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Phone Bluetooth

Sensor parameters description for [PHONE_BLUETOOTH]:

Key                              Description
[TABLE] Database table where the bluetooth data is stored

RAPIDS provider

Available time segments and platforms

  • Available for all time segments
  • Available for Android only

File Sequence

- data/raw/{pid}/phone_bluetooth_raw.csv
- data/raw/{pid}/phone_bluetooth_with_datetime.csv
- data/interim/{pid}/phone_bluetooth_features/phone_bluetooth_{language}_{provider_key}.csv
- data/processed/features/{pid}/phone_bluetooth.csv"

Parameters description for [PHONE_BLUETOOTH][PROVIDERS][RAPIDS]:

Key                              Description
[COMPUTE] Set to True to extract PHONE_BLUETOOTH features from the RAPIDS provider
[FEATURES] Features to be computed, see table below

Features description for [PHONE_BLUETOOTH][PROVIDERS][RAPIDS]:

Feature Units Description
countscans devices Number of scanned devices during a time_segment, a device can be detected multiple times over time and these appearances are counted separately
uniquedevices devices Number of unique devices during a time_segment as identified by their hardware (bt_address) address
countscansmostuniquedevice scans Number of scans of the most scanned device during a time_segment across the whole monitoring period
