import pandas as pd import warnings import yaml def is_valid_frequency_segments(day_segments, day_segments_file): """ returns true if day_segment has the expected structure for generating frequency segments; raises ValueError exception otherwise. """ valid_columns = ["label", "length"] if len(list(set(day_segments.columns) - set(valid_columns))) > 0: error_message = 'The FREQUENCY day segments file in [DAY_SEGMENTS][FILE] must have two columns: label, and length ' \ 'but instead we found {}. Modify {}'.format(list(day_segments.columns), day_segments_file) raise ValueError(error_message) if day_segments.shape[0] > 1: message = 'The FREQUENCY day segments file in [DAY_SEGMENTS][FILE] can only have 1 row.' \ 'Modify {}'.format(day_segments_file) raise ValueError(message) if not pd.api.types.is_integer_dtype(day_segments.dtypes['length']): message = 'The column length in the FREQUENCY day segments file in [DAY_SEGMENTS][FILE] must be integer but instead is ' \ '{}. . This usually means that not all values in this column are formed by digits. Modify {}'.format(day_segments.dtypes['length'], day_segments_file) raise ValueError(message) if day_segments.iloc[0].loc['length'] < 0: message = 'The value in column length in the FREQUENCY day segments file in [DAY_SEGMENTS][FILE] must be positive but instead is ' \ '{}. Modify {}'.format(day_segments.iloc[0].loc['length'], day_segments_file) raise ValueError(message) if day_segments.iloc[0].loc['length'] >= 1440: message = 'The column length in the FREQUENCY day segments file in [DAY_SEGMENTS][FILE] must be shorter than a day in minutes (1440) but instead is ' \ '{}. Modify {}'.format(day_segments.iloc[0].loc['length'], day_segments_file) raise ValueError(message) return True def is_valid_periodic_segments(day_segments, day_segments_file): day_segments = day_segments.copy(deep=True) valid_columns = ["label", "start_time", "length", "repeats_on", "repeats_value"] if len(list(set(day_segments.columns) - set(valid_columns))) > 0: error_message = 'The PERIODIC day segments file in [DAY_SEGMENTS][FILE] must have five columns: label, start_time, length, repeats_on, repeats_value ' \ 'but instead we found {}. Modify {}'.format(list(day_segments.columns), day_segments_file) raise ValueError(error_message) valid_repeats_on = ["every_day", "wday", "mday", "qday", "yday"] if len(list(set(day_segments["repeats_on"]) - set(valid_repeats_on))) > 0: error_message = 'The column repeats_on in the PERIODIC day segments file in [DAY_SEGMENTS][FILE] can only accept: "every_day", "wday", "mday", "qday", or "yday" ' \ 'but instead we found {}. Modify {}'.format(list(set(day_segments["repeats_on"])), day_segments_file) raise ValueError(error_message) if not pd.api.types.is_integer_dtype(day_segments.dtypes['repeats_value']): message = 'The column repeats_value in the PERIODIC day segments file in [DAY_SEGMENTS][FILE] must be integer but instead is ' \ '{}. . This usually means that not all values in this column are formed by digits. Modify {}'.format(day_segments.dtypes['repeats_value'], day_segments_file) raise ValueError(message) invalid_day_segments = day_segments.query("repeats_on == 'every_day' and repeats_value != 0") if invalid_day_segments.shape[0] > 0: message = 'Every row with repeats_on=every_day must have a repeats_value=0 in the PERIODIC day segments file in [DAY_SEGMENTS][FILE].' \ ' Modify row(s) of segment(s) {} of {}'.format(invalid_day_segments["label"].to_numpy(), day_segments_file) raise ValueError(message) invalid_day_segments = day_segments.query("repeats_on == 'wday' and (repeats_value < 1 | repeats_value > 7)") if invalid_day_segments.shape[0] > 0: message = 'Every row with repeats_on=wday must have a repeats_value=[1,7] in the PERIODIC day segments file in [DAY_SEGMENTS][FILE].' \ ' Modify row(s) of segment(s) {} of {}'.format(invalid_day_segments["label"].to_numpy(), day_segments_file) raise ValueError(message) invalid_day_segments = day_segments.query("repeats_on == 'mday' and (repeats_value < 1 | repeats_value > 31)") if invalid_day_segments.shape[0] > 0: message = 'Every row with repeats_on=mday must have a repeats_value=[1,31] in the PERIODIC day segments file in [DAY_SEGMENTS][FILE].' \ ' Modify row(s) of segment(s) {} of {}'.format(invalid_day_segments["label"].to_numpy(), day_segments_file) raise ValueError(message) invalid_day_segments = day_segments.query("repeats_on == 'qday' and (repeats_value < 1 | repeats_value > 92)") if invalid_day_segments.shape[0] > 0: message = 'Every row with repeats_on=qday must have a repeats_value=[1,92] in the PERIODIC day segments file in [DAY_SEGMENTS][FILE].' \ ' Modify row(s) of segment(s) {} of {}'.format(invalid_day_segments["label"].to_numpy(), day_segments_file) raise ValueError(message) invalid_day_segments = day_segments.query("repeats_on == 'yday' and (repeats_value < 1 | repeats_value > 366)") if invalid_day_segments.shape[0] > 0: message = 'Every row with repeats_on=yday must have a repeats_value=[1,366] in the PERIODIC day segments file in [DAY_SEGMENTS][FILE].' \ ' Modify row(s) of segment(s) {} of {}'.format(invalid_day_segments["label"].to_numpy(), day_segments_file) raise ValueError(message) try: day_segments["start_time"] = pd.to_datetime(day_segments["start_time"]) except ValueError as err: raise ValueError("At least one start_time in the PERIODIC day segments file in [DAY_SEGMENTS][FILE] has an invalid format, it should be HH:MM:SS in 24hr clock({}). Modify {}".format(err, day_segments_file)) if(day_segments.shape[0] != day_segments.drop_duplicates().shape[0]): error_message = 'The PERIODIC day segments file in [DAY_SEGMENTS][FILE] has two or more rows that are identical. ' \ 'Modify {}'.format(day_segments_file) raise ValueError(error_message) duplicated_labels = day_segments[day_segments["label"].duplicated()] if(duplicated_labels.shape[0] > 0): error_message = 'Segements labels must be unique. The PERIODIC day segments file in [DAY_SEGMENTS][FILE] has {} row(s) with the same label {}. ' \ 'Modify {}'.format(duplicated_labels.shape[0], duplicated_labels["label"].to_numpy(), day_segments_file) raise ValueError(error_message) # TODO Validate string format for lubridate return True def is_valid_event_segments(day_segments, day_segments_file): day_segments = day_segments.copy(deep=True) valid_columns = ["label", "event_timestamp", "length", "shift", "shift_direction", "device_id"] if len(list(set(day_segments.columns) - set(valid_columns))) > 0: error_message = 'The EVENT day segments file in [DAY_SEGMENTS][FILE] must have six columns: label, event_timestamp, length, shift, shift_direction and device_id ' \ 'but instead we found {}. Modify {}'.format(list(day_segments.columns), day_segments_file) raise ValueError(error_message) if not pd.api.types.is_integer_dtype(day_segments.dtypes['event_timestamp']): message = 'The column event_timestamp in the EVENT day segments file in [DAY_SEGMENTS][FILE] must be integer but instead is ' \ '{}. This usually means that not all values in this column are formed by digits. Modify {}'.format(day_segments.dtypes['event_timestamp'], day_segments_file) raise ValueError(message) valid_shift_direction_values = [1, -1, 0] provided_values = day_segments["shift_direction"].unique() if len(list(set(provided_values) - set(valid_shift_direction_values))) > 0: error_message = 'The values of shift_direction column in the EVENT day segments file in [DAY_SEGMENTS][FILE] can only be 1, -1 or 0 ' \ 'but instead we found {}. Modify {}'.format(provided_values, day_segments_file) raise ValueError(error_message) if(day_segments.shape[0] != day_segments.drop_duplicates().shape[0]): error_message = 'The EVENT day segments file in [DAY_SEGMENTS][FILE] has two or more rows that are identical. ' \ 'Modify {}'.format(day_segments_file) raise ValueError(error_message) # TODO Validate string format for lubridate of length and shift # TODO validate unique labels per participant return True def parse_frequency_segments(day_segments: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: """ returns a table with rows identifying start and end of time slots with frequency freq (in minutes). For example, for freq = 10 it outputs: bin_id start end label 0 00:00 00:10 epoch_0000 1 00:10 00:20 epoch_0001 2 00:20 00:30 epoch_0002 ... 