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Phone Calls

Sensor parameters description for [PHONE_CALLS]:

Key                              Description
[TABLE] Database table where the calls data is stored

RAPIDS Provider

Available day segments and platforms

  • Available for all day segments
  • Available for Android and iOS

File Sequence

- data/raw/{pid}/phone_calls_raw.csv
- data/raw/{pid}/phone_calls_with_datetime.csv
- data/raw/{pid}/phone_calls_with_datetime_unified.csv
- data/interim/{pid}/phone_calls_features/phone_calls_{language}_{provider_key}.csv
- data/processed/features/{pid}/phone_calls.csv

Parameters description for [PHONE_CALLS][PROVIDERS][RAPIDS]:

Key                        Description
[COMPUTE] Set to True to extract PHONE_CALLS features from the RAPIDS provider
[CALL_TYPES] The particular call_type that will be analyzed. The options for this parameter are incoming, outgoing or missed.
[FEATURES] Features to be computed for outgoing, incoming, and missed calls. Note that the same features are available for both incoming and outgoing calls, while missed calls has its own set of features. See the tables below.

Features description for [PHONE_CALLS][PROVIDERS][RAPIDS] incoming and outgoing calls:

Feature Units Description
count calls Number of calls of a particular call_type occurred during a particular day_segment.
distinctcontacts contacts Number of distinct contacts that are associated with a particular call_type for a particular day_segment
meanduration seconds The mean duration of all calls of a particular call_type during a particular day_segment.
sumduration seconds The sum of the duration of all calls of a particular call_type during a particular day_segment.
minduration seconds The duration of the shortest call of a particular call_type during a particular day_segment.
maxduration seconds The duration of the longest call of a particular call_type during a particular day_segment.
stdduration seconds The standard deviation of the duration of all the calls of a particular call_type during a particular day_segment.
modeduration seconds The mode of the duration of all the calls of a particular call_type during a particular day_segment.
entropyduration nats The estimate of the Shannon entropy for the the duration of all the calls of a particular call_type during a particular day_segment.
timefirstcall minutes The time in minutes between 12:00am (midnight) and the first call of call_type.
timelastcall minutes The time in minutes between 12:00am (midnight) and the last call of call_type.
countmostfrequentcontact calls The number of calls of a particular call_type during a particular day_segment of the most frequent contact throughout the monitored period.

Features description for [PHONE_CALLS][PROVIDERS][RAPIDS] missed calls:

Feature Units Description
count calls Number of missed calls that occurred during a particular day_segment.
distinctcontacts contacts Number of distinct contacts that are associated with missed calls for a particular day_segment
timefirstcall minutes The time in hours from 12:00am (Midnight) that the first missed call occurred.
timelastcall minutes The time in hours from 12:00am (Midnight) that the last missed call occurred.
countmostfrequentcontact calls The number of missed calls during a particular day_segment of the most frequent contact throughout the monitored period.


  1. Traces for iOS calls are unique even for the same contact calling a participant more than once which renders countmostfrequentcontact meaningless and distinctcontacts equal to the total number of traces.
  2. [CALL_TYPES] and [FEATURES] keys in config.yaml need to match. For example, [CALL_TYPES] outgoing matches the [FEATURES] key outgoing
  3. iOS calls data is transformed to match Android calls data format. See our algorithm