# Change Log ## v.1.7.0 - Add tests for phone battery features - Fill NA with 0 for the selected event features: (1) each sensor's feature extraction script (2) data cleaning script - Refactor data cleaning module: update the structure and add dropping highly correlated features section ## v1.6.0 - Refactor PHONE_CALLS RAPIDS provider to compute features based on call episodes or events - Refactor PHONE_LOCATIONS DORYAB provider to compute features based on location episodes - Temporary revert PHONE_LOCATIONS BARNETT provider to use R script - Update the default IGNORE_EPISODES_LONGER_THAN to be 6 hours for screen RAPIDS provider - Fix the bug of step intraday features when INCLUDE_ZERO_STEP_ROWS is False ## v1.5.0 - Update Barnett location features with faster Python implementation - Fix rounding bug in data yield features - Add tests for data yield, Fitbit and accelerometer features - Small fixes of documentation ## v1.4.1 - Update home page - Add PHONE_MESSAGES tests ## v1.4.0 - Add new Application Foreground episode features and tests - Update VSCode setup instructions for our Docker container - Add tests for phone calls features - Add tests for WiFI features and fix a bug that incorrectly counted the most scanned device within the current time segment instances instead of globally - Add tests for phone conversation features - Add tests for Bluetooth features and choose the most scanned device alphabetically when ties exist - Add tests for Activity Recognition features and fix iOS unknown activity parsing - Fix Fitbit bug that parsed date-times with the current time zone in rare cases - Update the visualizations to be more precise and robust with different time segments. - Fix regression crash of the example analysis workflow ## v1.3.0 - Refactor PHONE_LOCATIONS DORYAB provider. Fix bugs and faster execution up to 30x - New PHONE_KEYBOARD features - Add a new strategy to infer home location that can handle multiple homes for the same participant - Add module to exclude sleep episodes from steps intraday features - Fix PID matching when joining data from multiple participants. Now, we can handle PIDS with an arbitrary format. - Fix bug that did not correctly parse participants with more than 2 phones or more than 1 wearable - Fix crash when no phone data yield is needed to process location data (ALL & GPS location providers) - Remove location rows with the same timestamp based on their accuracy - Fix PHONE_CONVERSATION bug that produced inaccurate ratio features when time segments were not daily. - Other minor bug fixes ## v1.2.0 - Sleep summary and intraday features are more consistent. - Add wake and bedtime features for sleep summary data. - Fix bugs with sleep PRICE features. - Update home page - Add contributing guide ## v1.1.1 - Fix length of periodic segments on days with DLS - Fix crash when scraping data for an app that does not exist - Add tests for phone screen data ## v1.1.0 - Add Fitbit calories intraday features ## v1.0.1 - Fix crash in `chunk_episodes` of `utils.py` for multi time zone data - Fix crash in BT Doryab provider when the number of clusters is 2 - Fix Fitbit multi time zone inference from phone data (simplify) - Fix missing columns when the input for phone data yield is empty - Fix wrong date time labels for event segments for multi time zone data (all labels are computed based on a single tz) - Fix periodic segment crash when there are no segments to assign (only affects wday, mday, qday, or yday) - Fix crash in Analysis Workflow with new suffix in segments' labels ## v1.0.0 - Add a new [Overview](../setup/overview/) page. - You can [extend](../datastreams/add-new-data-streams/) RAPIDS with your own [data streams](../datastreams/data-streams-introduction/). Data streams are data collected with other sensing apps besides AWARE (like Beiwe, mindLAMP), and stored in other data containers (databases, files) besides MySQL. - Support to analyze Empatica wearable data (thanks to Joe Kim and Brinnae Bent from the [DBDP](https://dbdp.org/)) - Support to analyze AWARE data stored in [CSV files](../datastreams/aware-csv/) and [InfluxDB](../datastreams/aware-influxdb/) databases - Support to analyze data collected over [multiple time zones](../setup/configuration/#multiple-timezones) - Support for [sleep intraday features](../features/fitbit-sleep-intraday/) from the core team and also from the community (thanks to