChangeVolume() end --[[ A callback that is called when anything happens that could change which effects are applied to the object. ]] function Taggable:_onChangeEffects() end function Taggable:_setVolume(volume) self._volume = volume self:_onChangeVolume() end --[[ _tag, _untag, and _setEffect are analogous to the similarly named public API functions (see below), but they don't call the _onChangeVolume and _onChangeEffects callbacks. This allows me to have finer control over when to call those callbacks, so I can set multiple tags and effects without needlessly calling the callbacks for each one. ]] function Taggable:_tag(tag) self._tags[tag] = true tag._children[self] = true end function Taggable:_untag(tag) self._tags[tag] = nil tag._children[self] = nil end function Taggable:_setEffect(name, filterSettings) if filterSettings == nil then filterSettings = true end self._effects[name] = filterSettings end --[[ Given an options table, initializes the object's volume, tags, and effects. ]] function Taggable:_setOptions(options) self.volume = options and options.volume or 1 -- reset tags for tag in pairs(self._tags) do self:_untag(tag) end -- apply new tags if options and options.tags then for _, tag in ipairs(options.tags) do self:_tag(tag) end end -- reset effects for name in pairs(self._effects) do self._effects[name] = nil end -- apply new effects if options and options.effects then for name, filterSettings in pairs(options.effects) do self:_setEffect(name, filterSettings) end end -- update final volume and effects self:_onChangeVolume() self:_onChangeEffects() end function Taggable:tag(...) for i = 1, select('#', ...) do local tag = select(i, ...) self:_tag(tag) end self:_onChangeVolume() self:_onChangeEffects() end function Taggable:untag(...) for i = 1, select('#', ...) do local tag = select(i, ...) self:_untag(tag) end self:_onChangeVolume() self:_onChangeEffects() end --[[ Sets an effect for this object. filterSettings can be the following types: - table - the effect will be enabled with the filter settings given in the table - true/nil - the effect will be enabled with no filter - false - the effect will be explicitly disabled, overriding effect settings from a parent sound or tag ]] function Taggable:setEffect(name, filterSettings) self:_setEffect(name, filterSettings) self:_onChangeEffects() end function Taggable:removeEffect(name) self._effects[name] = nil self:_onChangeEffects() end function Taggable:getEffect(name) return self._effects[name] end function Taggable:__index(key) if key == 'volume' then return self._volume end return Taggable[key] end function Taggable:__newindex(key, value) if key == 'volume' then self:_setVolume(value) else rawset(self, key, value) end end --[[ Represents a tag that can be applied to sounds, instances of sounds, or other tags. ]] local Tag = {__newindex = Taggable.__newindex} function Tag:__index(key) if Tag[key] then return Tag[key] end return Taggable.__index(self, key) end function Tag:_onChangeVolume() -- tell objects using this tag about a potential -- volume change for child, _ in pairs(self._children) do child:_onChangeVolume() end end function Tag:_onChangeEffect() -- tell objects using this tag about a potential -- effect change for child, _ in pairs(self._children) do child:_onChangeEffect() end end -- Pauses all the sounds and instances tagged with this tag. function Tag:pause(fadeDuration) for child, _ in pairs(self._children) do child:pause(fadeDuration) end end -- Resumes all the sounds and instances tagged with this tag. function Tag:resume(fadeDuration) for child, _ in pairs(self._children) do child:resume(fadeDuration) end end -- Stops all the sounds and instances tagged with this tag. function Tag:stop(fadeDuration) for child, _ in pairs(self._children) do child:stop(fadeDuration) end end function ripple.newTag(options) local tag = setmetatable({ _effects = {}, _tags = {}, _children = {}, }, Tag) tag:_setOptions(options) return tag end -- Represents a specific occurrence of a sound. local Instance = {} function Instance:__index(key) if key == 'pitch' then return self._source:getPitch() elseif key == 'loop' then return self._source:isLooping() elseif Instance[key] then return Instance[key] end return Taggable.__index(self, key) end function Instance:__newindex(key, value) if key == 'pitch' then self._source:setPitch(value) elseif key == 'loop' then self._source:setLooping(value) else Taggable.