Build calc features lib and related packages.

Primoz 2022-03-21 08:28:28 +00:00
parent 3f8e1cc252
commit d63158c199
38 changed files with 956407 additions and 86 deletions

.gitignore vendored
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@ -91,18 +91,18 @@ packrat/*
!packrat/packrat.opts !packrat/packrat.opts
.snakemake/ .snakemake/
# exclude data from source control by default -- temporarly added for working on PC and laptop (primoz) # exclude data from source control by default
# data/external/* data/external/*
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# !/data/external/stachl_application_genre_catalogue.csv !/data/external/stachl_application_genre_catalogue.csv
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# !/data/external/wiki_tz.csv !/data/external/wiki_tz.csv
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reports/ reports/
.Rproj.user .Rproj.user
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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
from calculatingfeatures.CalculatingFeatures.helper_functions import convert1DEmpaticaToArray, convertInputInto2d, frequencyFeatureNames, hrvFeatureNames
from calculatingfeatures.CalculatingFeatures.calculate_features import calculateFeatures
import pandas as pd
pathToHrvCsv = "calculatingfeatures/example_data/S2_E4_Data/BVP.csv"
windowLength = 500
# get an array of values from HRV empatica file
hrv_data, startTimeStamp, sampleRate = convert1DEmpaticaToArray(pathToHrvCsv)
# Convert the HRV data into 2D array
hrv_data_2D = convertInputInto2d(hrv_data, windowLength)
# Create a list with feature names
featureNames = []
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None)
# Calculate features
calculatedFeatures = calculateFeatures(hrv_data_2D, fs=int(sampleRate), featureNames=featureNames)

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# From the website:
# Also from the website:
# Byte-compiled / optimized / DLL files
# C extensions
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# PyInstaller
# Usually these files are written by a python script from a template
# before PyInstaller builds the exe, so as to inject date/other infos into it.
# Installer logs
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# Flask stuff:
# Scrapy stuff:
# Sphinx documentation
# PyBuilder
# Jupyter Notebook
# IPython
# pyenv
# For a library or package, you might want to ignore these files since the code is
# intended to run in multiple environments; otherwise, check them in:
# .python-version
# pipenv
# According to pypa/pipenv#598, it is recommended to include Pipfile.lock in version control.
# However, in case of collaboration, if having platform-specific dependencies or dependencies
# having no cross-platform support, pipenv may install dependencies that don't work, or not
# install all needed dependencies.
# PEP 582; used by e.g.
# Celery stuff
# SageMath parsed files
# Environments
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# Rope project settings
# mkdocs documentation
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# Covers JetBrains IDEs: IntelliJ, RubyMine, PhpStorm, AppCode, PyCharm, CLion, Android Studio, WebStorm and Rider
# Reference:
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# Generated files
# Sensitive or high-churn files
# Gradle
# Gradle and Maven with auto-import
# When using Gradle or Maven with auto-import, you should exclude module files,
# since they will be recreated, and may cause churn. Uncomment if using
# auto-import.
# .idea/artifacts
# .idea/compiler.xml
# .idea/jarRepositories.xml
# .idea/modules.xml
# .idea/*.iml
# .idea/modules
# *.iml
# *.ipr
# CMake
# Mongo Explorer plugin
# File-based project format
# IntelliJ
# mpeltonen/sbt-idea plugin
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# Crashlytics plugin (for Android Studio and IntelliJ)
# Editor-based Rest Client
# Android studio 3.1+ serialized cache file

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@ -0,0 +1,610 @@
from calculatingfeatures.CalculatingFeatures import feature_functions as f
import numpy as np
def calculateFeaturesAcc(ax, ay, az, time, axBand, ayBand, azBand, axLow, ayLow, azLow, featureNames=None):
""" Calculate features for the accelerometer
:param ax2d: 2D array including the X axis
:param ay2d: 2D array including the Y axis
:param az2d: 2D array including the Z axis
:param time2d: 2D array of times, denoting when each measurement occurred
:param afs: sampling frequency of the accelerometer
:param prefix: prefix for column names in returned dataframe
:return: features of the accelerometer
if ay is not None:
magnitudes = f.magnitudeVector(ax, ay, az)
magnitudesLow = f.magnitudeVector(axLow, ayLow, azLow)
magnitudesBand = f.magnitudeVector(axBand, ayBand, azBand)
magnitudes = ax
magnitudesLow = axLow
magnitudesBand = axBand
ACsumPerXBand = f.calcSumPerComponent(axBand, time)
if ay is not None:
ACsumPerYBand = f.calcSumPerComponent(ayBand, time)
ACsumPerZBand = f.calcSumPerComponent(azBand, time)
meanKineticEnergyX = f.calcMeanKineticEnergy(axBand, time)
if ay is not None:
meanKineticEnergyY = f.calcMeanKineticEnergy(ayBand, time)
meanKineticEnergyZ = f.calcMeanKineticEnergy(azBand, time)
totalKineticEnergy = f.calcTotalKineticEnergy(axBand, ayBand, azBand, time)
roll = f.calcRoll(ayLow, azLow)
pitch = f.calcPitch(axLow, ayLow, azLow)
acAbsoluteArea = f.calcAcAbsoluteArea(axBand, ayBand, azBand)
row = {}
if f.checkForFeature("meanLow", featureNames):
row["mean_XLow"] = f.calcMean(axLow)
if ay is not None:
row["mean_YLow"] = f.calcMean(ayLow)
row["mean_ZLow"] = f.calcMean(azLow)
row["totalMeanLow"] = (row["mean_XLow"] + row["mean_YLow"] + row["mean_ZLow"]) * len(ax) / 3
if f.checkForFeature("areaLow", featureNames):
row["area_XLow"] = f.calcArea(axLow)
if ay is not None:
row["area_YLow"] = f.calcArea(ayLow)
row["area_ZLow"] = f.calcArea(azLow)
if ay is not None:
if f.checkForFeature("totalAbsoluteAreaBand", featureNames):
row["totalAbsoluteAreaBand"] = f.calcTotalAbsoluteArea(f.calcAcAbsoluteArea(axBand, ayBand, azBand))
if f.checkForFeature("totalMagnitudeBand", featureNames):
row["totalMagnitudeBand"] = f.calcTotalMagnitude(axBand, ayBand, azBand)
# Measures of body posture
if f.checkForFeature("postureDistanceLow", featureNames):
postureDistance = f.calcPostureDistance(row["mean_XLow"], row["mean_YLow"],
row["mean_ZLow"]) if "mean_XLow" in row \
else f.calcPostureDistance(f.calcMean(axLow), f.calcMean(ayLow), f.calcMean(azLow))
row["postureDistance_XLow"] = postureDistance[0]
row["postureDistance_YLow"] = postureDistance[1]
row["postureDistance_ZLow"] = postureDistance[2]
if f.checkForFeature("entropyBand", featureNames):
row["entropy_XBand"] = f.calcEntropy(axBand)
if ay is not None:
row["entropy_YBand"] = f.calcEntropy(ayBand)
row["entropy_ZBand"] = f.calcEntropy(azBand)
if f.checkForFeature("skewnessBand", featureNames):
row["skewness_XBand"] = f.calcSkewness(axBand)
if ay is not None:
row["skewness_YBand"] = f.calcSkewness(ayBand)
row["skewness_ZBand"] = f.calcSkewness(azBand)
if f.checkForFeature("kurtosisBand", featureNames):
row["kurtosis_XBand"] = f.calcKurtosis(axBand)
if ay is not None:
row["kurtosis_YBand"] = f.calcKurtosis(ayBand)
row["kurtosis_ZBand"] = f.calcKurtosis(azBand)
# Measures of motion shape
if f.checkForFeature("absoluteMeanBand", featureNames):
row["absoluteMean_XBand"] = f.calcMean(axBand)
if ay is not None:
row["absoluteMean_YBand"] = f.calcMean(ayBand)
row["absoluteMean_ZBand"] = f.calcMean(azBand)
if f.checkForFeature("absoluteAreaBand", featureNames):
row["absoluteArea_XBand"] = f.calcArea(axBand)
if ay is not None:
row["absoluteArea_YBand"] = f.calcArea(ayBand)
row["absoluteArea_ZBand"] = f.calcArea(azBand)
row["absoluteAreaAllBand"] = f.calcTotalAbsoluteArea(acAbsoluteArea)
acQuartilesX = f.calcQuartiles(axBand)
if ay is not None:
acQuartilesY = f.calcQuartiles(ayBand)
acQuartilesZ = f.calcQuartiles(azBand)
if f.checkForFeature("quartilesBand", featureNames):
row["quartilesQ1_XBand"] = acQuartilesX[0]
row["quartilesQ2_XBand"] = acQuartilesX[1]
row["quartilesQ3_XBand"] = acQuartilesX[2]
if ay is not None:
row["quartilesQ1_YBand"] = acQuartilesY[0]
row["quartilesQ2_YBand"] = acQuartilesY[1]
row["quartilesQ3_YBand"] = acQuartilesY[2]
row["quartilesQ1_ZBand"] = acQuartilesZ[0]
row["quartilesQ2_ZBand"] = acQuartilesZ[1]
row["quartilesQ3_ZBand"] = acQuartilesZ[2]
if f.checkForFeature("interQuartileRangeBand", featureNames):
row["interQuartileRange_XBand"] = f.calcInterQuartileRange(acQuartilesX)
if ay is not None:
row["interQuartileRange_YBand"] = f.calcInterQuartileRange(acQuartilesY)
row["interQuartileRange_ZBand"] = f.calcInterQuartileRange(acQuartilesZ)
# Measures of motion variation
if f.checkForFeature("varianceBand", featureNames):
row["variance_XBand"] = f.calcVariance(axBand)
if ay is not None:
row["variance_YBand"] = f.calcVariance(ayBand)
row["variance_ZBand"] = f.calcVariance(azBand)
if f.checkForFeature("coefficientOfVariationBand", featureNames):
row["coefficientOfVariation_XBand"] = f.calcCoefficientOfVariation(axBand)
if ay is not None:
row["coefficientOfVariation_YBand"] = f.calcCoefficientOfVariation(ayBand)
row["coefficientOfVariation_ZBand"] = f.calcCoefficientOfVariation(azBand)
if f.checkForFeature("amplitudeBand", featureNames):
row["amplitude_XBand"] = f.calcAmplitude(axBand)
if ay is not None:
row["amplitude_YBand"] = f.calcAmplitude(ayBand)
row["amplitude_ZBand"] = f.calcAmplitude(azBand)
if f.checkForFeature("totalEnergyBand", featureNames):
row["totalEnergy_XBand"] = f.calcTotalEnergy(axBand)
if ay is not None:
row["totalEnergy_YBand"] = f.calcTotalEnergy(ayBand)
row["totalEnergy_ZBand"] = f.calcTotalEnergy(azBand)
if f.checkForFeature("dominantFrequencyEnergyBand", featureNames):
row["dominantFrequencyEnergy_XBand"] = f.calcDominantFrequencyEnergy(axBand)
if ay is not None:
row["dominantFrequencyEnergy_YBand"] = f.calcDominantFrequencyEnergy(ayBand)
row["dominantFrequencyEnergy_ZBand"] = f.calcDominantFrequencyEnergy(azBand)
if f.checkForFeature("meanCrossingRateBand", featureNames):
row["meanCrossingRate_XBand"] = f.calcMeanCrossingRate(axBand)
if ay is not None:
row["meanCrossingRate_YBand"] = f.calcMeanCrossingRate(ayBand)
row["meanCrossingRate_ZBand"] = f.calcMeanCrossingRate(azBand)
if ay is not None:
if f.checkForFeature("correlationBand", featureNames):
row["correlation_X_YBand"] = f.calcCorrelation(axBand, ayBand)
row["correlation_X_ZBand"] = f.calcCorrelation(axBand, azBand)
row["correlation_Y_ZBand"] = f.calcCorrelation(ayBand, azBand)
acQuartilesMagnitude = f.calcQuartiles(magnitudesBand)
if f.checkForFeature("quartilesMagnitudesBand", featureNames):
row["quartilesMagnitudes_XBand"] = acQuartilesMagnitude[0]
row["quartilesMagnitudes_YBand"] = acQuartilesMagnitude[1]
row["quartilesMagnitudes_ZBand"] = acQuartilesMagnitude[2]
if f.checkForFeature("interQuartileRangeMagnitudesBand", featureNames):
row["interQuartileRangeMagnitudesBand"] = f.calcInterQuartileRange(acQuartilesMagnitude)
if f.checkForFeature("areaUnderAccelerationMagnitude", featureNames):
row["areaUnderAccelerationMagnitude"] = f.calcAreaUnderAccelerationMagnitude(magnitudes, time)
if f.checkForFeature("peaksDataLow", featureNames):
peakCount = f.calcPeakCount(magnitudesLow)
row["peaksCountLow"] = peakCount[0]
row["peaksSumLow"] = peakCount[1]
row["peaksAmplitudeAvgLow"] = peakCount[3]
row["peaksPeakAvgLow"] = peakCount[2]
if f.checkForFeature("sumPerComponentBand", featureNames):
row["sumPerComponent_XBand"] = ACsumPerXBand
if ay is not None:
row["sumPerComponent_YBand"] = ACsumPerYBand
row["sumPerComponent_ZBand"] = ACsumPerZBand
if f.checkForFeature("velocityBand", featureNames):
row["velocity_XBand"] = f.computeACVelocity(axBand, time)
if ay is not None:
row["velocity_YBand"] = f.computeACVelocity(ayBand, time)
row["velocity_ZBand"] = f.computeACVelocity(azBand, time)
if f.checkForFeature("meanKineticEnergyBand", featureNames):
row["meanKineticEnergy_XBand"] = meanKineticEnergyX
if ay is not None:
row["meanKineticEnergy_YBand"] = meanKineticEnergyY
row["meanKineticEnergy_ZBand"] = meanKineticEnergyZ
if ay is not None:
if f.checkForFeature("totalKineticEnergyBand", featureNames):
row["totalKineticEnergyBand"] = totalKineticEnergy
ACsumPerX = f.calcSumPerComponent(ax, time)
acSumSquaredX = pow(ACsumPerX, 2)
if ay is not None:
ACsumPerY = f.calcSumPerComponent(ay, time)
ACsumPerZ = f.calcSumPerComponent(az, time)
acSumSquaredY = pow(ACsumPerY, 2)
acSumSquaredZ = pow(ACsumPerZ, 2)
if f.checkForFeature("squareSumOfComponent", featureNames):
row["squareSumOfComponent_X"] = acSumSquaredX
if ay is not None:
row["squareSumOfComponent_Y"] = acSumSquaredY
row["squareSumOfComponent_Z"] = acSumSquaredZ
if f.checkForFeature("averageVectorLength", featureNames):
row["averageVectorLength"] = f.calcAverageVectorLength(magnitudes)
if f.checkForFeature("averageVectorLengthPower", featureNames):
row["averageVectorLengthPower"] = f.calcAverageVectorLengthPower(magnitudes)
if ay is not None:
if f.checkForFeature("rollAvgLow", featureNames):
row["rollAvgLow"] = (f.max(roll) - f.min(roll))
if f.checkForFeature("pitchAvgLow", featureNames):
row["pitchAvgLow"] = (f.max(pitch) - f.min(pitch))
if f.checkForFeature("rollStdDevLow", featureNames):
row["rollStdDevLow"] = f.stdDev(roll)
if f.checkForFeature("pitchStdDevLow", featureNames):
row["pitchStdDevLow"] = f.stdDev(pitch)
if f.checkForFeature("rollMotionAmountLow", featureNames):
row["rollMotionAmountLow"] = f.rollMotionAmount(roll)
if f.checkForFeature("rollMotionRegularityLow", featureNames):
row["rollMotionRegularityLow"] = f.rollMotionRegularity(roll)
if f.checkForFeature("manipulationLow", featureNames):
row["manipulationLow"] = f.manipulation(axLow, ayLow, azLow, roll, pitch)
if f.checkForFeature("rollPeaks", featureNames):
roll_peaks = f.calcPeakCount(roll)
row["rollPeak0"] = roll_peaks[0]
row["rollPeak1"] = roll_peaks[1]
row["rollPeak2"] = roll_peaks[2]
row["rollPeak3"] = roll_peaks[3]
if f.checkForFeature("pitchPeaks", featureNames):
pitch_peaks = f.calcPeakCount(pitch)
row["pitchPeak0"] = pitch_peaks[0]
row["pitchPeak1"] = pitch_peaks[1]
row["pitchPeak2"] = pitch_peaks[2]
row["pitchPeak3"] = pitch_peaks[3]
if f.checkForFeature("rollPitchCorrelation", featureNames):
row["rollPitchCorrelation"] = f.calcCorrelation(roll, pitch)
return row
def calcCommonFeatures(x, y, z, time, featureNames=None):
""" Calculate common features of accelerometer and gyroscope
:param prefix: prefix of all feature names
:param x: array including the X axis
:param y: array including the Y axis
:param z: array including the Z axis
:return: pandas dataframe with the calculated features
row = {}
if f.checkForFeature("autocorrelations", featureNames):
row.update(calcAutocorrelations(x, "_X"))
if y is not None:
row.update(calcAutocorrelations(y, "_Y"))
row.update(calcAutocorrelations(z, "_Z"))
if f.checkForFeature("countAboveMean", featureNames):
row["countAboveMean_X"] = f.countAboveMean(x)
if y is not None:
row["countAboveMean_Y"] = f.countAboveMean(y)
row["countAboveMean_Z"] = f.countAboveMean(z)
if f.checkForFeature("countBelowMean", featureNames):
row["countBelowMean_X"] = f.countBelowMean(x)
if y is not None:
row["countBelowMean_Y"] = f.countBelowMean(y)
row["countBelowMean_Z"] = f.countBelowMean(z)
if f.checkForFeature("maximum", featureNames):
row["maximum_X"] = f.max(x)
if y is not None:
row["maximum_Y"] = f.max(y)
row["maximum_Z"] = f.max(z)
if f.checkForFeature("minimum", featureNames):
row["minimum_X"] = f.min(x)
if y is not None:
row["minimum_Y"] = f.min(y)
row["minimum_Z"] = f.min(z)
if f.checkForFeature("meanAbsChange", featureNames):
row["meanAbsChange_X"] = f.meanAbsChange(x)
if y is not None:
row["meanAbsChange_Y"] = f.meanAbsChange(y)
row["meanAbsChange_Z"] = f.meanAbsChange(z)
if f.checkForFeature("longestStrikeAboveMean", featureNames):
row["longestStrikeAboveMean_X"] = f._calcMaxLengthOfSequenceTrueOrOne(x > np.mean(x))
if y is not None:
row["longestStrikeAboveMean_Y"] = f._calcMaxLengthOfSequenceTrueOrOne(y > np.mean(y))
row["longestStrikeAboveMean_Z"] = f._calcMaxLengthOfSequenceTrueOrOne(z > np.mean(z))
if f.checkForFeature("longestStrikeBelowMean", featureNames):
row["longestStrikeBelowMean_X"] = f._calcMaxLengthOfSequenceTrueOrOne(x < np.mean(x))
if y is not None:
row["longestStrikeBelowMean_Y"] = f._calcMaxLengthOfSequenceTrueOrOne(y < np.mean(y))
row["longestStrikeBelowMean_Z"] = f._calcMaxLengthOfSequenceTrueOrOne(z < np.mean(z))
if f.checkForFeature("stdDev", featureNames):
row["stdDev_X"] = f.stdDev(x)
if y is not None:
row["stdDev_Y"] = f.stdDev(y)
row["stdDev_Z"] = f.stdDev(z)
if f.checkForFeature("median", featureNames):
row["median_X"] = np.median(x)
if y is not None:
row["median_Y"] = np.median(y)
row["median_Z"] = np.median(z)
if f.checkForFeature("meanChange", featureNames):
row["meanChange_X"] = f.meanChange(x)
if y is not None:
row["meanChange_Y"] = f.meanChange(y)
row["meanChange_Z"] = f.meanChange(z)
if f.checkForFeature("numberOfZeroCrossings", featureNames):
row["numberOfZeroCrossings_X"] = f.numberOfZeroCrossings(x)
if y is not None:
row["numberOfZeroCrossings_Y"] = f.numberOfZeroCrossings(y)
row["numberOfZeroCrossings_Z"] = f.numberOfZeroCrossings(z)
if f.checkForFeature("absEnergy", featureNames):
row["absEnergy_X"] = f.absEnergy(x)
if y is not None:
row["absEnergy_Y"] = f.absEnergy(y)
row["absEnergy_Z"] = f.absEnergy(z)
if f.checkForFeature("linearTrendSlope", featureNames):
row["linearTrendSlope_X"] = f.linearTrendSlope(x)
if y is not None:
row["linearTrendSlope_Y"] = f.linearTrendSlope(y)
row["linearTrendSlope_Z"] = f.linearTrendSlope(z)
if f.checkForFeature("ratioBeyondRSigma", featureNames):
r = 2.5
row["ratioBeyondRSigma_X"] = f.ratioBeyondRSigma(x, r)
if y is not None:
row["ratioBeyondRSigma_Y"] = f.ratioBeyondRSigma(y, r)
row["ratioBeyondRSigma_Z"] = f.ratioBeyondRSigma(z, r)
if f.checkForFeature("binnedEntropy", featureNames):
max_bins = 10
row["binnedEntropy_X"] = f.binnedEntropy(x, max_bins)
if y is not None:
row["binnedEntropy_Y"] = f.binnedEntropy(y, max_bins)
row["binnedEntropy_Z"] = f.binnedEntropy(z, max_bins)
autocorrelationsX = f.autocorrelations(x)
if y is not None:
autocorrelationsY = f.autocorrelations(y)
autocorrelationsZ = f.autocorrelations(z)
if f.checkForFeature("numOfPeaksAutocorr", featureNames):
row["numOfPeaksAutocorr_X"] = f.calcPeakCount(autocorrelationsX)[0]
if y is not None:
row["numOfPeaksAutocorr_Y"] = f.calcPeakCount(autocorrelationsY)[0]
row["numOfPeaksAutocorr_Z"] = f.calcPeakCount(autocorrelationsZ)[0]
if f.checkForFeature("numberOfZeroCrossingsAutocorr", featureNames):
row["numberOfZeroCrossingsAutocorr_X"] = f.numberOfZeroCrossings(autocorrelationsX)
if y is not None:
row["numberOfZeroCrossingsAutocorr_Y"] = f.numberOfZeroCrossings(autocorrelationsY)
row["numberOfZeroCrossingsAutocorr_Z"] = f.numberOfZeroCrossings(autocorrelationsZ)
if f.checkForFeature("areaAutocorr", featureNames):
row["areaAutocorr_X"] = f.calcArea(autocorrelationsX)
if y is not None:
row["areaAutocorr_Y"] = f.calcArea(autocorrelationsY)
row["areaAutocorr_Z"] = f.calcArea(autocorrelationsZ)
if f.checkForFeature("calcMeanCrossingRateAutocorr", featureNames):
row["calcMeanCrossingRateAutocorr_X"] = f.calcMeanCrossingRate(autocorrelationsX)
if y is not None:
row["calcMeanCrossingRateAutocorr_Y"] = f.calcMeanCrossingRate(autocorrelationsY)
row["calcMeanCrossingRateAutocorr_Z"] = f.calcMeanCrossingRate(autocorrelationsZ)
if f.checkForFeature("countAboveMeanAutocorr", featureNames):
row["countAboveMeanAutocorr_X"] = f.countAboveMean(autocorrelationsX)
if y is not None:
row["countAboveMeanAutocorr_Y"] = f.countAboveMean(autocorrelationsY)
row["countAboveMeanAutocorr_Z"] = f.countAboveMean(autocorrelationsZ)
GCsumPerX_gyro = f.calcSumPerComponent(x, time)
if y is not None:
GCsumPerY_gyro = f.calcSumPerComponent(y, time)
GCsumPerZ_gyro = f.calcSumPerComponent(z, time)
if f.checkForFeature("sumPer", featureNames):
row["sumPer_X"] = GCsumPerX_gyro
if y is not None:
row["sumPer_Y"] = GCsumPerY_gyro
row["sumPer_Z"] = GCsumPerZ_gyro
GCsumSquaredX = pow(GCsumPerX_gyro, 2)
if y is not None:
GCsumSquaredY = pow(GCsumPerY_gyro, 2)
GCsumSquaredZ = pow(GCsumPerZ_gyro, 2)
if f.checkForFeature("sumSquared", featureNames):
row["sumSquared_X"] = GCsumSquaredX
if y is not None:
row["sumSquared_Y"] = GCsumSquaredY
row["sumSquared_Z"] = GCsumSquaredZ
if y is not None:
if f.checkForFeature("squareSumOfComponent", featureNames):
row["squareSumOfComponent"] = pow((GCsumSquaredX + GCsumSquaredY + GCsumSquaredZ), 2)
if f.checkForFeature("sumOfSquareComponents", featureNames):
row["sumOfSquareComponents"] = pow(GCsumSquaredX, 2) + pow(GCsumSquaredY, 2) + pow(GCsumSquaredZ, 2)
return row
def calcAutocorrelations(signal, suffix):
""" Calculate autocorrelations of the given signal with lags 5, 10, 20, 30, 50, 75 and 100
:param signal: signal on which to calculate the autocorrelations
:param suffix: suffix of the feature name
:return: dict with calculated autocorrelations
row = {}
for i in [5, 10, 20, 30, 50, 75, 100]:
row["autocorrelation_" + str(i) + suffix] = f.autocorrelation(signal, i)
return row
def calculateFeaturesGyro(gx, gy, gz, time, gxLow, gyLow, gzLow, featureNames=None):
:param gx2d: 2D array including the X axis of the gyroscope
:param gy2d: 2D array including the Y axis of the gyroscope
:param gz2d: 2D array including the Z axis of the gyroscope
:param gtime2d: 2D array of times, denoting when each measurement of the gyroscope occurred
:param gFs: sampling frequency of the gyroscope
:return: pandas dataframe including the calculated features
if gy is not None:
magnitudesLow_gyro = f.magnitudeVector(gxLow, gyLow, gzLow)
magnitudesLow_gyro = gxLow
row = {}
if f.checkForFeature("meanLow", featureNames):
row["mean_XLow"] = f.calcMean(gxLow)
if gy is not None:
row["mean_YLow"] = f.calcMean(gyLow)
row["mean_ZLow"] = f.calcMean(gzLow)
row["totalMeanLow"] = (row["mean_XLow"] + row["mean_YLow"] + row["mean_ZLow"]) * len(gx) / 3
if f.checkForFeature("areaLow", featureNames):
row["area_XLow"] = f.calcArea(gxLow)
if gy is not None:
row["area_YLow"] = f.calcArea(gyLow)
row["area_ZLow"] = f.calcArea(gzLow)
if gy is not None:
if f.checkForFeature("totalAbsoluteAreaLow", featureNames):
row["totalAbsoluteAreaLow"] = f.calcTotalAbsoluteArea(f.calcAcAbsoluteArea(gxLow, gyLow, gzLow))
if f.checkForFeature("totalMagnitudeLow", featureNames):
row["totalMagnitudeLow"] = f.calcTotalMagnitude(gxLow, gyLow, gzLow)
if f.checkForFeature("entropyLow", featureNames):
row["entropy_XLow"] = f.calcEntropy(gxLow)
if gy is not None:
row["entropy_YLow"] = f.calcEntropy(gyLow)
row["entropy_ZLow"] = f.calcEntropy(gzLow)
if f.checkForFeature("skewnessLow", featureNames):
row["skewness_XLow"] = f.calcSkewness(gxLow)
if gy is not None:
row["skewness_YLow"] = f.calcSkewness(gyLow)
row["skewness_ZLow"] = f.calcSkewness(gzLow)
if f.checkForFeature("kurtosisLow", featureNames):
row["kurtosis_XLow"] = f.calcKurtosis(gxLow)
if gy is not None:
row["kurtosis_YLow"] = f.calcKurtosis(gyLow)
row["kurtosis_ZLow"] = f.calcKurtosis(gzLow)
gcQuartilesX = f.calcQuartiles(gxLow)
if gy is not None:
gcQuartilesY = f.calcQuartiles(gyLow)
gcQuartilesZ = f.calcQuartiles(gzLow)
if f.checkForFeature("quartilesLow", featureNames):
row["quartiles_Q1_XLow"] = gcQuartilesX[0]
row["quartiles_Q2_XLow"] = gcQuartilesX[1]
row["quartiles_Q3_XLow"] = gcQuartilesX[2]
if gy is not None:
row["quartiles_Q1_YLow"] = gcQuartilesY[0]
row["quartiles_Q2_YLow"] = gcQuartilesY[1]
row["quartiles_Q3_YLow"] = gcQuartilesY[2]
row["quartiles_Q1_ZLow"] = gcQuartilesZ[0]
row["quartiles_Q2_ZLow"] = gcQuartilesZ[1]
row["quartiles_Q3_ZLow"] = gcQuartilesZ[2]
if f.checkForFeature("interQuartileRangeLow", featureNames):
row["interQuartileRange_XLow"] = f.calcInterQuartileRange(gcQuartilesX)
if gy is not None:
row["interQuartileRange_YLow"] = f.calcInterQuartileRange(gcQuartilesY)
row["interQuartileRange_ZLow"] = f.calcInterQuartileRange(gcQuartilesZ)
# Measures of motion variation
if f.checkForFeature("varianceLow", featureNames):
row["variance_XLow"] = f.calcVariance(gxLow)
if gy is not None:
row["variance_YLow"] = f.calcVariance(gyLow)
row["variance_ZLow"] = f.calcVariance(gzLow)
if f.checkForFeature("coefficientOfVariationLow", featureNames):
row["coefficientOfVariation_XLow"] = f.calcCoefficientOfVariation(gxLow)
if gy is not None:
row["coefficientOfVariation_YLow"] = f.calcCoefficientOfVariation(gyLow)
row["coefficientOfVariation_ZLow"] = f.calcCoefficientOfVariation(gzLow)
if f.checkForFeature("amplitudeLow", featureNames):
row["amplitude_XLow"] = f.calcAmplitude(gxLow)
if gy is not None:
row["amplitude_YLow"] = f.calcAmplitude(gyLow)
row["amplitude_ZLow"] = f.calcAmplitude(gzLow)
if f.checkForFeature("totalEnergyLow", featureNames):
row["totalEnergy_XLow"] = f.calcTotalEnergy(gxLow)
if gy is not None:
row["totalEnergy_YLow"] = f.calcTotalEnergy(gyLow)
row["totalEnergy_ZLow"] = f.calcTotalEnergy(gzLow)
if f.checkForFeature("dominantFrequencyEnergyLow", featureNames):
row["dominantFrequencyEnergy_XLow"] = f.calcDominantFrequencyEnergy(gxLow)
if gy is not None:
row["dominantFrequencyEnergy_YLow"] = f.calcDominantFrequencyEnergy(gyLow)
row["dominantFrequencyEnergy_ZLow"] = f.calcDominantFrequencyEnergy(gzLow)
if f.checkForFeature("meanCrossingRateLow", featureNames):
row["meanCrossingRate_XLow"] = f.calcMeanCrossingRate(gxLow)
if gy is not None:
row["meanCrossingRate_YLow"] = f.calcMeanCrossingRate(gyLow)
row["meanCrossingRate_ZLow"] = f.calcMeanCrossingRate(gzLow)
if gy is not None:
if f.checkForFeature("correlationLow", featureNames):
row["correlation_X_YLow"] = f.calcCorrelation(gxLow, gyLow)
row["correlation_X_ZLow"] = f.calcCorrelation(gxLow, gzLow)
row["correlation_Y_ZLow"] = f.calcCorrelation(gyLow, gzLow)
gcQuartilesMagnitude = f.calcQuartiles(magnitudesLow_gyro)
if f.checkForFeature("quartilesMagnitudeLow", featureNames):
row["quartilesMagnitudeLow_Q1"] = gcQuartilesMagnitude[0]
row["quartilesMagnitudeLow_Q2"] = gcQuartilesMagnitude[1]
row["quartilesMagnitudeLow_Q3"] = gcQuartilesMagnitude[2]
if f.checkForFeature("interQuartileRangeMagnitudesLow", featureNames):
row["interQuartileRangeMagnitudesLow"] = f.calcInterQuartileRange(gcQuartilesMagnitude)
if gy is not None:
if f.checkForFeature("areaUnderMagnitude", featureNames):
row["areaUnderMagnitude"] = f.calcAreaUnderAccelerationMagnitude(f.magnitudeVector(gx, gy, gz), time)
if f.checkForFeature("peaksCountLow", featureNames):
peaksCount_gyro = f.calcPeaks(magnitudesLow_gyro)
row["peaksCountLow_Q1"] = peaksCount_gyro[0]
row["peaksCountLow_Q2"] = peaksCount_gyro[1]
row["peaksCountLow_Q3"] = peaksCount_gyro[0]
row["peaksCountLow_Q4"] = peaksCount_gyro[1]
if f.checkForFeature("averageVectorLengthLow", featureNames):
row["averageVectorLengthLow"] = f.calcAverageVectorLength(magnitudesLow_gyro)
if f.checkForFeature("averageVectorLengthPowerLow", featureNames):
row["averageVectorLengthPowerLow"] = f.calcAverageVectorLengthPower(magnitudesLow_gyro)
return row

