# Change Log ## next version v0.4.0 - Add four new phone sensors that can be used for PHONE_DATA_YIELD - Add code so new feature providers can be added for the new four sensors ## v0.3.2 - Update docker and linux instructions to use RSPM binary repo for for faster installation - Update CI to create a release on a tagged push that passes the tests - Clarify in DB credential configuration that we only support MySQL - Add Windows installation instructions - Fix bugs in the create_participants_file script - Fix bugs in Fitbit data parsing. - Fixed Doryab location features context of clustering. - Fixed the wrong shifting while calculating distance in Doryab location features. - Refactored the haversine function ## v0.3.1 - Update installation docs for RAPIDS' docker container - Fix example analysis use of accelerometer data in a plot - Update FAQ - Update minimal example documentation - Minor doc updates ## v0.3.0 - Update R and Python virtual environments - Add GH actions CI support for tests and docker - Add release and test badges to README ## v0.2.6 - Fix old versions banner on nested pages ## v0.2.5 - Fix docs deploy typo ## v0.2.4 - Fix broken links in landing page and docs deploy ## v0.2.3 - Fix participant IDS in the example analysis workflow ## v0.2.2 - Fix readme link to docs ## v0.2.1 - FIx link to the most recent version in the old version banner ## v0.2.0 - Add new `PHONE_BLUETOOTH` `DORYAB` provider - Deprecate `PHONE_BLUETOOTH` `RAPIDS` provider - Fix bug in `filter_data_by_segment` for Python when dataset was empty - Minor doc updates - New FAQ item ## v0.1.0 - New and more consistent docs (this website). The [previous docs](https://rapidspitt.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) are marked as beta - Consolidate [configuration](../setup/configuration) instructions - Flexible [time segments](../setup/configuration#time-segments) - Simplify Fitbit behavioral feature extraction and [documentation](../features/fitbit-heartrate-summary) - Sensor's configuration and output is more consistent - Update [visualizations](../visualizations/data-quality-visualizations) to handle flexible day segments - Create a RAPIDS [execution](../setup/execution) script that allows re-computation of the pipeline after configuration changes - Add [citation](../citation) guide - Update [virtual environment](../developers/virtual-environments) guide - Update analysis workflow [example](../workflow-examples/analysis) - Add a [Code of Conduct](../code_of_conduct) - Update [Team](../team) page