
175 lines
13 KiB

library("lubridate", warn.conflicts = F)
day_type_delay <- function(day_type, include_past_periodic_segments){
delay <- time_segments %>% mutate(length_duration = duration(length)) %>% filter(repeats_on == day_type) %>% arrange(-length_duration) %>% pull(length_duration) %>% first()
return(if_else(is.na(delay) | include_past_periodic_segments == FALSE, duration("0days"), delay))
get_segment_dates <- function(data, local_timezone, day_type, delay){
dates <- data %>%
distinct(local_date) %>%
mutate(local_date_obj = date(lubridate::ymd(local_date, tz = local_timezone))) %>%
complete(local_date_obj = seq(date(min(local_date_obj) - delay), max(local_date_obj), by="days")) %>%
mutate(local_date = replace_na(as.character(date(local_date_obj))))
if(day_type == "every_day")
dates <- dates %>% mutate(every_day = 0)
else if (day_type == "wday")
dates <- dates %>% mutate(wday = wday(local_date_obj, week_start = 1))
else if (day_type == "mday")
dates <- dates %>% mutate(mday = mday(local_date_obj))
else if (day_type == "qday")
dates <- dates %>% mutate(qday = qday(local_date_obj))
else if (day_type == "yday")
dates <- dates %>% mutate(yday = yday(local_date_obj))
assign_rows_to_segments <- function(nested_data, nested_inferred_time_segments){
nested_data <- nested_data %>% mutate(assigned_segments = "")
for(i in seq_len(nrow(nested_inferred_time_segments))) {
segment <- nested_inferred_time_segments[i,]
nested_data$assigned_segments <- ifelse(segment$segment_start_ts<= nested_data$timestamp & segment$segment_end_ts >= nested_data$timestamp,
stringi::stri_c(nested_data$assigned_segments, segment$segment_id, sep = "|"), nested_data$assigned_segments)
nested_data$assigned_segments <- substring(nested_data$assigned_segments, 2)
assign_rows_to_segments_frequency <- function(nested_data, nested_timezone, time_segments){
for(i in 1:nrow(time_segments)) {
segment <- time_segments[i,]
nested_data$assigned_segments <- ifelse(segment$segment_start_ts<= nested_data$local_time_obj & segment$segment_end_ts >= nested_data$local_time_obj,
# The segment_id is assambled on the fly because it depends on each row's local_date and timezone
segment[["label"]], "#",
nested_data$local_date, " ",
segment[["segment_id_start_time"]], ",",
nested_data$local_date, " ",
segment[["segment_id_end_time"]], ";",
as.numeric(lubridate::as_datetime(stringi::stri_c(nested_data$local_date, segment$segment_id_start_time), tz = nested_timezone)) * 1000, ",",
as.numeric(lubridate::as_datetime(stringi::stri_c(nested_data$local_date, segment$segment_id_end_time), tz = nested_timezone)) * 1000 + 999,
assign_to_time_segment <- function(sensor_data, time_segments, time_segments_type, include_past_periodic_segments){
if(nrow(sensor_data) == 0 || nrow(time_segments) == 0)
return(sensor_data %>% mutate(assigned_segments = NA))
if(time_segments_type == "FREQUENCY"){
time_segments <- time_segments %>% mutate(start_time = lubridate::hm(start_time),
end_time = start_time + minutes(length) - seconds(1),
segment_id_start_time = paste(str_pad(hour(start_time),2, pad="0"), str_pad(minute(start_time),2, pad="0"), str_pad(second(start_time),2, pad="0"),sep =":"),
segment_id_end_time = paste(str_pad(hour(ymd("1970-01-01") + end_time),2, pad="0"), str_pad(minute(ymd("1970-01-01") + end_time),2, pad="0"), str_pad(second(ymd("1970-01-01") + end_time),2, pad="0"),sep =":"), # add ymd("1970-01-01") to get a real time instead of duration
segment_start_ts = as.numeric(start_time),
segment_end_ts = as.numeric(end_time))
sensor_data <- sensor_data %>% mutate(local_time_obj = as.numeric(lubridate::hms(local_time)),
assigned_segments = "")
sensor_data <- sensor_data %>%
group_by(local_timezone) %>%
nest() %>%
mutate(data = map2(data, local_timezone, assign_rows_to_segments_frequency, time_segments)) %>%
unnest(cols = data) %>%
arrange(timestamp) %>%
} else if (time_segments_type == "PERIODIC"){
# We need to take into account segment start dates that could include the first day of data
time_segments <- time_segments %>% mutate(length_duration = duration(length))
every_day_delay <- duration("0days")
wday_delay <- day_type_delay("wday", include_past_periodic_segments)
mday_delay <- day_type_delay("mday", include_past_periodic_segments)
qday_delay <- day_type_delay("qday", include_past_periodic_segments)
yday_delay <- day_type_delay("yday", include_past_periodic_segments)
sensor_data <- sensor_data %>%
group_by(local_timezone) %>%
nest() %>%
# get existent days that we need to start segments from
mutate(every_date = map2(data, local_timezone, get_segment_dates, "every_day", every_day_delay),
week_dates = map2(data, local_timezone, get_segment_dates, "wday", wday_delay),