View File

@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
from tqdm import tqdm
from calculatingfeatures.CalculatingFeatures.helper_functions import *
import calculatingfeatures.CalculatingFeatures.gsr as gsr
import calculatingfeatures.CalculatingFeatures.hrv as hrv
from calculatingfeatures.CalculatingFeatures.calculate_acc_gyro_common_features import *
def calculateFeatures(x2d, y2d=None, z2d=None, time2d=None, fs=None, prefix=None, featureNames=None):
""" Calculate features for the given data
Feature names are stored at the end of the "" file in variables frequencyFeatureNames, genericFeatureNames,
accelerometerFeatureNames, gyroscopeFeatureNames, edaFeatureNames and bvpFeatureNames. For information about features
read the file
For calculation of features with 1D input shape (one axis), input only x2d parameter. Examples of inputs with 1D input shape
are BVP and EDA signals.
For calculation of features with 3D input shape (three axes), input also y2d and z2d parameter. Examples of inputs with 3D input
shape are gyroscope and accelerometer signals.
Each individual input axis has to be in a 2D shape. This means that input signals have to be split into rows.
If BVP features are being calculated, width of window has to be at least 256. The conversion from 1D to 2D can be
made with "convertInputInto2d()" function, located in the file.
If sampling frequency (fs) is not given, it will be calculated from time2d parameter.
If array of times (time2d) is not given, it will be calculated from fs parameter.
If none of them is given, fs will be calculated as 1/DEFAULT_DELTA_TIME
:param x2d: 2D array including the X axis
:param y2d: 2D array including the Y axis
:param z2d: 2D array including the Z axis
:param time2d: 2D array of times, denoting when each measurement occurred
:param fs: sampling frequency
:param prefix: prefix to append before each column name
:param featureNames: list of features to calculate. If it is None, all features will be calculated
:return: pandas DataFrame of the calculated features
if len(x2d[0]) < MIN_INPUT_ARRAY_WIDTH:
raise Exception("Input 2D array width has to be at least " + str(MIN_INPUT_ARRAY_WIDTH))
if type(x2d) is list:
x2d = np.asarray(x2d)
if type(y2d) is list:
y2d = np.asarray(y2d)
if type(z2d) is list:
z2d = np.asarray(z2d)
if type(time2d) is list:
time2d = np.asarray(time2d)
if (x2d is not None and y2d is not None and z2d is not None) or (x2d is not None and y2d is None and z2d is None):
if y2d is not None and not (x2d.shape == y2d.shape and y2d.shape == z2d.shape):
raise Exception("x2d, y2d, z2d shapes have to be the same!")
# Verify fs and time array
if time2d is not None and fs is not None and fs != 1 / (time2d[0, 1] - time2d[0, 0]):
raise Exception("sampling frequency of the given time2D matrix and fs do not match!")
if time2d is None:
deltaTime = 1 / fs if fs is not None else DEFAULT_DELTA_TIME
time2d = np.asarray(convertInputInto2d([i * deltaTime for i in range(x2d.size)], x2d.shape[1]))
if fs is None:
fs = 1 / (time2d[0][1] - time2d[0][0])
raise Exception("Incorrect input! Either x2d, y2d and z2d are given, or only x2d is given!")
fs = int(fs)
if y2d is None:
y2d = z2d = [None] * len(x2d)
df = pd.DataFrame()
for x, y, z, time in tqdm(zip(x2d, y2d, z2d, time2d), total=len(x2d)):
xBand = f.bandPassFilter(x, ALPHA_BAND_LOW, ALPHA_BAND_HIGH)
if y is not None:
yBand = f.bandPassFilter(y, ALPHA_BAND_LOW, ALPHA_BAND_HIGH)
zBand = f.bandPassFilter(z, ALPHA_BAND_LOW, ALPHA_BAND_HIGH)
xLow = f.lowPassFilter(x, ALPHA_LOW)
if y is not None:
yLow = f.lowPassFilter(y, ALPHA_LOW)
zLow = f.lowPassFilter(z, ALPHA_LOW)
row = {}
if y is not None:
row.update(calculateFeaturesAcc(x, y, z, time, xBand, yBand, zBand, xLow, yLow, zLow, featureNames))
row.update(calculateFeaturesAcc(x, y, z, time, xBand, None, None, xLow, None, None, featureNames))
if y is not None:
row.update(calculateFeaturesGyro(x, y, z, time, xLow, yLow, zLow, featureNames))
row.update(calculateFeaturesGyro(x, y, z, time, xLow, None, None, featureNames))
row.update(calcCommonFeatures(x, y, z, time, featureNames))
# Add frequency features
row.update({str(key) + "_X": val for key, val in f.computeFreqFeatures(x, featureNames, fs).items()})
if y is not None:
row.update({str(key) + "_Y": val for key, val in f.computeFreqFeatures(y, featureNames, fs).items()})
row.update({str(key) + "_Z": val for key, val in f.computeFreqFeatures(z, featureNames, fs).items()})
# EDA features
row.update({str(key) + "_X": val for key, val in
gsr.extractGsrFeatures(x, sampleRate=fs, featureNames=featureNames).items()})
if y is not None:
row.update({str(key) + "_Y": val for key, val in
gsr.extractGsrFeatures(y, sampleRate=fs, featureNames=featureNames).items()})
row.update({str(key) + "_Z": val for key, val in
gsr.extractGsrFeatures(z, sampleRate=fs, featureNames=featureNames).items()})
# BVP features
row.update({str(key) + "_X": val for key, val in
hrv.extractHrvFeatures(x, sampling=fs, featureNames=featureNames).items()})
if y is not None:
row.update({str(key) + "_Y": val for key, val in
hrv.extractHrvFeatures(y, sampling=fs, featureNames=featureNames).items()})
row.update({str(key) + "_Z": val for key, val in
hrv.extractHrvFeatures(z, sampling=fs, featureNames=featureNames).items()})
df = df.append(row, ignore_index=True)
if prefix is not None:
dfNewCols = []
for col in df.columns:
dfNewCols.append(prefix + "_" + col)
df.columns = dfNewCols
return df

