import unittest import yaml import sys import os import pandas as pd from import expand class RapidsTests(unittest.TestCase): unittest.TestLoader.sortTestMethodsUsing = lambda self, a, b: (a < b) - (a > b) def generate_sensor_file_lists(self): # Go through the configs and select those sensors with COMPUTE = True. # Also get TIME_SEGMENTS, then create expected # files. Return dictionary with list of file paths of expected and # actual files for each sensor listed in the config file. Added for Travis. # Initialize string of file path for both expected and actual metric values segment = self.configs['TIME_SEGMENTS']['TYPE'].lower() act_str = "data/processed/features/{pid}/{sensor_key}.csv" exp_str = "tests/data/processed/features/"+segment+"/{pid}/{sensor_key}.csv" # Build list of sensors to be tested. sensors = [] for sensor in self.configs: if "PROVIDERS" in self.configs[sensor] and self.configs[sensor]["PROVIDERS"] is not None: for provider in self.configs[sensor]["PROVIDERS"]: if self.configs[sensor]["PROVIDERS"][provider]["COMPUTE"]: sensors.append(sensor.lower()) act_file_list = expand(act_str,pid=self.configs["PIDS"],sensor_key = sensors) exp_file_list = expand(exp_str, pid=self.configs["PIDS"],sensor_key = sensors) sensor_file_lists = list(zip(act_file_list,exp_file_list)) return sensor_file_lists def test_sensors_files_exist(self): # Loop through the file_list dictionary and check if the files exist. file_lists = self.generate_sensor_file_lists() for each in file_lists: print("The actual output file should exist: {}".format(each[0])) self.assertEqual(os.path.exists( each[0]), 1) def test_sensors_features_calculations(self): sensor_file_list = self.generate_sensor_file_lists() for act_result, exp_result in sensor_file_list: df_act = pd.read_csv(act_result) df_exp = pd.read_csv(exp_result) if df_act.empty: print(act_result) print("The expected output should be empty: {}".format(exp_result)) self.assertTrue(df_exp.empty) else: # The order in which the columns varies from time to time so # the columns are sorted before doing the comparision print("Comparing: {} and {}".format(act_result, exp_result)) df_exp = df_exp.reindex(sorted(df_exp.columns), axis=1) df_act = df_act.reindex(sorted(df_act.columns), axis=1) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal(df_exp, df_act, obj=df_exp) class TestFrequency(RapidsTests): @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): # Runs once to Setup env # global configs with open(r'tests/settings/frequency_config.yaml') as file: cls.configs = yaml.full_load(file) class TestPeriodic(RapidsTests): @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): # Runs once to Setup env # global configs with open(r'tests/settings/periodic_config.yaml') as file: cls.configs = yaml.full_load(file) def run_some_tests(test_type): # Run only the tests in the specified classes if test_type == "frequency": test_class = TestFrequency elif test_type == "periodic": test_class = TestPeriodic else: raise ValueError("Only frequency or periodic are valid arguments") loader = unittest.TestLoader() suite = loader.loadTestsFromTestCase(test_class) big_suite = unittest.TestSuite(suite) runner = unittest.TextTestRunner() results = if __name__ == '__main__': run_some_tests(sys.argv[1])