Stephen Price) - Users can comment on the documentation (powered by utterances). - `SCR_SCRIPT` and `SRC_LANGUAGE` are replaced by `SRC_SCRIPT`. - Add RAPIDS new logo - Move Citation and Minimal Example page to the Setup section - Add `config.yaml` validation schema and documentation. Now it's more difficult to modify the `config.yaml` file with invalid values. - Add new `time at home` Doryab location feature - Add and home coordinates to the location data file so location providers can build features based on it. - If you are migrating from RAPIDS 0.4.3 or older, check this [guide](../migrating-from-old-versions/#migrating-from-rapids-04x-or-older) ## v0.4.3 - Fix bug when any of the rows from any sensor do not belong a time segment ## v0.4.2 - Update battery testing - Fix location processing bug when certain columns don't exist - Fix HR intraday bug when minutesonZONE features were 0 - Update FAQs - Fix HR summary bug when restinghr=0 (ignore those rows) - Fix ROG, location entropy and normalized entropy in Doryab location provider - Remove sampling frequency dependance in Doryab location provider - Update documentation of Doryab location provider - Add new `FITBIT_DATA_YIELD` `RAPIDS` provider - Deprecate Doryab circadian movement feature until it is fixed ## v0.4.1 - Fix bug when no error message was displayed for an empty `[PHONE_DATA_YIELD][SENSORS]` when resampling location data ## v0.4.0 - Add four new phone sensors that can be used for PHONE_DATA_YIELD - Add code so new feature providers can be added for the new four sensors - Add new clustering algorithm (OPTICS) for Doryab features - Update default EPS parameter for Doryab location clustering - Add clearer error message for invalid phone data yield sensors - Add ALL_RESAMPLED flag and accuracy limit for location features - Add FAQ about null characters in phone tables - Reactivate light and wifi tests and update testing docs - Fix bug when parsing Fitbit steps data - Fix bugs when merging features from empty time segments - Fix minor issues in the documentation ## v0.3.2 - Update docker and linux instructions to use RSPM binary repo for for faster installation - Update CI to create a release on a tagged push that passes the tests - Clarify in DB credential configuration that we only support MySQL - Add Windows installation instructions - Fix bugs in the create_participants_file script - Fix bugs in Fitbit data parsing. - Fixed Doryab location features context of clustering. - Fixed the wrong shifting while calculating distance in Doryab location features. - Refactored the haversine function ## v0.3.1 - Update installation docs for RAPIDS' docker container - Fix example analysis use of accelerometer data in a plot - Update FAQ - Update minimal example documentation - Minor doc updates ## v0.3.0 - Update R and Python virtual environments - Add GH actions CI support for tests and docker - Add release and test badges to README ## v0.2.6 - Fix old versions banner on nested pages ## v0.2.5 - Fix docs deploy typo ## v0.2.4 - Fix broken links in landing page and docs deploy ## v0.2.3 - Fix participant IDS in the example analysis workflow ## v0.2.2 - Fix readme link to docs ## v0.2.1 - FIx link to the most recent version in the old version banner ## v0.2.0 - Add new `PHONE_BLUETOOTH` `DORYAB` provider - Deprecate `PHONE_BLUETOOTH` `RAPIDS` provider - Fix bug in `filter_data_by_segment` for Python when dataset was empty - Minor doc updates - New FAQ item ## v0.1.0 - New and more consistent docs (this website). The [previous docs](https://rapidspitt.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) are marked as beta - Consolidate [configuration](../setup/configuration) instructions - Flexible [time segments](../setup/configuration#time-segments) - Simplify Fitbit behavioral feature extraction and [documentation](../features/fitbit-heartrate-summary) - Sensor's configuration and output is more consistent - Update [visualizations](../visualizations/data-quality-visualizations) to handle flexible day segments - Create a RAPIDS [execution](../setup/execution) script that allows re-computation of the pipeline after configuration changes - Add [citation](../citation) guide - Update [virtual environment](../developers/virtual-environments) guide - Update analysis workflow [example](../workflow-examples/analysis) - Add a [Code of Conduct](../code_of_conduct) - Update [Team](../team) page