import pandas as pd import numpy as np import math, sys, random import yaml from sklearn.impute import KNNImputer from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns sys.path.append('/rapids/') from src.features import empatica_data_yield as edy pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 20) def straw_cleaning(sensor_data_files, provider): features = pd.read_csv(sensor_data_files["sensor_data"][0]) esm_cols = features.loc[:, features.columns.str.startswith('phone_esm_straw')] # Get target (esm) columns with open('config.yaml', 'r') as stream: config = yaml.load(stream, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) excluded_columns = ['local_segment', 'local_segment_label', 'local_segment_start_datetime', 'local_segment_end_datetime'] # (1) FILTER_OUT THE ROWS THAT DO NOT HAVE THE TARGET COLUMN AVAILABLE if config['PARAMS_FOR_ANALYSIS']['TARGET']['COMPUTE']: target = config['PARAMS_FOR_ANALYSIS']['TARGET']['LABEL'] # get target label from config if 'phone_esm_straw_' + target in features: features = features[features['phone_esm_straw_' + target].notna()].reset_index(drop=True) else: return features # (2.1) QUALITY CHECK (DATA YIELD COLUMN) deletes the rows where E4 or phone data is low quality phone_data_yield_unit = provider["PHONE_DATA_YIELD_FEATURE"].split("_")[3].lower() phone_data_yield_column = "phone_data_yield_rapids_ratiovalidyielded" + phone_data_yield_unit if features.empty: return features features = edy.calculate_empatica_data_yield(features) if not phone_data_yield_column in features.columns and not "empatica_data_yield" in features.columns: raise KeyError(f"RAPIDS provider needs to clean the selected event features based on {phone_data_yield_column} and empatica_data_yield columns. For phone data yield, please set config[PHONE_DATA_YIELD][PROVIDERS][RAPIDS][COMPUTE] to True and include 'ratiovalidyielded{data_yield_unit}' in [FEATURES].") # Drop rows where phone data yield is less then given threshold if provider["PHONE_DATA_YIELD_RATIO_THRESHOLD"]: features = features[features[phone_data_yield_column] >= provider["PHONE_DATA_YIELD_RATIO_THRESHOLD"]].reset_index(drop=True) # Drop rows where empatica data yield is less then given threshold if provider["EMPATICA_DATA_YIELD_RATIO_THRESHOLD"]: features = features[features["empatica_data_yield"] >= provider["EMPATICA_DATA_YIELD_RATIO_THRESHOLD"]].reset_index(drop=True) if features.empty: return features # (2.2) DO THE ROWS CONSIST OF ENOUGH NON-NAN VALUES? min_count = math.ceil((1 - provider["ROWS_NAN_THRESHOLD"]) * features.shape[1]) # minimal not nan values in row features.dropna(axis=0, thresh=min_count, inplace=True) # Thresh => at least this many not-nans # (3) REMOVE COLS IF THEIR NAN THRESHOLD IS PASSED (should be <= if even all NaN columns must be preserved - this solution now drops columns with all NaN rows) esm_cols = features.loc[:, features.columns.str.startswith('phone_esm_straw')] # Get target (esm) columns features = features.loc[:, features.isna().sum() < provider["COLS_NAN_THRESHOLD"] * features.shape[0]] # Preserve esm cols if deleted (has to come after drop cols operations) for esm in esm_cols: if esm not in features: features[esm] = esm_cols[esm] # (4) CONTEXTUAL IMPUTATION # Impute selected phone features with a high number impute_w_hn = [col for col in features.columns if \ "timeoffirstuse" in col or "timeoflastuse" in col or "timefirstcall" in col or "timelastcall" in col or "firstuseafter" in col or "timefirstmessages" in col or "timelastmessages" in col] features[impute_w_hn] = features[impute_w_hn].fillna(1500) # Impute special case (mostcommonactivity) and (homelabel) impute_w_sn = [col for col in features.columns if "mostcommonactivity" in