source("renv/activate.R") library(RMySQL) library("dplyr", warn.conflicts = F) library(readr) library(stringr) library(yaml) participant_file <- snakemake@input[[1]] source <- snakemake@params[["source"]] sensor <- snakemake@params[["sensor"]] table <- snakemake@params[["table"]] sensor_file <- snakemake@output[[1]] participant <- read_yaml(participant_file) if(! "FITBIT" %in% names(participant)){ stop(paste("The following participant file does not have a FITBIT section, create one manually or automatically (see the docs):", participant_file)) } device_ids <- participant$FITBIT$DEVICE_IDS unified_device_id <- tail(device_ids, 1) # As opposed to phone data, we dont' filter by date here because data can still be in JSON format, we need to parse it first if(source$TYPE == "DATABASE"){ dbEngine <- dbConnect(MySQL(), default.file = "./.env", group = source$DATABASE_GROUP) query <- paste0("SELECT * FROM ", table, " WHERE ",source$DEVICE_ID_COLUMN," IN ('", paste0(device_ids, collapse = "','"), "')") sensor_data <- dbGetQuery(dbEngine, query) dbDisconnect(dbEngine) sensor_data <- sensor_data %>% rename(device_id = source$DEVICE_ID_COLUMN) %>% mutate(device_id = unified_device_id) # Unify device_id if(FALSE) # For MoSHI use, we didn't split fitbit sensors into different tables sensor_data <- sensor_data %>% filter(fitbit_data_type == str_split(sensor, "_", simplify = TRUE)[[2]]) # Droping duplicates on all columns except for _id or id sensor_data <- sensor_data %>% distinct(!!!syms(setdiff(names(sensor_data), c("_id", "id")))) write_csv(sensor_data, sensor_file) }