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# ---
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# name: straw2analysis
# ---
# %% jupyter={"source_hidden": false, "outputs_hidden": false}
# %matplotlib inline
import os, sys, math
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
2023-01-19 16:20:43 +01:00
import seaborn as sns
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier
from sklearn import tree
from sklearn.impute import SimpleImputer
2023-01-23 16:32:07 +01:00
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
2023-01-19 16:20:43 +01:00
2023-01-13 17:08:56 +01:00
# %% jupyter={"source_hidden": false, "outputs_hidden": false} nteract={"transient": {"deleting": false}}
def calc_entropy(column):
Calculate entropy given a pandas series, list, or numpy array.
# Compute the counts of each unique value in the column
counts = np.bincount(column)
# Divide by the total column length to get a probability
probabilities = counts / len(column)
# Initialize the entropy to 0
entropy = 0
# Loop through the probabilities, and add each one to the total entropy
for prob in probabilities:
if prob > 0:
# use log from math and set base to 2
entropy += prob * math.log(prob, 2)
return -entropy
def calc_information_gain(data, split_name, target_name):
Calculate information gain given a data set, column to split on, and target
# Calculate the original entropy
original_entropy = calc_entropy(data[target_name])
#Find the unique values in the column
values = data[split_name].unique()
# Make two subsets of the data, based on the unique values
left_split = data[data[split_name] == values[0]]
right_split = data[data[split_name] == values[1]]
# Loop through the splits and calculate the subset entropies
to_subtract = 0
for subset in [left_split, right_split]:
prob = (subset.shape[0] / data.shape[0])
to_subtract += prob * calc_entropy(subset[target_name])
# Return information gain
return original_entropy - to_subtract
def get_information_gains(data, target_name):
#Intialize an empty dictionary for information gains
information_gains = {}
#Iterate through each column name in our list
for col in list(data.columns):
#Find the information gain for the column
information_gain = calc_information_gain(data, col, target_name)
#Add the information gain to our dictionary using the column name as the ekey
information_gains[col] = information_gain
#Return the key with the highest value
#return max(information_gains, key=information_gains.get)
return information_gains
2023-01-23 16:32:07 +01:00
def n_features_with_highest_info_gain(info_gain_dict, n=None):
2023-01-13 17:08:56 +01:00
Get n-features that have highest information gain
2023-01-23 16:32:07 +01:00
if n is None:
n = len(info_gain_dict)
2023-01-13 17:08:56 +01:00
import heapq
2023-01-19 16:20:43 +01:00
n_largest = heapq.nlargest(n, info_gain_dict.items(), key=lambda i: i[1])
return {feature[0]: feature[1] for feature in n_largest}
2023-01-13 17:08:56 +01:00
# %% jupyter={"source_hidden": false, "outputs_hidden": false} nteract={"transient": {"deleting": false}}
index_columns = ["local_segment", "local_segment_label", "local_segment_start_datetime", "local_segment_end_datetime"]
model_input = pd.read_csv("../data/stressfulness_event_with_target_0_ver2/input_appraisal_stressfulness_event_mean.csv").set_index(index_columns)
categorical_feature_colnames = ["gender", "startlanguage"]
additional_categorical_features = [col for col in model_input.columns if "mostcommonactivity" in col or "homelabel" in col]
categorical_feature_colnames += additional_categorical_features
categorical_features = model_input[categorical_feature_colnames].copy()
mode_categorical_features = categorical_features.mode().iloc[0]
# fillna with mode
categorical_features = categorical_features.fillna(mode_categorical_features)
# one-hot encoding
categorical_features = categorical_features.apply(lambda col: col.astype("category"))
if not categorical_features.empty:
categorical_features = pd.get_dummies(categorical_features)
numerical_features = model_input.drop(categorical_feature_colnames, axis=1)
model_input = pd.concat([numerical_features, categorical_features], axis=1)
2023-01-19 16:20:43 +01:00
# Binarizacija targeta
bins = [-1, 0, 4] # bins for stressfulness (0-4) target
model_input['target'], edges = pd.cut(model_input.target, bins=bins, labels=[0, 1], retbins=True, right=True)
print(model_input['target'].value_counts(), edges)
2023-01-13 17:08:56 +01:00
# %%
info_gains = get_information_gains(model_input, 'target')
2023-01-19 16:20:43 +01:00
# %% [markdown]
# Present the feature importance results
# %%
print("Total columns:", len(info_gains))
n_features_with_highest_info_gain(info_gains, n=189)
# %%
def compute_impurity(feature, impurity_criterion):
This function calculates impurity of a feature.
Supported impurity criteria: 'entropy', 'gini'
input: feature (this needs to be a Pandas series)
output: feature impurity
probs = feature.value_counts(normalize=True)
if impurity_criterion == 'entropy':
impurity = -1 * np.sum(np.log2(probs) * probs)
elif impurity_criterion == 'gini':
impurity = 1 - np.sum(np.square(probs))
raise ValueError('Unknown impurity criterion')
return impurity
def comp_feature_information_gain(df, target, descriptive_feature, split_criterion, print_flag=False):
This function calculates information gain for splitting on
a particular descriptive feature for a given dataset
and a given impurity criteria.