View File

@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
import numpy as np
import math
def peak_detector(ppg, Fs):
Peak detector written by Gasper Slapnicar. Optimized for detecting peaks in PPG signal.
:param ppg: Signal where peaks are to be detected. 1-D array like
:param Fs: Sampling frequency
:return: Peaks and valleys in PPG. Two arrays of indices in ppg input
peak_duration = int(math.floor((1.0 / 9) * Fs))
aver_pulse_rate = int(math.floor((2.0 / 3) * Fs))
aver_level_window = int(math.floor(2 * Fs))
mean_coef_for_threshold = 0.02
signal_length = len(ppg)
ppg_squared = np.square(ppg)
ppg_squared[ppg < 0] = 0
mean_peak_level = np.convolve(ppg_squared, np.ones((peak_duration,)) / peak_duration, mode='same')
mean_beat_level = np.convolve(ppg_squared, np.ones((aver_pulse_rate,)) / aver_pulse_rate, mode='same')
thresh1 = np.add(mean_beat_level,
mean_coef_for_threshold * np.convolve(ppg_squared,
np.ones((aver_level_window,)) / aver_level_window,
block_of_interest = np.zeros(signal_length)
block_of_interest[mean_peak_level > thresh1] = 1
block_edges = np.diff(block_of_interest)
block_start = np.add(np.where(block_edges == 1), 1)[0]
if block_start.size == 0:
return np.array([]), np.array([])
block_end = np.where(block_edges == -1)[0]
if block_end.size == 0:
return np.array([]), np.array([])
if block_start[0] > block_end[0]:
block_start = np.insert(block_start, 0, 1, axis=0)
if block_start[-1] > block_end[-1]:
block_end = np.append(block_end, signal_length)
if len(block_start) != len(block_end):
return np.array([]), np.array([])
length_block = np.subtract(block_end, block_start)
correct_blocks = np.where(length_block > peak_duration)
peak_pos = np.zeros(len(correct_blocks[0]))
i_peak = 0
for iBlock in correct_blocks[0]:
block_of_interest = ppg_squared[block_start[iBlock]:block_end[iBlock]]
peak_pos[i_peak] = max(range(len(block_of_interest)), key=block_of_interest.__getitem__)
peak_pos[i_peak] = peak_pos[i_peak] + (block_start[iBlock] - 1)
i_peak += 1
interpeak_threshold_coeff = 0.65
max_over_average = 1.15
need_check = True
while need_check:
interpeak = np.diff(peak_pos)
if interpeak.size == 0:
return np.array([]), np.array([])
mean_interpeak = np.mean(interpeak)
interpeak_double = np.insert(np.add(interpeak[0:-1], interpeak[1:]), 0, 2 * interpeak[0], axis=0)
interpeak_thresh = np.insert(interpeak_double[0:-2], 0, [2 * mean_interpeak, 2 * mean_interpeak], axis=0)
interpeak_thresh[interpeak_thresh > 2 * max_over_average * mean_interpeak] = 2 * max_over_average \
* mean_interpeak
interpeak_thresh = interpeak_thresh * interpeak_threshold_coeff
index_short_interval = np.where(interpeak_double < interpeak_thresh)[0]
if index_short_interval.size != 0:
peak_pos = np.delete(peak_pos, index_short_interval.tolist())
need_check = False
# Add valley (simple detection)
valley_pos = []
for start, end in zip(peak_pos[0:-1].astype('int'), peak_pos[1:].astype('int')):
valley_pos.append(min(range(len(ppg[start:end])), key=ppg[start:end].__getitem__) + start)
# Addition because I missed it somewhere in the code...but i cant find where
return np.add(peak_pos, 1).astype('int'), np.array(valley_pos)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,986 @@
import numpy as np
from scipy.signal import welch
from scipy.stats import entropy, skew, kurtosis, iqr, linregress
import pandas as pd
import itertools
from calculatingfeatures.CalculatingFeatures.helper_functions import checkForFeature
def computeFreqFeatures(data, featureNames=None, Fs=50):
""" Computes frequency features of the given array. The signal is converted to power spectral density signal and
features are calculated on that signal
:param data: data on which to calculate the features
:param featureNames: names of features to calculate
:param Fs: sampling rate of the given data
:return: the calculated features (names of the features are given in array "freqFeatureNames")
features = {}
## 3 highest peaks and corresponding freqs
f, Pxx_den = welch(data, Fs) # f: array of sample frequencies, Pxx_den: power spectrum of data
# arr.argsort() returns an array of indices of the same shape as arr that that would sort the array
# arr[arr.argsort()] returns the sorted array arr (if one-dimensional)
indices_of_max = Pxx_den.argsort()[-3:][::-1] # last three values (=highest peaks), reversed (?)
if checkForFeature("fqHighestPeakFreqs", featureNames):
highestPeakFreqs = f[indices_of_max] # three frequencies corresponding to the largest peaks added to features
features["fqHighestPeakFreq1"] = highestPeakFreqs[0]
features["fqHighestPeakFreq2"] = highestPeakFreqs[1]
features["fqHighestPeakFreq3"] = highestPeakFreqs[2]
if checkForFeature("fqHighestPeaks", featureNames):
highestPeaks = Pxx_den[indices_of_max] # three largest peaks added to features
features["fqHighestPeak1"] = highestPeaks[0]
features["fqHighestPeak2"] = highestPeaks[1]
features["fqHighestPeak3"] = highestPeaks[2]
## Energy and Entropy
# np.fft.fft() computes the one-dimensional n-point discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) with the efficient FFT algorithm
Y = np.fft.fft(data)
# energy calculated as the sum of the squared FFT component magnitudes, and normalized
Y_abs = np.abs(Y)
energy_feat = np.sum(np.square(Y_abs)) / len(data) # np.abs = absolute value
entropy_feat = entropy(np.abs(Y)) if Y_abs.any() else np.NaN
if checkForFeature("fqEnergyFeat", featureNames):
features["fqEnergyFeat"] = energy_feat
if checkForFeature("fqEntropyFeat", featureNames):
features["fqEntropyFeat"] = entropy_feat
# Binned distribution (histogram)
# First, the PSD is split into 10 equal-sized bins ranging from 0 Hz to 25 Hz.
# Then, the fraction of magnitudes falling into each bin is calculated.
if checkForFeature("fqHistogramBins", featureNames):
total_fft_sum = np.sum(np.square(Pxx_den))
def getBin(start, end):
return np.nan if total_fft_sum == 0 else np.sum(np.square(Pxx_den[start:end])) / total_fft_sum
features["fqHistogramBin1"] = getBin(0, 5)
features["fqHistogramBin2"] = getBin(5, 10)
features["fqHistogramBin3"] = getBin(10, 15)
features["fqHistogramBin4"] = getBin(15, 20)
features["fqHistogramBin5"] = getBin(20, 25)
features["fqHistogramBin6"] = getBin(25, 30)
features["fqHistogramBin7"] = getBin(30, 35)
features["fqHistogramBin8"] = getBin(35, 40)
features["fqHistogramBin9"] = getBin(40, 45)
features["fqHistogramBin10"] = getBin(45, len(Pxx_den))
# Statistical features
if checkForFeature("fqAbsMean", featureNames):
features["fqAbsMean"] = np.mean(np.abs(data)) # this on raw signal
if checkForFeature("fqAbsMean", featureNames):
features["fqSkewness"] = skew(Pxx_den) # this on "distribution-like" periodogram
if checkForFeature("fqKurtosis", featureNames):
features["fqKurtosis"] = kurtosis(Pxx_den) # this on "distribution-like" periodogram
if checkForFeature("fqInterquart", featureNames):
features["fqInterquart"] = iqr(data) # this on raw signal
return features
def calcAreaUnderAccelerationMagnitude(magnitudes, time):
Calculates AreaUnderAccelerationMagnitude feature
:param magnitudes: vector of magnitudes
:param time: array of timestamps
:return: AreaUnderAccelerationMagnitude for the selected axis
eeArea = 0.0
dT = 35
for i in range(len(magnitudes)):
eeArea += magnitudes[i] * dT # - gravity
if i > 0:
dT = time[i] - time[i - 1]
dT = 35
return eeArea
def calcAverageVectorLength(magnitudes):
Calculates mean of magnitude vector
:param magnitudes: vector of magnitudes
:return: mean of magnitude vector
return np.sum(magnitudes) / (len(magnitudes))
def calcAverageVectorLengthPower(magnitudes):
Calculates square mean of magnitude vector
:param magnitudes: vector of magnitudes
:return: mean of magnitude vector squared
return np.square(calcAverageVectorLength(magnitudes))
def calcMeanKineticEnergy(data, time):
Calculates mean kinetic energy for the selected axis
:param data: data from accelerometer for selected axis (band-pass filtered)
:param time: array of timestamps
:return: mean kinetic energy 1/2*mV^2
weight = 60.0
dT = 1.0
velocity = 0.0
kinetic = 0.0
for i in range(len(data)):
velocity += data[i] * dT
kinetic += 0.5 * weight * velocity * velocity * dT
if i < len(time) - 1:
dT = (time[i + 1] - time[i]) / 1000.0
return kinetic
def calcPeaks(magnitudes):
Calculates number of peaks and sum of values
:param magnitudes: vector of magnitudes
:return: array of double - [0] number of peaks, [1] sum of peak values
maxValue = 500.0
previous = -200.0
threshold = 3
peaks = np.empty(0)
sumOfPeakValues = 0.0
peak = False
for curMagnitude in magnitudes:
if curMagnitude > threshold:
if curMagnitude >= maxValue:
maxValue = curMagnitude
peak = True
elif curMagnitude < maxValue:
if peak and previous > curMagnitude:
peaks = np.append(peaks, maxValue)
peak = False
sumOfPeakValues += maxValue
if curMagnitude > previous and not peak:
peak = True
maxValue = -200.0
previous = curMagnitude
return np.array([float(len(peaks)), sumOfPeakValues])
def calcTotalKineticEnergy(x, y, z, t):
Calculates total kinetic energy for all axes
:param x: data from accelerometer for X axis (band-pass filtered)
:param y: data from accelerometer for Y axis (band-pass filtered)
:param z: data from accelerometer for Z axis (band-pass filtered)
:param t: array of timestamps
:return: total kinetic energy 1/2*mV^2
weight = 60.0
totaltime = (t[-1] - t[0]) / 1000.0
dT = 1.0
velocityX = 0.0
velocityY = 0.0
velocityZ = 0.0
kineticX = 0.0
kineticY = 0.0
kineticZ = 0.0
totalEnergy = 0.0
for i in range(len(x)):
velocityX += x[i] * dT
velocityY += y[i] * dT
velocityZ += z[i] * dT
kineticX += 0.5 * weight * velocityX * velocityX * dT
kineticY += 0.5 * weight * velocityY * velocityY * dT
kineticZ += 0.5 * weight * velocityZ * velocityZ * dT
totalEnergy += kineticX + kineticY + kineticZ
if i < t.size - 1:
dT = (t[i + 1] - t[i]) / 1000.0
return totalEnergy / totaltime
def calcAcAbsoluteArea(x, y, z):
Calculates a vector with sums of absolute values for the given sensor
:param x: x component (band-pass filtered)
:param y: y component (band-pass filtered)
:param z: z component (band-pass filtered)
:return: [sumX, sumY, sumZ]
return np.array([np.sum(np.absolute(x)), np.sum(np.absolute(y)), np.sum(np.absolute(z))])
def calcAbsoluteMean(data):
:param data: data from accelerometer for selected axis (band-pass filtered)
:return: mean (sum)/N
return np.sum(np.absolute(data)) / len(data)
def calcAmplitude(data):
Calculates dispersion for a given vector component
:param data: data from accelerometer for selected axis (band-pass filtered)
:return: dispersion
return np.max(data) - np.min(data)
def calcCoefficientOfVariation(data):
Calculates dispersion for a given vector component
:param data: data from accelerometer for selected axis (band-pass filtered)
:return: dispersion
s = np.sum(np.absolute(data))
if s == 0:
return np.NaN
return np.sqrt(calcVariance(data)) / s * 100
def calcCorrelation(a, b):
Calculates Pearson's correlation between sensor axis
:param a: first component (band-pass filtered)
:param b: second component (band-pass filtered)
:return: correlation between a and b
selfCovarianceA = covariance(a, a)
selfCovarianceB = covariance(b, b)
s = np.sqrt(selfCovarianceA * selfCovarianceB)
if s == 0:
return np.NaN
return covariance(a, b) / s
def calcEntropy(data):
Calculates the degree of disorder
:param data: data from accelerometer for selected axis (band-pass filtered)
:return: entropy for the selected axis
acc = 0
for d in normalize(fftMagnitude(fft(data))):
if d == 0:
return np.NaN
acc += d * np.log(d) / np.log(2.0)
return -acc
def calcInterQuartileRange(qData):
Calculates interquartile range
:param qData: quartiles vector
:return: range for the selected axis
return qData[2] - qData[0]
def calcKurtosis(data):
Calculates Kurtosis for given vector
:param data: data from accelerometer for selected axis (band-pass filtered)
:return: kurtosis for selected vector
mean = calcAbsoluteMean(data)
acc = 0
for d in data:
acc += np.power(d - mean, 4.0)
pow4 = acc
acc = 0
for d in data:
acc += np.power(d - mean, 2.0)
pow2 = acc
if pow2 == 0:
return np.NaN
return len(data) * pow4 / np.square(pow2) - 3
def calcMeanCrossingRate(data):
Calculates the number of signal crossings with mean
:param data: data from accelerometer for selected axis (band-pass filtered)
:return: number of mean crossings
mean = np.sum(np.abs(data)) / len(data)
crossings = 0
last = data[0] - mean
for i in range(len(data)):
current = data[i] - mean
if last * current < 0:
crossings += 1
last = current
return crossings
def calcQuartiles(data):
Quartiles at 25%, 50% and 75% per signal
:param data: data from accelerometer for selected axis (band-pass filtered)
:return: [accQ25, accQ50, accQ75]
sorted1 = sorted(data)
size = len(data)
return np.array([sorted1[int(size / 4)], sorted1[int(size / 2)], sorted1[int(size * 3 / 4)]])
def calcSkewness(data):
Calculates skewness for given vector
:param data: data from accelerometer for selected axis (band-pass filtered)
:return: skewness for selected vector
mean = calcAbsoluteMean(data)
acc = 0
for d in data:
acc += np.power(d - mean, 3.0)
pow3 = acc
acc = 0
for d in data:
acc += np.power(d - mean, 2.0)
pow2 = acc
if pow2 == 0:
return np.NaN
return np.sqrt(float(len(data))) * pow3 / np.power(pow2, 1.5)
def calcTotalAbsoluteArea(area):
Calculates sum of component areas for selected sensor (@see calcAcAbsoluteArea)
:param area: [sumX, sumY, sumZ] for given device (band-pass filtered) (@see calcAcAbsoluteArea)
:return: sum of component sums
return np.sum(area)
def calcTotalEnergy(data):
Calculates total magnitude of AC signal for the given sensor
:param data: data from accelerometer for selected axis (band-pass filtered)
:return: total energy for selected axis
fftMagnitudeTmp = fftMagnitude(fft(data))
return np.sum(np.square(fftMagnitudeTmp[1:])) / len(fftMagnitudeTmp)
def calcDominantFrequencyEnergy(data):
Calculates ratio of energy in dominant frequency
:param data: data from accelerometer for selected axis (band-pass filtered)
:return: energy ratio for selected axis
fftMagnitudeTmp = fftMagnitude(fft(data))
sortedTmp = sorted(fftMagnitudeTmp)
s = np.sum(sortedTmp)
if s == 0:
return np.NaN
return sortedTmp[-1] / s
def calcTotalMagnitude(x, y, z):
Calculates total magnitude of AC signal for the given sensor
:param x: x component (band-pass filtered)
:param y: y component (band-pass filtered)
:param z: z component (band-pass filtered)
:return: sqrt(sum(x^2+y^2+z^2))
return np.sqrt(magnitudes(x) + magnitudes(y) + magnitudes(z))
def calcVariance(data):
Calculates variance for given vector
:param data: data from accelerometer for selected axis (band-pass filtered)
:return: variance
acc = 0
for d in data:
acc = acc + np.square(d - calcAbsoluteMean(data)) / len(data)
return acc
def calcArea(data):
Calculates sum of component
:param data: data from accelerometer for selected axis (low-pass filtered)
:return: area
return np.sum(data)
def calcMean(data):
Calculates mean value for a given vector
:param data: data from accelerometer for selected axis (low-pass filtered)
:return: mean (sum)/N
return np.sum(data) / len(data)
def calcPostureDistance(meanX, meanY, meanZ):
Calculates difference between mean values for a given sensor (low-pass filtered)
:param meanX: mean for X components
:param meanY: mean for Y components
:param meanZ: mean for Z components
:return: [X-Y, X-Z, Y-Z]
return np.array([meanX - meanY, meanX - meanZ, meanY - meanZ])
def calcTotalMean(sumPhone, sumBand):
Calculates mean of all sensors (low-pass filtered)
:param sumPhone: meanX + meanY + meanZ
:param sumBand: meanX + meanY + meanZ
:return: mean of all means
return (sumPhone.sum() + sumBand.sum()) / 6
def calcPeakCount(magnitudes):
Calculates PeakCount feature
:param magnitudes: vector of magnitudes
:return: [numberOfPeaks, sumOfPeakValues, peakAvg, amplitudeAvg]
previous = 0.0
eExpenditurePeaks = 0.0
eExpenditureAmplitude = 0.0
state = np.zeros(0)
peaks = np.zeros(0)
low = -1.0
for currentmagnitude in magnitudes:
if currentmagnitude > previous:
state = np.append(state, True)
state = np.append(state, False)
if len(state) > 2:
state = np.delete(state, 0)
if state[0] and not state[1]:
if low != -1.0:
eExpenditureAmplitude = previous - low
low = previous
if previous - low > 1.0:
peaks = np.append(peaks, currentmagnitude)
eExpenditurePeaks += previous
if not state[0] and state[1]:
low = previous
previous = currentmagnitude
peaksReturn0 = len(peaks)
peaksReturn1 = eExpenditurePeaks
peaksReturn2 = 0.0
peaksReturn3 = 0.0
if len(peaks) > 0:
peaksReturn2 = eExpenditurePeaks / len(peaks)
peaksReturn3 = eExpenditureAmplitude / len(peaks)
return np.array([float(peaksReturn0), peaksReturn1, peaksReturn2, peaksReturn3])
def calcSumPerComponent(data, time):
Calculates calcSumPerComponent feature
:param data: data from accelerometer for selected axis
:param time: array of timestamps
:return: sum of Xi*dT
calc = 0.0
dT = 1.0
for i in range(len(data)):
calc += np.abs(data[i]) * dT
if i < len(data) - 1:
dT = (time[i + 1] - time[i]) / 1000.0
return calc
def computeACVelocity(data, time):
Calculates velocity feature
:param data: data from accelerometer for selected axis (band-pass filtered)
:param time: array of timestamps
:return: velocity for selected axis
calc = 0.0
dT = 1.0
for i in range(len(data)):
calc += data[i] * dT
if i < data.size - 1:
dT = (time[i + 1] - time[i]) / 1000.0
return calc
def lowPassFilter(input, alpha=0.2):
""" Low-pass filter implemented in discrete time
:param input: input signal to be filtered
:param alpha: smoothing factor
:return: filtered signal
output = np.zeros(input.size)
output[0] = input[0]
for i in range(1, output.size):
output[i] = output[i - 1] + alpha * (input[i] - output[i - 1])
return output
def bandPassFilter(input, alphaLpf=0.2, alphaHpf=0.6):
""" Band-pass filer implemented in discrete time
:param input: input signal to be filtered
:param alphaLpf: smoothing factor for LPF
:param alphaHpf: smoothing factor for HPF
:return: filtered signal
output = lowPassFilter(input, alphaLpf)
output = highPassFilter(output, alphaHpf)
return output
def highPassFilter(input, alpha=0.6):
""" High-pass filter implemented in discrete time
:param input: input signal to be filtered
:param alpha: smoothing factor
:return: filtered signal
output = np.zeros(input.size)
output[0] = input[0]
for i in range(1, output.size):
output[i] = alpha * (output[i - 1] + input[i] - input[i - 1])
return output
def magnitudeVector(x, y, z):
""" Calculates magnitudes of vectors x, y and z
:param x: x axis
:param y: y axis
:param z: z axis
:return: numpy array of magnitudes
acc = np.zeros(x.size)
for i in range(acc.size):
acc[i] = np.sqrt(np.square(x[i]) + np.square(y[i]) + np.square(z[i]))
return acc
def sum(data):
""" Sums up the given array
:param data: array to sum up
:return: summed value
return np.sum(data)
def absoluteSum(data):
""" Sums up absolute values of the given array
:param data: array to sum up
:return: summed value
return np.sum(np.abs(data))
def fft(data):
""" Performs fast fourier transform on the given array
:param data: the array on which fft should be performed
:return: processed array
tmpArray = [None] * (len(data) * 2)
for i in range(len(data)):
tmpArray[i] = data[i]
tmpArray = np.fft.fft(tmpArray, len(data))
tmpArray2 = []
for t in tmpArray:
if len(data) % 2 == 0:
ret = np.zeros(len(data))
ret = np.zeros(len(data) + 1)
for i, _ in enumerate(ret):
ret[i] = tmpArray2[i]
return ret
def fftMagnitude(data):
:param data:
ret = np.zeros(int(len(data) / 2))
for i, _ in enumerate(ret):
ret[i] = np.sqrt(np.square(data[2 * i]) + np.square(data[2 * i + 1]))
return ret
def normalize(data):
""" Normalize the given array
:param data: the array to normalize
:return: normalized array
ret = np.zeros(len(data))
sum = np.sum(data)
for i, _ in enumerate(data):
if sum == 0:
ret[i] = np.NaN
ret[i] = data[i] / sum
return ret
def covariance(array1, array2):
Covariance between two arrays
:param array1: first array of values
:param array2: second array of values
:return: covariance(array1, array2)
cov = 0.0
m1 = np.sum(np.abs(array1))
m2 = np.sum(np.abs(array2))
for i, _ in enumerate(array1):
cov += (array1[i] - m1) * (array2[i] - m2)
return cov
def magnitudes(data):
""" Calculates the sum of squares of given array
:param data: given array
:return: sum of squares
acc = 0
for d in data:
acc += np.square(d)
return acc
def calcRoll(arrayAy, arrayAz):
""" Calculate the roll value of y and z axis
:param arrayAy: array of y values
:param arrayAz: array of z values
:return: array of calculated roll values
roll = np.zeros(arrayAy.size)
for i, _ in enumerate(arrayAy):
roll[i] = np.arctan2(arrayAz[i], arrayAy[i])
return roll
def calcPitch(arrayAx, arrayAy, arrayAz):
"""Calculate the pitch
:param arrayAx: array of x values
:param arrayAy: array of y values
:param arrayAz: array of z values
:return: array of calculated pitch values
pitch = np.zeros(arrayAx.size)
for i, _ in enumerate(arrayAy):
pitch[i] = np.arctan2(-arrayAx[i], (arrayAy[i] * arrayAy[i] + arrayAz[i] * arrayAz[i]))
return pitch
def stdDev(arrayX):
""" Calculates the standard deviation of the given array
:param arrayX: the array on which to calculate standard deviation
:return: standard deviation of the given array
std = 0.0
mean = calcMean(arrayX)
for cnt, _ in enumerate(arrayX):
std += (arrayX[cnt] - mean) * (arrayX[cnt] - mean);
return np.sqrt(std / arrayX.size)
def rollMotionAmount(roll):
amount of wrist roll motion
Improving the Recognition of Eating Gestures Using Intergesture Sequential Dependencies [R.I. Ramos-Garcia]
meanRoll = calcMean(roll)
rollMot_mean = np.zeros(roll.size)
for i in range(roll.size):
rollMot_mean[i] = np.abs(roll[i] - meanRoll) # - gravity;
return calcMean(rollMot_mean)
def rollMotionRegularity(roll):
regularity of wrist roll motion
represents the percentage of time that the wrist is in roll motion
Improving the Recognition of Eating Gestures Using Intergesture Sequential Dependencies [R.I. Ramos-Garcia]
rollBoundary = 10 * (np.pi / 180)
instance_number = 0.0
for i in range(roll.size):
if np.abs(roll[i]) > rollBoundary:
instance_number += 1.0
return instance_number / roll.size
def manipulation(axLow, ayLow, azLow, roll, pitch):
:param axLow: low-pass filtered accelerometer's x axis
:param ayLow: low-pass filtered accelerometer's y axis
:param azLow: low-pass filtered accelerometer's z axis
:param roll: roll value
:param pitch: pitch value
:return: manipulation array
man_velocity = np.zeros(roll.size)
for i in range(roll.size):
man_velocity[i] = \
(np.abs(roll[i]) + np.abs(pitch[i])) / (np.abs(axLow[i]) + np.abs(ayLow[i]) + np.abs(azLow[i]))
return calcMean(man_velocity)
def min(list):
""" Return the minimum value of the given list.
:param list: the given list
:return: the minimum value of the list
return np.min(list)
def max(list):
""" Return the maximum value of the given list.
:param list: the given list
:return: the maximum value of the list
return np.max(list)
def avg(list):
""" Return the average value of the given list.
:param list: the given list
:return: the average value of the list
return np.average(list)
def countAboveMean(signal):
""" Returns the number of values in x that are higher than the mean of x
:param signal: the time series to calculate the feature of
:return: the value of this feature
mean = np.mean(signal)
return np.where(signal > mean)[0].size
def countBelowMean(signal):
""" Returns the number of values in x that are lower than the mean of x
:param signal: the time series to calculate the feature of
:return: the value of this feature
mean = np.mean(signal)
return np.where(signal < mean)[0].size
def meanAbsChange(signal):
""" Returns the mean of absolute differences between subsequent time series values
:param signal: input signal
:return: mean of absolute differences
return np.mean(np.abs(np.diff(signal)))
def autocorrelation(signal, lag):
"""Compute the lag-N autocorrelation.
This method computes the Pearson correlation between
the Series and its shifted self.
:param signal: the signal to preform the autocorrelation on
:param lag: Number of lags to apply before performing autocorrelation.
signal = pd.Series(signal)
return signal.autocorr(lag)
def autocorrelations(signal):
""" This method computes autocorrelations for each lag from 0 to len(signal2D[0]) * 0.7
:param signal: input signal on which to calculate autocorrelations
:return: array of autocorrelations
nlags = int(len(signal) * 0.7)
autocorrs = np.empty(nlags)
for lag in range(nlags):
autocorrs[lag] = autocorrelation(signal, lag)
return autocorrs
def _calcMaxLengthOfSequenceTrueOrOne(signal):
if len(signal) == 0:
return 0
res = [len(list(group)) for value, group in itertools.groupby(signal) if value == 1]
return max(res) if len(res) > 0 else 0
def meanChange(x):
""" Returns the mean over the differences between subsequent time series values
:param x: the time series to calculate the feature of
:return: the value of this feature
x = np.asarray(x)
return (x[-1] - x[0]) / (len(x) - 1) if len(x) > 1 else np.NaN
def numberOfZeroCrossings(x):
""" Calculates the number of crossings of x on 0. A crossing is defined as two sequential values where the first
value is lower than 0 and the next is greater, or vice-versa.
:param x: the time series to calculate the feature of
:return: the value of this feature
x = np.asarray(x)
positive = x > 0
return np.where(np.diff(positive))[0].size
def ratioBeyondRSigma(x, r):
""" Ratio of values that are more than r*std(x) (so r sigma) away from the mean of x.
:param x: the time series to calculate the feature of
:param r: the ratio to compare with
:return: the value of this feature
return np.sum(np.abs(x - np.mean(x)) > r * np.std(x)) / x.size
def binnedEntropy(x, max_bins):
First bins the values of x into max_bins equidistant bins.
Then calculates the value of
.. math::
- \\sum_{k=0}^{min(max\\_bins, len(x))} p_k log(p_k) \\cdot \\mathbf{1}_{(p_k > 0)}
where :math:`p_k` is the percentage of samples in bin :math:`k`.
:param x: the time series to calculate the feature of
:type x: numpy.ndarray
:param max_bins: the maximal number of bins
:type max_bins: int
:return: the value of this feature
:return type: float
if not isinstance(x, (np.ndarray, pd.Series)):
x = np.asarray(x)
# nan makes no sense here
if np.isnan(x).any():
return np.nan
hist, bin_edges = np.histogram(x, bins=max_bins)
probs = hist / x.size
probs[probs == 0] = 1.0
return - np.sum(probs * np.log(probs))
def absEnergy(x):
Returns the absolute energy of the time series which is the sum over the squared values
.. math::
E = \\sum_{i=1,\\ldots, n} x_i^2
:param x: the time series to calculate the feature of
:type x: numpy.ndarray
:return: the value of this feature
:return type: float
if not isinstance(x, (np.ndarray, pd.Series)):
x = np.asarray(x)
return, x)
def linearTrendSlope(x):
Calculate a linear least-squares regression for the values of the time series versus the sequence from 0 to
length of the time series minus one.
This feature assumes the signal to be uniformly sampled. It will not use the time stamps to fit the model.
The parameters control which of the characteristics are returned.
:param x: the time series to calculate the feature of
:return: slope of the model
slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = linregress(range(len(x)), x)
return slope

