import pandas as pd import numpy as np import math, sys import yaml from sklearn.impute import KNNImputer from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns sys.path.append('/rapids/') from src.features import empatica_data_yield as edy def straw_cleaning(sensor_data_files, provider): features = pd.read_csv(sensor_data_files["sensor_data"][0]) esm_cols = features.loc[:, features.columns.str.startswith('phone_esm_straw')] # Get target (esm) columns with open('config.yaml', 'r') as stream: config = yaml.load(stream, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) excluded_columns = ['local_segment', 'local_segment_label', 'local_segment_start_datetime', 'local_segment_end_datetime'] # (1) FILTER_OUT THE ROWS THAT DO NOT HAVE THE TARGET COLUMN AVAILABLE if config['PARAMS_FOR_ANALYSIS']['TARGET']['COMPUTE']: target = config['PARAMS_FOR_ANALYSIS']['TARGET']['LABEL'] # get target label from config features = features[features['phone_esm_straw_' + target].notna()].reset_index(drop=True) # (2.1) QUALITY CHECK (DATA YIELD COLUMN) deletes the rows where E4 or phone data is low quality phone_data_yield_unit = provider["PHONE_DATA_YIELD_FEATURE"].split("_")[3].lower() phone_data_yield_column = "phone_data_yield_rapids_ratiovalidyielded" + phone_data_yield_unit features = edy.calculate_empatica_data_yield(features) if not phone_data_yield_column in features.columns and not "empatica_data_yield" in features.columns: raise KeyError(f"RAPIDS provider needs to clean the selected event features based on {phone_data_yield_column} and empatica_data_yield columns. For phone data yield, please set config[PHONE_DATA_YIELD][PROVIDERS][RAPIDS][COMPUTE] to True and include 'ratiovalidyielded{data_yield_unit}' in [FEATURES].") # Drop rows where phone data yield is less then given threshold if provider["PHONE_DATA_YIELD_RATIO_THRESHOLD"]: features = features[features[phone_data_yield_column] >= provider["PHONE_DATA_YIELD_RATIO_THRESHOLD"]].reset_index(drop=True) # Drop rows where empatica data yield is less then given threshold if provider["EMPATICA_DATA_YIELD_RATIO_THRESHOLD"]: features = features[features["empatica_data_yield"] >= provider["EMPATICA_DATA_YIELD_RATIO_THRESHOLD"]].reset_index(drop=True) # (2.2) DO THE ROWS CONSIST OF ENOUGH NON-NAN VALUES? min_count = math.ceil((1 - provider["ROWS_NAN_THRESHOLD"]) * features.shape[1]) # minimal not nan values in row features.dropna(axis=0, thresh=min_count, inplace=True) # Thresh => at least this many not-nans # (3) REMOVE COLS IF THEIR NAN THRESHOLD IS PASSED (should be <= if even all NaN columns must be preserved - this solution now drops columns with all NaN rows) esm_cols = features.loc[:, features.columns.str.startswith('phone_esm_straw')] # Get target (esm) columns features = features.loc[:, features.isna().sum() < provider["COLS_NAN_THRESHOLD"] * features.shape[0]] # Preserve esm cols if deleted (has to come after drop cols operations) for esm in esm_cols: if esm not in features: features[esm] = esm_cols[esm] # (4) CONTEXTUAL IMPUTATION # Impute selected phone features with a high number impute_w_hn = [col for col in features.columns if \ "timeoffirstuse" in col or "timeoflastuse" in col or "timefirstcall" in col or "timelastcall" in col or "timefirstmessages" in col or "timelastmessages" in col] features[impute_w_hn] = impute(features[impute_w_hn], method="high_number") # Impute phone locations with median impute_locations = [col for col in features.columns if "phone_locations_" in col] features[impute_locations] = impute(features[impute_locations], method="median") # Impute remaining phone features with 0 impute_rest = [col for col in features.columns if "phone_" in col] features[impute_locations] = impute(features[impute_locations], method="zero") ## (5) STANDARDIZATION if provider["STANDARDIZATION"]: features.loc[:, ~features.columns.isin(excluded_columns)] = StandardScaler().fit_transform(features.loc[:, ~features.columns.isin(excluded_columns)]) # (6) IMPUTATION: IMPUTE DATA WITH KNN METHOD impute_cols = [col for col in features.columns if col not in excluded_columns] features[impute_cols] = impute(features[impute_cols], method="knn") # (7) REMOVE COLS WHERE VARIANCE IS 0 esm_cols = features.loc[:, features.columns.str.startswith('phone_esm_straw')] if provider["COLS_VAR_THRESHOLD"]: features.drop(features.std()[features.std() == 0].index.values, axis=1, inplace=True) # (8) DROP HIGHLY CORRELATED FEATURES drop_corr_features = provider["DROP_HIGHLY_CORRELATED_FEATURES"] if drop_corr_features["COMPUTE"] and features.shape[0] > 5: # If small amount of segments (rows) is present, do not execute correlation check numerical_cols = features.select_dtypes(include=np.number).columns.tolist() # Remove columns where NaN count threshold is passed valid_features = features[numerical_cols].loc[:, features[numerical_cols].isna().sum() < drop_corr_features['MIN_OVERLAP_FOR_CORR_THRESHOLD'] * features[numerical_cols].shape[0]] corr_matrix = valid_features.corr().abs() upper = corr_matrix.where(np.triu(np.ones(corr_matrix.shape), k=1).astype(np.bool)) to_drop = [column for column in upper.columns if any(upper[column] > drop_corr_features["CORR_THRESHOLD"])] features.drop(to_drop, axis=1, inplace=True) # Preserve esm cols if deleted (has to come after drop cols operations) for esm in esm_cols: if esm not in features: features[esm] = esm_cols[esm] # (9) VERIFY IF THERE ARE ANY NANS LEFT IN THE DATAFRAME if features.isna().any().any(): raise ValueError sys.exit() return features def impute(df, method='zero'): def k_nearest(df): imputer = KNNImputer(n_neighbors=3) return pd.DataFrame(imputer.fit_transform(df), columns=df.columns) return { 'zero': df.fillna(0), 'high_number': df.fillna(1000000), 'mean': df.fillna(df.mean()), 'median': df.fillna(df.median()), 'knn': k_nearest(df) }[method] def graph_bf_af(features, phase_name): sns.set(rc={"figure.figsize":(16, 8)}) print(features) sns.heatmap(features.isna(), cbar=False) #features.select_dtypes(include=np.number) plt.savefig(f'features_individual_nans_{phase_name}.png', bbox_inches='tight')