month_dates = map2(data, local_timezone, get_segment_dates, "mday", mday_delay),
quarter_dates = map2(data, local_timezone, get_segment_dates, "qday", qday_delay),
year_dates = map2(data, local_timezone, get_segment_dates, "yday", yday_delay),
existent_dates = pmap(list(every_date, week_dates, month_dates, quarter_dates, year_dates),
function(every_date, week_dates, month_dates, quarter_dates, year_dates) reduce(list(every_date, week_dates,month_dates, quarter_dates, year_dates), .f=full_join)),
# build the actual time segments taking into account the users requested length and repeat schedule
inferred_time_segments = map(existent_dates,
~ crossing(time_segments, .x) %>%
pivot_longer(cols = c(every_day,wday, mday, qday, yday), names_to = "day_type", values_to = "day_value") %>%
filter(repeats_on == day_type & repeats_value == day_value) %>%
# The segment ids (segment_id_start and segment_id_end) are computed in UTC to avoid having different labels for instances of a segment that happen in different timezones
mutate(segment_id_start = lubridate::parse_date_time(paste(local_date, start_time), orders = c("Ymd HMS", "Ymd HM")),
segment_id_end = segment_id_start + lubridate::duration(length),
# The actual segments are computed using timestamps taking into account the timezone
segment_start_ts = as.numeric(lubridate::parse_date_time(paste(local_date, start_time), orders = c("Ymd HMS", "Ymd HM"), tz = local_timezone)) * 1000,
segment_end_ts = segment_start_ts + as.numeric(lubridate::duration(length)) * 1000 + 999,
segment_id = paste0("[",
paste0(lubridate::date(segment_id_start), " ",
paste(str_pad(hour(segment_id_start),2, pad="0"), str_pad(minute(segment_id_start),2, pad="0"), str_pad(second(segment_id_start),2, pad="0"),sep =":"), ",",
lubridate::date(segment_id_end), " ",
paste(str_pad(hour(segment_id_end),2, pad="0"), str_pad(minute(segment_id_end),2, pad="0"), str_pad(second(segment_id_end),2, pad="0"),sep =":")),";",
paste0(segment_start_ts, ",", segment_end_ts)),
"]")) %>%
# drop time segments with an invalid start or end time (mostly due to daylight saving changes, e.g. 2020-03-08 02:00:00 EST does not exist, clock jumps from 01:59am to 03:00am)
drop_na(segment_start_ts, segment_end_ts)),
data = map2(data, inferred_time_segments, assign_rows_to_segments)
) %>%
select(-existent_dates, -inferred_time_segments, -every_date, -week_dates, -month_dates, -quarter_dates, -year_dates) %>%
unnest(cols = data) %>%
} else if ( time_segments_type == "EVENT"){
sensor_data <- sensor_data %>%
group_by(local_timezone) %>%
nest() %>%
mutate(inferred_time_segments = map(local_timezone, function(tz){
inferred <- time_segments %>%
mutate(shift = ifelse(shift == "0", "0seconds", shift),
segment_start_ts = event_timestamp + (as.integer(seconds(lubridate::duration(shift))) * ifelse(shift_direction >= 0, 1, -1) * 1000),
segment_end_ts = segment_start_ts + (as.integer(seconds(lubridate::duration(length))) * 1000),
# these start and end datetime objects are for labeling only
segment_id_start = lubridate::as_datetime(segment_start_ts/1000, tz = tz),
segment_id_end = lubridate::as_datetime(segment_end_ts/1000, tz = tz),
segment_end_ts = segment_end_ts + 999,
segment_id = paste0("[",
paste0(lubridate::date(segment_id_start), " ",
paste(str_pad(hour(segment_id_start),2, pad="0"), str_pad(minute(segment_id_start),2, pad="0"), str_pad(second(segment_id_start),2, pad="0"),sep =":"), ",",
lubridate::date(segment_id_end), " ",
paste(str_pad(hour(segment_id_end),2, pad="0"), str_pad(minute(segment_id_end),2, pad="0"), str_pad(second(segment_id_end),2, pad="0"),sep =":")),";",
paste0(segment_start_ts, ",", segment_end_ts)),
# Check that for overlapping segments (not allowed because our resampling episode algorithm would have to have a second instead of minute granularity that increases storage and computation time)
overlapping <- inferred %>% group_by(label) %>% arrange(segment_start_ts) %>%
mutate(overlaps = if_else(segment_start_ts <= lag(segment_end_ts), TRUE, FALSE),
overlapping_segments = paste(paste(lag(label), lag(event_timestamp), lag(length), lag(shift), lag(shift_direction), lag(device_id), sep = ","),"and",
paste(label, event_timestamp, length, shift, shift_direction, device_id, sep = ",")))
if(any(overlapping$overlaps, na.rm = TRUE)){
stop(paste0("\n\nOne or more event time segments overlap for ",overlapping$device_id[[1]],", modify their lengths so they don't:\n", paste0(overlapping %>% filter(overlaps == TRUE) %>% pull(overlapping_segments), collapse = "\n"), "\n\n"))
} else{
data = map2(data, inferred_time_segments, assign_rows_to_segments)) %>%
select(-inferred_time_segments) %>%
unnest(data) %>%