View File

@ -0,0 +1,669 @@
from calculatingfeatures.eda_explorer.load_files import butter_lowpass_filter
from calculatingfeatures.eda_explorer.EDA_Peak_Detection_Script import calcPeakFeatures
import numpy as np
import peakutils
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.signal as signal
import as st
from calculatingfeatures.CalculatingFeatures.helper_functions import checkForFeature
def extractGsrFeatures(signal, startTimestampSeconds=0, sampleRate=4, threshold=.02, offset=1, riseTime=4, decayTime=4,
""" Extract Martin's GSR features with eda-explorer peak detection
:param signal: numpy array containing the signal
:param startTimestampSeconds: seconds from epoch when the signal stared
:param sampleRate: sampling rate of the input signal
:param threshold: threshold for detected peaks
:param offset:
:param riseTime: rise time of detected peaks
:param decayTime: decay time of detected peaks
:return: calculated GSR features
filteredSignal = butter_lowpass_filter(signal, 1.0, sampleRate, 6)
gsr_data = pd.DataFrame(signal, columns=["EDA"])
startTime = pd.to_datetime(startTimestampSeconds, unit="s")
gsr_data.index = pd.date_range(start=startTime, periods=len(gsr_data), freq=str(1000 / sampleRate) + 'L')
# Filter the signal
gsr_data['filtered_eda'] = filteredSignal
# Calculate peak data with eda-explorer
peakData = calcPeakFeatures(gsr_data, offset, threshold,
riseTime, decayTime, sampleRate)
peaks = np.where(peakData.peaks == 1.0)[0]
if np.any(signal):
tonic = peakutils.baseline(signal, 10)
tonic = signal
# Calculate features with Martin's library
feats = calculate_GSR_features(signal, peaks, tonic, sampleRate, featureNames=featureNames)
freq_feats = GSR_freq(signal, sampleRate, False, print_flag=False, featureNames=featureNames)
peaks, ends, starts = get_peak_intervals(signal, peaks, sampleRate, False)
peak_features = get_peak_intervals_features(signal, peaks, starts, ends, sampleRate, featureNames=featureNames)
significant_change_features = significant_change(signal, sampleRate, False, False, featureNames=featureNames)
return {**feats, **freq_feats, **peak_features, **significant_change_features}
def extractGsrFeatures2D(signal2D, startTimestampSeconds=0, sampleRate=4, threshold=.02, offset=1, riseTime=4,
""" Extract Martin's GSR features with eda-explorer peak detection
:param signal2D: 2 dimensional numpy array containing the signal (each row is processed seperately)
:param startTimestampSeconds: seconds from epoch when the signal stared
:param sampleRate: sampling rate of the input signal
:param threshold: threshold for detected peaks
:param offset:
:param riseTime: rise time of detected peaks
:param decayTime: decay time of detected peaks
:return: pandas dataframe of calculated GSR features, each row corresponds with each input row
data = pd.DataFrame()
for signal in signal2D:
features = extractGsrFeatures(signal, startTimestampSeconds, sampleRate, threshold, offset, riseTime, decayTime)
data = data.append(features, ignore_index=True)
return data
def filter_FIR(signal, sampling_rate, plt_flag=True, ):
filtered = st.filter_signal(signal=signal,
frequency=(0.01, 1),
signal_f = filtered['signal']
if (plt_flag):
plt.plot(signal, label='raw', c="blue")
plt.plot(signal_f, label='filtered', c="red")
plt.ylabel("GSR value")
return signal_f
def find_peaks(signal, sampling_rate, plt_flag=True):
tonic = peakutils.baseline(signal, 10)
singal_bf = signal - tonic
indexes = peakutils.indexes(singal_bf, thres=0.3, min_dist=sampling_rate)
if (plt_flag):
plt.figure(figsize=(30, 3))
plt.plot(singal_bf, alpha=0.5, color='blue')
plt.scatter(indexes, singal_bf[indexes], color='red') # Plot detected peaks
plt.title("GSR with removed tonic")
plt.figure(figsize=(30, 3))
plt.plot(signal, alpha=0.5, color='blue', label="GSR signal")
plt.scatter(indexes, signal[indexes], color='red') # Plot detected peaks
plt.plot(tonic, alpha=0.5, color='green', label="GSR tonic driver")
return indexes, tonic
def find_peaks_heght_filter(signal, sampling_rate, height_threshold=.1, plt_flag=True):
tonic = peakutils.baseline(signal, 10)
singal_bf = signal - tonic
indexes = peakutils.indexes(singal_bf, thres=0.1, min_dist=sampling_rate)
all_indexes = np.copy(indexes)
good_hights = []
bad_indexes = []
good_hights = np.argwhere(singal_bf[indexes] > height_threshold)
bad_hights = np.argwhere(singal_bf[indexes] <= height_threshold)
if (len(good_hights) > 0):
indexes = np.concatenate(indexes[good_hights])
indexes = [] # all are bad
if (len(bad_hights) > 0):
bad_indexes = np.concatenate(all_indexes[bad_hights])
# print(singal_bf[indexes])
if (plt_flag):
plt.figure(figsize=(30, 3))
plt.plot(singal_bf, alpha=0.5, color='blue', label='GSR-tonic')
plt.scatter(indexes, singal_bf[indexes], color='red') # Plot detected peaks
plt.figure(figsize=(30, 3))
plt.plot(signal, alpha=0.5, color='blue', label="GSR signal")
plt.scatter(indexes, signal[indexes], color='red', label='Good Detected peaks')
plt.scatter(bad_indexes, signal[bad_indexes], color='purple', label='Bad detected peaks')
plt.plot(tonic, alpha=0.5, color='green', label="GSR tonic driver")
return indexes, tonic
import pandas as pd
def find_peaks_sliding(sig, sampling_rate, height_threshold=.1, plt_flag=True):
window_size = 60 * sampling_rate
window_count = 1
# detrending using sliding window. For signals in which the trend is not linear
singal_bf = np.copy(sig)
tonic_sliding = []
while ((window_count * window_size) <= len(sig)):
start = (window_count - 1) * window_size
end = window_count * window_size
if ((len(singal_bf) - end) < window_size):
end = end + window_size
tonic_sliding.extend(peakutils.baseline(sig[start:end], 3))
window_count = window_count + 1
sig_df = pd.DataFrame(tonic_sliding)
tonic_sliding = sig_df.iloc[:, 0].rolling(window=(3 * sampling_rate), center=True).mean().values
tonic_sliding[np.isnan(tonic_sliding)] = np.reshape(sig_df[np.isnan(tonic_sliding)].values,
tonic_sliding = np.reshape(tonic_sliding, len(tonic_sliding))
tonic = peakutils.baseline(sig, 3)
if (len(tonic_sliding) > 0):
singal_bf = singal_bf - tonic_sliding
singal_bf = singal_bf - tonic
indexes = peakutils.indexes(singal_bf, thres=0.3, min_dist=sampling_rate)
all_indexes = np.copy(indexes)
good_hights = []
bad_indexes = []
good_hights = np.argwhere(singal_bf[indexes] > height_threshold)
bad_hights = np.argwhere(singal_bf[indexes] <= height_threshold)
if (len(good_hights) > 0):
indexes = np.concatenate(indexes[good_hights])
if (len(bad_hights) > 0):
bad_indexes = np.concatenate(all_indexes[bad_hights])
if (plt_flag):
plt.figure(figsize=(30, 3))
plt.plot(singal_bf, alpha=0.5, color='blue')
plt.scatter(indexes, singal_bf[indexes], color='red') # Plot detected peaks
plt.title("GSR with removed tonic")
plt.figure(figsize=(30, 3))
plt.plot(sig, alpha=0.5, color='blue', label="GSR signal")
plt.scatter(indexes, sig[indexes], color='red')
plt.scatter(bad_indexes, sig[bad_indexes], color='yellow')
plt.plot(tonic, alpha=0.5, color='green', label="GSR tonic driver") # Plot semi-transparent HR
plt.plot(tonic_sliding, alpha=0.5, color='purple',
label="GSR tonic driver - sliding") # Plot semi-transparent HR
return indexes, tonic
def calculate_GSR_features(signal, peaks, tonic, sampling_rate, featureNames=None):
q25 = np.percentile(signal, 0.25)
q75 = np.percentile(signal, 0.75)
derivative = np.gradient(signal)
pos_idx = np.where(derivative > 0)[0]
out = {}
if checkForFeature('mean', featureNames):
out['mean'] = np.mean(signal)
if checkForFeature('std', featureNames):
out['std'] = np.std(signal)
if checkForFeature('q25', featureNames):
out['q25'] = q25
if checkForFeature('q75', featureNames):
out['q75'] = q75
if checkForFeature('qd', featureNames):
out['qd'] = q75 - q25
if checkForFeature('deriv', featureNames):
out['deriv'] = np.sum(np.gradient(signal))
if checkForFeature('power', featureNames):
out['power'] = np.mean(signal * signal)
if checkForFeature('numPeaks', featureNames):
out['numPeaks'] = len(peaks)
if checkForFeature('ratePeaks', featureNames):
out['ratePeaks'] = len(peaks) / (len(signal) / sampling_rate)
if checkForFeature('powerPeaks', featureNames):
if len(signal[peaks]) == 0:
out['powerPeaks'] = np.nan
out['powerPeaks'] = np.mean(signal[peaks])
if checkForFeature('sumPosDeriv', featureNames):
out['sumPosDeriv'] = np.sum(derivative[pos_idx]) / len(derivative)
if checkForFeature('propPosDeriv', featureNames):
out['propPosDeriv'] = len(pos_idx) / len(derivative)
if checkForFeature('derivTonic', featureNames):
out['derivTonic'] = np.sum(np.gradient(tonic))
if checkForFeature('sigTonicDifference', featureNames):
out['sigTonicDifference'] = np.mean(signal - tonic)
return out
# In[7]:
def get_GSR_features(signal, sampling_rate, height_threshold=.1, plt_flag=True):
# signal_f =filter_FIR(signal,sampling_rate,plt_flag)
# signal_f = mean_filter(signal,3*sampling_rate,1,sampling_rate,plt_flag)
signal_f = signal
peaks, tonic = find_peaks_heght_filter(signal_f, sampling_rate, height_threshold, plt_flag)
feats = calculate_GSR_features(signal_f, peaks, tonic, sampling_rate)
freq_feats = GSR_freq(signal_f, sampling_rate, plt_flag, print_flag=plt_flag)
peaks, ends, starts = get_peak_intervals(signal_f, peaks, sampling_rate, plt_flag)
peak_features = get_peak_intervals_features(signal_f, peaks, starts, ends, sampling_rate)
significant_change_features = significant_change(signal, sampling_rate, plt_flag, plt_flag)
# print('significant_change_features',significant_change_features)
return np.concatenate((feats, freq_feats, peak_features, significant_change_features))
def get_GSR_features_old(signal, sampling_rate, plt_flag=True):
signal_f = filter_FIR(signal, sampling_rate, plt_flag)
peaks, tonic = find_peaks(signal_f, sampling_rate, plt_flag)
feats = calculate_GSR_features(signal_f, peaks, tonic, sampling_rate)
# freq_feats = GSR_freq(signal_f,sampling_rate,plt_flag,print_flag=plt_flag)
return feats
def GSR_freq(s, fs, plot_flag, print_flag, featureNames=None):
if not checkForFeature('freqFeats', featureNames):
return dict()
ff, Pxx_spec = signal.periodogram(s, fs, 'flattop', scaling='spectrum')
if (plot_flag):
# plt.plot(s,label="Signal freq")
# plt.legend()
plt.semilogy(ff, Pxx_spec)
plt.xlabel('frequency [Hz]')
plt.ylabel('PSD [V**2/Hz]')
plt.xlim(0, fs // 2)
# get the power in the band [0-0.5]
current_f = 0.0
increment = 0.1
feats = []
while (current_f < 0.6):
feat = np.trapz(abs(Pxx_spec[(ff >= current_f) & (ff <= current_f + increment)]))
# if(print_flag):
# print(current_f,"-",current_f+increment, feat)
current_f = current_f + increment
return dict(zip(['fp01', 'fp02', 'fp03', 'fp04', 'fp05', 'fp06'], feats))
def significant_increase(sig, fs, print_flag):
# 5 seconds
win_size = 5 * fs
sig_change_threshold = 1.05 # 5%
sig_counter = 0
sig_duration_threshold = 15 * fs # 10% change should be sustained for a duration of 15 seconds
sig_duration = 0
sig_windows = []
sig_windows_all = []
for idx in range(len(sig) // win_size - 1):
# print('inside')
win_prev = sig[idx * win_size]
win_next = sig[(idx + 1) * win_size]
if win_prev == 0:
win_prev = win_prev + 0.00001
if (win_next / win_prev) > sig_change_threshold:
sig_counter = sig_counter + 1
# print("Sig increase")
if sig_counter * win_size >= sig_duration_threshold: # foe how manu windows there was a sig change?
sig_duration = sig_duration + (sig_counter * win_size)
# if(print_flag):
# print("Significant increase ended")
sig_counter = 0
sig_windows = []
# if(print_flag):
# print(idx*win_size,(idx+1)*win_size,win_next/win_prev)
if (sig_counter * win_size >= sig_duration_threshold):
sig_duration = sig_duration + (sig_counter * win_size)
# how many seconds there has been a significant increase
mean = 0
intensity = 0
change = 0
speed = 0
if len(sig_windows_all) > 0:
mean = np.mean(sig_windows_all)
intensity = np.mean(sig_windows_all) * sig_duration
change = max(sig_windows_all) - min(sig_windows_all)
speed = change / sig_duration
return [sig_duration, mean, intensity, change, speed]
def significant_decrease(sig, fs, print_flag):
# 5 seconds
win_size = 5 * fs
sig_change_threshold = 1.05
sig_counter = 0
sig_duration_threshold = 15 * fs # 10% change should be sustained for a duration of 15 seconds
sig_duration = 0
sig_windows = []
sig_windows_all = []
for idx in range(len(sig) // win_size - 1):
win_prev = sig[idx * win_size]
win_next = sig[(idx + 1) * win_size]
if win_next == 0:
win_next = win_prev + 0.00001
if (win_prev / win_next) > sig_change_threshold:
sig_counter = sig_counter + 1
if (sig_counter * win_size) >= sig_duration_threshold:
sig_duration = sig_duration + (sig_counter * win_size)
# if(print_flag):
# print("Significant decrease ended")
sig_counter = 0
sig_windows = []
# if(print_flag):
# print(idx*win_size,(idx+1)*win_size,win_prev/win_next)
if (sig_counter * win_size >= sig_duration_threshold):
sig_duration = sig_duration + (sig_counter * win_size)
# how many seconds there has been a significant decrease
mean = 0
intensity = 0
change = 0
speed = 0
if len(sig_windows_all) > 0:
mean = np.mean(sig_windows_all)
intensity = np.mean(sig_windows_all) * sig_duration
change = min(sig_windows_all) - max(sig_windows_all)
speed = change / sig_duration
return [sig_duration, mean, intensity, change, speed]
def significant_change(sig, fs, plt_flag, print_flag, featureNames=None):
out = {}
if checkForFeature('significantIncrease', featureNames):
a = significant_increase(sig, fs, print_flag)
out['significantIncreaseDuration'] = a[0]
out['significantIncreaseMean'] = a[1]
out['significantIncreaseIntensity'] = a[2]
out['significantIncreaseChange'] = a[3]
out['significantIncreaseSpeed'] = a[4]
if checkForFeature('significantDecrease', featureNames):
b = significant_decrease(sig, fs, print_flag)
out['significantDecreaseDuration'] = b[0]
out['significantDecreaseMean'] = b[1]
out['significantDecreaseIntensity'] = b[2]
out['significantDecreaseChange'] = b[3]
out['significantDecreaseSpeed'] = b[4]
return out
def get_peak_intervals(sig, peak_indexes, sampling_frequency, plt_flag):
window_size = 4
window_slide = 1
inertion = .01
ends = []
starts = []
for start_idx in peak_indexes:
# go backwards
mean_prev = np.mean(sig[start_idx:(start_idx + window_size)])
window_start = start_idx - window_size
window_end = start_idx
mean_current = np.mean(sig[window_start:window_end])
while (window_start >= 0 and (mean_current + inertion) <= mean_prev):
window_end = window_end - window_slide
window_start = window_start - window_slide
mean_prev = mean_current
mean_current = np.mean(sig[window_start:window_end])
if (window_end < 0):
window_end = 0
value = window_end
if (value > start_idx):
value = start_idx - window_size
if (value < 0):
value = 0
# go forward
mean_prev = np.mean(sig[start_idx:(start_idx + window_size)])
window_start = start_idx + window_slide
window_end = window_start + window_size
mean_current = np.mean(sig[window_start:window_end])
while (window_end <= len(sig) and (mean_current + inertion) <= mean_prev):
window_start = window_start + window_slide
window_end = window_end + window_slide
mean_prev = mean_current
mean_current = np.mean(sig[window_start:window_end])
if (window_start >= len(sig)):
window_start = len(sig) - 1
value = window_start
if (value <= start_idx):
value = start_idx + window_size
if (value >= len(sig)):
value = len(sig) - 1
# #filter bad-short peaks
# inc_duration_threshold = 1
# dec_duration_threshold = 1
# inc_amplitude_threshold = .1
# dec_amplitude_threshold = .1
good_indexes = []
bad_indexes = []
for i in range(len(peak_indexes)):
# inc_duration = (peak_indexes[i]-starts[i])/sampling_frequency
# dec_duration = (ends[i]-peak_indexes[i])/sampling_frequency
# inc_amplitude = (sig[peak_indexes[i]]-sig[starts[i]])
# dec_amplitude = (sig[peak_indexes[i]]-sig[ends[i]])
# # print(i,inc_duration,dec_duration,inc_amplitude,dec_amplitude)
# if (inc_duration>=inc_duration_threshold and
# dec_duration>=dec_duration_threshold and
# inc_amplitude>=inc_amplitude_threshold and
# dec_amplitude>=dec_amplitude_threshold):
# good_indexes.append(i)
# else:
# bad_indexes.append(i)
peak_indexes = np.array(peak_indexes)
bad_peak_indexes = peak_indexes[bad_indexes]
peak_indexes = peak_indexes[good_indexes]
ends = np.array(ends)
starts = np.array(starts)
ends = ends[good_indexes]
starts = starts[good_indexes]
if (plt_flag and len(peak_indexes) > 0):
plt.figure(figsize=(30, 3))
plt.plot(sig, label='GSR')
plt.scatter(peak_indexes, sig[peak_indexes], color='red', label='Good Detected peaks') # Plot detected peaks
plt.scatter(bad_peak_indexes, sig[bad_peak_indexes], color='purple',
label='Bad Detected peaks') # Plot detected peaks
plt.scatter(ends, .001 + sig[ends], color='orange', label='Peak end') # Plot detected peaks
plt.scatter(starts, .001 + sig[starts], color='green', label='Peak start') # Plot detected peaks
return peak_indexes, np.array(ends), np.array(starts)
def get_peak_intervals_features(sig, peak_indexes, starts, ends, sampling_frequency, featureNames=None):
if (len(peak_indexes) > 0):
max_peak_idx = np.argmax(sig[peak_indexes])
max_peak_start = starts[max_peak_idx]
max_peak_end = ends[max_peak_idx]
max_peak_amlitude_change_before = sig[peak_indexes[max_peak_idx]] - sig[max_peak_start]
max_peak_amlitude_change_after = sig[peak_indexes[max_peak_idx]] - sig[max_peak_end]
# max_peak_change_ratio = max_peak_amlitude_change_before/max_peak_amlitude_change_after
avg_peak_amlitude_change_before = np.median(sig[peak_indexes] - sig[starts])
avg_peak_amlitude_change_after = np.median(sig[peak_indexes] - sig[ends])
# avg_peak_change_ratio=0
# if avg_peak_amlitude_change_after!=0:
# avg_peak_change_ratio = avg_peak_amlitude_change_before/avg_peak_amlitude_change_after
max_peak_increase_time = (peak_indexes[max_peak_idx] - max_peak_start) / sampling_frequency
max_peak_decrease_time = (max_peak_end - peak_indexes[max_peak_idx]) / sampling_frequency
max_peak_duration = (max_peak_end - max_peak_start) / sampling_frequency
max_peak_change_ratio = 0
if max_peak_decrease_time != 0:
max_peak_change_ratio = max_peak_increase_time / max_peak_decrease_time
avg_peak_increase_time = np.mean(peak_indexes - starts) / sampling_frequency
avg_peak_decrease_time = np.mean(ends - peak_indexes) / sampling_frequency
avg_peak_duration = np.mean(ends - starts) * sampling_frequency
avg_peak_change_ratio = 0
if (avg_peak_decrease_time != 0):
avg_peak_change_ratio = avg_peak_increase_time / avg_peak_decrease_time
dif = np.diff(sig[max_peak_start:peak_indexes[max_peak_idx]])
# prevent "Mean of empty slice" warning
if len(dif) == 0:
max_peak_response_slope_before = np.nan
max_peak_response_slope_before = np.mean(dif)
# if np.isnan(max_peak_response_slope_before):
# max_peak_response_slope_before = 0
dif = np.diff(sig[peak_indexes[max_peak_idx]:max_peak_end])
# prevent "Mean of empty slice" warning
if len(dif) == 0:
max_peak_response_slope_after = np.nan
max_peak_response_slope_after = np.mean(dif)
# if np.isnan(max_peak_response_slope_after):
# max_peak_response_slope_after = 0
signal_overall_change = np.max(sig) - np.min(sig)
change_duration = np.abs((np.argmax(sig) - np.argmin(sig))) / sampling_frequency
if (signal_overall_change != 0):
change_rate = change_duration / signal_overall_change
gsr_peak_features = [max_peak_amlitude_change_before, max_peak_amlitude_change_after,
avg_peak_amlitude_change_before, avg_peak_amlitude_change_after,
avg_peak_change_ratio, max_peak_increase_time, max_peak_decrease_time,
max_peak_duration, max_peak_change_ratio,
avg_peak_increase_time, avg_peak_decrease_time, avg_peak_duration,
max_peak_response_slope_before, max_peak_response_slope_after, signal_overall_change,
change_duration, change_rate]
num_features = 17
gsr_peak_features = np.array([np.nan] * num_features)
num_features = 17
gsr_peak_features = np.array([np.nan] * num_features)
# print('bad features',gsr_peak_features)
out = {}
if checkForFeature('maxPeakAmplitudeChangeBefore', featureNames):
out['maxPeakAmplitudeChangeBefore'] = gsr_peak_features[0]
if checkForFeature('maxPeakAmplitudeChangeAfter', featureNames):
out['maxPeakAmplitudeChangeAfter'] = gsr_peak_features[1]
if checkForFeature('avgPeakAmplitudeChangeBefore', featureNames):
out['avgPeakAmplitudeChangeBefore'] = gsr_peak_features[2]
if checkForFeature('avgPeakAmplitudeChangeAfter', featureNames):
out['avgPeakAmplitudeChangeAfter'] = gsr_peak_features[3]
if checkForFeature('avgPeakChangeRatio', featureNames):
out['avgPeakChangeRatio'] = gsr_peak_features[4]
if checkForFeature('maxPeakIncreaseTime', featureNames):
out['maxPeakIncreaseTime'] = gsr_peak_features[5]
if checkForFeature('maxPeakDecreaseTime', featureNames):
out['maxPeakDecreaseTime'] = gsr_peak_features[6]
if checkForFeature('maxPeakDuration', featureNames):
out['maxPeakDuration'] = gsr_peak_features[7]
if checkForFeature('maxPeakChangeRatio', featureNames):
out['maxPeakChangeRatio'] = gsr_peak_features[8]
if checkForFeature('avgPeakIncreaseTime', featureNames):
out['avgPeakIncreaseTime'] = gsr_peak_features[9]
if checkForFeature('avgPeakDecreaseTime', featureNames):
out['avgPeakDecreaseTime'] = gsr_peak_features[10]
if checkForFeature('avgPeakDuration', featureNames):
out['avgPeakDuration'] = gsr_peak_features[11]
if checkForFeature('maxPeakResponseSlopeBefore', featureNames):
out['maxPeakResponseSlopeBefore'] = gsr_peak_features[12]
if checkForFeature('maxPeakResponseSlopeAfter', featureNames):
out['maxPeakResponseSlopeAfter'] = gsr_peak_features[13]
if checkForFeature('signalOverallChange', featureNames):
out['signalOverallChange'] = gsr_peak_features[14]
if checkForFeature('changeDuration', featureNames):
out['changeDuration'] = gsr_peak_features[15]
if checkForFeature('changeRate', featureNames):
out['changeRate'] = gsr_peak_features[16]
return out
def mean_filter(s, windows_size, window_slide, sampling_rate, plt_flag=True):
mean_s = []
start = 0
end = windows_size
while (end <= len(s)):
start = start + window_slide
end = start + windows_size
if (plt_flag):
plt.plot(s, label='original')
plt.plot(mean_s, label='mean_filter')
return np.array(mean_s)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
def convertInputInto2d(input, windowLength, overlap=0):
"""Convert input into 2d matrix with width = numCols. The last row is padded with zeros to match the other rows.
Overlap has to be smaller than window length
:param input: the one dimensional array
:param windowLength: window length, expressed in number of samples
:param overlap: Amount of overlap
:return: 2D matrix
if windowLength <= overlap:
raise Exception("Overlap has to be smaller than window length")
inputWasList = True
if type(input) != list:
inputWasList = False
input = input.tolist()
out = [input[i: i + windowLength] for i in range(0, len(input), windowLength - overlap)]
out[-1].extend([0] * (windowLength - len(out[-1])))
return out if inputWasList else np.asarray(out)
def convertInputInto2dTime(input, timeThreshold):
""" Convert input array into 2D matrix by time interval. When the timeThreshold is reached in each row,
the process continues in the next row.
:param input: the pandas dataframe with rows "time" and "data"
:param timeThreshold: the threshold with which the row width is defined
:return: 2D matrix
outData = [[]]
outTime = [[]]
startTime = 0
for index, row in input.iterrows():
t = row["time"]
data = row["data"]
if t - startTime >= timeThreshold:
startTime = t
return outData, outTime
def convert1DEmpaticaToArray(pathToEmpaticaCsvFile):
""" Convert 1D empatica file to array
:param pathToEmpaticaCsvFile: path to Empatica csv file
:return: array of data, starting timestamp of data, sample rate of data
df = pd.read_csv(pathToEmpaticaCsvFile, names=["name"])
startTimeStamp =[0]
sampleRate =[1]
df.drop([0, 1], inplace=True)
data =
return data, startTimeStamp, sampleRate
def convert3DEmpaticaToArray(pathToEmpaticaCsvFile):
""" Convert 3D empatica file to array
:param pathToEmpaticaCsvFile: path to Empatica csv file
:return: array of data, starting timestamp of data, sample rate of data
df = pd.read_csv(pathToEmpaticaCsvFile, names=["x", "y", "z"])
startTimeStamp = df.x[0]
sampleRate = df.x[1]
df.drop([0, 1], inplace=True)
data = np.vstack((df.x.ravel(), df.y.ravel(), df.z.ravel()))
return data, startTimeStamp, sampleRate
def checkForFeature(featureName, featureNames):
return featureNames is None or featureName in featureNames
frequencyFeatureNames = ["fqHighestPeakFreqs", "fqHighestPeaks", "fqEnergyFeat", "fqEntropyFeat", "fqHistogramBins",
"fqAbsMean", "fqSkewness", "fqKurtosis", "fqInterquart"]
genericFeatureNames = ["autocorrelations", "countAboveMean", "countBelowMean", "maximum", "minimum", "meanAbsChange",
"longestStrikeAboveMean", "longestStrikeBelowMean", "stdDev", "median", "meanChange",
"numberOfZeroCrossings", "absEnergy", "linearTrendSlope", "ratioBeyondRSigma", "binnedEntropy",
"numOfPeaksAutocorr", "numberOfZeroCrossingsAutocorr", "areaAutocorr",
"calcMeanCrossingRateAutocorr", "countAboveMeanAutocorr", "sumPer", "sumSquared",
"squareSumOfComponent", "sumOfSquareComponents"]
accelerometerFeatureNames = ["meanLow", "areaLow", "totalAbsoluteAreaBand", "totalMagnitudeBand", "entropyBand",
"skewnessBand", "kurtosisBand", "postureDistanceLow", "absoluteMeanBand",
"absoluteAreaBand", "quartilesBand", "interQuartileRangeBand",
"varianceBand", "coefficientOfVariationBand", "amplitudeBand", "totalEnergyBand",
"dominantFrequencyEnergyBand", "meanCrossingRateBand", "correlationBand",
"interQuartileRangeMagnitudesBand", "areaUnderAccelerationMagnitude", "peaksDataLow",
"sumPerComponentBand", "velocityBand", "meanKineticEnergyBand",
"totalKineticEnergyBand", "squareSumOfComponent", "sumOfSquareComponents",
"averageVectorLength", "averageVectorLengthPower", "rollAvgLow", "pitchAvgLow",
"rollStdDevLow", "pitchStdDevLow",
"rollMotionAmountLow", "rollMotionRegularityLow", "manipulationLow", "rollPeaks",
gyroscopeFeatureNames = ["meanLow", "areaLow", "totalAbsoluteAreaLow", "totalMagnitudeLow", "entropyLow", "skewnessLow",
"quartilesLow", "interQuartileRangeLow", "varianceLow", "coefficientOfVariationLow",
"totalEnergyLow", "dominantFrequencyEnergyLow", "meanCrossingRateLow", "correlationLow",
"quartilesMagnitudeLow", "interQuartileRangeMagnitudesLow", "areaUnderMagnitude",
"averageVectorLengthLow", "averageVectorLengthPowerLow"]
gsrFeatureNames = ['mean', 'std', 'q25', 'q75', 'qd', 'deriv', 'power', 'numPeaks', 'ratePeaks', 'powerPeaks',
'sumPosDeriv', 'propPosDeriv', 'derivTonic', 'sigTonicDifference', 'freqFeats',
'maxPeakAmplitudeChangeBefore', 'maxPeakAmplitudeChangeAfter',
'avgPeakAmplitudeChangeBefore', 'avgPeakAmplitudeChangeAfter', 'avgPeakChangeRatio',
'maxPeakIncreaseTime', 'maxPeakDecreaseTime', 'maxPeakDuration', 'maxPeakChangeRatio',
'avgPeakIncreaseTime', 'avgPeakDecreaseTime', 'avgPeakDuration', 'maxPeakResponseSlopeBefore',
'maxPeakResponseSlopeAfter', 'signalOverallChange', 'changeDuration', 'changeRate',
'significantIncrease', 'significantDecrease']
hrvFeatureNames = ['meanHr', 'ibi', 'sdnn', 'sdsd', 'rmssd', 'pnn20', 'pnn50', 'sd', 'sd2', 'sd1/sd2', 'numRR']

View File

@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import scipy.signal as _signal
from calculatingfeatures.CalculatingFeatures.helper_functions import checkForFeature, hrvFeatureNames
from calculatingfeatures.CalculatingFeatures.calculate_hrv_peaks import peak_detector
def extractHrvFeatures(_sample, ma=False, detrend=False, m_deternd=False, low_pass=False, winsorize=False,
winsorize_value=25, hampel_fiter=True, sampling=64, featureNames=None):
""" Extract Martin's HRV features
Warning: Input sample length has to be at least 256!
:param _sample: array containing the HRV signal
:param ma: should moving average filter be used prior the calculation
:param detrend: should overall detrending be used prior the calculation
:param m_deternd: should moving detrending be used prior the calculation
:param low_pass: should low pass filter be used prior the calculation
:param winsorize: should winsorize filter be used prior the calculation
:param winsorize_value: winsorize value
:param hampel_fiter: hould winsorize filter be used after the calculation
:param sampling: the sampling frequency of the signal
:param featureNames:
:return: HRV features
hrv_time_features, sample, rr, timings, peak_indx = get_HRV_features(_sample, ma, detrend, m_deternd, low_pass,
winsorize, winsorize_value,
hampel_fiter, sampling,
return hrv_time_features
def extractHrvFeatures2D(signal2D, ma=False, detrend=False, m_deternd=False, low_pass=False, winsorize=False,
winsorize_value=25, hampel_fiter=True, sampling=64):
""" Extract Martin's HRV features
Warning: Input 2D array width (column count) has to be at least 200!
:param signal2D: array containing the HRV signal in 2D (each row is processed seperately)
:param ma: should moving average filter be used prior the calculation
:param detrend: should overall detrending be used prior the calculation
:param m_deternd: should moving detrending be used prior the calculation
:param low_pass: should low pass filter be used prior the calculation
:param winsorize: should winsorize filter be used prior the calculation
:param winsorize_value: winsorize value
:param hampel_fiter: hould winsorize filter be used after the calculation
:param sampling: the sampling frequency of the signal
:return: pandas dataframe of calculated HRV features, each row corresponds with each input row
outData = pd.DataFrame()
for sample in signal2D:
features = extractHrvFeatures(sample, ma, detrend, m_deternd, low_pass,
winsorize, winsorize_value,
hampel_fiter, sampling)
outData = outData.append(features, ignore_index=True)
return outData
# filter signala and calculate HRV features in time and in frequency domain
def get_HRV_features(_sample, ma=False, detrend=False, m_deternd=False, low_pass=False, winsorize=True,
winsorize_value=25, hampel_fiter=True, sampling=1000, featureNames=None):
if featureNames is not None and len(set(featureNames).intersection(set(hrvFeatureNames))) == 0:
return dict(), 0, 0, 0, 0
sample = _sample.copy()
if low_pass: # lowpass filter
sample = butter_lowpass_filter(sample)
if m_deternd: # moving detrending
sample = moving_detrending(sample, sampling)
if detrend: # overall detrending
sample = _signal.detrend(sample)
if ma: # moving average
sample = moving_average(sample)
# winsorize the signal
if winsorize:
sample = winsorize_signal(sample, winsorize_value)
# if dynamic_threshold: #find the median of the min-max normalized signal
# thres = dynamic_threshold_value*np.median((sample - sample.min())/(sample.max() - sample.min()))
rr, timings, peak_indx = detect_RR(sample, sampling)
if hampel_fiter:
rr, outlier_indeces = hampel_filtering(rr)
timings, rr = medianFilter(timings, rr)
bad_signal = False
if len(rr) < len(sample) / (2 * sampling): # check whether HR is>30
#print("Bad signal. Too little RRs detected.")
bad_signal = True
elif len(rr) > len(sample) / (sampling / 4): # check whether HR is<240
#print("Bad signal. Too much RRs detected.")
bad_signal = True
hrv_time_features = HRV_time(rr, print_flag=False, badSignal=bad_signal, featureNames=featureNames)
return hrv_time_features, sample, rr, timings, peak_indx
def butter_lowpass(cutoff, fs, order):
nyq = 0.5 * fs
normal_cutoff = cutoff / nyq
b, a = _signal.butter(order, normal_cutoff, btype='low', analog=False)
return b, a
def butter_lowpass_filter(data, cutoff=5, fs=64, order=3):
b, a = butter_lowpass(cutoff, fs, order=order)
y = _signal.lfilter(b, a, data)
return pd.Series(y[1000:])
# perfrom detrending using sliding window
def moving_detrending(sig_input, sampling_rate=64):
sig = np.copy(sig_input)
window_size = 1 * sampling_rate
window_count = 1
start = (window_count - 1) * window_size
end = window_count * window_size
while (end <= len(sig)):
if ((len(sig) - end) < window_size):
end = end + window_size
sig[start:end] = _signal.detrend(sig[start:end])
window_count = window_count + 1
start = (window_count - 1) * window_size
end = window_count * window_size
return sig
# perform moving average
def moving_average(sample, ma_size=10):
sample = pd.Series(sample)
sample_ma = sample.rolling(ma_size).mean()
sample_ma = sample_ma.iloc[ma_size:].values
return sample_ma
def winsorize_signal(sample, winsorize_value):
p_min = np.percentile(sample, winsorize_value)
p_max = np.percentile(sample, 100 - winsorize_value)
sample[sample > p_max] = p_max
sample[sample < p_min] = p_min
return sample
# compute median and standard deviation
# of a window composed of the sample and its six surrounding samples
# If a sample differs from the median by more than three standard deviations,
# it is replaced with the median.
# reutn fistered RRs and outlier indices
def hampel_filtering(sample_rr):
outlier_indicies = []
filtered_rr = []
for i in range(len(sample_rr)):
start = i - 3
end = i + 3
if start < 0: # for the first 3 samples calculate median and std using the closest 6 samples
start = 0
end = end + 3 - i
if end > len(sample_rr) - 1: # for the last 3 samples calculate median and std using the first 6 samples
start = len(sample_rr) - 7
end = len(sample_rr) - 1
sample_rr_part = sample_rr[start:end]
# Prevent "Mean of empty slice" warning
if len(sample_rr_part) == 0:
sample_med = np.nan
sample_std = np.nan
sample_med = np.median(sample_rr_part)
sample_std = np.std(sample_rr_part)
if abs(sample_rr[i] - sample_med) > 3 * sample_std:
# print('outlier')
return np.array(filtered_rr), outlier_indicies
def medianFilter(time, rr):
percentageBorder = 0.8
if len(rr) == 0:
median = np.nan
median = np.median(rr)
idx = (rr / median >= percentageBorder) & (rr / median <= (2 - percentageBorder))
# f_rr = rr[(rr/median>=percentageBorder) & (rr/median<=(2-percentageBorder))]
f_rr = np.copy(rr)
# f_rr[~idx]=median
f_rr = f_rr[idx]
f_time = timestamps_from_RR(f_rr)
# f_time = time[(rr/median>=percentageBorder) & (rr/median<=(2-percentageBorder))]
return f_time, f_rr
def detect_RR(sig, sampling_rate):
# peak_indx = peakutils.indexes(sig, thres=thres, min_dist=sampling_rate/2.5)
peak_indx, _ = peak_detector(sig, sampling_rate)
if len(peak_indx) == 0:
return [], [], []
time = np.arange(len(sig))
tmp = time[peak_indx]
timings1 = tmp[0:]
timings = tmp[1:]
RR_intervals = timings - timings1[:len(timings1) - 1]
return RR_intervals / sampling_rate, timings / sampling_rate, peak_indx
# extract HRV features in time domain
def HRV_time(RR_intervals, print_flag, badSignal=False, featureNames=None):
if not badSignal:
ibi = np.mean(RR_intervals) # Take the mean of RR_list to get the mean Inter Beat Interval
mean_hr = 60 / ibi
sdnn = np.std(RR_intervals) # Take standard deviation of all R-R intervals
# find successive/neighbouring RRs (i.e., filter noise)
RR_diff = []
RR_sqdiff = []
for i in range(len(RR_intervals) - 1):
RR_diff.append(np.absolute(RR_intervals[i + 1] - RR_intervals[i]))
RR_sqdiff.append(np.power(np.absolute(RR_intervals[i + 1] - RR_intervals[i]), 2))
RR_diff = np.array(RR_diff)
RR_sqdiff = np.array(RR_sqdiff)
sdsd = np.std(RR_diff) # Take standard deviation of the differences between all subsequent R-R intervals
rmssd = np.sqrt(np.mean(RR_sqdiff)) # Take root of the mean of the list of squared differences
nn20 = [x for x in RR_diff if (x > 0.02)] # First create a list of all values over 20, 50
nn50 = [x for x in RR_diff if (x > 0.05)]
pnn20 = 100 * float(len(nn20)) / float(len(RR_diff)) if len(
RR_diff) > 0 else np.nan # Calculate the proportion of NN20, NN50 intervals to all intervals
pnn50 = 100 * float(len(nn50)) / float(len(RR_diff)) if len(RR_diff) > 0 else np.nan
sd1 = np.sqrt(0.5 * sdnn * sdnn)
sd2 = np.nan
tmp = 2.0 * sdsd * sdsd - 0.5 * sdnn * sdnn
if tmp > 0: # avoid sqrt of negative values
sd2 = np.sqrt(2.0 * sdsd * sdsd - 0.5 * sdnn * sdnn)
if (print_flag):
print("menHR:", mean_hr)
print("IBI:", ibi)
print("SDNN:", sdnn)
print("sdsd", sdsd)
print("RMSSD:", rmssd)
print("pNN20:", pnn20)
print("pNN50:", pnn50)
print("sd1:", sd1)
print("sd2:", sd2)
print("sd1/sd2:", sd1 / sd2)
out = {}
if checkForFeature("meanHr", featureNames):
out['meanHr'] = mean_hr if not badSignal else np.NaN
if checkForFeature("ibi", featureNames):
out['ibi'] = ibi if not badSignal else np.NaN
if checkForFeature("sdnn", featureNames):
out['sdnn'] = sdnn if not badSignal else np.NaN
if checkForFeature("sdsd", featureNames):
out['sdsd'] = sdsd if not badSignal else np.NaN
if checkForFeature("rmssd", featureNames):
out['rmssd'] = rmssd if not badSignal else np.NaN
if checkForFeature("pnn20", featureNames):
out['pnn20'] = pnn20 if not badSignal else np.NaN
if checkForFeature("pnn50", featureNames):
out['pnn50'] = pnn50 if not badSignal else np.NaN
if checkForFeature("sd", featureNames):
out['sd'] = sd1 if not badSignal else np.NaN
if checkForFeature("sd2", featureNames):
out['sd2'] = sd2 if not badSignal else np.NaN
if checkForFeature("sd1/sd2", featureNames):
out['sd1/sd2'] = sd1 / sd2 if not badSignal else np.NaN
if checkForFeature("numRR", featureNames):
out['numRR'] = len(RR_intervals)
return out
def timestamps_from_RR(rr_intervals):
time = []
current_time = 0.0
for rr in rr_intervals:
current_time = current_time + rr
return np.array(time)

