source("renv/activate.R") library(tidyr) library("dplyr", warn.conflicts = F) filter_participant_without_enough_days <- function(clean_features, days_before_threshold, days_after_threshold){ clean_features$day_type <- ifelse(clean_features$day_idx < 0, -1, ifelse(clean_features$day_idx > 0, 1, 0)) if("pid" %in% colnames(clean_features)){ clean_features <- clean_features %>% group_by(pid) %>% add_count(pid, day_type) # this adds a new column "n" } else { clean_features <- clean_features %>% add_count(day_type < 0) } # Only keep participants with enough days before surgery and after discharge clean_features <- clean_features %>% mutate(count_before = ifelse(day_type == -1, n, NA), # before surgery count_after = ifelse(day_type == 1, n, NA)) %>% # after discharge fill(count_before, .direction = "downup") %>% fill(count_after, .direction = "downup") %>% filter(count_before >= days_before_threshold & count_after >= days_after_threshold) %>% select(-n, -count_before, -count_after, -day_type) %>% ungroup() return(clean_features) } clean_features <- read.csv(snakemake@input[[1]]) cols_nan_threshold <- as.numeric(snakemake@params[["cols_nan_threshold"]]) drop_zero_variance_columns <- as.logical(snakemake@params[["cols_var_threshold"]]) rows_nan_threshold <- as.numeric(snakemake@params[["rows_nan_threshold"]]) days_before_threshold <- as.numeric(snakemake@params[["days_before_threshold"]]) days_after_threshold <- as.numeric(snakemake@params[["days_after_threshold"]]) features_exclude_day_idx <- as.logical(snakemake@params[["features_exclude_day_idx"]]) # We have to do this before and after dropping rows, that's why is duplicated clean_features <- filter_participant_without_enough_days(clean_features, days_before_threshold, days_after_threshold) # drop columns with a percentage of NA values above cols_nan_threshold if(nrow(clean_features)) clean_features <- clean_features %>% select_if(~ sum( / length(.) <= cols_nan_threshold ) if(drop_zero_variance_columns) clean_features <- clean_features %>% select_if(grepl("pid|local_date",names(.)) | sapply(., n_distinct, na.rm = T) > 1) # drop rows with a percentage of NA values above rows_nan_threshold clean_features <- clean_features %>% mutate(percentage_na = rowSums( / ncol(.)) %>% filter(percentage_na < rows_nan_threshold) %>% select(-percentage_na) if(nrow(clean_features) != 0){ clean_features <- filter_participant_without_enough_days(clean_features, days_before_threshold, days_after_threshold) # include "day_idx" as features or not if(features_exclude_day_idx) clean_features <- clean_features %>% select(-day_idx) } write.csv(clean_features, snakemake@output[[1]], row.names = FALSE)