import numpy as np import pandas as pd import argparse, glob DayOfWeek2Date = {"Fri": ["2020-03-06", "2020-10-30"], "Sat": ["2020-03-07", "2020-10-31"], "Sun": ["2020-03-08", "2020-11-01"], "Mon": ["2020-03-09", "2020-11-02"]} def assign_test_timestamps(file_path): data = pd.read_csv(file_path) data[["day_of_week","time"]] = data["test_time"].str.split(pat=" ", n=1, expand=True) data_with_timestamps = pd.DataFrame() # 0 is for March and 1 is for Nov for i in [0, 1]: data["datetime"] = pd.to_datetime(data.apply(lambda row: DayOfWeek2Date[row["day_of_week"]][i] + " " + row["time"], axis=1)) data_with_timestamps = pd.concat([data_with_timestamps, data], axis=0) # Convert datetime with timezone to timestamp data_with_timestamps.insert(0, "timestamp", data_with_timestamps["datetime"].dt.tz_localize(tz="America/New_York").astype(np.int64) // 10**6) # Discard useless columns for col in ["test_time", "day_of_week", "time", "datetime"]: del data_with_timestamps[col] return data_with_timestamps parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-f", "--files", nargs="+", help="Assign timestamps to the selected files, it could be a single file name or multiple file names separated by whitespace(s) (e.g. phone_battery_raw.csv)") parser.add_argument("-a", "--all", action="store_true", help="Assign timestamps to all files under the tests/data/manual/aware_csv folder") args = parser.parse_args() if args.all: for file_path in glob.glob("tests/data/manual/aware_csv/*"): data_with_timestamps = assign_test_timestamps(file_path) data_with_timestamps.to_csv(file_path.replace("manual", "external"), index=False) print(file_path + " was processed.") if args.files: for file_name in args.files: file_path = "tests/data/manual/aware_csv/" + file_name data_with_timestamps = assign_test_timestamps(file_path) data_with_timestamps.to_csv(file_path.replace("manual", "external"), index=False) print(file_path + " was processed.")