# Mandatory Phone Format This is a description of the format RAPIDS needs to process data for the following PHONE sensors. ??? info "PHONE_ACCELEROMETER" | RAPIDS column | Description | |-----------------|--------------------------------------------------------------| | TIMESTAMP | An UNIX timestamp (13 digits) when a row of data was logged | | DEVICE_ID | A string that uniquely identifies a device | | DOUBLE_VALUES_0 | x axis of acceleration | | DOUBLE_VALUES_1 | y axis of acceleration | | DOUBLE_VALUES_2 | z axis of acceleration | ??? info "PHONE_ACTIVITY_RECOGNITION" | RAPIDS column | Description | |-----------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------| | TIMESTAMP | An UNIX timestamp (13 digits) when a row of data was logged | | DEVICE_ID | A string that uniquely identifies a device | | ACTIVITY_TYPE | An integer (ranged from 0 to 8) that denotes current activity type | | ACTIVITY_NAME | An string that denotes current activity name: `in_vehicle`, `on_bicycle`, `on_foot`, `still`, `unknown`, `tilting`, `walking` or `running` | | CONFIDENCE | An integer (ranged from 0 to 100) that denotes the prediction accuracy | ??? info "PHONE_APPLICATIONS_FOREGROUND" | RAPIDS column | Description | |--------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------| | TIMESTAMP | An UNIX timestamp (13 digits) when a row of data was logged | | DEVICE_ID | A string that uniquely identifies a device | | PACKAGE_NAME | Application’s package name | | APPLICATION_NAME | Application’s localized name | | IS_SYSTEM_APP | Device’s pre-installed application | ??? info "PHONE_BATTERY" | RAPIDS column | Description | |--------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------| | TIMESTAMP | An UNIX timestamp (13 digits) when a row of data was logged | | DEVICE_ID | A string that uniquely identifies a device | | BATTERY_STATUS | An integer that denotes battery status: 0 or 1 = unknown, 2 = charging, 3 = discharging, 4 = not charging, 5 = full | | BATTERY_LEVEL | An integer that denotes battery level | ??? info "PHONE_CONVERSATION" | RAPIDS column | Description | |----------------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | TIMESTAMP | An UNIX timestamp (13 digits) when a row of data was logged | | DEVICE_ID | A string that uniquely identifies a device | | DOUBLE_ENERGY | A number that denotes the amplitude of an audio sample (L2-norm of the audio frame) | | INFERENCE | An integer (ranged from 0 to 3) that denotes the type of an audio sample: 0 = silence, 1 = noise, 2 = voice, 3 = unknown | | DOUBLE_CONVO_START | UNIX timestamp (13 digits) of the beginning of a conversation | | DOUBLE_CONVO_END | UNIX timestamp (13 digits) of the end of a conversation |