library(tibble) library(dplyr) library(tidyr) library(purrr) library(yaml) options(scipen = 999) buils_tz_intervals <- function(tz_codes){ tz_codes <- tz_codes %>% group_by(device_id) %>% mutate(end_timestamp = lead(timestamp)) %>% ungroup() %>% replace_na(list(end_timestamp = as.numeric(Sys.time())*1000)) return(tz_codes) } filter_tz_per_device <- function(device_id, tz_codes, default, IF_MISSING_TZCODE){ device_tz_codes <- tz_codes %>% filter(device_id == !!device_id) %>% select(-device_id) if(nrow(device_tz_codes) > 0) return(device_tz_codes) else if(IF_MISSING_TZCODE == "STOP") stop(paste("The device id '", device_id, "' does not have any time zone codes in your [MULTIPLE][TZCODES_FILE], add one or set IF_MISSING_TZCODE to 'USE_DEFAULT'")) else if(IF_MISSING_TZCODE == "USE_DEFAULT") return(data.frame(timestamp = c(0), tzcode = default, end_timestamp = as.numeric(Sys.time())*1000)) stop("We should have obtained the time zones for a device, stop the execution or use the default tz but this didn't happen. Create an issue on Github") } assign_tz_code <- function(data, tz_codes){ data$local_timezone = NA_character_ for(i in 1:nrow(tz_codes)) { start_timestamp <- tz_codes[[i, "timestamp"]] end_timestamp <- tz_codes[[i, "end_timestamp"]] time_zone <- trimws(tz_codes[[i, "tzcode"]], which="both") data$local_timezone <- ifelse(start_timestamp <= data$timestamp & data$timestamp < end_timestamp, time_zone, data$local_timezone) } return(data %>% filter(! } validate_single_tz_per_fitbit_device <- function(tz_codes, INFER_FROM_SMARTPHONE_TZ){ if(INFER_FROM_SMARTPHONE_TZ) stop("If [TIMEZONE][MULTIPLE][FITBIT][INFER_FROM_SMARTPHONE_TZ] is True (you want to infer Fitbit time zones with smartphone data), you need to set ALLOW_MULTIPLE_TZ_PER_DEVICE to True. However, read the docs to understand why this can be innacurate") tz_per_device <- tz_codes %>% group_by(device_id) %>% summarise(n = n(), .groups = "drop_last") %>% filter(n > 1) if(nrow(tz_per_device) > 0) stop(paste("The following Fitbit device ids have more than one time zone change which is not allowed if [TIMEZONE][MULTIPLE][FITBIT][ALLOW_MULTIPLE_TZ_PER_DEVICE] is False:", paste(tz_per_device %>% pull(device_id), collapse = ","))) zero_ts <- tz_codes %>% filter(timestamp > 0) if(nrow(zero_ts) > 0) stop(paste("The following Fitbit device ids have a time zone change with a timestamp bigger than 0 which is not allowed if [TIMEZONE][MULTIPLE][FITBIT][ALLOW_MULTIPLE_TZ_PER_DEVICE] is False: ", paste(zero_ts %>% pull(device_id), collapse = ","))) } validate_devies_exist_in_participant_file <- function(devices, device_type, pid, participant_file){ if(length(devices) == 0) stop("[TIMEZONE][MULTIPLE][FITBIT][ALLOW_MULTIPLE_TZ_PER_DEVICE] is True (you want to infer Fitbit time zones with smartphone data), however participant ", pid," does not have any [",device_type,"][DEVICE_IDS] in ", participant_file) } # TODO include CSV timezone file in rule multiple_time_zone_assignment <- function(data, timezone_parameters, device_type, pid, participant_file){ tz_codes <- read.csv(timezone_parameters$MULTIPLE$TZCODES_FILE) default <- timezone_parameters$MULTIPLE$DEFAULT_TZCODE IF_MISSING_TZCODE <- timezone_parameters$MULTIPLE$IF_MISSING_TZCODE ALLOW_MULTIPLE_TZ_PER_DEVICE <- timezone_parameters$MULTIPLE$FITBIT$ALLOW_MULTIPLE_TZ_PER_DEVICE INFER_FROM_SMARTPHONE_TZ <- timezone_parameters$MULTIPLE$FITBIT$INFER_FROM_SMARTPHONE_TZ participant_data <- read_yaml(participant_file) phone_ids <- participant_data$PHONE$DEVICE_IDS fitbit_ids <- participant_data$FITBIT$DEVICE_IDS if(device_type == "empatica") data$device_id = pid else if(device_type == "fitbit"){ if(!ALLOW_MULTIPLE_TZ_PER_DEVICE){ validate_single_tz_per_fitbit_device(tz_codes, INFER_FROM_SMARTPHONE_TZ) } else if(INFER_FROM_SMARTPHONE_TZ){ validate_devies_exist_in_participant_file(phone_ids, "PHONE", pid, participant_file) validate_devies_exist_in_participant_file(fitbit_ids, "FITBIT", pid, participant_file) unified_device_id <- paste0("unified_device_id", pid) data <- data %>% mutate(device_id = if_else(device_id %in% phone_ids, unified_device_id, device_id)) tz_codes <- tz_codes %>% mutate(device_id = if_else(device_id %in% fitbit_ids, unified_device_id, device_id)) } } tz_intervals <- buils_tz_intervals(tz_codes) data <- data %>% group_by(device_id) %>% nest() %>% mutate(tz_codes_per_device = map(device_id, filter_tz_per_device, tz_intervals, default, IF_MISSING_TZCODE)) %>% mutate(data = map2(data, tz_codes_per_device, assign_tz_code )) %>% select(-tz_codes_per_device) %>% unnest(cols = data) return(data) }