__newindex(self, key, value) end end function Instance:_getTotalVolume() local volume = Taggable._getTotalVolume(self) -- apply sound volume as well as tag/self volumes volume = volume * self._sound:_getTotalVolume() -- apply fade volume volume = volume * self._fadeVolume return volume end function Instance:_getAllEffects() local effects = {} for tag, _ in pairs(self._tags) do for name, filterSettings in pairs(tag:_getAllEffects()) do effects[name] = filterSettings end end -- apply sound effects as well as tag/self effects for name, filterSettings in pairs(self._sound:_getAllEffects()) do effects[name] = filterSettings end for name, filterSettings in pairs(self._effects) do effects[name] = filterSettings end return effects end function Instance:_onChangeVolume() -- update the source's volume self._source:setVolume(self:_getTotalVolume()) end function Instance:_onChangeEffects() -- get the list of effects that should be applied local effects = self:_getAllEffects() for name, filterSettings in pairs(effects) do -- remember which effects are currently applied to the source if filterSettings == false then self._appliedEffects[name] = nil else self._appliedEffects[name] = true end if filterSettings == true then self._source:setEffect(name) else self._source:setEffect(name, filterSettings) end end -- remove effects that are currently applied but shouldn't be anymore for name in pairs(self._appliedEffects) do if not effects[name] then self._source:setEffect(name, false) self._appliedEffects[name] = nil end end end function Instance:_play(options) if options and options.fadeDuration then self._fadeVolume = 0 self._fadeSpeed = 1 / options.fadeDuration else self._fadeVolume = 1 end self._fadeDirection = 1 self._afterFadingOut = false self._paused = false self:_setOptions(options) self.pitch = options and options.pitch or 1 if options and options.loop ~= nil then self.loop = options.loop end if not web then self._source:seek(options and options.seek or 0) end self._source:play() end function Instance:_update(dt) -- fade in if self._fadeDirection == 1 and self._fadeVolume < 1 then self._fadeVolume = self._fadeVolume + self._fadeSpeed * dt if self._fadeVolume > 1 then self._fadeVolume = 1 end self:_onChangeVolume() -- fade out elseif self._fadeDirection == -1 and self._fadeVolume > 0 then self._fadeVolume = self._fadeVolume - self._fadeSpeed * dt if self._fadeVolume < 0 then self._fadeVolume = 0 -- pause or stop after fading out if self._afterFadingOut == 'pause' then self:pause() elseif self._afterFadingOut == 'stop' then self:stop() end end self:_onChangeVolume() end end function Instance:isStopped() return (not self._source:isPlaying()) and (not self._paused) end function Instance:pause(fadeDuration) if fadeDuration and not self._paused then self._fadeDirection = -1 self._fadeSpeed = 1 / fadeDuration self._afterFadingOut = 'pause' else self._source:pause() self._paused = true end end function Instance:resume(fadeDuration) if fadeDuration then if self._paused then self._fadeVolume = 0 self:_onChangeVolume() end self._fadeDirection = 1 self._fadeSpeed = 1 / fadeDuration end self._source:play() self._paused = false end function Instance:stop(fadeDuration) if fadeDuration and not self._paused then self._fadeDirection = -1 self._fadeSpeed = 1 / fadeDuration self._afterFadingOut = 'stop' else self._source:stop() self._paused = false end end -- Represents a sound that can be played. local Sound = {} function Sound:__index(key) if key == 'loop' then return self._source:isLooping() elseif Sound[key] then return Sound[key] end return Taggable.__index(self, key) end function Sound:__newindex(key, value) if key == 'loop' then self._source:setLooping(value) for _, instance in ipairs(self._instances) do instance.loop = value end else Taggable.__newindex(self, key, value) end end function Sound:_onChangeVolume() -- tell instances about potential volume changes for _, instance in ipairs(self._instances) do instance:_onChangeVolume() end end function Sound:_onChangeEffects() -- tell instances about potential effect changes for _, instance in ipairs(self._instances) do instance:_onChangeEffects() end end function Sound:play(options) -- reuse a stopped instance if one is available for _, instance in ipairs(self._instances) do if instance:isStopped() then instance:_play(options) return instance end end -- otherwise, create a brand new one local instance = setmetatable({ _sound = self, _source = self._source:clone(), _effects = {}, _tags = {}, _appliedEffects = {}, }, Instance) table.insert(self._instances, instance) instance:_play(options) return instance end function Sound:pause(fadeDuration) for _, instance in ipairs(self._instances) do instance:pause(fadeDuration) end end function Sound:resume(fadeDuration) for _, instance in ipairs(self._instances) do instance:resume(fadeDuration) end end function Sound:stop(fadeDuration) for _, instance in ipairs(self._instances) do instance:stop(fadeDuration) end end function Sound:update(dt) for _, instance in ipairs(self._instances) do instance:_update(dt) end end function ripple.newSound(source, options) local sound = setmetatable({ _source = source, _effects = {}, _tags = {}, _instances = {}, }, Sound) sound:_setOptions(options) if options and options.loop then sound.loop = true end return sound end return ripple