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# Calculating features
## Usage
- Install the library with:
pip install pep517
python -m .
pip install build
python -m build
- Basic usage is:
from calculatingfeatures.CalculatingFeatures.helper_functions import convert1DEmpaticaToArray, convertInputInto2d, frequencyFeatureNames, hrvFeatureNames
from calculatingfeatures.CalculatingFeatures.calculate_features import calculateFeatures
import pandas as pd
pathToHrvCsv = "example_data/S2_E4_Data/BVP.csv"
windowLength = 500
# get an array of values from HRV empatica file
hrv_data, startTimeStamp, sampleRate = convert1DEmpaticaToArray(pathToHrvCsv)
# Convert the HRV data into 2D array
hrv_data_2D = convertInputInto2d(hrv_data, windowLength)
# Create a list with feature names
featureNames = []
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None)
# Calculate features
calculatedFeatures = calculateFeatures(hrv_data_2D, fs=int(sampleRate), featureNames=featureNames)
- More usage examples are located in **usage_examples.ipynb** file
## Features
- Features are returned (from calculateFeatures() function) in a Pandas DataFrame object.
- In the case if a feature couldn't be calculated (for example, if input signal is invalid), NaN value is returned.
- Further in this section, the list with descriptions of all possible features is presented.
### GSR features:
These features are useful for 1D GSR(EDA) signals
- `mean`: mean of the signal
- `std`: standard deviation of signal
- `q25`: 0.25 quantile
- `q75`: 0.75 quantile
- `qd`: q75 - q25
- `deriv`: sum of gradients of the signal
- `power`: power of the signal (mean of squared signal)
- `numPeaks`: number of EDA peaks
- `ratePeaks`: average number of peaks per second
- `powerPeaks`: power of peaks (mean of signal at indexes of peaks)
- `sumPosDeriv`: sum of positive derivatives divided by number of all derivatives
- `propPosDeriv`: proportion of positive derivatives per all derivatives
- `derivTonic`: sum of gradients of the tonic
- `sigTonicDifference`: mean of tonic subtracted from signal
- `freqFeats`:
- `maxPeakAmplitudeChangeBefore`: maximum peak amplitude change before peak
- `maxPeakAmplitudeChangeAfter`: maximum peak amplitude change after peak
- `avgPeakAmplitudeChangeBefore`: average peak amplitude change before peak
- `avgPeakAmplitudeChangeAfter`: average peak amplitude change after peak
- `avgPeakChangeRatio`: avg_peak_increase_time / avg_peak_decrease_time
- `maxPeakIncreaseTime`: maximum peak increase time
- `maxPeakDecreaseTime`: maximum peak decrease time
- `maxPeakDuration`: maximum peak duration
- `maxPeakChangeRatio`: max_peak_increase_time / max_peak_decrease_time
- `avgPeakIncreaseTime`: average peak increase time
- `avgPeakDecreaseTime`: average peak decreade time
- `avgPeakDuration`: average peak duration
- `maxPeakResponseSlopeBefore`: maximum peak response slope before peak
- `maxPeakResponseSlopeAfter`: maximum peak response slope after peak
- `signalOverallChange`: maximum difference between samples (max(sig)-min(sig))
- `changeDuration`: duration between maximum and minimum values
- `changeRate`: change_duration / signal_overall_change
- `significantIncrease`:
- `significantDecrease`:
### HRV features:
These features are useful for 1D HRV(BVP) signals.
If number of RR intervals (numRR) is less than `length of sample / (2 * sampling rate)` (30 BPM) or greater than `length of sample / (sampling rate / 4)` (240 BPM), BPM value is incorrect and thus, all other HRV features are set to NaN.
- `meanHr`: mean heart rate
- `ibi`: mean interbeat interval
- `sdnn`: standard deviation of the ibi
- `sdsd`: standard deviation of the differences between all subsequent R-R intervals
- `rmssd`: root of the mean of the list of squared differences
- `pnn20`: the proportion of NN20 intervals to all intervals
- `pnn50`: the proportion of NN50 intervals to all intervals
- `sd`:
- `sd2`:
- `sd1/sd2`: sd / sd2 ratio
- `numRR`: number of RR intervals
### Accelerometer features:
These features are useful for 3D signals from accelerometer
- `meanLow`: mean of low-pass filtered signal
- `areaLow`: area under the low-pass filtered signal
- `totalAbsoluteAreaBand`: sum of absolute areas under the band-pass filtered x, y and z signal
- `totalMagnitudeBand`: square root of sum of squared band-pass filtered x, y and z components
- `entropyBand`: entropy of band-pass filtered signal
- `skewnessBand`: skewness of band-pass filtered signal
- `kurtosisBand`: kurtosis of band-pass filtered signal
- `postureDistanceLow`: calculates difference between mean values for a given sensor (low-pass filtered)
- `absoluteMeanBand`: mean of band-pass filtered signal
- `absoluteAreaBand`: area under the band-pass filtered signal
- `quartilesBand`: quartiles of band-pass filtered signal
- `interQuartileRangeBand`: inter quartile range of band-pass filtered signal
- `varianceBand`: variance of band-pass filtered signal
- `coefficientOfVariationBand`: dispersion of band-pass filtered signal
- `amplitudeBand`: difference between maximum and minimum sample of band-pass filtered signal
- `totalEnergyBand`: total magnitude of band-pass filtered signal
- `dominantFrequencyEnergyBand`: ratio of energy in dominant frequency
- `meanCrossingRateBand`: the number of signal crossings with mean of band-pass filtered signal
- `correlationBand`: Pearson's correlation between band-pass filtered axis
- `quartilesMagnitudesBand`: quartiles at 25%, 50% and 75% per band-pass filtered signal
- `interQuartileRangeMagnitudesBand`: interquartile range of band-pass filtered signal
- `areaUnderAccelerationMagnitude`: area under acceleration magnitude
- `peaksDataLow`: number of peaks, sum of peak values, peak avg, amplitude avg
- `sumPerComponentBand`: sum per component of band-pass filtered signal
- `velocityBand`: velocity of the band-pass filtered signal
- `meanKineticEnergyBand`: mean kinetic energy 1/2*mV^2 of band-pass filtered signal
- `totalKineticEnergyBand`: total kinetic energy 1/2*mV^2 for all axes (band-pass filtered)
- `squareSumOfComponent`: squared sum of component
- `sumOfSquareComponents`: sum of squared components
- `averageVectorLength`: mean of magnitude vector
- `averageVectorLengthPower`: square mean of magnitude vector
- `rollAvgLow`: maximum difference of low-pass filtered roll samples
- `pitchAvgLow`: maximum difference of low-pass filtered pitch samples
- `rollStdDevLow`: standard deviation of roll (calculated from low-pass filtered signal)
- `pitchStdDevLow`: standard deviation of pitch (calculated from low-pass filtered signal)
- `rollMotionAmountLow`: amount of wrist roll (from low-pass filtered signal) motion
- `rollMotionRegularityLow`: regularity of wrist roll motion
- `manipulationLow`: manipulation of low-pass filtered signals
- `rollPeaks`: number of roll peaks, sum of roll peak values, roll peak avg, roll amplitude avg
- `pitchPeaks`: number of pitch peaks, sum of pitch peak values, pitch peak avg, pitch amplitude avg
- `rollPitchCorrelation`: correlation between roll and peak (obtained from low-pass filtered signal)
### Gyroscope features:
These features are useful for 3D signals from gyroscope
- `meanLow`: mean of low-pass filtered signal
- `areaLow`: area under the low-pass filtered signal
- `totalAbsoluteAreaLow`: sum of absolute areas under the low-pass filtered x, y and z signal
- `totalMagnitudeLow`: square root of sum of squared band-pass filtered x, y and z components
- `entropyLow`: entropy of low-pass filtered signal
- `skewnessLow`: skewness of low-pass filtered signal
- `kurtosisLow`: kurtosis of low-pass filtered signal
- `quartilesLow`: quartiles of low-pass filtered signal
- `interQuartileRangeLow`: inter quartile range of low-pass filtered signal
- `varianceLow`: variance of low-pass filtered signal
- `coefficientOfVariationLow`: dispersion of low-pass filtered signal
- `amplitudeLow`: difference between maximum and minimum sample of low-pass filtered signal
- `totalEnergyLow`: total magnitude of low-pass filtered signal
- `dominantFrequencyEnergyLow`: ratio of energy in dominant frequency
- `meanCrossingRateLow`: the number of signal crossings with mean of low-pass filtered signal
- `correlationLow`: Pearson's correlation between low-pass filtered axis
- `quartilesMagnitudeLow`: quartiles at 25%, 50% and 75% per low-pass filtered signal
- `interQuartileRangeMagnitudesLow`: interquartile range of band-pass filtered signal
- `areaUnderMagnitude`: area under magnitude
- `peaksCountLow`: number of peaks in low-pass filtered signal
- `averageVectorLengthLow`: mean of low-pass filtered magnitude vector
- `averageVectorLengthPowerLow`: square mean of low-pass filtered magnitude vector
### Generic features:
These are generic features, useful for many different types of signals
- `autocorrelations`: autocorrelations of the given signal with lags 5, 10, 20, 30, 50, 75 and 100
- `countAboveMean`: number of values in signal that are higher than the mean of signal
- `countBelowMean`: number of values in signal that are lower than the mean of signal
- `maximum`: maximum value of the signal
- `minimum`: minimum value of the signal
- `meanAbsChange`: the mean of absolute differences between subsequent time series values
- `longestStrikeAboveMean`: longest part of signal above mean
- `longestStrikeBelowMean`: longest part of signal below mean
- `stdDev`: standard deviation of the signal
- `median`: median of the signal
- `meanChange`: the mean over the differences between subsequent time series values
- `numberOfZeroCrossings`: number of crossings of signal on 0
- `absEnergy`: the absolute energy of the time series which is the sum over the squared values
- `linearTrendSlope`: a linear least-squares regression for the values of the time series versus the sequence from 0 to length of the time series minus one
- `ratioBeyondRSigma`: ratio of values that are more than r*std(x) (so r sigma) away from the mean of signal. r in this case is 2.5
- `binnedEntropy`: entropy of binned values
- `numOfPeaksAutocorr`: number of peaks of autocorrelations
- `numberOfZeroCrossingsAutocorr`: number of crossings of autocorrelations on 0
- `areaAutocorr`: area under autocorrelations
- `calcMeanCrossingRateAutocorr`: the number of autocorrelation crossings with mean
- `countAboveMeanAutocorr`: umber of values in signal that are higher than the mean of autocorrelation
- `sumPer`: sum per component
- `sumSquared`: squared sum per component
- `squareSumOfComponent`: square sum of component
- `sumOfSquareComponents`:sum of square components
### Frequency features:
These are frequency features, useful for many different types of signals. The signal is converted to power spectral density signal and features are calculated on this signal
- `fqHighestPeakFreqs`: three frequencies corresponding to the largest peaks added to features
- `fqHighestPeaks`: three largest peaks added to features
- `fqEnergyFeat`: energy calculated as the sum of the squared FFT component magnitudes, and normalized
- `fqEntropyFeat`: entropy of the FFT of the signal
- `fqHistogramBins`: Binned distribution (histogram)
- `fqAbsMean`: absolute mean of the raw signal
- `fqSkewness`: skewness of the power spectrum of the data
- `fqKurtosis`: kurtosis of the power spectrum of the data
- `fqInterquart`: inter quartile range of the raw signal

