Improve the feature selection method with validations etc.
@ -29,9 +29,9 @@ class FeatureSelection:
self.groups = groups
def select_best_feature(self, features, method="remove", ml_type="classification", metric="recall", stored_features=[]):
def select_best_feature(self, features, method="remove", ml_category="classification", ml_subcategory="bin", metric="recall", stored_features=[]):
"""The method selects the best feature by testing the prediction on the feature set with or without the current feature.
The "remove" method removes a particular feature and predicts on the test set without it. The "add" method adds a particulat
The "remove" method removes a particular feature and predicts on the test set without it. The "add" method adds a particular
feature to the previously established feature set (stored_features). The best feature is selected dependent on the metric
specified as a parameter.
@ -39,7 +39,11 @@ class FeatureSelection:
df (DataFrame): Input data on which the predictions will be made.
features (list): List of features to select the best/worst from
method (str, optional): remove or add features. Defaults to "remove".
ml_type (str, optional): Either classification or regression ml problem controls the ML algorithm and metric. Defaults to "classification".
ml_category (str, optional): Either classification or regression ml problem controls the ML algorithm and metric.
Defaults to "classification".
ml_subcategory (str, optional): In case of classification '_bin' for binary classification
and 'multi' for multiclass classification. For regression an empty string '' is sufficient.
Defaults to "bin".
metric (str, optional): Selected metric with which the best/worst feature will be determined. Defaults to "recall".
stored_features (list, optional): In case if method is 'add', stored features refer to the features that had been previously added. Defaults to [].
@ -53,9 +57,25 @@ class FeatureSelection:
best_feature = None
if ml_type == "classification" and metric not in ['accuracy', 'precision', 'recall', 'f1']:
raise ValueError("Classification metric not recognized. Please choose 'accuracy', 'precision', 'recall' and/or 'f1'")
elif ml_type == "regression" and metric not in ['r2']:
# Validacije tipov ML in specificiranimi metrikami
if ml_category == "classification":
if ml_subcategory == "bin" and metric not in ['accuracy', 'precision', 'recall', 'f1']:
raise ValueError("Classification metric not recognized. Please choose 'accuracy', 'precision', 'recall' and/or 'f1'")
elif ml_subcategory == "multi":
ml_subcategory_error = False
if metric != "accuracy" and "_" in metric:
metric_s, metric_t = metric.split("_")
if metric_s not in ['accuracy', 'precision', 'recall', 'f1'] or metric_t not in ['micro', 'macro', 'weighted']:
ml_subcategory_error = True
ml_subcategory_error = True
if ml_subcategory_error:
raise ValueError(""""Classification metric for multi-class classification must be specified precisely.
Available metric are: 'accuracy', 'precision', 'recall' and 'f1'.
Only accuracy must be specified as 'accuracy'.
For others please add appropriate suffixes: '_macro', '_micro', or '_weighted', e.g., 'f1_macro'""")
elif ml_category == "regression" and metric not in ['r2']:
raise ValueError("Regression metric not recognized. Please choose 'r2'")
for feat in features:
@ -73,7 +93,7 @@ class FeatureSelection:
# See link about scoring for multiclassfication
if ml_type == "classification":
if ml_category == "classification":
nb = GaussianNB()
model_cv = cross_validate(
@ -85,18 +105,8 @@ class FeatureSelection:
with warnings.catch_warnings():
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", message="Precision is ill-defined and being set to 0.0 due to no predicted samples. Use `zero_division` parameter to control this behavior.")
metric_score = np.nanmean(model_cv[f'test_{metric}'])
metric_score_std = np.nanstd(model_cv[f'test_{metric}'])
if not best_feature or (metric_score > best_metric_score):
best_feature = feat
best_metric_score = metric_score
best_metric_score_std = metric_score_std
elif ml_type == "regression":
elif ml_category == "regression":
lass = Lasso()
model_cv = cross_validate(
@ -108,16 +118,20 @@ class FeatureSelection:
if metric == "r2":
r2 = np.mean(model_cv['test_r2'])
r2_std = np.std(model_cv['test_r2'])
if not best_feature or (r2 > best_metric_score):
best_feature = feat
best_metric_score = r2
best_metric_score_std = r2_std
raise ValueError("ML type not yet implemented!")
# Section of metrics' scores comparison.
with warnings.catch_warnings():
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", message="Precision is ill-defined and being set to 0.0 due to no predicted samples. Use `zero_division` parameter to control this behavior.")
metric_score = np.nanmean(model_cv["test_score"])
metric_score_std = np.nanstd(model_cv["test_score"])
if not best_feature or (metric_score > best_metric_score):
best_feature = feat
best_metric_score = metric_score
best_metric_score_std = metric_score_std
return best_feature, best_metric_score, best_metric_score_std
@ -137,9 +151,10 @@ class FeatureSelection:
n_min (int, optional): Minimal amount of features returned.
n_max (int, optional): Maximal amount of features returned.
k (int, optional): Determines the k in the k-best features method.
k (int, optional): Determines the k in the k-best features method.
