source("renv/activate.R") source("src/data/unify_utils.R") library(RMySQL) library(stringr) library(dplyr) library(readr) validate_deviceid_platforms <- function(device_ids, platforms){ if(length(device_ids) == 1){ if(length(platforms) > 1 || (platforms != "android" && platforms != "ios")) stop(paste0("If you have 1 device_id, its platform should be 'android' or 'ios' but you typed: '", paste0(platforms, collapse = ","), "'. Participant file: ", participant)) } else if(length(device_ids) > 1 && length(platforms) == 1){ if(platforms != "android" && platforms != "ios" && platforms != "multiple") stop(paste0("If you have more than 1 device_id, platform should be 'android', 'ios' OR 'multiple' but you typed: '", paste0(platforms, collapse = "s,"), "'. Participant file: ", participant)) } else if(length(device_ids) > 1 && length(platforms) > 1){ if(length(device_ids) != length(platforms)) stop(paste0("The number of device_ids should match the number of platforms. Participant file:", participant)) if(all(intersect(c("android", "ios"), unique(platforms)) != c("android", "ios"))) stop(paste0("If you have more than 1 device_id and more than 1 platform, the platforms should be a mix of 'android' AND 'ios' but you typed: '", paste0(platforms, collapse = ","), "'. Participant file: ", participant)) } } is_multiplaform_participant <- function(dbEngine, device_ids, platforms){ # Multiple android and ios platforms or the same platform (android, ios) for multiple devices if((length(device_ids) > 1 && length(platforms) > 1) || (length(device_ids) > 1 && length(platforms) == 1 && (platforms == "android" || platforms == "ios"))){ return(TRUE) } # Multiple platforms for multiple devices, we search the platform for every device in the aware_device table if(length(device_ids) > 1 && length(platforms) == 1 && platforms == "multiple"){ devices_platforms <- dbGetQuery(dbEngine, paste0("SELECT device_id,brand FROM aware_device WHERE device_id IN ('", paste0(device_ids, collapse = "','"), "')")) platforms <- devices_platforms %>% distinct(brand) %>% pull(brand) # Android phones have different brands so we check that we got at least two different platforms and one of them is iPhone if(length(platforms) > 1 && "iPhone" %in% platforms){ return(TRUE) } } return(FALSE) } participant <- snakemake@input[[1]] group <- snakemake@params[["group"]] table <- snakemake@params[["table"]] timezone <- snakemake@params[["timezone"]] aware_multiplatform_tables <- str_split(snakemake@params[["aware_multiplatform_tables"]], ",")[[1]] unifiable_tables = snakemake@params[["unifiable_sensors"]] sensor_file <- snakemake@output[[1]] device_ids <- strsplit(readLines(participant, n=1), ",")[[1]] unified_device_id <- tail(device_ids, 1) platforms <- strsplit(readLines(participant, n=2)[[2]], ",")[[1]] validate_deviceid_platforms(device_ids, platforms) # Read start and end date from the participant file to filter data within that range start_date <- strsplit(readLines(participant, n=4)[4], ",")[[1]][1] end_date <- strsplit(readLines(participant, n=4)[4], ",")[[1]][2] start_datetime_utc = format(as.POSIXct(paste0(start_date, " 00:00:00"),format="%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S",origin="1970-01-01",tz=timezone), tz="UTC") end_datetime_utc = format(as.POSIXct(paste0(end_date, " 23:59:59"),format="%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S",origin="1970-01-01",tz=timezone), tz="UTC") dbEngine <- dbConnect(MySQL(), default.file = "./.env", group = group) # Get existent columns in table available_columns <- colnames(dbGetQuery(dbEngine, paste0("SELECT * FROM ", table, " LIMIT 1"))) if("device_id" %in% available_columns){ if(is_multiplaform_participant(dbEngine, device_ids, platforms)){ sensor_data <- unify_raw_data(dbEngine, table, start_datetime_utc, end_datetime_utc, aware_multiplatform_tables, unifiable_tables, device_ids, platforms) }else { query <- paste0("SELECT * FROM ", table, " WHERE device_id IN ('", paste0(device_ids, collapse = "','"), "')") if("timestamp" %in% available_columns && !( && !( && start_datetime_utc < end_datetime_utc) query <- paste0(query, "AND timestamp BETWEEN 1000*UNIX_TIMESTAMP('", start_datetime_utc, "') AND 1000*UNIX_TIMESTAMP('", end_datetime_utc, "')") sensor_data <- dbGetQuery(dbEngine, query) } if("timestamp" %in% available_columns) sensor_data <- sensor_data %>% arrange(timestamp) # Unify device_id sensor_data <- sensor_data %>% mutate(device_id = unified_device_id) # Droping duplicates on all columns except for _id or id sensor_data <- sensor_data %>% distinct(!!!syms(setdiff(names(sensor_data), c("_id", "id")))) } else stop(paste0("Table ", table, "does not have a device_id column (Aware ID) to link its data to a participant")) write_csv(sensor_data, sensor_file) dbDisconnect(dbEngine)