143 23:50 00:00 epoch_0143 day_segments argument is expected to have the following structure: label length epoch 10 """ freq = day_segments.iloc[0].loc['length'] slots = pd.date_range(start='2020-01-01', end='2020-01-02', freq='{}min'.format(freq)) slots = ['{:02d}:{:02d}'.format(x.hour, x.minute) for x in slots] table = pd.DataFrame(slots, columns=['start_time']) table['length'] = day_segments.iloc[0].loc['length'] table = table.iloc[:-1, :] label = day_segments.loc[0, 'label'] table['label'] = range(0, table.shape[0]) table['label'] = table['label'].apply(lambda x: '{}{:04}'.format(label, x)) return table[['start_time', 'length', 'label']] def parse_periodic_segments(day_segments): day_segments.loc[day_segments["repeats_on"] == "every_day", "repeats_value"] = 0 return day_segments def parse_event_segments(day_segments, device_id): return day_segments.query("device_id == @device_id") def parse_day_segments(day_segments_file, segments_type, device_id): # Add code to validate and parse frequencies, intervals, and events # Expected formats: # Frequency: label, length columns (e.g. my_prefix, 5) length has to be in minutes (int) # Interval: label, start, end columns (e.g. daily, 00:00, 23:59) start and end should be valid hours in 24 hour format # Event: label, timestamp, length, shift (e.g., survey1, 1532313215463, 60, -30), timestamp is a UNIX timestamp in ms (we could take a date time string instead), length is in minutes (int), shift is in minutes (+/-int) and is added/substracted from timestamp # Our output should have local_date, start_time, end_time, label. In the readable_datetime script, If local_date has the same value for all rows, every segment will be applied for all days, otherwise each segment will be applied only to its local_date day_segments = pd.read_csv(day_segments_file) if day_segments is None: message = 'The day segments file in [DAY_SEGMENTS][FILE] is None. Modify {}'.format(day_segments_file) raise ValueError(message) if day_segments.shape[0] == 0: message = 'The day segments file in [DAY_SEGMENTS][FILE] is empty. Modify {}'.format(day_segments_file) raise ValueError(message) if(segments_type not in ["FREQUENCY", "PERIODIC", "EVENT"]): raise ValueError("[DAY_SEGMENTS][TYPE] can only be FREQUENCY, PERIODIC, or EVENT") if(segments_type == "FREQUENCY" and is_valid_frequency_segments(day_segments, day_segments_file)): day_segments = parse_frequency_segments(day_segments) elif(segments_type == "PERIODIC" and is_valid_periodic_segments(day_segments, day_segments_file)): day_segments = parse_periodic_segments(day_segments) elif(segments_type == "EVENT" and is_valid_event_segments(day_segments, day_segments_file)): day_segments = parse_event_segments(day_segments, device_id) else: raise ValueError("{} does not have a format compatible with frequency, periodic or event day segments. Please refer to [LINK]".format(day_segments_file)) return day_segments participant_file = yaml.load(open(snakemake.input[1], 'r'), Loader=yaml.FullLoader) device_id = participant_file["PHONE"]["DEVICE_IDS"] device_id = device_id[len(device_id) -1 ] final_day_segments = parse_day_segments(snakemake.input[0], snakemake.params["day_segments_type"], device_id) if snakemake.params["day_segments_type"] == "EVENT" and final_day_segments.shape[0] == 0: warnings.warn("There are no event day segments for {}. Check your day segment file {}".format(snakemake.params["pid"], snakemake.input[0])) final_day_segments.to_csv(snakemake.output["segments_file"], index=False) pd.DataFrame({"label" : final_day_segments["label"].unique()}).to_csv(snakemake.output["segments_labels_file"], index=False)