import datetime from import Collection import numpy as np import pandas as pd from pytz import timezone from config.models import ESM, Participant from setup import db_engine, session TZ_LJ = timezone("Europe/Ljubljana") def get_esm_data(usernames: Collection) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Read the data from the esm table and return it in a dataframe. Parameters ---------- usernames: Collection A list of usernames to put into the WHERE condition. Returns ------- df_esm: pd.DataFrame A dataframe of esm data. """ query_esm = ( session.query(ESM, Participant.username) .filter( == ESM.participant_id) .filter(Participant.username.in_(usernames)) ) with db_engine.connect() as connection: df_esm = pd.read_sql(query_esm.statement, connection) return df_esm def preprocess_esm(df_esm: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Convert timestamps into human-readable datetimes and expand the JSON column into several Pandas DF columns. Parameters ---------- df_esm: pd.DataFrame A dataframe of esm data. Returns ------- df_esm_preprocessed: pd.DataFrame A dataframe with added columns: datetime in Ljubljana timezone and all fields from ESM_JSON column. """ df_esm["datetime_lj"] = df_esm["double_esm_user_answer_timestamp"].apply( lambda x: datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(x / 1000.0, tz=TZ_LJ) ) df_esm_json = pd.json_normalize(df_esm["esm_json"]).drop( columns=["esm_trigger"] ) # The esm_trigger column is already present in the main df. return df_esm.join(df_esm_json) def classify_sessions_adherence(df_esm_preprocessed: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: """ For each distinct EMA session, determine how the participant responded to it. Possible outcomes are: esm_unanswered This is done in several steps. #TODO Finish the documentation. Parameters ---------- df_esm_preprocessed: pd.DataFrame A preprocessed dataframe of esm data, which must include the session ID (esm_session). Returns ------- some dataframe """ sessions_grouped = df_esm_preprocessed.groupby( ["participant_id", "device_id", "esm_session"] ) df_session_counts = pd.DataFrame(sessions_grouped.count()["id"]).rename( columns={"id": "esm_session_count"} ) df_session_counts["session_response"] = np.NaN esm_not_answered = sessions_grouped.apply(lambda x: (x.esm_status != 2).any()) df_session_counts.loc[esm_not_answered, "session_response"] = "esm_unanswered" non_session = sessions_grouped.apply( lambda x: ( (x.esm_user_answer == "DayFinished3421") | (x.esm_user_answer == "DayOff3421") ).any() ) df_session_counts.loc[non_session, "session_response"] = "day_finished" finished_sessions = sessions_grouped.apply( lambda x: (x.esm_trigger.str.endswith("_last")).any() ) df_session_counts.loc[finished_sessions, "session_response"] = "esm_finished" # TODO Look at evening-evening_last sequence, if everything is caught with finished sessions # TODO What can be done about morning EMA, perhaps morning-morning_first (sic!) sequence? # TODO What can be done about workday EMA. return sessions_grouped.count()