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Fitbit Calories Intraday

Sensor parameters description for [FITBIT_CALORIES_INTRADAY]:

Key                              Description
[CONTAINER] Container where your calories intraday data is stored, depending on the data stream you are using this can be a database table, a CSV file, etc.

RAPIDS provider

Available time segments

  • Available for all time segments

File Sequence

- data/raw/{pid}/fitbit_calories_intraday_raw.csv
- data/raw/{pid}/fitbit_calories_intraday_with_datetime.csv
- data/interim/{pid}/fitbit_calories_intraday_features/fitbit_calories_intraday_{language}_{provider_key}.csv
- data/processed/features/{pid}/fitbit_calories_intraday.csv


Key                                                Description
[COMPUTE] Set to True to extract FITBIT_CALORIES_INTRADAY features from the RAPIDS provider
[FEATURES] Features to be computed from calories intraday data, see table below
[EPISODE_TYPE] RAPIDS will compute features for any episodes in this list. There are seven types of episodes defined as consecutive appearances of a label. Four are based on the activity level labels provided by Fitbit: sedentary, lightly active, fairly active, and very active. One is defined by RAPIDS as moderate to vigorous physical activity MVPA episodes that are based on all fairly active, and very active labels. Two are defined by the user based on a threshold that divides low or high MET (metabolic equivalent) episodes.
EPISODE_TIME_THRESHOLD Any consecutive rows of the same [EPISODE_TYPE] will be considered a single episode if the time difference between them is less or equal than this threshold in minutes
[EPISODE_MET_THRESHOLD] Any 1-minute calorie data chunk with a MET value equal or higher than this threshold will be considered a high MET episode and low MET otherwise. The default value is 3
[EPISODE_MVPA_CATEGORIES] The Fitbit level labels that are considered part of a moderate to vigorous physical activity episode. One or more of sedentary, lightly active, fairly active, and very active. The default are fairly active and very active
[EPISODE_REFERENCE_TIME] Reference time for the start/end time features. MIDNIGHT sets the reference time to 00:00 of each day, START_OF_THE_SEGMENT sets the reference time to the start of the time segment (useful when a segment is shorter than a day or spans multiple days)


Feature                                                            Units Description
starttimefirstepisodeEPISODE_TYPE minutes Start time of the first episode of type [EPISODE_TYPE]
endtimefirstepisodeEPISODE_TYPE minutes End time of the first episode of type [EPISODE_TYPE]
starttimelastepisodeEPISODE_TYPE minutes Start time of the last episode of type [EPISODE_TYPE]
endtimelastepisodeEPISODE_TYPE minutes End time of the last episode of type [EPISODE_TYPE]
starttimelongestepisodeEPISODE_TYPE minutes Start time of the longest episode of type [EPISODE_TYPE]
endtimelongestepisodeEPISODE_TYPE minutes End time of the longest episode of type [EPISODE_TYPE]
countepisodeEPISODE_TYPE episodes The number of episodes of type [EPISODE_TYPE]
sumdurationepisodeEPISODE_TYPE minutes The sum of the duration of episodes of type [EPISODE_TYPE]
avgdurationepisodeEPISODE_TYPE minutes The average of the duration of episodes of type [EPISODE_TYPE]
maxdurationepisodeEPISODE_TYPE minutes The maximum of the duration of episodes of type [EPISODE_TYPE]
mindurationepisodeEPISODE_TYPE minutes The minimum of the duration of episodes of type [EPISODE_TYPE]
stddurationepisodeEPISODE_TYPE minutes The standard deviation of the duration of episodes of type [EPISODE_TYPE]
summetEPISODE_TYPE METs The sum of all METs during episodes of type [EPISODE_TYPE]
avgmetEPISODE_TYPE METs The average of all METs during episodes of type [EPISODE_TYPE]
maxmetEPISODE_TYPE METs The maximum of all METs during episodes of type [EPISODE_TYPE]
minmetEPISODE_TYPE METs The minimum of all METs during episodes of type [EPISODE_TYPE]
stdmetEPISODE_TYPE METs The standard deviation of all METs during episodes of type [EPISODE_TYPE]
sumcaloriesEPISODE_TYPE calories The sum of all calories during episodes of type [EPISODE_TYPE]
avgcaloriesEPISODE_TYPE calories The average of all calories during episodes of type [EPISODE_TYPE]
maxcaloriesEPISODE_TYPE calories The maximum of all calories during episodes of type [EPISODE_TYPE]
mincaloriesEPISODE_TYPE calories The minimum of all calories during episodes of type [EPISODE_TYPE]
stdcaloriesEPISODE_TYPE calories The standard deviation of all calories during episodes of type [EPISODE_TYPE]


  • These features are based on intraday calories data that is usually obtained in 1-minute chunks from Fitbit’s API.
  • The MET value returned by Fitbit is divided by 10
  • Take into account that the intraday data returned by Fitbit can contain time series for calories burned inclusive of BMR, tracked activity, and manually logged activities.
