source("renv/activate.R") library("lubridate") library("readr") library("dplyr") library("tidyr") library("stringr") library("yaml") validate_periodic_segments <- function(segments){ invalid_lengths <- segments %>% mutate(is_valid = str_detect(length, "^[[:space:]]*(\\d+?[d|D])??[[:space:]]*(\\d+?[h|H])??[[:space:]]*(\\d+?[m|M])??[[:space:]]*(\\d+?[s|S])??$")) if(any(!(invalid_lengths$is_valid))) stop("One or more rows in your periodic time segments file have an invalid length format (XXD XXH XXM XXS): ", paste(invalid_lengths %>% filter(!is_valid) %>% pull(label), collapse = ", ")) if(any($length_period))) stop("One or more rows in your periodic time segments file have an invalid length value: ", paste(segments %>% filter( %>% pull(label), collapse = ",")) if(any($start_time_format))) stop("One or more rows in your periodic time segments file have an invalid start_time (HH:MM:SS): ", paste(segments %>% filter( %>% pull(label), collapse = ", ")) longer_start_time <- segments %>% mutate(is_longer = start_time_format > period("23H 59M 59S")) if(any(longer_start_time$is_longer)) stop("One or more rows in your periodic time segments file have a start_time longer than 23:59:59: ", paste(longer_start_time %>% filter(is_longer) %>% pull(label), collapse = ", ")) invalid_repeats_on <- segments %>% filter(!repeats_on %in% c("every_day", "wday", "mday", "qday","yday")) %>% pull(label) if(length(invalid_repeats_on) > 0) stop("One or more rows in your periodic time segments file have an invalid repeats_on: ", paste(invalid_repeats_on, collapse = ","), ". Valid values include: ", paste(c("every_day", "wday", "mday", "qday","yday"), collapse = ", ")) if(nrow(count(segments, label) %>% filter(n > 1)) > 0) stop("The values in the column 'label' should be unique but they are not: ", paste(count(segments, label) %>% filter(n > 1) %>% pull(label), collapse = ", "), ". Valid values include: ", paste(c("every_day", "wday", "mday", "qday","yday"), collapse = ", ")) if(nrow(filter(segments, length_period > repeats_on_period & repeats_on %in% c("mday", "qday", "yday")))) stop("We do not support mday, qday, or yday segments that overlap yet. Get in touch with the RAPIDS team if you'd like to have this functionality. Overlapping segments: ", paste((filter(segments, length_period > repeats_on_period)) %>% filter(repeats_on %in% c("mday", "qday", "yday")) %>% pull(label), collapse = ",")) distinct_segments <- segments %>% distinct(across(-label), .keep_all=TRUE) if(nrow(segments) != nrow(distinct_segments)) stop("Your periodic time segments file has ", nrow(segments) - nrow(distinct_segments), " duplicated row(s) (excluding label): ", paste(setdiff(segments %>% pull(label), distinct_segments %>% pull(label)), collapse = ",")) invalid_repeats_value <- segments %>% mutate(is_invalid = case_when(repeats_on == "every_day" ~ repeats_value != 0, repeats_on == "wday" ~ repeats_value < 1 | repeats_value > 7, repeats_on == "mday" ~ repeats_value < 1 | repeats_value > 31, repeats_on == "qday" ~ repeats_value < 1 | repeats_value > 91, repeats_on == "yday" ~ repeats_value < 1 | repeats_value > 365)) if(any(invalid_repeats_value$is_invalid)) stop("One or more rows in your periodic time segments file have an invalid repeats_value (0 for every_day, [1,7] for wday, [1,31] for mday, [1,91] for qday, [1,366] for yday): ", paste(invalid_repeats_value %>% filter(is_invalid) %>% pull(label), collapse = ", ")) return(segments) } validate_periodic_columns <- function(segments){ if(nrow(segments) == 0) stop("Your periodic time segments file is empty: ", segments_file) if(!identical(colnames(segments), c("label","start_time","length","repeats_on","repeats_value"))) stop("Your periodic time segments file does not have the expected columns (label,start_time,length,repeats_on,repeats_value). Maybe you have a typo in the names?") return(segments) } prepare_periodic_segments <- function(segments){ segments <- segments %>% validate_periodic_columns() %>% mutate(length_period = period(length), start_time_format = hms(start_time, quiet = TRUE), repeats_on_period = case_when(repeats_on == "every_day" ~ period("1D"), repeats_on == "wday" ~ period("7D"), repeats_on == "mday" ~ period("28D"), repeats_on == "qday" ~ period("95D"), repeats_on == "yday" ~ period("365D"))) %>% validate_periodic_segments() %>% mutate(new_segments = (length_period %/% repeats_on_period) + 1) %>% uncount(weights = new_segments, .remove = FALSE, .id = "overlap_id") %>% mutate(overlap_id = overlap_id -1, original_label = label, overlap_duration = paste0(overlap_id * repeats_on_period / days(1),"D"), label = paste0(label, "_RR", overlap_id, "SS")) %>% select(label,start_time,length,repeats_on,repeats_value,overlap_duration,overlap_id,original_label) return(segments) } validate_frequency_segments <- function(segments){ if(nrow(segments) == 0) stop("Your frequency time segments file is empty: ", segments_file) if(!identical(colnames(segments), c("label","length"))) stop("Your frequency time segments file does not have the expected columns (label, length). Maybe you have a typo in the names?") if(nrow(segments) > 1) stop("Your frequency time segments file cannot have more than one row") if(any($label))) stop("Your frequency time segments file has an empty or invalid label") if(nrow(segments %>% filter(! & length >= 1 & length <= 1440)) == 0) stop("Your frequency time segments file has an empty or invalid length (only numbers between [1,1440] are accepted), you typed: ", segments$length) return(segments) } prepare_frequency_segments <- function(segments){ #FREQUENCY segments are just syntactic sugar for PERIODIC validate_frequency_segments(segments) stamp_fn <- stamp("23:10:00", orders = c("HMS"), quiet = TRUE) new_segments <- data.frame(start_time = seq.POSIXt(from = ymd_hms("2020-01-01 00:00:00"), to=ymd_hms("2020-01-02 00:00:00"), by=paste(segments$length, "min"))) new_segments <- new_segments %>% head(-1) %>% mutate(label = paste0(segments$label, str_pad(row_number()-1, width = 4, pad = "0")), start_time = stamp_fn(start_time), length = paste0((segments$length * 60)-1, "S"), repeats_on = "every_day", repeats_value=0, overlap_id = 0, original_label = label, overlap_duration = "0D") } get_devices_ids <- function(participant_data){ devices_ids = c() for(device in participant_data) for(attribute in names(device)) if(attribute == "DEVICE_IDS") devices_ids <- c(devices_ids, device[[attribute]]) return(devices_ids) } validate_event_segments <- function(segments){ if(nrow(segments) == 0) stop("The following time segments file is empty: ", segments_file) if(!identical(colnames(segments), c("label","event_timestamp","length","shift","shift_direction","device_id"))) stop("Your periodic time segments file does not have the expected columns (label,event_timestamp,length,shift,shift_direction,device_id). Maybe you have a typo in the names?") invalid_lengths <- segments %>% mutate(is_valid = str_detect(length, "^[[:space:]]*(\\d+?[d|D])??[[:space:]]*(\\d+?[h|H])??[[:space:]]*(\\d+?[m|M])??[[:space:]]*(\\d+?[s|S])??$")) if(any(!(invalid_lengths$is_valid))) stop("One or more rows in your event time segments file have an invalid length format (XXD XXH XXM XXS): ", paste(invalid_lengths %>% filter(!is_valid) %>% pull(label), collapse = ", ")) invalid_shifts <- segments %>% mutate(is_valid = str_detect(shift, "^[[:space:]]*(\\d+?[d|D])??[[:space:]]*(\\d+?[h|H])??[[:space:]]*(\\d+?[m|M])??[[:space:]]*(\\d+?[s|S])??$")) if(any(!(invalid_shifts$is_valid))) stop("One or more rows in your event time segments file have an invalid shift format (XXD XXH XXM XXS): ", paste(invalid_shifts %>% filter(!is_valid) %>% pull(label), collapse = ", ")) invalid_shift_direction <- segments %>% filter(shift_direction < -1 | shift_direction > 1) if(nrow(invalid_shift_direction) > 0) stop("One or more rows in your event time segments file have an invalid shift direction (-1,0,1): ", paste(invalid_shift_direction %>% pull(label), collapse = ", ")) invalid_timestamps <- segments %>% filter( if(nrow(invalid_timestamps) > 0) stop("One or more rows in your event time segments file have an empty timestamp: ", paste(invalid_timestamps %>% pull(label), collapse = ", ")) invalid_timestamps <- segments %>% filter(event_timestamp <= 999999999999) if(nrow(invalid_timestamps) > 0) stop("One or more rows in your event time segments file is not in milliseconds: ", paste(invalid_timestamps %>% pull(label), collapse = ", ")) distinct_segments <- segments %>% mutate(row_id = row_number()) %>% distinct(across(c(-label, -row_id)), .keep_all=TRUE) if(nrow(segments) != nrow(distinct_segments)) stop("Your event time segments file has ", nrow(segments) - nrow(distinct_segments), " duplicated row(s) (excluding label). Duplicated row number(s): ", paste(setdiff(segments %>% mutate(row_id = row_number()) %>% pull(row_id), distinct_segments %>% pull(row_id)), collapse = ",")) return(segments) } prepare_event_segments <- function(segments, participant_devices){ new_segments <- segments%>% validate_event_segments() %>% filter(device_id %in% participant_devices) } compute_time_segments <- function(){ type = snakemake@params[["time_segments_type"]] pid = snakemake@params[["pid"]] segments_file <- snakemake@input[["segments_file"]] participant_file <- snakemake@input[["participant_file"]] message("Processing ",type, " time segments for ", pid,"'s ", participant_file) participant_data <- yaml::read_yaml(participant_file) participant_devices <- get_devices_ids(participant_data) if(length(participant_devices) == 0) stop("There are no device ids in this participant file for smartphones or wearables: ", participant_file) if(type == "FREQUENCY"){ segments <- read_csv(segments_file, col_types = cols_only(label = "c", length = "i"), trim_ws = TRUE) new_segments <- prepare_frequency_segments(segments) } else if(type == "PERIODIC"){ segments <- read_csv(segments_file, col_types = cols_only(label = "c", start_time = "c",length = "c",repeats_on = "c",repeats_value = "i"), trim_ws = TRUE) new_segments <- prepare_periodic_segments(segments) } else if(type == "EVENT"){ segments <- read_csv(segments_file, col_types = cols_only(label = "c", event_timestamp = "d",length = "c",shift = "c",shift_direction = "i", device_id = "c"), trim_ws = TRUE) new_segments <- prepare_event_segments(segments, participant_devices) } write.csv(new_segments %>% select(label) %>% distinct(label), snakemake@output[["segments_labels_file"]], row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE) write.csv(new_segments,snakemake@output[["segments_file"]], row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE) } compute_time_segments()