source("renv/activate.R") library(dplyr) library(tidyr) library(stringr) screen <- read.csv(snakemake@input[["screen"]]) participant_info <- snakemake@input[["participant_info"]] platform <- readLines(participant_info, n=2)[[2]] # Screen States # Android: # iOS: # 0. OFF (Not existent for iOS due to API limitations) # 1. ON (Not existent for iOS due to API limitations) # 2. LOCKED # 3. UNLOCKED swap_screen_status <- function(data, status1, status2, time_buffer){ # 800L is an auxiliary state to swap data %>% mutate(screen_status = case_when(screen_status == status2 & lag(screen_status) == status1 & (timestamp - lag(timestamp)) < time_buffer ~ 800L, TRUE ~ screen_status), screen_status = case_when(screen_status == status1 & lead(screen_status) == 800L ~ status2, TRUE ~ screen_status), screen_status = ifelse(screen_status == 800L, status1, screen_status)) } get_ios_screen_episodes <- function(screen){ episodes <- screen %>% # only keep consecutive pairs of 3,2 events filter( (screen_status == 3 & lead(screen_status) == 2) | (screen_status == 2 & lag(screen_status) == 3) ) %>% # in iOS and after our filtering, screen episodes should end with a LOCK event (2) mutate(episode_id = ifelse(screen_status == 2, 1:n(), NA_integer_)) %>% fill(episode_id, .direction = "updown") %>% group_by(episode_id) %>% summarise(episode = "unlock", screen_sequence = toString(screen_status), time_diff = (last(timestamp) - first(timestamp)) / (1000 * 60), local_start_date_time = first(local_date_time), local_end_date_time = last(local_date_time), local_start_date = first(local_date), local_end_date = last(local_date), local_start_day_segment = first(local_day_segment), local_end_day_segment = last(local_day_segment)) } get_android_screen_episodes <- function(screen){ # Aware logs LOCK events after turning the screen ON or OFF but we filter them out to simplify this analysis. # The code below only process UNLOCK to OFF episodes, but it's possible to modify it for ON to OFF (see line 61) or ON to UNLOCK episodes. episodes <- screen %>% # filter out LOCK events (2) that come within 50 milliseconds of an ON (1) or OFF (0) event filter(!(screen_status == 2 & lag(screen_status) == 1 & timestamp - lag(timestamp) < 50)) %>% filter(!(screen_status == 2 & lag(screen_status) == 0 & timestamp - lag(timestamp) < 50)) %>% # in Android and after our filtering, screen episodes should end with a OFF event (0) mutate(episode_id = ifelse(screen_status == 0, 1:n(), NA_integer_)) %>% fill(episode_id, .direction = "updown") %>% group_by(episode_id) %>% # Rarely, UNLOCK events (3) get logged just before ON events (1). If this happens within 800ms, swap them swap_screen_status(3L, 1L, 800) %>% # to be consistent with iOS we filter out events (and thus sequences) starting with an ON (1) event filter(screen_status != 1) %>% # only keep consecutive 3,0 pairs (UNLOCK, OFF) filter( (screen_status == 3 & lead(screen_status) == 0) | (screen_status == 0 & lag(screen_status) == 3) ) %>% summarise(episode = "unlock", screen_sequence = toString(screen_status), time_diff = (last(timestamp) - first(timestamp)) / (1000 * 60), local_start_date_time = first(local_date_time), local_end_date_time = last(local_date_time), local_start_date = first(local_date), local_end_date = last(local_date), local_start_day_segment = first(local_day_segment), local_end_day_segment = last(local_day_segment)) %>% filter(str_detect(screen_sequence, paste0("^(", paste(c(3), collapse = "|"), # Filter sequences that start with 3 (UNLOCK) AND ").*(", paste(c(0), collapse = "|"), # Filter sequences that end with 0 (OFF) ")$"))) } if(nrow(screen) < 2){ episodes <- data.frame(episode = character(), time_diff = numeric(), local_start_date_time = character(), local_end_date_time = character(), local_start_date = character(), local_end_date = character(), local_start_day_segment = character(), local_end_day_segment = character()) } else if(platform == "ios"){ episodes <- get_ios_screen_episodes(screen) } else if(platform == "android"){ episodes <- get_android_screen_episodes(screen) } else { print(paste0("The platform (second line) in ", participant_info, " should be android or ios")) } write.csv(episodes, snakemake@output[[1]], row.names = FALSE)