If None, SelectKBest feature selection does not execute.
ml_type(str, optional): Type of ML problem. Currently implemented options:
classification_bin, classification_multi, and regression_
'classification_bin', 'classification_multi', and 'regression_'
method (str, optional): "remove" or "add" features. Defaults to "remove".
n_tolerance (int, optional): If the best score is not improved in n that is specified by this parameter
the method returns index of feature with current best score as a tipping point feature.
@ -147,35 +162,38 @@ class FeatureSelection:
list: list of selected features
n_features = self.X.shape[1]
if n_max >= n_features:
n_max = n_features-1 # The algorithm removes at least one feature
if k < n_max:
raise ValueError("The k parameter needs to be lower than the n_max parameter.")
if k is not None and k <= n_max:
raise ValueError("The k parameter needs to be greater than the n_max parameter.")
# Select k-best feature dependent on the type of ML task
ml_type = ml_type.split("_")
if ml_type[0] == "classification":
if ml_type[1] == "bin":
selector = SelectKBest(mutual_info_classif, k=k)
elif ml_type[1] == "multi":
selector = SelectKBest(f_classif, k=k)
ml_category, ml_subcategory = ml_type.split("_")
if k is not None:
if ml_category == "classification":
if ml_subcategory== "bin":
selector = SelectKBest(mutual_info_classif, k=k)
elif ml_subcategory== "multi":
selector = SelectKBest(f_classif, k=k)
raise ValueError("Unknown ML type: cannot recognize ML classification subtype.")
elif ml_category == "regression":
selector = SelectKBest(f_regression, k=k)
raise ValueError("Unknown ML type: cannot recognize ML classification subtype.")
elif ml_type[0] == "regression":
selector = SelectKBest(f_regression, k=k)
raise ValueError("Unknown ML type: cannot recognize ML type. Must be either classification or regression.")
||||, self.y)
cols_idxs = selector.get_support(indices=True)
self.X = self.X.iloc[:,cols_idxs]
raise ValueError("Unknown ML type: cannot recognize ML type. Must be either classification or regression.")
||||, self.y)
cols_idxs = selector.get_support(indices=True)
self.X = self.X.iloc[:,cols_idxs]
print("All columns (after SelectKBest method):")
# Sequential feature addition / removal
n_features = self.X.shape[1]
if n_max >= n_features:
n_max = n_features-1 # The algorithm removes at least one feature
if n_min > n_features:
raise ValueError("The number of remaining features in the dataframe must be at least as n_min+1 parameter.")
@ -190,17 +208,16 @@ class FeatureSelection:
i_worse = 0
for i in reversed(range(n_features)):
print("Iteration:", i+1)
if i+1 == n_min:
best_feature, best_metric_score, best_metric_score_std = \
self.select_best_feature(features, method=method, ml_type=ml_type[0], metric=metric)
self.select_best_feature(features, method=method, ml_category=ml_category, ml_subcategory=ml_subcategory, metric=metric)
feature_importance.append((i+1, best_feature, best_metric_score, best_metric_score_std))
print("Features left:", i)
if i <= n_max:
if best_metric_score >= best_score:
@ -223,49 +240,6 @@ class FeatureSelection:
selected_features = [feat for feat in self.X.columns.tolist() if feat not in features_to_remove]
return selected_features
# Selekcijski kriterij značilk v rangu max-min
# Npr. izbira najboljšega score-a v tem rangu. Ali pa dokler se v tem rangu score zvišuje za 0.0X, ko se ne izberi tisti set značilk.
# Set značilk se bo izbral od i=1 do i=index_izbrane_značilke
# "Tipping point" značilka mora biti v rangu max-min
selection_area = feature_importance_df[(feature_importance_df["i"] >= n_min+1) & (feature_importance_df["i"] <= n_max)]
selection_area.set_index(["i", "name"], inplace=True)
diffrences = selection_area.diff()
diffrences.dropna(how='any', inplace=True)
# Morda tudi komulativna sumacija? Kjer se preprosto index z najvišjo vrednostjo
cumulative_sumation = diffrences.cumsum()
tipping_feature_indx_1 = cumulative_sumation.idxmax()["metric"]
# Metoda, ki pusti n_tolerance značilkam, da premagajo dosedajno najboljši score
tipping_feature_indx_2 = None
best_score = 0
i_worse = 0
for indx, row in selection_area.iterrows():
if row["metric"] > best_score:
tipping_feature_indx_2 = indx
best_score = row["metric"]
i_worse = 0
i_worse += 1
if i_worse == n_tolerance:
features_to_remove = feature_importance_df[feature_importance_df["i"] >= tipping_feature_indx_2[0]]["name"].values.tolist()
selected_features = [feat for feat in self.X.columns.tolist() if feat not in features_to_remove]
raise ValueError("Method type not recognized: only the 'remove' method is currently implemented.")
Reference in New Issue