from datetime import datetime from sqlalchemy import ( TIMESTAMP, BigInteger, Boolean, Column, Float, ForeignKey, Integer, SmallInteger, String, UniqueConstraint, ) from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import ARRAY as PSQL_ARRAY from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import INTEGER as PSQL_INTEGER from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import JSONB as PSQL_JSONB from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import TEXT as PSQL_TEXT from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base, declared_attr from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship Base = declarative_base() class Participant(Base): """ A participant class, describing the participants table. Attributes ---------- id: int The primary key for this table. username: str(64) The primary pseudoanonymous identifier for each participants. For true participants, these were assigned by E4 Connect as usernames for Empatica Studies and had the form of uploader_0123456. password_hash: str(128) token: str(32) Authentication is implemented using HTTP Basic Auth and tokens are provided for this purpose. token_expiration_utc: datetime Tokens expire after a preset time period. collection_start_utc: datetime A datetime of the first data point uploaded. last_upload_utc: datetime A datetime of the last data point uploaded. day_count_uploaded: str Days between last_upload_utc and collection_start_utc. last_known_device_id: str(36) Device (installation) ID that was last seen in the data. active: bool Is participant marked as active (i.e. collecting data)? marked_active_utc: datetime The time participant was first marked as active. day_count_active: int Days from marked_active_utc tester: bool Is this a tester (or a true participant)? """ __tablename__ = "participants" id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) username = Column(String(64), index=True, unique=True) password_hash = Column(String(128)) token = Column(String(32), index=True, unique=True) token_expiration_utc = Column(TIMESTAMP(timezone=False)) collection_start_utc = Column(TIMESTAMP(timezone=False)) last_upload_utc = Column(TIMESTAMP(timezone=False)) day_count_uploaded = Column(SmallInteger) last_known_device_id = Column(String(length=36), nullable=False, default="") active = Column(Boolean, index=True, nullable=False, default=False) marked_active_utc = Column(TIMESTAMP(timezone=False)) day_count_active = Column(SmallInteger) tester = Column(Boolean, index=True, nullable=False, default=False) def __repr__(self): return "Participant()" def __str__(self): return "".format(self.username) class AWAREsensor(object): """ A general AWARE sensor class. It includes fields common to all tables/subclasses. Attributes ---------- id: int The primary key for each table. _id: int The original primary key, used in device's own MySQL database. timestamp: int Unixtime milliseconds since 1970. device_id: str(36) AWARE device UUID, a unique string of length 36. Rather than identifying the device as the name suggests, this string changes on each (re)installation. It is therefore better considered to be an installation ID. Declared Attributes ------------------- __tablename__: str Table name used in the database. participant_id: int The foreign key relating (with the relationship) tables to the participants table. """ id = Column(BigInteger, primary_key=True, nullable=False) _id = Column(BigInteger, nullable=False) timestamp = Column(BigInteger, nullable=False) device_id = Column(String(length=36), nullable=False) @declared_attr def __tablename__(self): return self.__name__.lower() @declared_attr def participant_id(self): return Column( Integer, ForeignKey(""), nullable=False, index=True ) @declared_attr def participant(self): return relationship("Participant", lazy="select", backref=self.__tablename__) @declared_attr def __table_args__(self): return ( UniqueConstraint("device_id", "_id", name=self.