Fix warning of accelerometer features

Meng Li 2020-06-19 19:05:57 -04:00
parent f07ba22f98
commit fa9d047eb1
1 changed files with 2 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -46,7 +46,8 @@ def base_accelerometer_features(acc_data, day_segment, requested_features):
if not acc_data.empty:
acc_features = pd.DataFrame()
# get magnitude related features: magnitude = sqrt(x^2+y^2+z^2)
acc_data["magnitude"] = (acc_data["double_values_0"] ** 2 + acc_data["double_values_1"] ** 2 + acc_data["double_values_2"] ** 2).apply(np.sqrt)
magnitude = acc_data.apply(lambda row: np.sqrt(row["double_values_0"] ** 2 + row["double_values_1"] ** 2 + row["double_values_2"] ** 2), axis=1)
acc_data = acc_data.assign(magnitude = magnitude.values)
if "maxmagnitude" in features_to_compute:
acc_features["acc_" + day_segment + "_maxmagnitude"] = acc_data.groupby(["local_date"])["magnitude"].max()
if "minmagnitude" in features_to_compute: