Extract event duration.

junos 2021-07-27 19:47:54 +02:00
parent 19cddaa634
commit c4f7b6459d
1 changed files with 42 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -55,6 +55,15 @@ def extract_stressful_events(df_esm: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
# 4.
df_esm_event_duration = extract_event_duration(df_esm_sam_clean)
df_esm_events = df_esm_events.join(
GROUP_QUESTIONNAIRES_BY + ["event_duration", "event_duration_info"]
return df_esm_events
@ -118,3 +127,36 @@ def convert_event_time(df_esm_sam_clean: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
return df_esm_event_time
def extract_event_duration(df_esm_sam_clean: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
df_esm_event_duration = df_esm_sam_clean[
== QUESTIONNAIRE_ID_SAM.get("event_duration")
event_duration=lambda x: pd.to_datetime(
x.esm_user_answer.str.slice(start=0, stop=-6), errors="coerce"
# TODO Explore the values recorded in event_duration and possibly fix mistakes.
# For example, participants reported setting 23:50:00 instead of 00:50:00.
# For the events that no duration was found (i.e. event_duration = NaT),
# we can determine whether:
# - this event is still going on ("1 - It is still going on")
# - the participant couldn't remember it's duration ("0 - I do not remember")
# Generally, these answers were converted to esm_user_answer_numeric in clean_up_esm,
# but only the numeric types of questions and answers.
# Since this was of "datetime" type, convert these specific answers here again.
] = df_esm_event_duration[df_esm_event_duration.event_duration.isna()].assign(
event_duration_info=lambda x: x.esm_user_answer.str.slice(stop=1).astype(
return df_esm_event_duration
# TODO: How many questions about the stressfulness of the period were asked and how does this relate to events?