# Add as many sensor tables as you have, they all improve the computation of PHONE_SENSED_BINS. # If you are extracting screen or Barnett's location features, screen and locations tables are mandatory. TABLES_FOR_SENSED_BINS: [messages, calls, screen] # Participants to include in the analysis # You must create a file for each participant named pXXX containing their device_id. This can be done manually or automatically PIDS: [test01, test02] # Global var with common day segments DAY_SEGMENTS: &day_segments [daily, morning, afternoon, evening, night] # Communication SMS features config, TYPES and FEATURES keys need to match MESSAGES: COMPUTE: True DB_TABLE: messages TYPES : [received, sent] FEATURES: received: [count, distinctcontacts, timefirstsms, timelastsms, countmostfrequentcontact] sent: [count, distinctcontacts, timefirstsms, timelastsms, countmostfrequentcontact] DAY_SEGMENTS: *day_segments # Communication call features config, TYPES and FEATURES keys need to match CALLS: COMPUTE: True DB_TABLE: calls TYPES: [missed, incoming, outgoing] FEATURES: missed: [count, distinctcontacts, timefirstcall, timelastcall, countmostfrequentcontact] incoming: [count, distinctcontacts, meanduration, sumduration, minduration, maxduration, stdduration, modeduration, entropyduration, timefirstcall, timelastcall, countmostfrequentcontact] outgoing: [count, distinctcontacts, meanduration, sumduration, minduration, maxduration, stdduration, modeduration, entropyduration, timefirstcall, timelastcall, countmostfrequentcontact] DAY_SEGMENTS: *day_segments SCREEN: COMPUTE: True DB_TABLE: screen DAY_SEGMENTS: *day_segments REFERENCE_HOUR_FIRST_USE: 0 FEATURES_DELTAS: ["countepisode", "episodepersensedminutes", "sumduration", "maxduration", "minduration", "avgduration", "stdduration", "firstuseafter"] EPISODE_TYPES: ["unlock"]