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Phone Keyboard

Sensor parameters description for [PHONE_KEYBOARD]:

Key                              Description
[CONTAINER] Data stream container (database table, CSV file, etc.) where the keyboard data is stored

File Sequence

- data/raw/{pid}/phone_keyboard_raw.csv
- data/raw/{pid}/phone_keyboard_with_datetime.csv
- data/interim/{pid}/phone_keyboard_features/phone_keyboard_{language}_{provider_key}.csv
- data/processed/features/{pid}/phone_keyboard.csv

Features description for [PHONE_KEYBOARD]:

Feature Units Description
sessioncount - Number of typing sessions in a time segment. A session begins with any keypress and finishes until 5 seconds have elapsed since the last key was pressed or the application that the user was typing on changes.
averagesessionlength milliseconds Average length of all sessions in a time segment instance
averageinterkeydelay milliseconds The average time between keystrokes measured in milliseconds.
changeintextlengthlessthanminusone Number of times a keyboard typing or swiping event changed the length of the current text to less than one fewer character.
changeintextlengthequaltominusone Number of times a keyboard typing or swiping event changed the length of the current text in exactly one fewer character.
changeintextlengthequaltoone Number of times a keyboard typing or swiping event changed the length of the current text in exactly one more character.
changeintextlengthmorethanone Number of times a keyboard typing or swiping event changed the length of the current text to more than one character.
maxtextlength Length in characters of the longest sentence(s) contained in the typing text box of any app during the time segment.
lastmessagelength Length of the last text in characters of the sentence(s) contained in the typing text box of any app during the time segment.
totalkeyboardtouches Average number of typing events across all sessions in a time segment instance.


We did not find a reliable way to distinguish between AutoCorrect or AutoComplete changes, since both can be applied with a single touch or swipe event and can decrease or increase the length of the text by an arbitrary number of characters.
