import datetime from import Collection import numpy as np import pandas as pd from pytz import timezone from config.models import ESM, Participant from setup import db_engine, session TZ_LJ = timezone("Europe/Ljubljana") ESM_STATUS_ANSWERED = 2 GROUP_SESSIONS_BY = ["participant_id", "device_id", "esm_session"] SESSION_STATUS_UNANSWERED = "ema_unanswered" SESSION_STATUS_DAY_FINISHED = "day_finished" SESSION_STATUS_COMPLETE = "ema_completed" ANSWER_DAY_FINISHED = "DayFinished3421" ANSWER_DAY_OFF = "DayOff3421" ANSWER_SET_EVENING = "DayFinishedSetEvening" MAX_MORNING_LENGTH = 3 # When the participants was not yet at work at the time of the first (morning) EMA, # only three items were answered. # Two sleep related items and one indicating NOT starting work yet. # Daytime EMAs are all longer, in fact they always consist of at least 6 items. def get_esm_data(usernames: Collection) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Read the data from the esm table and return it in a dataframe. Parameters ---------- usernames: Collection A list of usernames to put into the WHERE condition. Returns ------- df_esm: pd.DataFrame A dataframe of esm data. """ query_esm = ( session.query(ESM, Participant.username) .filter( == ESM.participant_id) .filter(Participant.username.in_(usernames)) ) with db_engine.connect() as connection: df_esm = pd.read_sql(query_esm.statement, connection) return df_esm def preprocess_esm(df_esm: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Convert timestamps into human-readable datetimes and dates and expand the JSON column into several Pandas DF columns. Parameters ---------- df_esm: pd.DataFrame A dataframe of esm data. Returns ------- df_esm_preprocessed: pd.DataFrame A dataframe with added columns: datetime in Ljubljana timezone and all fields from ESM_JSON column. """ df_esm["datetime_lj"] = df_esm["double_esm_user_answer_timestamp"].apply( lambda x: datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(x / 1000.0, tz=TZ_LJ) ) df_esm = df_esm.assign( date_lj=lambda x: (x.datetime_lj - datetime.timedelta(hours=4)) ) # Since daytime EMAs could *theoretically* last beyond midnight, but never after 4 AM, # the datetime is first translated to 4 h earlier. df_esm_json = pd.json_normalize(df_esm["esm_json"]).drop( columns=["esm_trigger"] ) # The esm_trigger column is already present in the main df. return df_esm.join(df_esm_json) def classify_sessions_by_completion(df_esm_preprocessed: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: """ For each distinct EMA session, determine how the participant responded to it. Possible outcomes are: SESSION_STATUS_UNANSWERED, SESSION_STATUS_DAY_FINISHED, and SESSION_STATUS_COMPLETE This is done in three steps. First, the esm_status is considered. If any of the ESMs in a session has a status *other than* "answered", then this session is taken as unfinished. Second, the sessions which do not represent full questionnaires are identified. These are sessions where participants only marked they are finished with the day or have not yet started working. Third, the sessions with only one item are marked with their trigger. We never offered questionnaires with single items, so we can be sure these are unfinished. Finally, all sessions that remain are marked as completed. By going through different possibilities in expl_esm_adherence.ipynb, this turned out to be a reasonable option. Parameters ---------- df_esm_preprocessed: pd.DataFrame A preprocessed dataframe of esm data, which must include the session ID (esm_session). Returns ------- df_session_counts: pd.Dataframe A dataframe of all sessions (grouped by GROUP_SESSIONS_BY) with their statuses and the number of items. """ sessions_grouped = df_esm_preprocessed.groupby(GROUP_SESSIONS_BY) # 0. First, assign all session statuses as NaN. df_session_counts = pd.DataFrame(sessions_grouped.count()["id"]).rename( columns={"id": "esm_session_count"} ) df_session_counts["session_response"] = np.nan # 1. Identify all ESMs with status other than answered. esm_not_answered = sessions_grouped.apply( lambda x: (x.esm_status != ESM_STATUS_ANSWERED).any() ) df_session_counts.loc[ esm_not_answered, "session_response" ] = SESSION_STATUS_UNANSWERED # 2. Identify non-sessions, i.e. answers about the end of the day. non_session = sessions_grouped.apply( lambda x: ( (x.esm_user_answer == ANSWER_DAY_FINISHED) # I finished working for today. | (x.esm_user_answer == ANSWER_DAY_OFF) # I am not going to work today. | ( x.esm_user_answer == ANSWER_SET_EVENING ) # When would you like to answer the evening EMA? ).any() ) df_session_counts.loc[non_session, "session_response"] = SESSION_STATUS_DAY_FINISHED # 3. Identify sessions appearing only once, as those were not true EMAs for sure. singleton_sessions = (df_session_counts.esm_session_count == 1) & ( df_session_counts.session_response.isna() ) df_session_1 = df_session_counts[singleton_sessions] df_esm_unique_session = df_session_1.join( df_esm_preprocessed.set_index(GROUP_SESSIONS_BY), how="left" ) df_esm_unique_session = df_esm_unique_session.assign( session_response=lambda x: x.esm_trigger )["session_response"] df_session_counts.loc[ df_esm_unique_session.index, "session_response" ] = df_esm_unique_session # 4. Mark the remaining sessions as completed. df_session_counts.loc[ df_session_counts.session_response.isna(), "session_response" ] = SESSION_STATUS_COMPLETE return df_session_counts def classify_sessions_by_time(df_esm_preprocessed: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: """ For each EMA session, determine the time of the first user answer and its time type (morning, workday, or evening.) Parameters ---------- df_esm_preprocessed: pd.DataFrame A preprocessed dataframe of esm data, which must include the session ID (esm_session). Returns ------- df_session_time: pd.DataFrame A dataframe of all sessions (grouped by GROUP_SESSIONS_BY) with their time type and timestamp of first answer. """ df_session_time = ( df_esm_preprocessed.sort_values(["participant_id", "datetime_lj"]) .groupby(GROUP_SESSIONS_BY) .first()[["time", "datetime_lj"]] ) return df_session_time def classify_sessions_by_completion_time( df_esm_preprocessed: pd.DataFrame, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ The point of this function is to not only classify sessions by using the previously defined functions. It also serves to "correct" the time type of some EMA sessions. A morning questionnaire could seamlessly transition into a daytime questionnaire, if the participant was already at work. In this case, the "time" label changed mid-session. Because of the way classify_sessions_by_time works, this questionnaire was classified as "morning". But for all intents and purposes, it can be treated as a "daytime" EMA. The way this scenario is differentiated from a true "morning" questionnaire, where the participants NOT yet at work, is by considering their length. Parameters ---------- df_esm_preprocessed: pd.DataFrame A preprocessed dataframe of esm data, which must include the session ID (esm_session). Returns ------- df_session_counts_time: pd.DataFrame A dataframe of all sessions (grouped by GROUP_SESSIONS_BY) with statuses, the number of items, their time type (with some morning EMAs reclassified) and timestamp of first answer. """ df_session_counts = classify_sessions_by_completion(df_esm_preprocessed) df_session_time = classify_sessions_by_time(df_esm_preprocessed) df_session_counts_time = df_session_time.join(df_session_counts) morning_transition_to_daytime = (df_session_counts_time.time == "morning") & ( df_session_counts_time.esm_session_count > MAX_MORNING_LENGTH ) df_session_counts_time.loc[morning_transition_to_daytime, "time"] = "daytime" return df_session_counts_time def clean_up_esm(df_esm_preprocessed: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: """ This function eliminates invalid ESM responses. It removes unanswered ESMs and those that indicate end of work and similar. It also extracts a numeric answer from strings such as "4 - I strongly agree". Parameters ---------- df_esm_preprocessed: pd.DataFrame A preprocessed dataframe of esm data. Returns ------- df_esm_clean: pd.DataFrame A subset of the original dataframe. """ df_esm_clean = df_esm_preprocessed[ df_esm_preprocessed["esm_status"] == ESM_STATUS_ANSWERED ] df_esm_clean = df_esm_clean[ ~df_esm_clean["esm_user_answer"].isin( [ANSWER_DAY_FINISHED, ANSWER_DAY_OFF, ANSWER_SET_EVENING] ) ] df_esm_clean["esm_user_answer_numeric"] = np.nan esm_type_numeric = [ ESM.ESM_TYPE.get("radio"), ESM.ESM_TYPE.get("scale"), ESM.ESM_TYPE.get("number"), ] df_esm_clean[df_esm_clean["esm_type"].isin(esm_type_numeric)] = df_esm_clean[ df_esm_clean["esm_type"].isin(esm_type_numeric) ].assign( esm_user_answer_numeric=lambda x: x.esm_user_answer.str.slice(stop=1).astype( int ) ) return df_esm_clean