source("renv/activate.R") library("dplyr", warn.conflicts = F) library("stringr") library("lubridate") library("purrr") # Load Ian Barnett's code. From file.sources = list.files(c("src/features/phone_locations/barnett/library"), pattern="*.R$", full.names=TRUE, output_apply <- sapply(file.sources,source,.GlobalEnv) create_empty_file <- function(){ return(data.frame(local_date= character(), hometime= numeric(), disttravelled= numeric(), rog= numeric(), maxdiam= numeric(), maxhomedist= numeric(), siglocsvisited= numeric(), avgflightlen= numeric(), stdflightlen= numeric(), avgflightdur= numeric(), stdflightdur= numeric(), probpause= numeric(), siglocentropy= numeric(), minsmissing= numeric(), circdnrtn= numeric(), wkenddayrtn= numeric(), minutes_data_used= numeric() )) } barnett_daily_features <- function(snakemake){ location_features <- NULL location <- read.csv(snakemake@input[["sensor_data"]], stringsAsFactors = FALSE) segment_labels <- read.csv(snakemake@input[["time_segments_labels"]], stringsAsFactors = FALSE) accuracy_limit = 999999999 # We filter rows based on accuracy in src/data/process_location_types.R script datetime_start_regex = "[0-9]{4}[\\-|\\/][0-9]{2}[\\-|\\/][0-9]{2} 00:00:00" datetime_end_regex = "[0-9]{4}[\\-|\\/][0-9]{2}[\\-|\\/][0-9]{2} 23:59:59" location <- location %>% mutate(is_daily = str_detect(assigned_segments, paste0(".*#", datetime_start_regex, ",", datetime_end_regex, ".*"))) if(nrow(segment_labels) == 0 || nrow(location) == 0 || all(location$is_daily == FALSE) || (max(location$timestamp) - min(location$timestamp) < 86400000)){ warning("Barnett's location features cannot be computed for data or time segments that do not span one or more entire days (00:00:00 to 23:59:59). Values below point to the problem:", "\nLocation data rows within a daily time segment: ", nrow(filter(location, is_daily)), "\nLocation data time span in days: ", round((max(location$timestamp) - min(location$timestamp)) / 86400000, 2) ) location_features <- create_empty_file() } else{ # Count how many minutes of data we use to get location features. Some minutes have multiple fused rows location_minutes_used <- location %>% group_by(local_date, local_hour) %>% summarise(n_minutes = n_distinct(local_minute), .groups = 'drop_last') %>% group_by(local_date) %>% summarise(minutes_data_used = sum(n_minutes), .groups = 'drop_last') %>% select(local_date, minutes_data_used) # Select only the columns that the algorithm needs all_timezones <- table(location %>% pull(local_timezone)) location <- location %>% select(timestamp, latitude = double_latitude, longitude = double_longitude, altitude = double_altitude, accuracy) timezone <- names(all_timezones)[as.vector(all_timezones)==max(all_timezones)] outputMobility <- MobilityFeatures(location, ACCURACY_LIM = accuracy_limit, tz = timezone) if(is.null(outputMobility)){ location_features <- create_empty_file() } else { # Copy index (dates) as a column features <- cbind(rownames(outputMobility$featavg), outputMobility$featavg) features <- features[-1] <- lapply(lapply(features[-1], as.character), as.numeric) colnames(features)=c("local_date",tolower(colnames(outputMobility$featavg))) location_features <- left_join(features, location_minutes_used, by = "local_date") } } write.csv(location_features, snakemake@output[[1]], row.names =FALSE) } barnett_daily_features(snakemake)