col] features[impute_w_sn] = features[impute_w_sn].fillna(4) # Special case of imputation - nominal/ordinal value impute_w_sn2 = [col for col in features.columns if "homelabel" in col] features[impute_w_sn2] = features[impute_w_sn2].fillna(1) # Special case of imputation - nominal/ordinal value impute_w_sn3 = [col for col in features.columns if "loglocationvariance" in col] features[impute_w_sn2] = features[impute_w_sn2].fillna(-1000000) # Special case of imputation - nominal/ordinal value # Impute selected phone features with 0 impute_zero = [col for col in features if \ col.startswith('phone_applications_foreground_rapids_') or col.startswith('phone_battery_rapids_') or col.startswith('phone_bluetooth_rapids_') or col.startswith('phone_light_rapids_') or col.startswith('phone_calls_rapids_') or col.startswith('phone_messages_rapids_') or col.startswith('phone_screen_rapids_') or col.startswith('phone_wifi_visible')] features[impute_zero+list(esm_cols.columns)] = features[impute_zero+list(esm_cols.columns)].fillna(0) ## (5) STANDARDIZATION if provider["STANDARDIZATION"]: features.loc[:, ~features.columns.isin(excluded_columns)] = StandardScaler().fit_transform(features.loc[:, ~features.columns.isin(excluded_columns)]) # (6) IMPUTATION: IMPUTE DATA WITH KNN METHOD impute_cols = [col for col in features.columns if col not in excluded_columns] features.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) features[impute_cols] = impute(features[impute_cols], method="knn") # (7) REMOVE COLS WHERE VARIANCE IS 0 esm_cols = features.loc[:, features.columns.str.startswith('phone_esm_straw')] if provider["COLS_VAR_THRESHOLD"]: features.drop(features.std()[features.std() == 0].index.values, axis=1, inplace=True) fe5 = features.copy() # (8) DROP HIGHLY CORRELATED FEATURES drop_corr_features = provider["DROP_HIGHLY_CORRELATED_FEATURES"] if drop_corr_features["COMPUTE"] and features.shape[0]: # If small amount of segments (rows) is present, do not execute correlation check numerical_cols = features.select_dtypes(include=np.number).columns.tolist() # Remove columns where NaN count threshold is passed valid_features = features[numerical_cols].loc[:, features[numerical_cols].isna().sum() < drop_corr_features['MIN_OVERLAP_FOR_CORR_THRESHOLD'] * features[numerical_cols].shape[0]] corr_matrix = valid_features.corr().abs() upper = corr_matrix.where(np.triu(np.ones(corr_matrix.shape), k=1).astype(np.bool)) to_drop = [column for column in upper.columns if any(upper[column] > drop_corr_features["CORR_THRESHOLD"])] features.drop(to_drop, axis=1, inplace=True) # Preserve esm cols if deleted (has to come after drop cols operations) for esm in esm_cols: if esm not in features: features[esm] = esm_cols[esm] # (9) VERIFY IF THERE ARE ANY NANS LEFT IN THE DATAFRAME if features.isna().any().any(): raise ValueError("There are still some NaNs present in the dataframe. Please check for implementation errors.") return features def impute(df, method='zero'): def k_nearest(df): pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None) imputer = KNNImputer(n_neighbors=3) return pd.DataFrame(imputer.fit_transform(df), columns=df.columns) return { 'zero': df.fillna(0), 'high_number': df.fillna(1500), 'mean': df.fillna(df.mean()), 'median': df.fillna(df.median()), 'knn': k_nearest(df) }[method] def graph_bf_af(features, phase_name, plt_flag=False): if plt_flag: sns.set(rc={"figure.figsize":(16, 8)}) sns.heatmap(features.isna(), cbar=False) #features.select_dtypes(include=np.number) plt.savefig(f'features_overall_nans_{phase_name}.png', bbox_inches='tight') print(f"\n-------------{phase_name}-------------") print("Rows number:", features.shape[0]) print("Columns number:", len(features.columns)) print("---------------------------------------------\n")