library(conflicted) library(yaml) library(RPostgreSQL) library(tidyverse) conflicts_prefer(dplyr::filter, dplyr::lag) library(magrittr) # read the password from file credentials <- yaml.load_file("../rapids/credentials.yaml") pw <- credentials$PSQL_STRAW$password #load the PostgreSQL driver drv <- RPostgres::Postgres() # creates a connection to the postgres database # note that "con" will be used later in each connection to the database con <- RPostgres::dbConnect(drv, dbname = "staw", host = "", port = 5432, user = "staw_db", password = pw) rm(pw, credentials) # removes the password # check for the bluetooth table, an example dbExistsTable(con, "app_categories") df_app_categories <- tbl(con, "app_categories") %>% collect() head(df_app_categories) table(df_app_categories$play_store_genre) dbDisconnect(con)