__tablename__ + "_twice"), ) # I think it makes more sense to create a Constraint # on device_id and _id rather than relate it to participant_id. # _id is a primary key, auto incremented by AWARE. # However, I would expect it to reset back to 1 # if the application was reinstalled, # similarly to how device_id resets. class Accelerometer(Base, AWAREsensor): double_values_0 = Column(Float, nullable=False) double_values_1 = Column(Float, nullable=False) double_values_2 = Column(Float, nullable=False) accuracy = Column(SmallInteger, nullable=True) label = Column(String, nullable=True) class GoogleAR(Base, AWAREsensor): __tablename__ = "google_ar" activity_name = Column(String(32), nullable=True) activity_type = Column(SmallInteger, nullable=True) confidence = Column(SmallInteger, nullable=True) activities = Column(PSQL_JSONB(none_as_null=False), nullable=True) class Application(Base, AWAREsensor): __tablename__ = "applications" # package_name = Column(String, nullable=False) # application_name = Column(String) package_hash = Column(String(64), nullable=False) play_store_genre = Column(String, nullable=True) is_system_app = Column(Boolean) class Barometer(Base, AWAREsensor): double_values_0 = Column(Float, nullable=False) accuracy = Column(SmallInteger, nullable=True) label = Column(String, nullable=True) class BarometerSensor(Base, AWAREsensor): __tablename__ = "barometer_sensor" # Since this table is not really important, # I will leave all columns as nullable. (nullable=True by default.) double_sensor_maximum_range = Column(Float) double_sensor_minimum_delay = Column(Float) sensor_name = Column(String) double_sensor_power_ma = Column(Float) double_sensor_resolution = Column(Float) sensor_type = Column(String) sensor_vendor = Column(String) sensor_version = Column(String) class Battery(Base, AWAREsensor): battery_status = Column(SmallInteger, nullable=False) battery_level = Column(SmallInteger, nullable=False) battery_scale = Column(SmallInteger, nullable=False) battery_voltage = Column(Integer, nullable=True) battery_temperature = Column(Integer, nullable=True) battery_adaptor = Column(SmallInteger, nullable=True) battery_health = Column(SmallInteger, nullable=True) battery_technology = Column(String, nullable=True) class Bluetooth(Base, AWAREsensor): bt_address = Column(String(length=40), nullable=False) bt_name = Column(String, nullable=True) bt_rssi = Column(Integer, nullable=True) label = Column(String, nullable=True) class Call(Base, AWAREsensor): """ Contains the calls sensor information. Attributes ---------- call_type: int One of the Android’s call types (1 – incoming, 2 – outgoing, 3 – missed). call_duration: int Length of the call session. trace: str(40) A hash value SHA-1 of the phone number (source or target) of the call """ call_type = Column(SmallInteger, nullable=False) call_duration = Column(Integer, nullable=False) trace = Column(String(length=40), nullable=True) class ESM(Base, AWAREsensor): esm_status = Column(SmallInteger, nullable=False) esm_user_answer = Column(String, nullable=True) esm_notification_timeout = Column(SmallInteger) esm_json = Column(PSQL_JSONB(none_as_null=False), nullable=False) double_esm_user_answer_timestamp = Column(BigInteger, nullable=False) esm_trigger = Column(String, nullable=True) esm_session = Column(Integer, nullable=False) esm_notification_id = Column(Integer, nullable=False) esm_expiration_threshold = Column(SmallInteger) class Imperfection(Base): __tablename__ = "imperfection" id = Column(BigInteger, primary_key=True, nullable=False) timestamp = Column(BigInteger, nullable=False) error = Column(String) data_type = Column(String) data = Column(String) class LightSensor(Base, AWAREsensor): __tablename__ = "light_sensor" double_light_lux = Column(Float, nullable=False) accuracy = Column(Integer, nullable=True) label = Column(String, nullable=True) class Location(Base, AWAREsensor): __tablename__ = "locations" double_latitude = Column(Float, nullable=False) double_longitude = Column(Float, nullable=False) double_bearing = Column(Float) double_speed = Column(Float) double_altitude = Column(Float) provider = Column(String) accuracy = Column(Integer) label = Column(String, nullable=True) category = Column(PSQL_ARRAY(PSQL_TEXT), nullable=True) category_short = Column(PSQL_ARRAY(PSQL_TEXT), nullable=True) distance = Column(PSQL_ARRAY(PSQL_INTEGER), nullable=True) api_response_code = Column(SmallInteger, nullable=False) api_response = Column(String, nullable=True) class Mic(Base, AWAREsensor): half_s_speech = Column(Boolean, nullable=False) rnnoutp = Column(Float, nullable=False) flatness = Column(Float, nullable=False) absmax = Column(Float, nullable=False) max = Column(Float, nullable=False) min = Column(Float, nullable=False) # mfcc = Column(PSQL_ARRAY(PSQL_REAL, dimensions=13), nullable=False) mfcc_0 = Column(Float, nullable=False) mfcc_1 = Column(Float, nullable=False) mfcc_2 = Column(Float, nullable=False) mfcc_3 = Column(Float, nullable=False) mfcc_4 = Column(Float, nullable=False) mfcc_5 = Column(Float, nullable=False) mfcc_6 = Column(Float, nullable=False) mfcc_7 = Column(Float, nullable=False) mfcc_8 = Column(Float, nullable=False) mfcc_9 = Column(Float, nullable=False) mfcc_10 = Column(Float, nullable=False) mfcc_11 = Column(Float, nullable=False) mfcc_12 = Column(Float, nullable=False) class Speech(Base, AWAREsensor): speech_proportion = Column(Float, nullable=False) class NetworkData(Base, AWAREsensor): __tablename__ = "network_data" network_type = Column(SmallInteger, nullable=False) network_subtype = Column(String(10), nullable=False) network_state = Column(SmallInteger, nullable=True) class NetworkTraffic(Base, AWAREsensor): __tablename__ = "network_traffic_data" network_type = Column(SmallInteger, nullable=False) double_received_bytes = Column(Float, nullable=True) double_sent_bytes = Column(Float, nullable=True) double_received_packets = Column(Float, nullable=True) double_sent_packets = Column(Float, nullable=True) class Notification(Base, AWAREsensor): __tablename__ = "notifications" # package_name = Column(String, nullable=False) # application_name = Column(String, nullable=False) package_hash = Column(String(64), nullable=False) play_store_genre = Column(String, nullable=True) sound = Column(String, nullable=False) vibrate = Column(String, nullable=False) sound_app = Column(String, nullable=False) vibrate_app = Column(String, nullable=False) led_app = Column(String, nullable=False) category = Column(String, nullable=False) is_ongoing = Column(SmallInteger, nullable=False) is_clearable = Column(SmallInteger, nullable=False) is_group = Column(SmallInteger, nullable=True) class Processor(Base, AWAREsensor): double_last_user = Column(Float, nullable=False) double_last_system = Column(Float, nullable=False) double_last_idle = Column(Float, nullable=False) double_user_load = Column(Float, nullable=False) double_system_load = Column(Float, nullable=False) double_idle_load = Column(Float, nullable=False) class Proximity(Base, AWAREsensor): double_proximity = Column(Float, nullable=False) accuracy = Column(SmallInteger, nullable=True) label = Column(String, nullable=True) class Screen(Base, AWAREsensor): screen_status = Column(SmallInteger) class SMS(Base, AWAREsensor): """ Contains the messages sensor information. Attributes ---------- message_type: int Message type (1 – received, 2 – sent) trace: str(40) A hash value SHA-1 of the phone number (source or target) of the call """ message_type = Column(SmallInteger, nullable=False) trace = Column(String(length=40), nullable=False) class Temperature(Base, AWAREsensor): temperature_celsius = Column(Float, nullable=False) accuracy = Column(SmallInteger, nullable=True) label = Column(String, nullable=True) class TemperatureSensor(Base, AWAREsensor): # I left all of these nullable, # as we haven't seen any data from this sensor anyway. __tablename__ = "temperature_sensor" double_sensor_maximum_range = Column(Float) double_sensor_minimum_delay = Column(Float) sensor_name = Column(String) double_sensor_power_ma = Column(Float) double_sensor_resolution = Column(Float) sensor_type = Column(String) sensor_vendor = Column(String) sensor_version = Column(String) class Timezone(Base, AWAREsensor): timezone = Column(String, nullable=False) class WiFi(Base, AWAREsensor): bssid = Column(String(length=40), nullable=False) ssid = Column(String, nullable=True) rssi = Column(Integer, nullable=False) security = Column(String, nullable=True) frequency = Column(Integer, nullable=True) label = Column(String, nullable=True) all_AWARE_tables = [ ESM, Location, Screen, LightSensor, Call, SMS, Application, Notification, Battery, WiFi, Proximity, Timezone, Processor, NetworkData, NetworkTraffic, Barometer, BarometerSensor, Temperature, TemperatureSensor, Bluetooth, Accelerometer, GoogleAR, Speech, ] all_AWARE_table_names = [table.__tablename__ for table in all_AWARE_tables] def increment_one(ii): return ii + 1 class AppCategories(Base): __tablename__ = "app_categories" id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) application_name = Column(String, nullable=True) package_name = Column(String, nullable=False) package_hash = Column(String(64), index=True, nullable=False, unique=True) play_store_genre = Column(String, nullable=True) play_store_response = Column(SmallInteger, nullable=False) number_of_attempts = Column( SmallInteger, nullable=False, default=0, onupdate=increment_one ) last_attempt = Column( TIMESTAMP(timezone=False), nullable=False, default=datetime.utcnow, onupdate=datetime.utcnow, )