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@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
2017-05-22 07:15:34.750,0.503563,2.375,0.014828457554093788,0.023063999999999973,3.375,5.125,0.11820299999999986
2017-05-22 07:16:18.500,0.669122,1.25,0.11153807317588882,0.03459599999999996,0.375,1.5,0.05189399999999994
2017-05-22 07:16:29.250,0.808787,1.625,0.15124313794040223,0.057659999999999934,0.375,1.75,0.10090499999999988
2017-05-22 07:16:43.250,1.3176430000000001,2.125,0.3137904553094124,0.1410450000000001,0.5,2.375,0.3349818750000002
2017-05-22 07:16:49.625,1.436807,1.5,0.2754308494258524,0.09930299999999992,0.125,1.5,0.14895449999999988
2017-05-22 07:17:09.250,1.425176,1.0,0.27652972963920597,0.07688000000000006,0.125,1.0,0.07688000000000006
2017-05-22 07:17:20.250,1.732795,2.0,0.3374972909832241,0.32299500000000014,1.125,2.125,0.6863643750000004
2017-05-22 07:17:31.625,1.1331315,1.375,0.22530763506209084,0.06406650000000003,0.5,1.75,0.11211637500000005
2017-05-22 07:17:38.500,1.403394,1.5,0.34871084578724343,0.09225600000000012,0.625,2.0,0.18451200000000023
2017-05-22 07:17:45.125,1.4354269999999998,2.0,0.17189871106182686,0.15632299999999977,2.875,4.375,0.683913124999999
2017-05-22 07:18:07.125,1.655274,2.125,0.26828106990271827,0.24153099999999994,1.5,3.25,0.7849757499999999
2017-05-22 07:18:15.000,1.59313,1.625,0.15518636240276962,0.10378849999999984,1.25,2.5,0.2594712499999996
2017-05-22 07:18:28.375,1.5700655,1.75,0.061967970875677736,0.04100250000000005,1.0,2.375,0.09738093750000013
2017-05-22 07:18:34.500,1.92115,2.0,0.3612223590696164,0.36646,2.625,4.0,1.46584
2017-05-22 07:18:40.375,1.8026270000000002,1.625,0.10289846560438853,0.07623900000000017,1.0,2.25,0.17153775000000038
2017-05-22 07:18:48.375,1.8154405000000002,1.875,0.1396967735464596,0.11852350000000045,1.25,2.75,0.32593962500000123
2017-05-22 07:19:09.000,1.663603,1.75,0.05329105073014517,0.039722000000000035,1.25,2.625,0.10427025000000009
2017-05-22 07:19:20.375,1.6591179999999999,1.75,0.08783426805671546,0.06598799999999994,1.25,2.625,0.17321849999999983
2017-05-22 07:19:26.125,1.6450235000000002,2.25,0.044012205524090575,0.043565000000000076,2.125,3.625,0.15792312500000028
2017-05-22 07:21:03.625,1.171473,4.0,0.11766914755295232,0.22102999999999995,,,
2017-05-22 07:21:11.375,1.1048434999999999,1.875,0.026811067104887343,0.02050149999999995,0.625,2.0,0.0410029999999999
2017-05-22 07:21:27.625,1.031167,2.125,0.07750606429624973,0.07752100000000006,2.0,3.625,0.2810136250000002
2017-05-22 07:21:48.375,1.0177125,2.75,0.061221624333410496,0.100584,3.0,5.0,0.50292
2017-05-22 07:21:58.625,1.1054840000000001,3.75,0.09361829423393608,0.15440050000000016,2.0,4.5,0.6948022500000007
2017-05-22 07:23:26.375,0.6320325,1.75,0.047011122388191495,0.03844000000000003,1.125,2.375,0.09129500000000007
2017-05-22 07:24:26.000,0.534582,2.0,0.0323970421729749,0.025626999999999955,1.875,3.5,0.08969449999999984
2017-05-22 07:25:42.500,0.724219,4.0,0.11106882694184428,0.29086199999999995,,,
2017-05-22 07:26:03.125,1.3380455,3.125,0.2512871921254973,0.34852150000000004,2.125,3.875,1.3505208125000001
2017-05-22 07:26:14.250,1.34189,2.25,0.2918536338935702,0.254985,3.125,4.875,1.2430518750000001
2017-05-22 07:26:20.500,1.321388,1.5,0.1539927116847526,0.09481799999999985,0.75,2.0,0.1896359999999997
2017-05-22 07:26:29.250,1.425176,2.125,0.25289703835694866,0.21270100000000003,2.375,4.0,0.8508040000000001
2017-05-22 07:26:35.750,1.3944239999999999,1.875,0.12879051845700573,0.09674000000000005,1.125,2.625,0.2539425000000001
2017-05-22 07:26:41.000,1.480372,1.875,0.20847826783929513,0.15898349999999994,1.125,2.375,0.3775858124999999
2017-05-22 07:26:57.250,1.336863,1.875,0.13441189501376805,0.112757,1.625,3.125,0.352365625
2017-05-22 07:27:31.375,1.1786189999999999,2.25,0.08202871886284768,0.08328649999999982,2.625,4.25,0.35396762499999923
2017-05-22 07:27:55.375,1.029344,2.125,0.05728986633907596,0.052535,1.5,3.125,0.164171875
2017-05-22 07:28:11.125,1.3579065000000001,2.625,0.24722820810617208,0.3466005000000001,,,
2017-05-22 07:28:17.750,1.860928,4.0,0.31268337765616927,0.47290999999999994,2.375,4.375,2.0689812499999998
2017-05-22 07:28:38.375,1.7680315000000002,2.25,0.29119838550697885,0.32353650000000034,3.125,4.875,1.5772404375000018
2017-05-22 07:29:04.375,1.5643,2.125,0.1404294931600223,0.13390000000000013,,,
2017-05-22 07:29:26.375,1.7776414999999999,2.125,0.2393192190774318,0.23448349999999984,2.0,3.625,0.8500026874999994
2017-05-22 07:30:05.125,1.399008,1.5,0.05270208243056018,0.03203350000000005,0.75,1.875,0.06006281250000009
2017-05-22 07:30:31.375,1.653352,3.375,0.2871077101193489,0.429246,,,
2017-05-22 07:30:34.625,1.8404265,1.875,0.23727048901370473,0.18835550000000012,0.875,2.375,0.4473443125000003
2017-05-22 07:30:47.375,1.7411235,2.0,0.14199373618878397,0.11980500000000016,2.0,3.625,0.4342931250000006
2017-05-22 07:30:53.000,1.731513,1.75,0.06045060566822791,0.030752000000000113,0.625,2.0,0.061504000000000225
2017-05-22 07:31:15.500,1.525219,2.375,0.03471297956604147,0.03395550000000003,0.875,2.625,0.08913318750000007
2017-05-22 07:32:17.875,2.08536,2.375,0.45106857195387384,0.502481,,,
2017-05-22 07:32:23.000,2.114831,1.375,0.15153710180561575,0.05445650000000013,0.375,1.625,0.08849181250000021
2017-05-22 07:32:40.750,2.410332,1.875,0.7084231020390668,0.5767534999999997,3.0,4.5,2.5953907499999986
2017-05-22 07:33:12.375,1.870096,1.0,0.12952756935894172,0.035236000000000045,0.5,1.5,0.05285400000000007
2017-05-22 07:33:31.500,1.647145,1.75,0.28035533686811753,0.1255710000000001,0.375,1.375,0.17266012500000014
2017-05-22 07:33:48.875,1.6398979999999999,2.5,0.22399495229998578,0.29086199999999995,3.5,5.375,1.5633832499999998
2017-05-22 07:33:58.875,1.6597585000000001,2.0,0.23193033054720047,0.23832700000000018,1.75,3.25,0.7745627500000005
2017-05-22 07:34:20.125,1.5976145000000002,3.0,0.19560839697922994,0.26843950000000016,,,
2017-05-22 07:34:49.875,1.3932419999999999,2.375,0.028080802357340673,0.032032999999999756,0.75,2.375,0.07607837499999942
2017-05-22 07:35:19.750,1.143382,2.75,0.032085826213871016,0.03075199999999989,1.0,2.75,0.0845679999999997
2017-05-22 07:35:30.500,1.186948,1.75,0.20425108909752332,0.12557099999999988,0.25,1.75,0.21974924999999979
2017-05-22 07:35:53.125,1.251014,1.625,0.11746281156048255,0.0320330000000002,0.5,1.875,0.060061875000000375
2017-05-22 07:36:05.625,1.306752,2.0,0.10508940062988081,0.09866249999999988,0.625,2.25,0.22199062499999972
2017-05-22 07:36:26.625,1.3002465,2.5,0.21642722813322202,0.22103000000000006,0.375,2.125,0.4696887500000001
2017-05-22 07:36:42.750,1.176598,1.75,0.14901857025425969,0.11147600000000013,1.5,2.875,0.3204935000000004
2017-05-22 07:36:57.375,1.0888265,1.875,0.09062315859340409,0.0762385000000001,1.375,2.875,0.21918568750000028
2017-05-22 07:37:19.375,1.0817795000000001,1.75,0.03859067965386842,0.026908500000000224,,,
2017-05-22 07:37:22.250,1.224007,2.0,0.14184516802949076,0.12813300000000005,1.625,3.125,0.40041562500000016
2017-05-22 07:37:31.500,1.158659,2.0,0.05539320099511258,0.04869000000000012,1.625,3.25,0.1582425000000004
2017-05-22 07:37:53.500,1.4290200000000002,2.25,0.24063567651439755,0.24985900000000005,,,
2017-05-22 07:38:02.250,1.375204,1.75,0.0511188487860057,0.03972100000000012,0.375,1.75,0.0695117500000002
2017-05-22 07:38:13.375,1.298965,2.0,0.048745168416420626,0.049331000000000014,2.375,3.75,0.18499125000000005
2017-05-22 07:38:22.500,1.288074,2.75,0.019866865669309064,0.028189999999999937,1.625,3.625,0.10218874999999977
2017-05-22 07:38:42.500,1.250915,2.0,0.04330280907170092,0.03459599999999985,1.75,3.375,0.11676149999999949
2017-05-22 07:38:57.875,1.2336174999999998,1.375,0.13929210080343957,0.07367649999999992,0.375,1.5,0.11051474999999988
2017-05-22 07:39:24.875,1.2291325,2.625,0.07696330743284285,0.07047349999999986,2.625,4.5,0.31713074999999935
2017-05-22 07:39:58.000,1.386736,2.25,0.1950892271550373,0.22807699999999986,,,
2017-05-22 07:40:07.750,1.431682,3.625,0.10232995613186091,0.1551404999999999,1.5,4.125,0.6399545624999996
2017-05-22 07:40:13.875,1.336223,1.5,0.03691823367415381,0.021782999999999886,0.625,1.875,0.040843124999999786
2017-05-22 07:40:31.750,1.7097310000000001,2.125,0.29895999294932096,0.299191,2.125,3.75,1.1219662499999998
2017-05-22 07:41:02.125,1.4476985,3.5,0.12358274335508845,0.026908000000000154,0.125,3.125,0.08408750000000048
2017-05-22 07:41:30.250,1.3060120000000002,4.0,0.018481394048414757,0.044846000000000164,,,
2017-05-22 07:41:48.500,1.311138,3.125,0.026024648999197098,0.02050149999999973,0.75,2.5,0.05125374999999932
2017-05-22 07:42:05.875,1.2926575,2.625,0.10473285642778052,0.1274925,1.0,2.625,0.3346678125
2017-05-22 07:42:18.250,1.158659,2.375,0.2680741258669528,0.20757550000000013,,,
2017-05-22 07:44:54.875,1.07281,2.25,0.2296469005371069,0.14222750000000006,1.0,2.5,0.35556875000000016
2017-05-22 07:45:24.250,1.209913,4.0,0.12521915371023162,0.21013900000000008,3.5,5.25,1.1032297500000003
2017-05-22 07:45:33.125,1.1778795,3.625,0.019288312412006903,0.08584950000000013,1.0,3.375,0.28974206250000045
2017-05-22 07:45:37.000,1.536751,2.125,0.30655783735363684,0.382576,1.25,2.75,1.052084
2017-05-22 07:45:51.125,1.6725720000000002,2.625,0.3439185714022184,0.420277,,,
2017-05-22 07:46:39.250,1.36249,1.875,0.06455079234815564,0.06726999999999994,0.625,2.0,0.13453999999999988
2017-05-22 07:46:43.375,1.234357,1.125,0.36833145242077237,0.09738099999999994,0.375,1.5,0.1460714999999999
2017-05-22 07:46:54.625,1.300345,2.125,0.302864053208582,0.23256100000000002,,,
2017-05-22 08:05:41.125,0.227703,1.75,0.0699073493119271,0.033954999999999985,2.875,4.5,0.15279749999999992
2017-05-22 08:07:34.625,0.20976450000000002,1.875,0.06528087959205453,0.04164350000000003,,,
2017-05-22 08:14:31.375,0.42438750000000003,4.0,0.04608763734814758,0.13774350000000002,2.125,5.0,0.6887175000000001
2017-05-22 08:16:05.625,0.43848200000000004,1.875,0.022908910049771247,0.02050099999999999,0.875,2.25,0.04612724999999998
2017-05-22 08:16:31.750,0.421825,2.375,0.020235005129130013,0.0262675,1.375,3.0,0.0788025
2017-05-22 08:17:08.375,0.442967,4.0,0.027462685910427886,0.05637900000000001,,,
2017-05-22 08:17:23.625,0.48589150000000003,1.875,0.022108622083991225,0.021782500000000038,1.0,2.375,0.05173343750000009
2017-05-22 08:17:41.375,0.47371850000000004,1.875,0.020662833646469814,0.02114149999999998,1.25,2.625,0.05549643749999995
2017-05-22 08:17:57.000,0.570459,3.75,0.09028796294871899,0.12172600000000006,,,
2017-05-22 08:18:15.000,0.752408,4.0,0.09074689036959427,0.20373099999999988,,,
2017-05-22 08:18:18.125,0.776113,1.375,0.045155390005493956,0.022423000000000082,0.5,1.625,0.03643737500000013
2017-05-22 08:18:41.375,0.7703470000000001,1.25,0.15855556460387632,0.05830050000000009,0.375,1.5,0.08745075000000013
2017-05-22 08:20:34.750,0.6652779999999999,2.125,0.05843900549537295,0.06598899999999996,1.75,3.375,0.22271287499999987
2017-05-22 08:20:47.000,0.628119,2.625,0.028209886616290092,0.02818949999999998,1.0,2.75,0.07752112499999994
2017-05-22 08:21:05.125,0.633885,2.0,0.04517072457773352,0.05125350000000006,3.125,4.5,0.23064075000000028
2017-05-22 08:21:16.500,0.6434949999999999,2.125,0.03412071629378932,0.030111499999999847,1.25,3.0,0.09033449999999954
2017-05-22 08:22:17.250,0.674247,2.5,0.10312026697879695,0.11531999999999998,,,
2017-05-22 08:22:35.000,0.690904,2.125,0.027065625284675043,0.021141999999999994,0.625,2.25,0.04756949999999999
2017-05-22 08:22:48.000,0.697311,2.625,0.03720895432743454,0.049331000000000014,,,
2017-05-22 08:22:53.250,0.708843,2.25,0.035330474875114426,0.03459599999999996,,,
2017-05-22 08:23:02.000,0.748564,2.0,0.03098284779636007,0.02434500000000006,1.125,2.625,0.06390562500000016
2017-05-22 08:23:37.000,0.761378,1.625,0.02820908045797399,0.02050149999999995,0.875,2.125,0.043565687499999894
2017-05-22 08:23:45.375,0.9170595,2.5,0.10900167444209874,0.16785450000000002,2.125,4.0,0.6714180000000001
2017-05-22 08:23:52.125,0.877979,2.25,0.046180062567243496,0.04869099999999993,0.875,2.25,0.10955474999999984
2017-05-22 08:23:58.000,0.902324,2.0,0.0451624964223063,0.049972000000000016,1.0,2.375,0.11868350000000004
2017-05-22 08:24:01.875,0.9817665,1.875,0.12067163327367236,0.10378749999999992,1.875,3.25,0.33730937499999974
2017-05-22 08:24:27.250,1.0369329999999999,1.875,0.10883694564521296,0.07047349999999997,1.375,2.875,0.20261131249999992
2017-05-22 08:24:48.875,1.015791,3.25,0.05283368025782487,0.10250700000000013,2.375,4.625,0.4740948750000006
2017-05-22 08:24:54.125,1.0061805000000001,2.5,0.034086601379224035,0.03972100000000023,,,
2017-05-22 08:24:57.250,1.142002,2.25,0.14365102798932483,0.14222800000000002,2.625,4.25,0.6044690000000001
2017-05-22 08:25:19.375,1.1118905,2.75,0.05343529253432422,0.05894149999999998,0.875,2.5,0.14735374999999995
2017-05-22 08:25:36.375,1.146487,3.125,0.06381041996704617,0.14799399999999996,2.0,4.25,0.6289744999999998
2017-05-22 08:26:00.875,1.089467,2.375,0.10804115398923564,0.12428899999999987,1.625,3.25,0.4039392499999996
2017-05-22 08:26:23.875,1.058075,1.875,0.04895165908758514,0.03267400000000009,0.375,1.75,0.05717950000000016
2017-05-22 08:26:29.750,1.07281,1.625,0.03252146988782734,0.02434549999999991,0.75,2.125,0.051734187499999806
2017-05-22 08:26:46.750,1.062559,1.875,0.04287899744724122,0.04420550000000012,1.375,2.75,0.12156512500000033
2017-05-22 08:26:53.750,1.033089,2.5,0.02030497122408903,0.026907999999999932,3.375,5.125,0.13790349999999965
2017-05-22 08:27:10.625,1.109328,4.0,0.08325412668487431,0.08777150000000011,1.375,2.875,0.2523430625000003
2017-05-22 08:27:22.125,1.1714725000000001,3.5,0.1102682429606805,0.1313365000000002,3.5,5.125,0.6730995625000009
2017-05-22 08:27:34.500,1.106125,2.125,0.049404017703517766,0.04484700000000008,1.5,3.0,0.13454100000000024
2017-05-22 08:28:11.000,1.175317,2.375,0.0767191386014403,0.08649050000000003,1.625,3.375,0.2919054375000001
2017-05-22 08:28:15.750,1.161222,2.125,0.023469816031331803,0.031392499999999934,1.625,3.125,0.0981015624999998
2017-05-22 08:28:40.000,1.131751,2.125,0.021426131696090422,0.026907999999999932,2.5,4.0,0.10763199999999973
2017-05-22 08:28:45.625,1.231695,2.375,0.10967664002624034,0.11147599999999991,,,
2017-05-22 08:29:05.250,1.254759,1.75,0.11844124124046118,0.10763199999999995,3.375,4.625,0.49779799999999974
2017-05-22 08:29:16.500,1.2252889999999999,2.75,0.04090415106637302,0.06406699999999987,2.0,3.75,0.24025124999999953
2017-05-22 08:29:47.875,1.2560405,2.25,0.06433835805311716,0.06662899999999983,2.25,4.0,0.2665159999999993
2017-05-22 08:29:55.000,1.317544,2.0,0.11189364771460575,0.09353699999999998,,,
2017-05-22 08:30:06.250,1.231695,2.5,0.0815369875816696,0.047409000000000034,0.125,2.0,0.09481800000000007
2017-05-22 08:30:33.500,0.8972680000000001,1.5,0.20104111662310498,0.05894200000000005,1.125,2.375,0.13998725000000012
2017-05-22 08:30:38.750,0.9997739999999999,2.25,0.46054202442366776,0.29086199999999995,,,
2017-05-22 08:32:36.750,0.656308,2.625,0.054126330081166074,0.07431699999999997,2.25,4.125,0.30655762499999983
2017-05-22 08:33:43.500,0.594804,1.875,0.07805246554195655,0.051253000000000104,1.25,2.5,0.12813250000000026
2017-05-22 08:36:47.625,0.319959,3.125,0.037886110588743804,0.045487,0.625,2.5,0.1137175
2017-05-22 08:36:51.500,0.402605,1.25,0.0822805602175376,0.02947099999999997,0.375,1.375,0.04052262499999996
2017-05-22 08:38:24.125,0.6838569999999999,3.125,0.011308014179868486,0.03908099999999992,,,
2017-05-22 08:38:46.125,0.636448,1.0,0.261456682334547,0.02434550000000002,0.125,1.125,0.027388687500000022
2017-05-22 08:39:22.625,0.553802,1.375,0.22335943852213358,0.02050099999999999,0.125,1.25,0.02562624999999999
2017-05-22 08:41:21.750,0.424387,4.0,0.004364841866654867,0.021782000000000024,,,
2017-05-22 08:45:52.875,0.2539705,2.125,0.03486080607122055,0.024345499999999992,0.25,1.625,0.03956143749999999
2017-05-22 08:49:09.875,0.5993580000000001,1.625,1.5722707914359493,0.34026200000000006,0.125,1.25,0.4253275000000001
2017-05-22 08:57:45.625,0.1143055,1.875,0.05009238869002808,0.026908500000000002,0.75,1.875,0.050453437500000003
2017-05-22 08:58:12.750,0.124556,2.25,0.03482288095641184,0.042284,,,
2017-05-22 08:59:58.250,0.123275,1.5,0.04808163407584454,0.03203399999999999,0.625,1.875,0.060063749999999985
2017-05-22 09:00:08.625,0.1732465,1.0,0.1155253863671517,0.02370449999999999,1.25,2.25,0.053335124999999976
2017-05-22 09:00:31.000,0.251408,3.25,0.043829239927442254,0.07047300000000004,2.5,4.375,0.3083193750000002
2017-05-22 09:00:58.000,0.221937,4.0,0.01431226024740595,0.032033000000000006,,,
2017-05-22 09:01:11.750,0.232188,2.5,0.02680488117904911,0.02306400000000003,3.125,4.625,0.10667100000000013
2017-05-22 09:02:07.250,0.21424899999999997,1.875,0.021082079263371023,0.02242299999999997,0.875,2.25,0.050451749999999934
2017-05-22 09:02:16.750,0.230906,2.375,0.03262723948795654,0.02882949999999998,0.75,2.5,0.07207374999999995
2017-05-22 09:02:56.125,0.240516,2.125,0.03661649007111234,0.033954999999999985,1.125,2.75,0.09337624999999997
2017-05-22 09:04:57.125,0.3609615,4.0,0.05488506385313352,0.1845115,,,
2017-05-22 09:05:38.625,0.26998700000000003,3.125,0.009294932942037093,0.03651800000000002,3.875,6.375,0.23280225000000015
2017-05-22 09:06:09.125,0.29497300000000004,3.375,0.01571755350604942,0.06534800000000004,,,
2017-05-22 09:08:43.625,0.33021,1.125,0.30492121093270885,0.07239600000000002,0.125,1.125,0.08144550000000002
2017-05-22 09:08:52.375,0.405808,1.25,0.06686000727952646,0.028829999999999967,1.0,2.125,0.06126374999999993
2017-05-22 09:12:10.125,0.20399849999999997,4.0,0.02904607966296413,0.04036149999999997,0.25,3.25,0.13117487499999989
2017-05-22 09:12:16.625,0.25909550000000003,1.5,0.05538791361833395,0.028189500000000034,1.75,3.0,0.0845685000000001
2017-05-22 09:22:03.375,0.167481,1.875,0.04229639383065775,0.030111999999999972,,,
2017-05-22 09:23:03.000,0.39721300000000004,1.0,0.09950268516068572,0.023064000000000084,0.25,1.25,0.028830000000000106
2017-05-22 09:23:56.375,0.42438750000000003,2.25,0.05731338537437081,0.07559850000000001,,,
2017-05-22 09:24:08.875,0.439123,2.875,0.05135528153867819,0.059582000000000024,3.375,5.25,0.3128055000000001
2017-05-22 09:26:05.625,0.7614465,1.375,1.1177070991499694,0.44469050000000004,2.125,3.25,1.445244125
2017-05-22 09:26:27.125,0.473078,1.875,0.03726277291054325,0.023063999999999973,2.0,3.125,0.07207499999999992
1 EDA rise_time max_deriv amp decay_time SCR_width AUC
2 2017-05-22 07:15:34.750 0.503563 2.375 0.014828457554093788 0.023063999999999973 3.375 5.125 0.11820299999999986
