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Fitbit Steps Intraday

Sensor parameters description for [FITBIT_STEPS_INTRADAY]:

Key                              Description
[TABLE] Database table name or file path where the steps intraday data is stored. The configuration keys in Device Data Source Configuration control whether this parameter is interpreted as table or file.

The format of the column(s) containing the Fitbit sensor data can be JSON or PLAIN_TEXT. The data in JSON format is obtained directly from the Fitbit API. We support PLAIN_TEXT in case you already parsed your data and don’t have access to your participants’ Fitbit accounts anymore. If your data is in JSON format then summary and intraday data come packed together.

We provide examples of the input format that RAPIDS expects, note that both examples for JSON and PLAIN_TEXT are tabular and the actual format difference comes in the fitbit_data column (we truncate the JSON example for brevity).

Example of the structure of source data
device_id fitbit_data
a748ee1a-1d0b-4ae9-9074-279a2b6ba524 “activities-steps”:[{“dateTime”:”2020-10-07”,”value”:”1775”}],”activities-steps-intraday”:{“dataset”:[{“time”:”00:00:00”,”value”:5},{“time”:”00:01:00”,”value”:3},{“time”:”00:02:00”,”value”:0},…],”datasetInterval”:1,”datasetType”:”minute”}}
a748ee1a-1d0b-4ae9-9074-279a2b6ba524 “activities-steps”:[{“dateTime”:”2020-10-08”,”value”:”3201”}],”activities-steps-intraday”:{“dataset”:[{“time”:”00:00:00”,”value”:14},{“time”:”00:01:00”,”value”:11},{“time”:”00:02:00”,”value”:10},…],”datasetInterval”:1,”datasetType”:”minute”}}
a748ee1a-1d0b-4ae9-9074-279a2b6ba524 “activities-steps”:[{“dateTime”:”2020-10-09”,”value”:”998”}],”activities-steps-intraday”:{“dataset”:[{“time”:”00:00:00”,”value”:0},{“time”:”00:01:00”,”value”:0},{“time”:”00:02:00”,”value”:0},…],”datasetInterval”:1,”datasetType”:”minute”}}

All columns are mandatory.

device_id local_date_time steps
a748ee1a-1d0b-4ae9-9074-279a2b6ba524 2020-10-07 00:00:00 5
a748ee1a-1d0b-4ae9-9074-279a2b6ba524 2020-10-07 00:01:00 3
a748ee1a-1d0b-4ae9-9074-279a2b6ba524 2020-10-07 00:02:00 0

RAPIDS provider

Available time segments

  • Available for all time segments

File Sequence

- data/raw/{pid}/fitbit_steps_intraday_raw.csv
- data/raw/{pid}/fitbit_steps_intraday_parsed.csv
- data/raw/{pid}/fitbit_steps_intraday_parsed_with_datetime.csv
- data/interim/{pid}/fitbit_steps_intraday_features/fitbit_steps_intraday_{language}_{provider_key}.csv
- data/processed/features/{pid}/fitbit_steps_intraday.csv

Parameters description for [FITBIT_STEPS_INTRADAY][PROVIDERS][RAPIDS]:

Key                              Description
[COMPUTE] Set to True to extract FITBIT_STEPS_INTRADAY features from the RAPIDS provider
[FEATURES] Features to be computed from steps intraday data, see table below
[THRESHOLD_ACTIVE_BOUT] Every minute with Fitbit steps data wil be labelled as sedentary if its step count is below this threshold, otherwise, active.
[INCLUDE_ZERO_STEP_ROWS] Whether or not to include time segments with a 0 step count during the whole day.


Feature Units Description
sumsteps steps The total step count during a time segment.
maxsteps steps The maximum step count during a time segment.
minsteps steps The minimum step count during a time segment.
avgsteps steps The average step count during a time segment.
stdsteps steps The standard deviation of step count during a time segment.
countepisodesedentarybout bouts Number of sedentary bouts during a time segment.
sumdurationsedentarybout minutes Total duration of all sedentary bouts during a time segment.
maxdurationsedentarybout minutes The maximum duration of any sedentary bout during a time segment.
mindurationsedentarybout minutes The minimum duration of any sedentary bout during a time segment.
avgdurationsedentarybout minutes The average duration of sedentary bouts during a time segment.
stddurationsedentarybout minutes The standard deviation of the duration of sedentary bouts during a time segment.
countepisodeactivebout bouts Number of active bouts during a time segment.
sumdurationactivebout minutes Total duration of all active bouts during a time segment.
maxdurationactivebout minutes The maximum duration of any active bout during a time segment.
mindurationactivebout minutes The minimum duration of any active bout during a time segment.
avgdurationactivebout minutes The average duration of active bouts during a time segment.
stddurationactivebout minutes The standard deviation of the duration of active bouts during a time segment.


  1. Active and sedentary bouts. If the step count per minute is smaller than THRESHOLD_ACTIVE_BOUT (default value is 10), that minute is labelled as sedentary, otherwise, is labelled as active. Active and sedentary bouts are periods of consecutive minutes labelled as active or sedentary.