source("packrat/init.R") library(dplyr) write_empty_file <- function(file_path){ write.csv(data.frame(local_date= character(), hometime= numeric(), disttravelled= numeric(), rog= numeric(), maxdiam= numeric(), maxhomedist= numeric(), siglocsvisited= numeric(), avgflightlen= numeric(), stdflightlen= numeric(), avgflightdur= numeric(), stdflightdur= numeric(), probpause= numeric(), siglocentropy= numeric(), minsmissing= numeric(), circdnrtn= numeric(), wkenddayrtn= numeric() ), file_path, row.names = F) } # Load Ian Barnett's code. Taken from file.sources = list.files(c("src/features/location_barnett"), pattern="*.R$", full.names=TRUE, sapply(file.sources,source,.GlobalEnv) locations_to_use <- snakemake@params[["locations_to_use"]] accuracy_limit <- snakemake@params[["accuracy_limit"]] timezone <- snakemake@params[["timezone"]] # By deafult we use all raw locations: fused without resampling and not fused (gps, network) location <- read.csv(snakemake@input[["raw"]], stringsAsFactors = F) %>% select(timestamp, latitude = double_latitude, longitude = double_longitude, altitude = double_altitude, accuracy) if(locations_to_use == "ALL_EXCEPT_FUSED"){ location <- location %>% filter(provider != "fused") } else if (locations_to_use == "RESAMPLE_FUSED"){ location <- read.csv(snakemake@input[["fused"]], stringsAsFactors = F) %>% select(timestamp, latitude = double_latitude, longitude = double_longitude, altitude = double_altitude, accuracy) } else if (locations_to_use != "ALL"){ print("Unkown filter, provide one of the following three: ALL, ALL_EXCEPT_FUSED, or RESAMPLE_FUSED") quit(save = "no", status = 1, runLast = FALSE) } if (nrow(location) > 1){ features <- MobilityFeatures(location, ACCURACY_LIM = accuracy_limit, tz = timezone) if(is.null(features)){ write_empty_file(snakemake@output[[1]]) } else{ # Copy index (dates) as a column outmatrix <- cbind(rownames(features$featavg), features$featavg) outmatrix <- outmatrix[-1] <- lapply(lapply(outmatrix[-1], as.character), as.numeric) colnames(outmatrix)=c("local_date",tolower(colnames(features$featavg))) write.csv(outmatrix,snakemake@output[[1]], row.names = F) } } else { write_empty_file(snakemake@output[[1]]) }