import os import sys import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pandas as pd from sklearn.model_selection import LeaveOneGroupOut, StratifiedKFold class Preprocessing: """This class presents Preprocessing methods which can be used in context of an individual CV iteration or, simply, on whole data. It's blind to the test data - e.g, it imputes the test data with train data mean. This means, it somehow needs an access to the information about data split. In context """ def __init__(self, train_X, train_y, test_X, test_y): self.train_X = train_X self.train_y = train_y self.test_X = test_X self.test_y = test_y # TODO This is probably NOT in the right place in this class ... def prepare_data_for_cross_validation(self): data = if self.cv_method == "logo": data_X, data_y, data_groups = data.drop(["target", "pid"], axis=1), data["target"], data["pid"] elif self.cv_method == "half_logo": data['pid_index'] = data.groupby('pid').cumcount() data['pid_count'] = data.groupby('pid')['pid'].transform('count') data["pid_index"] = (data['pid_index'] / data['pid_count'] + 1).round() data["pid_half"] = data["pid"] + "_" + data["pid_index"].astype(int).astype(str) data_X, data_y, data_groups = data.drop(["target", "pid", "pid_index", "pid_half"], axis=1), data["target"], data["pid_half"] elif self.cv_method == "5kfold": data_X, data_y, data_groups = data.drop(["target", "pid"], axis=1), data["target"], data["pid"] return data_X, data_y, data_groups # TODO This is probably NOT in the right place in this class ... def initialize_cv_method(self, cv_method): self.cv_method = cv_method self.X, self.y, self.groups = self.prepare_data_for_cross_validation() if cv_method in ["logo", "half_logo"]: cv = LeaveOneGroupOut() elif cv_method == "5kfold": cv = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=5, shuffle=True) def get_cv_train_test_split(): # TODO: for loop nad vsemi možnimi loso spliti? Kako se bo to sem integriralo. pass def one_hot_encode(self, categorical_columns=["gender", "startlanguage", "mostcommonactivity", "homelabel"]): categorical_columns = [col for col in self.X.columns if col in categorical_columns] categorical_features = self.X[categorical_columns].copy() mode_categorical_features = categorical_features.mode().iloc[0] # fillna with mode categorical_features = categorical_features.fillna(mode_categorical_features) # one-hot encoding categorical_features = categorical_features.apply(lambda col: col.astype("category")) if not categorical_features.empty: categorical_features = pd.get_dummies(categorical_features) numerical_features = self.X.drop(categorical_columns, axis=1) train_x = pd.concat([numerical_features, categorical_features], axis=1) # TODO: has to return a train set (or 54 participans in logo) and a test set (1 participant in logo) def imputer(method="mean"): # TODO: This has to be done in context of CV method - so that test data has only information to mean of train data (it is imputed with train data mean or median etc.) # TODO: has to return train set (or 54 participans in logo) and test test (1 participant in logo) pass