import pandas as pd import scipy.signal as scisig import os import numpy as np def get_user_input(prompt): try: return raw_input(prompt) except NameError: return input(prompt) def getInputLoadFile(): '''Asks user for type of file and file path. Loads corresponding data. OUTPUT: data: DataFrame, index is a list of timestamps at 8Hz, columns include AccelZ, AccelY, AccelX, Temp, EDA, filtered_eda ''' print("Please enter information about your EDA file... ") dataType = get_user_input("\tData Type (e4, q, shimmer, or misc): ") if dataType=='q': filepath = get_user_input("\tFile path: ") filepath_confirm = filepath data = loadData_Qsensor(filepath) elif dataType=='e4': filepath = get_user_input("\tPath to E4 directory: ") filepath_confirm = os.path.join(filepath,"EDA.csv") data = loadData_E4(filepath) elif dataType=='shimmer': filepath = get_user_input("\tFile path: ") filepath_confirm = filepath data = loadData_shimmer(filepath) elif dataType=="misc": filepath = get_user_input("\tFile path: ") filepath_confirm = filepath data = loadData_misc(filepath) else: print("Error: not a valid file choice") return data, filepath_confirm def getOutputPath(): print("") print("Where would you like to save the computed output file?") outfile = get_user_input('\tFile name: ') outputPath = get_user_input('\tFile directory (./ for this directory): ') fullOutputPath = os.path.join(outputPath,outfile) if fullOutputPath[-4:] != '.csv': fullOutputPath = fullOutputPath+'.csv' return fullOutputPath def loadData_Qsensor(filepath): ''' This function loads the Q sensor data, uses a lowpass butterworth filter on the EDA signal Note: currently assumes sampling rate of 8hz, 16hz, 32hz; if sampling rate is 16hz or 32hz the signal is downsampled INPUT: filepath: string, path to input file OUTPUT: data: DataFrame, index is a list of timestamps at 8Hz, columns include AccelZ, AccelY, AccelX, Temp, EDA, filtered_eda ''' # Get header info try: header_info =, nrows=5) except IOError: print("Error!! Couldn't load file, make sure the filepath is correct and you are using a csv from the q sensor software\n\n") return # Get sample rate sampleRate = int((header_info.iloc[3,0]).split(":")[1].strip()) # Get the raw data data =, skiprows=7) data = data.reset_index() # Reset the index to be a time and reset the column headers data.columns = ['AccelZ','AccelY','AccelX','Battery','Temp','EDA'] # Get Start Time startTime = pd.to_datetime(header_info.iloc[4,0][12:-10]) # Make sure data has a sample rate of 8Hz data = interpolateDataTo8Hz(data,sampleRate,startTime) # Remove Battery Column data = data[['AccelZ','AccelY','AccelX','Temp','EDA']] # Get the filtered data using a low-pass butterworth filter (cutoff:1hz, fs:8hz, order:6) data['filtered_eda'] = butter_lowpass_filter(data['EDA'], 1.0, 8, 6) return data def _loadSingleFile_E4(filepath,list_of_columns, expected_sample_rate,freq): # Load data data = pd.read_csv(filepath) # Get the startTime and sample rate startTime = pd.to_datetime(float(data.columns.values[0]),unit="s") sampleRate = float(data.iloc[0][0]) data = data[data.index!=0] data.index = data.index-1 # Reset the data frame assuming expected_sample_rate data.columns = list_of_columns if sampleRate != expected_sample_rate: print('ERROR, NOT SAMPLED AT {0}HZ. PROBLEMS WILL OCCUR\n'.format(expected_sample_rate)) # Make sure data has a sample rate of 8Hz data = interpolateDataTo8Hz(data,sampleRate,startTime) return data def loadData_E4(filepath): # Load EDA data eda_data = _loadSingleFile_E4(os.path.join(filepath,'EDA.csv'),["EDA"],4,"250L") # Get the filtered data using a low-pass butterworth filter (cutoff:1hz, fs:8hz, order:6) eda_data['filtered_eda'] = butter_lowpass_filter(eda_data['EDA'], 1.0, 8, 6) # Load ACC data acc_data = _loadSingleFile_E4(os.path.join(filepath,'ACC.csv'),["AccelX","AccelY","AccelZ"],32,"31250U") # Scale the accelometer to +-2g acc_data[["AccelX","AccelY","AccelZ"]] = acc_data[["AccelX","AccelY","AccelZ"]]/64.0 # Load Temperature data temperature_data = _loadSingleFile_E4(os.path.join(filepath,'TEMP.csv'),["Temp"],4,"250L") data = eda_data.join(acc_data, how='outer') data = data.join(temperature_data, how='outer') # E4 sometimes records different length files - adjust as necessary min_length = min(len(acc_data), len(eda_data), len(temperature_data)) return data[:min_length] def loadData_shimmer(filepath): data = pd.read_csv(filepath, sep='\t', skiprows=(0,1)) orig_cols = data.columns rename_cols = {} for search, new_col in [['Timestamp','Timestamp'], ['Accel_LN_X', 'AccelX'], ['Accel_LN_Y', 'AccelY'], ['Accel_LN_Z', 'AccelZ'], ['Skin_Conductance', 'EDA']]: orig = [c for c in orig_cols if search in c] if len(orig) == 0: continue rename_cols[orig[0]] = new_col data.rename(columns=rename_cols, inplace=True) # TODO: Assuming no temperature is recorded data['Temp'] = 0 # Drop the units row and unnecessary columns data = data[data['Timestamp'] != 'ms'] data.index = pd.to_datetime(data['Timestamp'], unit='ms') data = data[['AccelZ', 'AccelY', 'AccelX', 'Temp', 'EDA']] for c in ['AccelZ', 'AccelY', 'AccelX', 'Temp', 'EDA']: data[c] = pd.to_numeric(data[c]) # Convert to 8Hz data = data.resample("125L").mean() data.interpolate(inplace=True) # Get the filtered data using a low-pass butterworth filter (cutoff:1hz, fs:8hz, order:6) data['filtered_eda'] = butter_lowpass_filter(data['EDA'], 1.0, 8, 6) return data def loadData_getColNames(data_columns): print("Here are the data columns of your file: ") print(data_columns) # Find the column names for each of the 5 data streams colnames = ['EDA data','Temperature data','Acceleration X','Acceleration Y','Acceleration Z'] new_colnames = ['','','','',''] for i in range(len(new_colnames)): new_colnames[i] = get_user_input("Column name that contains "+colnames[i]+": ") while (new_colnames[i] not in data_columns): print("Column not found. Please try again") print("Here are the data columns of your file: ") print(data_columns) new_colnames[i] = get_user_input("Column name that contains "+colnames[i]+": ") # Get user input on sample rate sampleRate = get_user_input("Enter sample rate (must be an integer power of 2): ") while (sampleRate.isdigit()==False) or (np.log(int(sampleRate))/np.log(2) != np.floor(np.log(int(sampleRate))/np.log(2))): print("Not an integer power of two") sampleRate = get_user_input("Enter sample rate (must be a integer power of 2): ") sampleRate = int(sampleRate) # Get user input on start time startTime = pd.to_datetime(get_user_input("Enter a start time (format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS): ")) while type(startTime)==str: print("Not a valid date/time") startTime = pd.to_datetime(get_user_input("Enter a start time (format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS): ")) return sampleRate, startTime, new_colnames def loadData_misc(filepath): # Load data data = pd.read_csv(filepath) # Get the correct colnames sampleRate, startTime, new_colnames = loadData_getColNames(data.columns.values) data.rename(columns=dict(zip(new_colnames,['EDA','Temp','AccelX','AccelY','AccelZ'])), inplace=True) data = data[['AccelZ','AccelY','AccelX','Temp','EDA']] # Make sure data has a sample rate of 8Hz data = interpolateDataTo8Hz(data,sampleRate,startTime) # Get the filtered data using a low-pass butterworth filter (cutoff:1hz, fs:8hz, order:6) data['filtered_eda'] = butter_lowpass_filter(data['EDA'], 1.0, 8, 6) return data def interpolateDataTo8Hz(data,sample_rate,startTime): if sample_rate<8: # Upsample by linear interpolation if sample_rate==2: data.index = pd.date_range(start=startTime, periods=len(data), freq='500L') elif sample_rate==4: data.index = pd.date_range(start=startTime, periods=len(data), freq='250L') data = data.resample("125L").mean() else: if sample_rate>8: # Downsample idx_range = list(range(0,len(data))) # TODO: double check this one data = data.iloc[idx_range[0::int(int(sample_rate)/8)]] # Set the index to be 8Hz data.index = pd.date_range(start=startTime, periods=len(data), freq='125L') # Interpolate all empty values data = interpolateEmptyValues(data) return data def interpolateEmptyValues(data): cols = data.columns.values for c in cols: data.loc[:, c] = data[c].interpolate() return data def butter_lowpass(cutoff, fs, order=5): # Filtering Helper functions sos = scisig.butter(order, cutoff, btype='low', analog=False, output='sos', fs=fs) return sos def butter_lowpass_filter(data, cutoff, fs, order=5): # Filtering Helper functions sos = butter_lowpass(cutoff, fs, order=order) y = scisig.sosfilt(sos, data) return y