Supported split criterion: 'entropy', 'gini'
if print_flag:
print('target feature:', target)
print('descriptive_feature:', descriptive_feature)
print('split criterion:', split_criterion)
target_entropy = compute_impurity(df[target], split_criterion)
# we define two lists below:
# entropy_list to store the entropy of each partition
# weight_list to store the relative number of observations in each partition
entropy_list = list()
weight_list = list()
# loop over each level of the descriptive feature
# to partition the dataset with respect to that level
# and compute the entropy and the weight of the level's partition
for level in df[descriptive_feature].unique():
df_feature_level = df[df[descriptive_feature] == level]
entropy_level = compute_impurity(df_feature_level[target], split_criterion)
entropy_list.append(round(entropy_level, 3))
weight_level = len(df_feature_level) / len(df)
weight_list.append(round(weight_level, 3))
# print('impurity of partitions:', entropy_list)
# print('weights of partitions:', weight_list)
feature_remaining_impurity = np.sum(np.array(entropy_list) * np.array(weight_list))
information_gain = target_entropy - feature_remaining_impurity
if print_flag:
print('impurity of partitions:', entropy_list)
print('weights of partitions:', weight_list)
print('remaining impurity:', feature_remaining_impurity)
print('information gain:', information_gain)
return information_gain
def calc_information_gain_2(data, split_name, target_name, split_criterion):
Calculate information gain given a data set, column to split on, and target
# Calculate the original impurity
original_impurity = compute_impurity(data[target_name], split_criterion)
#Find the unique values in the column
values = data[split_name].unique()
# Make two subsets of the data, based on the unique values
left_split = data[data[split_name] == values[0]]
right_split = data[data[split_name] == values[1]]
# Loop through the splits and calculate the subset impurities
to_subtract = 0
for subset in [left_split, right_split]:
prob = (subset.shape[0] / data.shape[0])
to_subtract += prob * compute_impurity(subset[target_name], split_criterion)
# Return information gain
return original_impurity - to_subtract
2023-01-13 17:08:56 +01:00
2023-01-19 16:20:43 +01:00
def get_information_gains_2(data, target_name, split_criterion):
#Intialize an empty dictionary for information gains
information_gains = {}
#Iterate through each column name in our list
for feature in list(data.columns):
#Find the information gain for the column
information_gain = calc_information_gain_2(model_input, target_name, feature, split_criterion)
#Add the information gain to our dictionary using the column name as the ekey
information_gains[feature] = information_gain
#Return the key with the highest value
#return max(information_gains, key=information_gains.get)
return information_gains
# %% [markdown]
# Present the feature importance results from other methods
# %%
split_criterion = 'entropy'
print("Target impurity:", compute_impurity(model_input['target'], split_criterion))
information_gains = get_information_gains_2(model_input, 'target', split_criterion)
2023-01-23 16:32:07 +01:00
2023-01-19 16:20:43 +01:00
# %%
2023-01-23 16:32:07 +01:00
# Present the feature importance using a tree (that uses gini imputity measure)
split_criterion = 'entropy'
print("Target impurity:", compute_impurity(model_input['target'], split_criterion))
2023-01-19 16:20:43 +01:00
X, y = model_input.drop(columns=['target', 'pid']), model_input['target']
imputer = SimpleImputer(missing_values=np.nan, strategy='median')
X = imputer.fit_transform(X)
2023-01-23 16:32:07 +01:00
X, _, y, _ = train_test_split(X, y, random_state=19, test_size=0.25)
2023-01-19 16:20:43 +01:00
2023-01-23 16:32:07 +01:00
clf = DecisionTreeClassifier(criterion=split_criterion)
2023-01-19 16:20:43 +01:00
clf.fit(X, y)
feat_importance = clf.tree_.compute_feature_importances(normalize=False)
2023-01-23 16:32:07 +01:00
print("feat importance = ", feat_importance)
print("shape", feat_importance.shape)
tree_feat_imp = dict(zip(model_input.drop(columns=['target', 'pid']).columns, feat_importance.tolist()))
info_gains_dict = pd.Series(n_features_with_highest_info_gain(tree_feat_imp))
info_gains_dict[info_gains_dict > 0]
# %%
# Binarizacija vrednosti tree Information Gain-a
bins = [-0.1, 0, 0.1] # bins for target's correlations with features
cut_info_gains = pd.cut(info_gains_dict, bins=bins, labels=['IG=0', 'IG>0'], right=True)
plt.title(f"Tree information gains by value ({split_criterion})")
cut_info_gains.value_counts().plot(kind='bar', color='purple')
plt.xticks(rotation=45, ha='right')
pd.Series(n_features_with_highest_info_gain(tree_feat_imp, 20))
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2023-01-23 16:32:07 +01:00
# %%
# Plot feature importance tree graph
2023-01-19 16:20:43 +01:00
feature_names = list(model_input.drop(columns=['target', 'pid']).columns),
2023-01-23 16:32:07 +01:00
filled = True, fontsize=5, max_depth=3)
2023-01-19 16:20:43 +01:00
plt.savefig('tree_high_dpi', dpi=800)
2023-01-23 16:32:07 +01:00
# %% [markdown]
# Present the feature importance by correlation with target
2023-01-19 16:20:43 +01:00
corrs = abs(model_input.drop(columns=["target", 'pid'], axis=1).apply(lambda x: x.corr(model_input.target.astype(int))))
2023-01-23 16:32:07 +01:00
# corrs.sort_values(ascending=False)
# Binarizacija vrednosti korelacij
bins = [0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3] # bins for target's correlations with features
cut_corrs = pd.cut(corrs, bins=bins, labels=['very week (0-0.1)', 'weak (0.1-0.2)', 'medium (0.2-0.3)'], right=True)
plt.title("Target's correlations with features")
plt.xticks(rotation=45, ha='right')
print(corrs[corrs > 0.1]) # or corrs < -0.1])
# %%
2023-01-13 17:08:56 +01:00
# %%