library("stringr") rapids_log_tag <- "RAPIDS:" filter_data_by_segment <- function(data, day_segment){ # Filter the rows that belong to day_segment, and put the segment full name in a new column for grouping datetime_regex = "[0-9]{4}[\\-|\\/][0-9]{2}[\\-|\\/][0-9]{2} [0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}" timestamp_regex = "[0-9]{13}" data <- data %>% filter(grepl(paste0("\\[", day_segment, "#"), assigned_segments)) %>% mutate(local_segment = str_extract(assigned_segments, paste0("\\[", day_segment, "#", datetime_regex, ",", datetime_regex, ";", timestamp_regex, ",", timestamp_regex, "\\]"))) %>% extract(local_segment, into = c("local_segment", "timestamps_segment"), paste0("\\[(", day_segment, "#", datetime_regex, ",", datetime_regex, ");(", timestamp_regex, ",", timestamp_regex, ")\\]")) %>% select(-assigned_segments) return(data) } chunk_episodes <- function(sensor_episodes){ columns_to_drop <- c("timestamp", "duration", "utc_date_time", "local_date_time", "local_date", "local_time", "local_hour", "local_minute", "segment_start", "segment_end", 'timestamp_plus_duration' ) chunked_episodes <- sensor_episodes %>% separate(col = local_segment, into = c("local_segment_label", "local_start_date", "local_start_time", "local_end_date", "local_end_time"), sep = "#", remove = FALSE) %>% unite(col = "segment_start", "local_start_date", "local_start_time", sep = " ",remove = TRUE) %>% unite(col = "segment_end", "local_end_date", "local_end_time", sep = " ",remove = TRUE) %>% mutate(local_segment_label = NULL, timestamp_plus_duration = timestamp + (duration * 1000 * 60)) %>% group_by(local_timezone) %>% nest() %>% mutate( data = map(data, ~.x %>% mutate(segment_start = as.numeric(lubridate::ymd_hms(segment_start, tz = local_timezone)) * 1000, segment_end = as.numeric(lubridate::ymd_hms(segment_end, tz = local_timezone)) * 1000)), # We group by episode_id and those variables from the original episodes we want to keep once we summarise data = map(data, ~.x %>% group_by_at(vars(c("episode_id", setdiff(colnames(.x), columns_to_drop) ))) %>% summarize(chunked_start = max(first(timestamp), first(segment_start)), chunked_end = min(last(timestamp_plus_duration), last(segment_end)), duration = (chunked_end - chunked_start) / (1000 * 60 ), chunked_start = format(lubridate::as_datetime(chunked_start / 1000, tz = local_timezone), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), chunked_end = format(lubridate::as_datetime(chunked_end / 1000, tz = local_timezone), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))) ) %>% unnest(data) return(chunked_episodes) } fetch_provider_features <- function(provider, provider_key, config_key, sensor_data_file, day_segments_file){ sensor_features <- data.frame(local_segment = character(), stringsAsFactors = FALSE) sensor_data <- read.csv(sensor_data_file, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) day_segments_labels <- read.csv(day_segments_file, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) if(!"FEATURES" %in% names(provider)) stop(paste0("Provider config[", config_key,"][PROVIDERS][", provider_key,"] is missing a FEATURES attribute in config.yaml")) if(provider[["COMPUTE"]] == TRUE){ code_path <- paste0("src/features/", config_key,"/", provider[["SRC_FOLDER"]], "/main.R") source(code_path) features_function <-[["SRC_FOLDER"]], "_features")) day_segments <- day_segments_labels %>% pull(label) for (day_segment in day_segments){ print(paste(rapids_log_tag,"Processing", config_key, provider_key, day_segment)) features <- features_function(sensor_data, day_segment, provider) # Check all features names contain the provider key so they are unique features_names <- colnames(features %>% select(-local_segment)) if(any(!grepl(paste0(".*(",str_to_lower(provider_key),").*"), features_names))) stop(paste("The name of all calls features of", provider_key," must contain its name in lower case but the following don't [", paste(features_names[!grepl(paste0(".*(",str_to_lower(provider_key),").*"), features_names)], collapse = ", "), "]")) sensor_features <- merge(sensor_features, features, all = TRUE) } } else { # This is redundant, if COMPUTE is FALSE this script will be never executed for(feature in provider[["FEATURES"]]) sensor_features[,feature] <- NA } sensor_features <- sensor_features %>% extract(col = local_segment, into = c("local_segment_label", "local_segment_start_datetime", "local_segment_end_datetime"), "(.*)#(.*),(.*)", remove = FALSE) return(sensor_features) }