3 2017-05-22 07:16:18.500 0.669122 1.25 0.11153807317588882 0.03459599999999996 0.375 1.5 0.05189399999999994
4 2017-05-22 07:16:29.250 0.808787 1.625 0.15124313794040223 0.057659999999999934 0.375 1.75 0.10090499999999988
5 2017-05-22 07:16:43.250 1.3176430000000001 2.125 0.3137904553094124 0.1410450000000001 0.5 2.375 0.3349818750000002
6 2017-05-22 07:16:49.625 1.436807 1.5 0.2754308494258524 0.09930299999999992 0.125 1.5 0.14895449999999988
7 2017-05-22 07:17:09.250 1.425176 1.0 0.27652972963920597 0.07688000000000006 0.125 1.0 0.07688000000000006
8 2017-05-22 07:17:20.250 1.732795 2.0 0.3374972909832241 0.32299500000000014 1.125 2.125 0.6863643750000004
9 2017-05-22 07:17:31.625 1.1331315 1.375 0.22530763506209084 0.06406650000000003 0.5 1.75 0.11211637500000005
10 2017-05-22 07:17:38.500 1.403394 1.5 0.34871084578724343 0.09225600000000012 0.625 2.0 0.18451200000000023
11 2017-05-22 07:17:45.125 1.4354269999999998 2.0 0.17189871106182686 0.15632299999999977 2.875 4.375 0.683913124999999
12 2017-05-22 07:18:07.125 1.655274 2.125 0.26828106990271827 0.24153099999999994 1.5 3.25 0.7849757499999999
13 2017-05-22 07:18:15.000 1.59313 1.625 0.15518636240276962 0.10378849999999984 1.25 2.5 0.2594712499999996
14 2017-05-22 07:18:28.375 1.5700655 1.75 0.061967970875677736 0.04100250000000005 1.0 2.375 0.09738093750000013
15 2017-05-22 07:18:34.500 1.92115 2.0 0.3612223590696164 0.36646 2.625 4.0 1.46584
16 2017-05-22 07:18:40.375 1.8026270000000002 1.625 0.10289846560438853 0.07623900000000017 1.0 2.25 0.17153775000000038
17 2017-05-22 07:18:48.375 1.8154405000000002 1.875 0.1396967735464596 0.11852350000000045 1.25 2.75 0.32593962500000123
18 2017-05-22 07:19:09.000 1.663603 1.75 0.05329105073014517 0.039722000000000035 1.25 2.625 0.10427025000000009
19 2017-05-22 07:19:20.375 1.6591179999999999 1.75 0.08783426805671546 0.06598799999999994 1.25 2.625 0.17321849999999983
20 2017-05-22 07:19:26.125 1.6450235000000002 2.25 0.044012205524090575 0.043565000000000076 2.125 3.625 0.15792312500000028
21 2017-05-22 07:21:03.625 1.171473 4.0 0.11766914755295232 0.22102999999999995
22 2017-05-22 07:21:11.375 1.1048434999999999 1.875 0.026811067104887343 0.02050149999999995 0.625 2.0 0.0410029999999999
23 2017-05-22 07:21:27.625 1.031167 2.125 0.07750606429624973 0.07752100000000006 2.0 3.625 0.2810136250000002
24 2017-05-22 07:21:48.375 1.0177125 2.75 0.061221624333410496 0.100584 3.0 5.0 0.50292
25 2017-05-22 07:21:58.625 1.1054840000000001 3.75 0.09361829423393608 0.15440050000000016 2.0 4.5 0.6948022500000007
26 2017-05-22 07:23:26.375 0.6320325 1.75 0.047011122388191495 0.03844000000000003 1.125 2.375 0.09129500000000007
27 2017-05-22 07:24:26.000 0.534582 2.0 0.0323970421729749 0.025626999999999955 1.875 3.5 0.08969449999999984
28 2017-05-22 07:25:42.500 0.724219 4.0 0.11106882694184428 0.29086199999999995
29 2017-05-22 07:26:03.125 1.3380455 3.125 0.2512871921254973 0.34852150000000004 2.125 3.875 1.3505208125000001
30 2017-05-22 07:26:14.250 1.34189 2.25 0.2918536338935702 0.254985 3.125 4.875 1.2430518750000001
31 2017-05-22 07:26:20.500 1.321388 1.5 0.1539927116847526 0.09481799999999985 0.75 2.0 0.1896359999999997
32 2017-05-22 07:26:29.250 1.425176 2.125 0.25289703835694866 0.21270100000000003 2.375 4.0 0.8508040000000001
33 2017-05-22 07:26:35.750 1.3944239999999999 1.875 0.12879051845700573 0.09674000000000005 1.125 2.625 0.2539425000000001
34 2017-05-22 07:26:41.000 1.480372 1.875 0.20847826783929513 0.15898349999999994 1.125 2.375 0.3775858124999999
35 2017-05-22 07:26:57.250 1.336863 1.875 0.13441189501376805 0.112757 1.625 3.125 0.352365625
36 2017-05-22 07:27:31.375 1.1786189999999999 2.25 0.08202871886284768 0.08328649999999982 2.625 4.25 0.35396762499999923
37 2017-05-22 07:27:55.375 1.029344 2.125 0.05728986633907596 0.052535 1.5 3.125 0.164171875
38 2017-05-22 07:28:11.125 1.3579065000000001 2.625 0.24722820810617208 0.3466005000000001
39 2017-05-22 07:28:17.750 1.860928 4.0 0.31268337765616927 0.47290999999999994 2.375 4.375 2.0689812499999998
40 2017-05-22 07:28:38.375 1.7680315000000002 2.25 0.29119838550697885 0.32353650000000034 3.125 4.875 1.5772404375000018
41 2017-05-22 07:29:04.375 1.5643 2.125 0.1404294931600223 0.13390000000000013
42 2017-05-22 07:29:26.375 1.7776414999999999 2.125 0.2393192190774318 0.23448349999999984 2.0 3.625 0.8500026874999994
43 2017-05-22 07:30:05.125 1.399008 1.5 0.05270208243056018 0.03203350000000005 0.75 1.875 0.06006281250000009
44 2017-05-22 07:30:31.375 1.653352 3.375 0.2871077101193489 0.429246
45 2017-05-22 07:30:34.625 1.8404265 1.875 0.23727048901370473 0.18835550000000012 0.875 2.375 0.4473443125000003
46 2017-05-22 07:30:47.375 1.7411235 2.0 0.14199373618878397 0.11980500000000016 2.0 3.625 0.4342931250000006
47 2017-05-22 07:30:53.000 1.731513 1.75 0.06045060566822791 0.030752000000000113 0.625 2.0 0.061504000000000225
48 2017-05-22 07:31:15.500 1.525219 2.375 0.03471297956604147 0.03395550000000003 0.875 2.625 0.08913318750000007
49 2017-05-22 07:32:17.875 2.08536 2.375 0.45106857195387384 0.502481
50 2017-05-22 07:32:23.000 2.114831 1.375 0.15153710180561575 0.05445650000000013 0.375 1.625 0.08849181250000021
51 2017-05-22 07:32:40.750 2.410332 1.875 0.7084231020390668 0.5767534999999997 3.0 4.5 2.5953907499999986
52 2017-05-22 07:33:12.375 1.870096 1.0 0.12952756935894172 0.035236000000000045 0.5 1.5 0.05285400000000007
53 2017-05-22 07:33:31.500 1.647145 1.75 0.28035533686811753 0.1255710000000001 0.375 1.375 0.17266012500000014
54 2017-05-22 07:33:48.875 1.6398979999999999 2.5 0.22399495229998578 0.29086199999999995 3.5 5.375 1.5633832499999998
55 2017-05-22 07:33:58.875 1.6597585000000001 2.0 0.23193033054720047 0.23832700000000018 1.75 3.25 0.7745627500000005
56 2017-05-22 07:34:20.125 1.5976145000000002 3.0 0.19560839697922994 0.26843950000000016
57 2017-05-22 07:34:49.875 1.3932419999999999 2.375 0.028080802357340673 0.032032999999999756 0.75 2.375 0.07607837499999942
58 2017-05-22 07:35:19.750 1.143382 2.75 0.032085826213871016 0.03075199999999989 1.0 2.75 0.0845679999999997
59 2017-05-22 07:35:30.500 1.186948 1.75 0.20425108909752332 0.12557099999999988 0.25 1.75 0.21974924999999979
60 2017-05-22 07:35:53.125 1.251014 1.625 0.11746281156048255 0.0320330000000002 0.5 1.875 0.060061875000000375
61 2017-05-22 07:36:05.625 1.306752 2.0 0.10508940062988081 0.09866249999999988 0.625 2.25 0.22199062499999972
62 2017-05-22 07:36:26.625 1.3002465 2.5 0.21642722813322202 0.22103000000000006 0.375 2.125 0.4696887500000001
63 2017-05-22 07:36:42.750 1.176598 1.75 0.14901857025425969 0.11147600000000013 1.5 2.875 0.3204935000000004
64 2017-05-22 07:36:57.375 1.0888265 1.875 0.09062315859340409 0.0762385000000001 1.375 2.875 0.21918568750000028
65 2017-05-22 07:37:19.375 1.0817795000000001 1.75 0.03859067965386842 0.026908500000000224
66 2017-05-22 07:37:22.250 1.224007 2.0 0.14184516802949076 0.12813300000000005 1.625 3.125 0.40041562500000016
67 2017-05-22 07:37:31.500 1.158659 2.0 0.05539320099511258 0.04869000000000012 1.625 3.25 0.1582425000000004
68 2017-05-22 07:37:53.500 1.4290200000000002 2.25 0.24063567651439755 0.24985900000000005
69 2017-05-22 07:38:02.250 1.375204 1.75 0.0511188487860057 0.03972100000000012 0.375 1.75 0.0695117500000002
70 2017-05-22 07:38:13.375 1.298965 2.0 0.048745168416420626 0.049331000000000014 2.375 3.75 0.18499125000000005
71 2017-05-22 07:38:22.500 1.288074 2.75 0.019866865669309064 0.028189999999999937 1.625 3.625 0.10218874999999977
72 2017-05-22 07:38:42.500 1.250915 2.0 0.04330280907170092 0.03459599999999985 1.75 3.375 0.11676149999999949
73 2017-05-22 07:38:57.875 1.2336174999999998 1.375 0.13929210080343957 0.07367649999999992 0.375 1.5 0.11051474999999988
74 2017-05-22 07:39:24.875 1.2291325 2.625 0.07696330743284285 0.07047349999999986 2.625 4.5 0.31713074999999935
75 2017-05-22 07:39:58.000 1.386736 2.25 0.1950892271550373 0.22807699999999986
76 2017-05-22 07:40:07.750 1.431682 3.625 0.10232995613186091 0.1551404999999999 1.5 4.125 0.6399545624999996
77 2017-05-22 07:40:13.875 1.336223 1.5 0.03691823367415381 0.021782999999999886 0.625 1.875 0.040843124999999786
78 2017-05-22 07:40:31.750 1.7097310000000001 2.125 0.29895999294932096 0.299191 2.125 3.75 1.1219662499999998
79 2017-05-22 07:41:02.125 1.4476985 3.5 0.12358274335508845 0.026908000000000154 0.125 3.125 0.08408750000000048
80 2017-05-22 07:41:30.250 1.3060120000000002 4.0 0.018481394048414757 0.044846000000000164
81 2017-05-22 07:41:48.500 1.311138 3.125 0.026024648999197098 0.02050149999999973 0.75 2.5 0.05125374999999932
82 2017-05-22 07:42:05.875 1.2926575 2.625 0.10473285642778052 0.1274925 1.0 2.625 0.3346678125
83 2017-05-22 07:42:18.250 1.158659 2.375 0.2680741258669528 0.20757550000000013
84 2017-05-22 07:44:54.875 1.07281 2.25 0.2296469005371069 0.14222750000000006 1.0 2.5 0.35556875000000016
85 2017-05-22 07:45:24.250 1.209913 4.0 0.12521915371023162 0.21013900000000008 3.5 5.25 1.1032297500000003
86 2017-05-22 07:45:33.125 1.1778795 3.625 0.019288312412006903 0.08584950000000013 1.0 3.375 0.28974206250000045
87 2017-05-22 07:45:37.000 1.536751 2.125 0.30655783735363684 0.382576 1.25 2.75 1.052084
88 2017-05-22 07:45:51.125 1.6725720000000002 2.625 0.3439185714022184 0.420277
89 2017-05-22 07:46:39.250 1.36249 1.875 0.06455079234815564 0.06726999999999994 0.625 2.0 0.13453999999999988
90 2017-05-22 07:46:43.375 1.234357 1.125 0.36833145242077237 0.09738099999999994 0.375 1.5 0.1460714999999999
91 2017-05-22 07:46:54.625 1.300345 2.125 0.302864053208582 0.23256100000000002
92 2017-05-22 08:05:41.125 0.227703 1.75 0.0699073493119271 0.033954999999999985 2.875 4.5 0.15279749999999992
93 2017-05-22 08:07:34.625 0.20976450000000002 1.875 0.06528087959205453 0.04164350000000003
94 2017-05-22 08:14:31.375 0.42438750000000003 4.0 0.04608763734814758 0.13774350000000002 2.125 5.0 0.6887175000000001
95 2017-05-22 08:16:05.625 0.43848200000000004 1.875 0.022908910049771247 0.02050099999999999 0.875 2.25 0.04612724999999998
96 2017-05-22 08:16:31.750 0.421825 2.375 0.020235005129130013 0.0262675 1.375 3.0 0.0788025
97 2017-05-22 08:17:08.375 0.442967 4.0 0.027462685910427886 0.05637900000000001
98 2017-05-22 08:17:23.625 0.48589150000000003 1.875 0.022108622083991225 0.021782500000000038 1.0 2.375 0.05173343750000009
99 2017-05-22 08:17:41.375 0.47371850000000004 1.875 0.020662833646469814 0.02114149999999998 1.25 2.625 0.05549643749999995
100 2017-05-22 08:17:57.000 0.570459 3.75 0.09028796294871899 0.12172600000000006
101 2017-05-22 08:18:15.000 0.752408 4.0 0.09074689036959427 0.20373099999999988
102 2017-05-22 08:18:18.125 0.776113 1.375 0.045155390005493956 0.022423000000000082 0.5 1.625 0.03643737500000013
103 2017-05-22 08:18:41.375 0.7703470000000001 1.25 0.15855556460387632 0.05830050000000009 0.375 1.5 0.08745075000000013
104 2017-05-22 08:20:34.750 0.6652779999999999 2.125 0.05843900549537295 0.06598899999999996 1.75 3.375 0.22271287499999987
105 2017-05-22 08:20:47.000 0.628119 2.625 0.028209886616290092 0.02818949999999998 1.0 2.75 0.07752112499999994
106 2017-05-22 08:21:05.125 0.633885 2.0 0.04517072457773352 0.05125350000000006 3.125 4.5 0.23064075000000028
107 2017-05-22 08:21:16.500 0.6434949999999999 2.125 0.03412071629378932 0.030111499999999847 1.25 3.0 0.09033449999999954
108 2017-05-22 08:22:17.250 0.674247 2.5 0.10312026697879695 0.11531999999999998
109 2017-05-22 08:22:35.000 0.690904 2.125 0.027065625284675043 0.021141999999999994 0.625 2.25 0.04756949999999999
110 2017-05-22 08:22:48.000 0.697311 2.625 0.03720895432743454 0.049331000000000014
111 2017-05-22 08:22:53.250 0.708843 2.25 0.035330474875114426 0.03459599999999996
112 2017-05-22 08:23:02.000 0.748564 2.0 0.03098284779636007 0.02434500000000006 1.125 2.625 0.06390562500000016
113 2017-05-22 08:23:37.000 0.761378 1.625 0.02820908045797399 0.02050149999999995 0.875 2.125 0.043565687499999894
114 2017-05-22 08:23:45.375 0.9170595 2.5 0.10900167444209874 0.16785450000000002 2.125 4.0 0.6714180000000001
115 2017-05-22 08:23:52.125 0.877979 2.25 0.046180062567243496 0.04869099999999993 0.875 2.25 0.10955474999999984
116 2017-05-22 08:23:58.000 0.902324 2.0 0.0451624964223063 0.049972000000000016 1.0 2.375 0.11868350000000004
117 2017-05-22 08:24:01.875 0.9817665 1.875 0.12067163327367236 0.10378749999999992 1.875 3.25 0.33730937499999974
118 2017-05-22 08:24:27.250 1.0369329999999999 1.875 0.10883694564521296 0.07047349999999997 1.375 2.875 0.20261131249999992
119 2017-05-22 08:24:48.875 1.015791 3.25 0.05283368025782487 0.10250700000000013 2.375 4.625 0.4740948750000006
120 2017-05-22 08:24:54.125 1.0061805000000001 2.5 0.034086601379224035 0.03972100000000023
121 2017-05-22 08:24:57.250 1.142002 2.25 0.14365102798932483 0.14222800000000002 2.625 4.25 0.6044690000000001
122 2017-05-22 08:25:19.375 1.1118905 2.75 0.05343529253432422 0.05894149999999998 0.875 2.5 0.14735374999999995
123 2017-05-22 08:25:36.375 1.146487 3.125 0.06381041996704617 0.14799399999999996 2.0 4.25 0.6289744999999998
124 2017-05-22 08:26:00.875 1.089467 2.375 0.10804115398923564 0.12428899999999987 1.625 3.25 0.4039392499999996
125 2017-05-22 08:26:23.875 1.058075 1.875 0.04895165908758514 0.03267400000000009 0.375 1.75 0.05717950000000016
126 2017-05-22 08:26:29.750 1.07281 1.625 0.03252146988782734 0.02434549999999991 0.75 2.125 0.051734187499999806
127 2017-05-22 08:26:46.750 1.062559 1.875 0.04287899744724122 0.04420550000000012 1.375 2.75 0.12156512500000033
128 2017-05-22 08:26:53.750 1.033089 2.5 0.02030497122408903 0.026907999999999932 3.375 5.125 0.13790349999999965
129 2017-05-22 08:27:10.625 1.109328 4.0 0.08325412668487431 0.08777150000000011 1.375 2.875 0.2523430625000003
130 2017-05-22 08:27:22.125 1.1714725000000001 3.5 0.1102682429606805 0.1313365000000002 3.5 5.125 0.6730995625000009
131 2017-05-22 08:27:34.500 1.106125 2.125 0.049404017703517766 0.04484700000000008 1.5 3.0 0.13454100000000024
132 2017-05-22 08:28:11.000 1.175317 2.375 0.0767191386014403 0.08649050000000003 1.625 3.375 0.2919054375000001
133 2017-05-22 08:28:15.750 1.161222 2.125 0.023469816031331803 0.031392499999999934 1.625 3.125 0.0981015624999998
134 2017-05-22 08:28:40.000 1.131751 2.125 0.021426131696090422 0.026907999999999932 2.5 4.0 0.10763199999999973
135 2017-05-22 08:28:45.625 1.231695 2.375 0.10967664002624034 0.11147599999999991
136 2017-05-22 08:29:05.250 1.254759 1.75 0.11844124124046118 0.10763199999999995 3.375 4.625 0.49779799999999974
137 2017-05-22 08:29:16.500 1.2252889999999999 2.75 0.04090415106637302 0.06406699999999987 2.0 3.75 0.24025124999999953
138 2017-05-22 08:29:47.875 1.2560405 2.25 0.06433835805311716 0.06662899999999983 2.25 4.0 0.2665159999999993
139 2017-05-22 08:29:55.000 1.317544 2.0 0.11189364771460575 0.09353699999999998
140 2017-05-22 08:30:06.250 1.231695 2.5 0.0815369875816696 0.047409000000000034 0.125 2.0 0.09481800000000007
141 2017-05-22 08:30:33.500 0.8972680000000001 1.5 0.20104111662310498 0.05894200000000005 1.125 2.375 0.13998725000000012
142 2017-05-22 08:30:38.750 0.9997739999999999 2.25 0.46054202442366776 0.29086199999999995
143 2017-05-22 08:32:36.750 0.656308 2.625 0.054126330081166074 0.07431699999999997 2.25 4.125 0.30655762499999983
144 2017-05-22 08:33:43.500 0.594804 1.875 0.07805246554195655 0.051253000000000104 1.25 2.5 0.12813250000000026
145 2017-05-22 08:36:47.625 0.319959 3.125 0.037886110588743804 0.045487 0.625 2.5 0.1137175
146 2017-05-22 08:36:51.500 0.402605 1.25 0.0822805602175376 0.02947099999999997 0.375 1.375 0.04052262499999996
147 2017-05-22 08:38:24.125 0.6838569999999999 3.125 0.011308014179868486 0.03908099999999992
148 2017-05-22 08:38:46.125 0.636448 1.0 0.261456682334547 0.02434550000000002 0.125 1.125 0.027388687500000022
149 2017-05-22 08:39:22.625 0.553802 1.375 0.22335943852213358 0.02050099999999999 0.125 1.25 0.02562624999999999
150 2017-05-22 08:41:21.750 0.424387 4.0 0.004364841866654867 0.021782000000000024
151 2017-05-22 08:45:52.875 0.2539705 2.125 0.03486080607122055 0.024345499999999992 0.25 1.625 0.03956143749999999
152 2017-05-22 08:49:09.875 0.5993580000000001 1.625 1.5722707914359493 0.34026200000000006 0.125 1.25 0.4253275000000001
153 2017-05-22 08:57:45.625 0.1143055 1.875 0.05009238869002808 0.026908500000000002 0.75 1.875 0.050453437500000003
154 2017-05-22 08:58:12.750 0.124556 2.25 0.03482288095641184 0.042284
155 2017-05-22 08:59:58.250 0.123275 1.5 0.04808163407584454 0.03203399999999999 0.625 1.875 0.060063749999999985
156 2017-05-22 09:00:08.625 0.1732465 1.0 0.1155253863671517 0.02370449999999999 1.25 2.25 0.053335124999999976
157 2017-05-22 09:00:31.000 0.251408 3.25 0.043829239927442254 0.07047300000000004 2.5 4.375 0.3083193750000002
158 2017-05-22 09:00:58.000 0.221937 4.0 0.01431226024740595 0.032033000000000006
159 2017-05-22 09:01:11.750 0.232188 2.5 0.02680488117904911 0.02306400000000003 3.125 4.625 0.10667100000000013
160 2017-05-22 09:02:07.250 0.21424899999999997 1.875 0.021082079263371023 0.02242299999999997 0.875 2.25 0.050451749999999934
161 2017-05-22 09:02:16.750 0.230906 2.375 0.03262723948795654 0.02882949999999998 0.75 2.5 0.07207374999999995
162 2017-05-22 09:02:56.125 0.240516 2.125 0.03661649007111234 0.033954999999999985 1.125 2.75 0.09337624999999997
163 2017-05-22 09:04:57.125 0.3609615 4.0 0.05488506385313352 0.1845115
164 2017-05-22 09:05:38.625 0.26998700000000003 3.125 0.009294932942037093 0.03651800000000002 3.875 6.375 0.23280225000000015
165 2017-05-22 09:06:09.125 0.29497300000000004 3.375 0.01571755350604942 0.06534800000000004
166 2017-05-22 09:08:43.625 0.33021 1.125 0.30492121093270885 0.07239600000000002 0.125 1.125 0.08144550000000002
167 2017-05-22 09:08:52.375 0.405808 1.25 0.06686000727952646 0.028829999999999967 1.0 2.125 0.06126374999999993
168 2017-05-22 09:12:10.125 0.20399849999999997 4.0 0.02904607966296413 0.04036149999999997 0.25 3.25 0.13117487499999989
169 2017-05-22 09:12:16.625 0.25909550000000003 1.5 0.05538791361833395 0.028189500000000034 1.75 3.0 0.0845685000000001
170 2017-05-22 09:22:03.375 0.167481 1.875 0.04229639383065775 0.030111999999999972
171 2017-05-22 09:23:03.000 0.39721300000000004 1.0 0.09950268516068572 0.023064000000000084 0.25 1.25 0.028830000000000106
172 2017-05-22 09:23:56.375 0.42438750000000003 2.25 0.05731338537437081 0.07559850000000001
173 2017-05-22 09:24:08.875 0.439123 2.875 0.05135528153867819 0.059582000000000024 3.375 5.25 0.3128055000000001
174 2017-05-22 09:26:05.625 0.7614465 1.375 1.1177070991499694 0.44469050000000004 2.125 3.25 1.445244125
175 2017-05-22 09:26:27.125 0.473078 1.875 0.03726277291054325 0.023063999999999973 2.0 3.125 0.07207499999999992

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@

View File

@ -0,0 +1,309 @@
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy.signal as scisig
import os
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from load_files import getInputLoadFile, getOutputPath, get_user_input
DEBUG = True
SECONDS_IN_DAY = 24*60*60
def computeAllAccelerometerFeatures(data, time_frames):
if DEBUG: print("\t\tcomputing motion...")
motion = computeMotion(data['AccelX'], data['AccelY'], data['AccelZ'])
if DEBUG: print("\t\tcomputing steps...")
steps = computeSteps(motion)
if DEBUG: print("\t\tcomputing stillness...")
stillness = computeStillness(motion)
features = []
for time_frame in time_frames:
start = time_frame[0]
end = time_frame[1]
start1Hz = int(start / SAMPLING_RATE)
end1Hz = end if end == -1 else int(end / SAMPLING_RATE)
if DEBUG: print("\t\tcomputing features for time frame. Start index: "+ str(start)+ " end index: "+ str(end))
time_frame_feats = computeAccelerometerFeaturesOverOneTimeFrame(motion[start:end],
return features, steps, motion
def computeMotion(acc1, acc2, acc3):
'''Aggregates 3-axis accelerometer signal into a single motion signal'''
return np.sqrt(np.array(acc1)**2 + np.array(acc2)**2 + np.array(acc3)**2)
def computeSteps(motion):
'''Determines the location of steps from the aggregated accelerometer signal.
Signal is low-pass filtered, then minimums are located in the signal. For each
min, if the max absolute derivative (first difference) immediately surrounding
it is greater than a threshold, it is counted as a step.
motion: root mean squared 3 axis acceleration
steps: binary array at 8Hz which is 1 everywhere there is a step'''
filtered_signal = filterSignalFIR(motion, 2, 256)
diff = filtered_signal[1:]-filtered_signal[:-1]
mins = scisig.argrelextrema(filtered_signal, np.less)[0]
steps = [0] * len(filtered_signal)
for m in mins:
if m <= 4 or m >= len(diff) - 4:
if max(abs(diff[m-4:m+4])) > STEP_DIFFERENCE_THRESHOLD:
steps[m] = 1.0
return steps
def filterSignalFIR(eda, cutoff=0.4, numtaps=64):
f = cutoff/(SAMPLING_RATE/2.0)
FIR_coeff = scisig.firwin(numtaps,f)
return scisig.lfilter(FIR_coeff,1,eda)
def computeStillness(motion):
'''Locates periods in which the person is still or motionless.
Total acceleration must be less than a threshold for 95 percent of one
minute in order for that minute to count as still
motion: an array containing the root mean squared acceleration
A 1Hz array that is 1 for each second belonging to a still period, 0 otherwise
diff = motion[1:]-motion[:-1]
momentary_stillness = diff < STILLNESS_MOTION_THRESHOLD
np.append(momentary_stillness,0) # to ensure list is the same size as the full day signal
num_minutes_in_day = 24*60
#create array indicating whether person was still or not for each second of the day
#to be still the momentary_stillness signal must be true for more than 95% of the minute
#containing that second
second_stillness = [0]*SECONDS_IN_DAY
for i in range(num_minutes_in_day):
hours_start = int(i / 60)
mins_start = i % 60
hours_end = int((i+1) / 60)
mins_end = (i+1) % 60
start_idx = getIndexFromTimestamp(hours_start, mins_start)
end_idx = getIndexFromTimestamp(hours_end, mins_end)
this_minute = momentary_stillness[start_idx:end_idx]
minute_stillness = sum(this_minute) > PERCENT_STILLNESS_THRESHOLD*(60*SAMPLING_RATE)
second_idx = int(start_idx/8)
for si in range(second_idx,second_idx+60):
second_stillness[si] = float(minute_stillness)
return second_stillness
def computeAccelerometerFeaturesOverOneTimeFrame(motion, steps, stillness):
''' Computes all available features for a time period. Incoming signals are assumed to be from
only that time period.
motion: 8Hz root mean squared 3 axis acceleration
steps: 8Hz binary signal that is 1 if there is a step
stillness: 1Hz 1 if the person was still during this second, 0 otherwise
A list of features containing (in order):
-Step count number of steps detected
-mean step time during movement average number of samples between two steps (aggregated first to 1 minute,
then we take the mean of only the parts of this signal occuring during movement)
-percent stillness percentage of time the person spent nearly motionless
features = []
return features
def computeStepFeatures(steps,stillness):
'''Counts the total number of steps over a given period,
as well as the average time between steps (meant to approximate walking speed)
steps: an binary array at 8 Hz that is 1 every time there is a step
sum: the number of steps in a period
median time: average number of samples between two steps'''
sum_steps = float(sum(steps))
step_indices = np.nonzero(steps)[0]
diff = step_indices[1:]-step_indices[:-1]
#ensure length of step difference array is the same so we can get the actual locations of step differences
timed_step_diff = np.empty(len(steps)) * np.nan
timed_step_diff[step_indices[:len(diff)]] = diff
signal_length_1s = len(stillness)
signal_length_1min = int(signal_length_1s / 60)
# if there aren't enough steps during this period, cannot accurately compute mean step diff
if len(timed_step_diff) < signal_length_1min:
return [sum_steps, np.nan]
agg_stillness = aggregateSignal(stillness, signal_length_1min, 'max')
agg_step_diff = aggregateSignal(timed_step_diff, signal_length_1min, 'mean')
movement_indices = [i for i in range(len(agg_stillness)) if agg_stillness[i] == 0.0]
step_diff_during_movement = agg_step_diff[movement_indices]
return [sum_steps,round(np.nanmean(step_diff_during_movement),10)]
def countStillness(stillness):
'''Counts the total percentage of time spent still over a period
stillness: an binary array at 1Hz that is 1 if that second is part of a still period
the percentage time spent still over a period'''
return float(sum(stillness)) / float(len(stillness))
def aggregateSignal(signal, new_signal_length, agg_method='sum'):
new_signal = np.zeros(new_signal_length)
samples_per_bucket = int(len(signal) / new_signal_length)
#the new signal length must be large enough that there is at least 1 sample per bucket
assert(samples_per_bucket > 0)
for i in range(new_signal_length):
if agg_method == 'sum':
new_signal[i] = np.nansum(signal[i*samples_per_bucket:(i+1)*samples_per_bucket])
elif agg_method == 'percent':
new_signal[i] = np.nansum(signal[i*samples_per_bucket:(i+1)*samples_per_bucket]) / samples_per_bucket
elif agg_method == 'mean':
new_signal[i] = np.nanmean(signal[i*samples_per_bucket:(i+1)*samples_per_bucket])
elif agg_method == 'max':
new_signal[i] = np.nanmax(signal[i*samples_per_bucket:(i+1)*samples_per_bucket])
return new_signal
def getIndexFromTimestamp(hours, mins=0):
return ((hours * 60) + mins) * 60 * SAMPLING_RATE
def inputTimeFrames():
'''Allows user to choose the time frames over which they compute accelerometer features.'''
time_frames = []
print("Accelerometer features can be extracted over different time periods.")
cont = get_user_input("If you would like to enter a time period over which to compute features, enter 'y', or press enter to compute features over the entire file.")
while cont == 'y' or cont == 'Y':
start = int(get_user_input("Enter the starting hour of the time period (hour 0 is when the file starts):"))
end = int(get_user_input("Enter the ending hour of the time period (hour 0 is when the file starts; use -1 for the end of the file):"))
start = getIndexFromTimestamp(int(start))
if end != -1:
end = getIndexFromTimestamp(int(end))
print("Great! Now computing features for the following time periods:"+ str(time_frames))
cont = get_user_input("To add another time period, enter 'y'. To finish, press enter.")
if len(time_frames) == 0:
time_frames = [[0,-1]] # the whole file
return time_frames
def saveFeaturesToFile(features, time_frames, output_file):
of = open(output_file, 'w')
of.write("Time period start hour, Time period end hour, Step count, Mean step time during movement, Percent stillness\n")
tf_i = 0
for tf in time_frames:
output_str = str(tf[0]) + ' , ' + str(tf[1])
for feat in features[tf_i]:
output_str += ' , ' + str(feat)
tf_i += 1
of.write(output_str + '\n')
print("Saved features to file"+ output_file)
# draws a graph of the data with the peaks marked on it
# assumes that 'data' dataframe already contains the 'peaks' column
def plotSteps(data, x_seconds, sampleRate = SAMPLING_RATE):
if x_seconds:
time_m = np.arange(0,len(data))/float(sampleRate)
realign = 128/(sampleRate)
time_m = np.arange(0,len(data))/(sampleRate*60.)
realign = 128/(sampleRate*60.)
data_min = data['motion'].min()
data_max = data['motion'].max()
#Plot the data with the Peaks marked
plt.figure(1,figsize=(20, 5))
for i in range(len(data)):
if data.iloc[i]["steps"]==1:
x_loc = time_m[i] - realign
step_height = data_max * 1.15
#data['steps_plot'] = data['steps'] * step_height
plt.title('Motion with Detected "Steps" marked')
if x_seconds:
plt.xlabel('Time (s)')
plt.xlabel('Time (min)')
if __name__ == "__main__":
print("This script will extract features related to accelerometer data.")
data, filepath_confirm = getInputLoadFile()
output_path = getOutputPath()
time_frames = inputTimeFrames()
features, steps, motion = computeAllAccelerometerFeatures(data, time_frames)
data["steps"] = steps
data["motion"] = motion
saveFeaturesToFile(features, time_frames, output_path)
plot_ans = get_user_input("Do you want to plot the detected steps? (y/n): ")
if 'y' in plot_ans:
secs_ans = get_user_input("Would you like the x-axis to be in seconds or minutes? (sec/min): ")
if 'sec' in secs_ans:
plotSteps(data, x_seconds)
print("\tOkay, script will not produce a plot")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,601 @@
import numpy as np
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import rbf_kernel
def predict_binary_classifier(X):
X: num test data by 13 features
# Get params
params = binary_classifier()
# compute kernel for all data points
K = rbf_kernel(params['support_vec'], X, gamma=params['gamma'])
# Prediction = sign((sum_{i=1}^n y_i*alpha*K(x_i,x)) + rho)
predictions = np.zeros(X.shape[0])
for i in range(X.shape[0]):
predictions[i] = np.sign(np.sum(params['dual_coef']*K[:, i]) + params['intercept'])
return predictions
def predict_multiclass_classifier(X):
X: num test data by 10 features
# Get params
params = multiclass_classifier()
K = rbf_kernel(params['support_vec'], X, gamma=params['gamma'])
# define the start and end index for support vectors for each class
nv = params['num_support_vec']
start = [sum(nv[:i]) for i in range(len(nv))]
end = [start[i] + nv[i] for i in range(len(nv))]
# calculate: sum(a_p * k(x_p, x)) between every 2 classes
dual_coef = params['dual_coef'].T
predictions_0_1 = np.zeros(X.shape[0])
for i in range(X.shape[0]):
temp_prediction = np.sum(dual_coef[start[0]:end[0], 0] * K[start[0]:end[0], i]) + \
np.sum(dual_coef[start[1]:end[1], 0] * K[start[1]:end[1], i]) + params['intercept'][0]
predictions_0_1[i] = 0 if temp_prediction > 0 else 1
predictions_0_2 = np.zeros(X.shape[0])
for i in range(X.shape[0]):
temp_prediction = np.sum(dual_coef[start[0]:end[0], 1] * K[start[0]:end[0], i]) + \
np.sum(dual_coef[start[2]:end[2], 0] * K[start[2]:end[2], i]) + params['intercept'][1]
predictions_0_2[i] = 0 if temp_prediction > 0 else 2
predictions_1_2 = np.zeros(X.shape[0])
for i in range(X.shape[0]):
temp_prediction = np.sum(dual_coef[start[1]:end[1], 1] * K[start[1]:end[1], i]) + \
np.sum(dual_coef[start[2]:end[2], 1] * K[start[2]:end[2], i]) + params['intercept'][2]
predictions_1_2[i] = 1 if temp_prediction > 0 else 2
decision_function = np.vstack([predictions_0_1, predictions_0_2, predictions_1_2]).T
# Majority Vote to find the best class
predictions = np.zeros(X.shape[0])
for i in range(X.shape[0]):
lst = decision_function[i,:].tolist()
predictions[i] = max(set(lst), key=lst.count)-1
return predictions
def binary_classifier():
gamma = 0.1
# dual coef = y_i*alpha_i
dual_coef = np.array([[-1.12775599e+02, -1.00000000e+03, -1.00000000e+03,
-1.00000000e+03, -1.00000000e+03, -1.00000000e+03,
-1.00000000e+03, -1.00000000e+03, -1.00000000e+03,
-1.00000000e+03, -1.00000000e+03, -1.00000000e+03,
-4.65947457e+02, -1.00000000e+03, -1.00000000e+03,
-1.00000000e+03, -1.17935400e+02, -1.00000000e+03,
-1.00000000e+03, -1.00000000e+03, -1.00000000e+03,
-1.00000000e+03, -1.00000000e+03, -1.00000000e+03,
-1.00000000e+03, -2.92534132e+02, -1.00000000e+03,
-1.00000000e+03, -3.69965631e+01, -1.00000000e+03,
-1.00000000e+03, -1.00000000e+03, -1.00000000e+03,
-1.00000000e+03, -1.00000000e+03, -1.00000000e+03,
-1.00000000e+03, -1.00000000e+03, 1.00000000e+03,
1.00000000e+03, 1.00000000e+03, 1.00000000e+03,
7.92366387e+02, 3.00553142e+02, 2.22950860e-01,
1.00000000e+03, 1.00000000e+03, 5.58636056e+02,
1.21751544e+02, 1.00000000e+03, 1.00000000e+03,
2.61920652e+00, 9.96570403e+02, 1.00000000e+03,
1.00000000e+03, 1.00000000e+03, 1.00000000e+03,
1.00000000e+03, 1.00000000e+03, 1.02270060e+02,
5.41288840e+01, 1.91650287e+02, 1.00000000e+03,
1.00000000e+03, 1.00000000e+03, 1.00000000e+03,
1.00000000e+03, 2.45152637e+02, 7.53766346e+02,
1.00000000e+03, 1.00000000e+03, 3.63211198e+00,
1.00000000e+03, 3.31675798e+01, 5.64620367e+02,
1.00000000e+03, 1.00000000e+03, 1.00000000e+03,
2.66900636e+02, 1.00000000e+03, 6.54763900e+02,
3.38216549e+02, 6.86434772e+01, 2.78998678e+02,
6.97557950e+02, 1.00000000e+03]])
# intercept = rho
intercept = np.array([-2.63232929])
# support vectors = x_i
support_vec = np.array([[0.02809756, 0.0455, 0.025, 0.00866667, 0.03799132, -0.00799413, 0.01061208, 0.016263, 0.00671743, 0.00572262, 0.00578504, 0.00542415, 0.00318195],
[0.00060976, 0.0035, 0.007, 0.00087179, 0.00024191, -0.0005069, 0.0005069, 0.0070711, 0.00306413, 0.0031833, 0.0107827, 0.0066959, 0.0022981],
[3.49731707, 0.092, 0.054, 0.01923077, 3.53815367, -0.02236652, 0.02659884, 0.062225, 0.0316782, 0.01818914, 0.06607571, 0.03342241, 0.099702],
[2.52643902, 0.058, 0.055, 0.0114359, 2.54031008, -0.01070662, 0.01296803, 0.043134, 0.01649923, 0.01579683, 0.03326171, 0.05004163, 0.013965],
[0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, -2.74622599e-18, -2.42947453e-17, 3.36047450e-17, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00],
[3.89758537, 0.167, 0.27, 0.06717949, 3.87923565, -0.04130143, 0.05403825, 0.047376, 0.0328098, 0.01255584, 0.03676955, 0.14237773, 0.11031],
[0.93326829, 0.0855, 0.106, 0.01169231, 0.92669874, -0.02740927, 0.02740927, 0.043841, 0.01131377, 0.01595008, 0.0231871, 0.02414775, 0.0139655],
[4.64253659, 0.106, 0.13, 0.03661538, 4.63806066, -0.03168223, 0.03168223, 0.10182, 0.0559785, 0.03369301, 0.06341563, 0.08583294, 0.0251025],
[0.29312195, 0.028, 0.039, 0.00682051, 0.28575076, -0.00648365, 0.00648365, 0.0056569, 0.00367694, 0.00126494, 0.00364005, 0.01814984, 0.006364],
[3.08187805, 0.0615, 0.123, 0.03435897, 3.11862292, -0.02260403, 0.02260403, 0.053033, 0.0397394, 0.01570345, 0.0338851, 0.10069204, 0.16652],
[2.43902439e-05, 5.00000000e-04, 1.00000000e-03, 1.02564103e-04, 2.43769719e-05, -7.19856842e-05, 7.19856842e-05, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00],
[0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, -4.05052739e-10, -2.77557303e-09, 5.77955577e-09, 7.07110000e-04, 1.17851667e-04, 2.88676449e-04, 2.04124145e-04, 1.44336183e-04, 0.00000000e+00],
[0.83290244, 0.099, 0.172, 0.02610256, 0.82408369, -0.0168393, 0.0168393, 0.13011, 0.02875613, 0.04987211, 0.03786379, 0.02684837, 0.0155565],
[0.92597561, 0.017, 0.009, 0.00369231, 0.92583814, -0.00670974, 0.00670974, 0.012021, 0.00506763, 0.00420523, 0.01259266, 0.0115391, 0.00265165],
[2.43902439e-05, 5.00000000e-04, 1.00000000e-03, 2.56410256e-05, 2.18000765e-04, -5.56411248e-04, 5.56411248e-04, 9.19240000e-03, 2.71058333e-03, 4.25246049e-03, 2.49833278e-03, 7.64311464e-03, 0.00000000e+00],
[0.88760976, 0.0205, 0.022, 0.00489744, 0.88799505, -0.00346772, 0.00461828, 0.011314, 0.00447838, 0.00394135, 0.01327278, 0.01434142, 0.00406585],
[9.21263415, 0.118, 0.472, 0.0695641, 9.19153391, -0.02181738, 0.02181738, 0.16688, 0.07130037, 0.06135461, 0.04328934, 0.04277416, 0.0829085],
[0.48378049, 0.017, 0.026, 0.00794872, 0.48333175, -0.00337375, 0.00350864, 0.016971, 0.0089568, 0.00472601, 0.01168189, 0.01629524, 0.0226275],
[0.00000000e+000, 0.00000000e+000, 0.00000000e+000, 0.00000000e+000, 9.65026603e-122, -2.00921455e-120, 4.22507597e-120, 0.00000000e+000, 0.00000000e+000, 0.00000000e+000, 0.00000000e+000, 0.00000000e+000, 0.00000000e+000],
[0.10897561, 0.03, 0.033, 0.00553846, 0.12761266, -0.00442938, 0.00556735, 0.025456, 0.00872107, 0.00870258, 0.01130487, 0.01554551, 0.0123745],
[0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, -1.38812548e-09, -2.34438020e-08, 2.34438020e-08, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00],
[0.66663415, 0.052, 0.05, 0.00510256, 0.66182973, -0.01361869, 0.01361869, 0.0049497, 0.00296982, 0.00208565, 0.00424264, 0.00961131, 0.012374],
[3.74146341e+00, 6.60000000e-02, 7.00000000e-02, 2.41025641e-02, 3.72790310e+00, -1.65194036e-02, 1.65194036e-02, 2.33350000e-02, 2.29102000e-02, 3.87787571e-04, 7.25086202e-03, 8.04828002e-03, 2.26270000e-02],
[2.43902439e-05, 5.00000000e-04, 1.00000000e-03, 1.02564103e-04, 2.44149661e-05, -7.19856850e-05, 7.19856850e-05, 7.07110000e-04, 1.17851667e-04, 2.88676449e-04, 2.04124145e-04, 1.44336183e-04, 0.00000000e+00],
[1.14713659e+01, 1.68000000e-01, 3.24000000e-01, 8.83589744e-02, 1.13977278e+01, -4.35202063e-02, 4.35202063e-02, 1.20920000e-01, 1.15826000e-01, 5.32593935e-03, 4.29825546e-02, 1.11681949e-01, 1.82080000e-01],
[1.63631707, 0.0825, 0.138, 0.02410256, 1.65473267, -0.02914746, 0.02927458, 0.074953, 0.02899134, 0.03271076, 0.02718317, 0.09610564, 0.012728],
[0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 6.01460518e-42, -2.71490067e-40, 2.71490067e-40, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00],
[0.52358537, 0.038, 0.03, 0.00769231, 0.52319376, -0.01066405, 0.01066405, 0.026163, 0.01025307, 0.00912966, 0.02678697, 0.04011893, 0.00866185],
[0.10931707, 0.103, 0.407, 0.04461538, 0.13188551, -0.01686662, 0.02506229, 0.1492, 0.0384195, 0.06327203, 0.06411448, 0.05508901, 0],
[0.0444878, 0.0245, 0.04, 0.00984615, 0.03577326, -0.00573919, 0.00573919, 0.013435, 0.0078961, 0.00418135, 0.01136515, 0.01291603, 0.0134352],
[0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 1.03127202e-08, -2.56175141e-07, 5.37317466e-07, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00],
[0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.],
[0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 3.27917545e-05, -7.79437718e-04, 7.79437718e-04, 3.04060000e-02, 5.06766667e-03, 1.24131975e-02, 1.34721936e-02, 5.34029589e-02, 0.00000000e+00],
[2.43902439e-05, 5.00000000e-04, 1.00000000e-03, 1.02564103e-04, 2.60691650e-05, -7.19856850e-05, 7.19856850e-05, 7.07110000e-04, 1.17851667e-04, 2.88676449e-04, 2.04124145e-04, 1.44336183e-04, 0.00000000e+00],
[0.46446341, 0.033, 0.03, 0.00933333, 0.46299034, -0.00866364, 0.00866364, 0.033941, 0.01357644, 0.01214903, 0.02164486, 0.02701617, 0.012374],
[5.89978049, 0.117, 0.112, 0.04453846, 5.88525247, -0.02253416, 0.02253416, 0.084146, 0.0492146, 0.01985341, 0.06802812, 0.09041259, 0.045255],
[0.01317073, 0.0195, 0.015, 0.00538462, 0.00829287, -0.00622806, 0.00622806, 0.026163, 0.01145514, 0.00926554, 0.00690652, 0.02540613, 0.018031],
[1.16509756, 0.028, 0.02, 0.01051282, 1.16338281, -0.01379371, 0.01379371, 0.020506, 0.01461345, 0.00563317, 0.01416569, 0.01971055, 0.0281075],
[3.67914634, 0.1235, 0.126, 0.02676923, 3.67052968, -0.04266586, 0.04266586, 0.041719, 0.0233342, 0.0106888, 0.03232337, 0.07260248, 0.050912],
[0.11331707, 0.0015, 0.004, 0.0014359, 0.11329803, -0.00042144, 0.00042144, 0.0021213, 0.0014142, 0.00109543, 0.00124164, 0.00053231, 0.00070713],
[1.11256098, 0.026, 0.016, 0.00561538, 1.09093248, -0.00174647, 0.00490015, 0.02192, 0.01272782, 0.00816993, 0.02111102, 0.04921207, 0.012021],
[0.06846341, 0.007, 0.01, 0.00307692, 0.06774886, -0.00179795, 0.00190969, 0.0056569, 0.00311126, 0.00162791, 0.00195576, 0.00721732, 0.01096],
[1.16454634e+01, 1.78500000e-01, 3.20000000e-01, 8.94615385e-02, 1.15869935e+01, -1.15451745e-02, 1.59897956e-02, 1.37890000e-01, 1.23393333e-01, 1.01170444e-02, 3.66151153e-02, 1.46607419e-01, 1.94455000e-01],
[3.45158537, 0.1375, 0.052, 0.01676923, 3.44594643, -0.03141983, 0.03141983, 0.038184, 0.0272946, 0.00958649, 0.01698014, 0.06290749, 0.1393],
[3.12563415, 0.0535, 0.111, 0.02897436, 3.17337638, -0.02835417, 0.02835417, 0.054447, 0.0278601, 0.0188188, 0.00755315, 0.03628251, 0.055154],
[8.50975610e-02, 1.00000000e-03, 4.00000000e-03, 8.20512821e-04, 8.50491997e-02, -1.84870042e-04, 2.35933619e-04, 1.41420000e-03, 1.41420000e-03, 2.60312573e-11, 4.08248290e-04, 2.88668284e-04, 7.07110000e-04],
[0.82373171, 0.048, 0.121, 0.01853846, 0.82149219, -0.0053288, 0.00684639, 0.041012, 0.0208598, 0.01423898, 0.02609294, 0.02676908, 0.01078335],
[4.39680488, 0.223, 0.354, 0.09258974, 4.35973108, -0.03206468, 0.03450864, 0.20506, 0.0971572, 0.07235446, 0.13713059, 0.23019854, 0.32138],
[5.66058537, 0.0285, 0.093, 0.01282051, 5.66682734, -0.00633008, 0.00633008, 0.040305, 0.01513214, 0.01889847, 0.01503912, 0.03383458, 0],
[0.13329268, 0.011, 0.021, 0.00338462, 0.13419267, -0.00262455, 0.00262455, 0.0035355, 0.00226272, 0.00092195, 0.00772172, 0.00411547, 0.0038891],
[0.15463415, 0.0325, 0.065, 0.01617949, 0.15422134, -0.00766504, 0.00766504, 0.067882, 0.02286322, 0.02270081, 0.02939288, 0.0224428, 0.017501],
[1.47902439e-01, 1.50000000e-03, 2.00000000e-03, 3.84615385e-04, 1.48269290e-01, -1.36058722e-04, 1.36058722e-04, 2.12130000e-03, 8.24950000e-04, 9.39849132e-04, 5.16397779e-04, 5.91603500e-04, 0.00000000e+00],
[2.76797561, 0.071, 0.17, 0.03212821, 2.84223399, -0.01692731, 0.01692731, 0.04879, 0.03441267, 0.00934515, 0.03221283, 0.05768286, 0.092806],
[1.30939024, 0.044, 0.066, 0.0165641, 1.2967273, -0.01727205, 0.01727205, 0.03182, 0.01456652, 0.01056655, 0.00732632, 0.02987207, 0.038891],
[0.0914878, 0.038, 0.028, 0.00364103, 0.08295897, -0.00877545, 0.00877545, 0.032527, 0.00648182, 0.01277828, 0.01289089, 0.01040763, 0.0042426],
[0.13621951, 0.0015, 0.006, 0.00174359, 0.13689296, -0.00036169, 0.00040731, 0.0021213, 0.00153205, 0.00082663, 0.00058452, 0.00069522, 0.00088391],
[0.05692683, 0.007, 0.006, 0.00189744, 0.05532006, -0.00145672, 0.00145672, 0.0056569, 0.00311126, 0.00184393, 0.00420714, 0.00465287, 0.0070711],
[0.07460976, 0.002, 0.006, 0.00097436, 0.07430141, -0.00035004, 0.00038011, 0.0028284, 0.00113136, 0.0011832, 0.00070711, 0.0005916, 0.00070711],
[0.04782927, 0.006, 0.011, 0.00353846, 0.04406202, -0.00232859, 0.00232859, 0.012021, 0.00438408, 0.00442728, 0.00363318, 0.00540593, 0.0091924],
[4.443, 0.141, 0.076, 0.02310256, 4.40858239, -0.03710778, 0.03710778, 0.03182, 0.0271528, 0.00465324, 0.03506173, 0.07970664, 0.11278],
[8.79678049, 0.057, 0.208, 0.04194872, 8.784878, -0.01132933, 0.01132933, 0.08061, 0.04695182, 0.039817, 0.0405623, 0.01937402, 0.033234],
[2.58236585, 0.063, 0.128, 0.02112821, 2.5705713, -0.0079298, 0.01979542, 0.062225, 0.0309712, 0.02172778, 0.02949491, 0.02741888, 0.02687],
[0.08992683, 0.0015, 0.006, 0.00030769, 0.09000535, -0.00020308, 0.00020308, 0.0021213, 0.00106065, 0.00116188, 0.0007746, 0.00086603, 0.00053035],
[0.09085366, 0.0175, 0.037, 0.00694872, 0.09607742, -0.00456388, 0.00456388, 0.0098995, 0.00523258, 0.00310646, 0.01357571, 0.0133944, 0.0056569],
[1.34473171, 0.0255, 0.022, 0.00953846, 1.37010789, -0.00558419, 0.00558419, 0.030406, 0.0134351, 0.00877511, 0.00929516, 0.03188089, 0.0265165],
[0.14253659, 0.001, 0.004, 0.00097436, 0.14237889, -0.0002998, 0.0002998, 0.0014142, 0.0011785, 0.00057734, 0.0005164, 0.00069521, 0.00106066],
[0.07617073, 0.001, 0.004, 0.00179487, 0.07597272, -0.00025949, 0.00025949, 0.0014142, 0.0011785, 0.00057734, 0.0005164, 0.00063245, 0.00070711],
[0.28502439, 0.0025, 0.01, 0.00241026, 0.28596915, -0.000355, 0.000355, 0.12869, 0.02333393, 0.05162999, 0.0313152, 0.13233722, 0.0044194],
[5.97658537, 0.0645, 0.106, 0.02925641, 5.95365623, -0.01454886, 0.01454886, 0.045962, 0.02913296, 0.02145587, 0.04602717, 0.06410626, 0.053033],
[4.19787805, 0.0405, 0.072, 0.02764103, 4.21230508, -0.01456906, 0.01468492, 0.030406, 0.02206174, 0.01003006, 0.02031748, 0.03873656, 0.034295],
[0.06904878, 0.0025, 0.005, 0.00117949, 0.06819891, -0.00023428, 0.00033805, 0.0035355, 0.00098994, 0.00154918, 0.001, 0.0007071, 0.00070711],
[2.07410488e+01, 1.10000000e-02, 4.40000000e-02, 1.24102564e-02, 2.07288498e+01, -5.11402880e-02, 5.11402880e-02, 1.55560000e-02, 1.55560000e-02, 0.00000000e+00, 5.68037557e-03, 3.17543685e-03, 7.77820000e-03],
[0.15141463, 0.0025, 0.008, 0.00161538, 0.15286961, -0.00066236, 0.00066236, 0.0049497, 0.0021213, 0.00180276, 0.00235584, 0.01268589, 0.0021213],
[1.07970732, 0.0275, 0.046, 0.00725641, 1.0819483, -0.0025949, 0.00261392, 0.026163, 0.00754248, 0.00945165, 0.01400506, 0.00566908, 0.011137],
[1.45278049e+00, 2.50000000e-02, 3.40000000e-02, 8.23076923e-03, 1.46401853e+00, -5.22375992e-03, 7.56803574e-03, 8.48530000e-03, 6.71755000e-03, 1.39641061e-03, 4.14024959e-03, 1.47976972e-02, 2.03295000e-02],
[1.18829268e-01, 1.00000000e-03, 4.00000000e-03, 1.17948718e-03, 1.18657803e-01, -3.33958979e-04, 3.55599268e-04, 1.41420000e-03, 1.41420000e-03, 2.60312573e-11, 6.32455532e-04, 5.32284214e-04, 7.07110000e-04],
[0.09217073, 0.0085, 0.007, 0.00258974, 0.07952256, -0.00104703, 0.00138337, 0.006364, 0.00466692, 0.00203719, 0.00509166, 0.01307342, 0.021213],
[0.06936585, 0.0095, 0.015, 0.00394872, 0.06837444, -0.00205373, 0.00205373, 0.0084853, 0.00296984, 0.0030984, 0.00234521, 0.00419839, 0.0017678],
[5.05807317, 0.049, 0.082, 0.02402564, 5.06327737, -0.01120311, 0.01120311, 0.031113, 0.0239, 0.01338272, 0.01117139, 0.04351642, 0.020506],
[0.26421951, 0.04, 0.068, 0.00902564, 0.2587529, -0.01040894, 0.01040894, 0.025456, 0.01060666, 0.00890233, 0.01111643, 0.04563416, 0.011314],
[3.59336585, 0.0575, 0.054, 0.02094872, 3.58195886, -0.01804095, 0.01838506, 0.043134, 0.0336584, 0.01240579, 0.01683523, 0.04717173, 0.038184],
[1.29187805, 0.026, 0.016, 0.00689744, 1.27916244, -0.00322078, 0.00490015, 0.025456, 0.01032378, 0.00861112, 0.01863263, 0.0636921, 0.038537],
[6.28670732, 0.1245, 0.127, 0.03102564, 6.35501978, -0.01747513, 0.02813757, 0.084146, 0.04690465, 0.0254467, 0.06541464, 0.18275149, 0.15008],
[10.64578049, 0.079, 0.284, 0.04564103, 10.64447668, -0.01946271, 0.01947497, 0.10889, 0.04186, 0.05739752, 0.06891299, 0.05417812, 0.050205],
[3.32470732, 0.092, 0.046, 0.01687179, 3.32977984, -0.02794509, 0.02794509, 0.072125, 0.0288498, 0.02428699, 0.06277798, 0.10343739, 0.061518],
[0.07358537, 0.001, 0.004, 0.00153846, 0.0735262, -0.00027514, 0.00027514, 0.0014142, 0.0009428, 0.00073029, 0.00075277, 0.00053228, 0.00070711]])
return {'dual_coef': dual_coef,
'support_vec': support_vec,
'intercept': intercept,
'gamma': gamma}
def multiclass_classifier():
gamma = 0.1
# dual coef = y_i*alpha_i
dual_coef = np.array([[1.00000000e+02, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 1.00000000e+02, 2.19164051e-01,
1.00000000e+02, 1.00000000e+02, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 1.00000000e+02,
2.73972798e+00, 1.00000000e+02, 0.00000000e+00, 1.00000000e+02, 1.00000000e+02,
1.00000000e+02, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 1.00000000e+02, 1.00000000e+02,
1.00000000e+02, 0.00000000e+00, 1.00000000e+02, 1.00000000e+02, 5.78184818e+01,
1.00000000e+02, 1.00000000e+02, 0.00000000e+00, 1.00000000e+02, 1.00000000e+02,
1.00000000e+02, 0.00000000e+00, 1.00000000e+02, 1.00000000e+02, 1.00000000e+02,
0.00000000e+00, 1.00000000e+02, 1.00000000e+02, 1.00000000e+02, 4.43824790e+01,
0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 8.90021137e+01, 1.00000000e+02, 3.38829336e+01,
1.00000000e+02, 7.35308055e+01, 5.00832282e+01, 1.00000000e+02, 1.00000000e+02,
1.00000000e+02, 9.04295253e+01, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00,
1.00000000e+02, 1.00000000e+02, 7.37255035e+01, 1.00000000e+02, 0.00000000e+00,
1.00000000e+02, -1.00000000e+02, -4.59726588e+01, -9.10060871e+01, -0.00000000e+00,
-1.00000000e+02, -1.00000000e+02, -0.00000000e+00, -0.00000000e+00, -0.00000000e+00,
-1.00000000e+02, -1.00000000e+02, -1.00000000e+02, -0.00000000e+00, -0.00000000e+00,
-1.00000000e+02, -0.00000000e+00, -0.00000000e+00, -1.00000000e+02, -0.00000000e+00,
-0.00000000e+00, -1.00000000e+02, -0.00000000e+00, -1.00000000e+02, -1.00000000e+02,
-1.00000000e+02, -1.00000000e+02, -2.32473120e-01, -1.00000000e+02, -0.00000000e+00,
-0.00000000e+00, -1.00000000e+02, -1.00000000e+02, -1.00000000e+02, -1.00000000e+02,
-0.00000000e+00, -0.00000000e+00, -0.00000000e+00, -1.00000000e+02, -0.00000000e+00,
-2.01478019e-01, -1.00000000e+02, -5.32795432e+01, -0.00000000e+00, -0.00000000e+00,
-1.00000000e+02, -0.00000000e+00, -0.00000000e+00, -0.00000000e+00, -0.00000000e+00,
-1.00000000e+02, -2.05233000e+01, -0.00000000e+00, -9.58435547e-02, -0.00000000e+00,
-0.00000000e+00, -0.00000000e+00, -1.00000000e+02, -0.00000000e+00, -1.00000000e+02,
-1.00000000e+02, -0.00000000e+00, -0.00000000e+00, -0.00000000e+00, -0.00000000e+00,
-1.00000000e+02, -0.00000000e+00, -1.14900102e+01, -7.73085905e+01, -1.00000000e+02,
-0.00000000e+00, -1.00000000e+02, -0.00000000e+00, -1.00000000e+02, -0.00000000e+00,
-0.00000000e+00, -8.64770605e+01, -1.00000000e+02, -1.18090663e-01, -1.00000000e+02,
-1.00000000e+02, -0.00000000e+00, -0.00000000e+00, -1.00000000e+02, -0.00000000e+00,
-0.00000000e+00, -6.27523608e+01, -0.00000000e+00, -4.38003436e+01, -0.00000000e+00,
-0.00000000e+00, -5.36807440e-02, -0.00000000e+00, -0.00000000e+00, -1.00000000e+02,
-0.00000000e+00, -1.51862509e-01, -2.23505792e+01, -0.00000000e+00, -1.71549400e+00,
-0.00000000e+00, -0.00000000e+00, -1.00000000e+02, -1.00000000e+02, -0.00000000e+00,
-1.00000000e+02, -0.00000000e+00, -1.00000000e+02, -1.00000000e+02, -0.00000000e+00,
-6.48908553e+01, -5.45079781e+01, -0.00000000e+00, -1.00000000e+02, -1.00000000e+02,
-1.00000000e+02, -4.15526000e+01, -1.00000000e+02, -0.00000000e+00, -0.00000000e+00,
-3.97322757e+01, -1.00000000e+02, -1.00000000e+02, -0.00000000e+00, -1.00000000e+02,
-1.00000000e+02, -8.51452564e+01, -1.00000000e+02, -0.00000000e+00, -0.00000000e+00,
-0.00000000e+00, -0.00000000e+00, -0.00000000e+00, -1.00000000e+02, -1.00000000e+02,
-1.00000000e+02, -1.00000000e+02, -0.00000000e+00, -1.00000000e+02, -1.00000000e+02,
-1.00000000e+02, -1.36707150e+01, -2.28944671e+00, -1.00000000e+02, -1.00000000e+02,
-0.00000000e+00, -1.00000000e+02, -0.00000000e+00, -1.00000000e+02, -9.70237576e+01,
-0.00000000e+00, -1.00000000e+02, -8.98901380e+00, -1.00000000e+02, -0.00000000e+00,
-1.00000000e+02, -1.00000000e+02, -0.00000000e+00, -0.00000000e+00, -1.00000000e+02,
-0.00000000e+00, -0.00000000e+00, -0.00000000e+00, -2.31872364e+00, -0.00000000e+00,
-1.00000000e+02, -1.00000000e+02, -6.81207558e+01, -0.00000000e+00, -1.00000000e+02,
-1.00000000e+02, -1.00000000e+02, -0.00000000e+00, -0.00000000e+00, -1.00000000e+02,
-1.25804913e+01, -1.00000000e+02, -1.00000000e+02, -0.00000000e+00, -1.00000000e+02,
-0.00000000e+00, -0.00000000e+00, -5.79636185e+01, -0.00000000e+00, -3.60349193e+01,
-1.00000000e+02, -1.00000000e+02],
[1.00000000e+02, 1.00000000e+02, 1.00000000e+02, 1.00000000e+02, 0.00000000e+00,
1.00000000e+02, 0.00000000e+00, 1.22133880e+01, 1.00000000e+02, 1.00000000e+02,
1.00000000e+02, 1.00000000e+02, 1.00000000e+02, 1.00000000e+02, 1.00000000e+02,
1.00000000e+02, 1.00000000e+02, 1.00000000e+02, 0.00000000e+00, 1.00000000e+02,
0.00000000e+00, 1.00000000e+02, 1.00000000e+02, 5.45699567e+01, 0.00000000e+00,
1.00000000e+02, 1.00000000e+02, 1.00000000e+02, 1.00000000e+02, 1.00000000e+02,
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1.00000000e+02, 1.00000000e+02, 0.00000000e+00, 1.00000000e+02, 0.00000000e+00,
1.00000000e+02, 1.00000000e+02, 5.30198194e+01, 1.00000000e+02, 0.00000000e+00,
8.10028022e+01, 0.00000000e+00, 1.00000000e+02, 1.00000000e+02, 8.57299348e+01,
0.00000000e+00, 1.00000000e+02, 1.00000000e+02, 1.00000000e+02, 1.00000000e+02,
1.00000000e+02, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 1.00000000e+02, 1.00000000e+02,
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0.00000000e+00, 1.00000000e+02, 1.00000000e+02, 1.00000000e+02, 1.00000000e+02,
1.00000000e+02, 1.00000000e+02, 1.00000000e+02, 6.98226850e+00, 1.00000000e+02,
1.00000000e+02, 2.28942244e+00, 1.00000000e+02, 0.00000000e+00, 3.10951756e+00,
1.00000000e+02, 1.00000000e+02, 1.00000000e+02, 0.00000000e+00, 2.43965458e+01,
5.54247795e+01, 4.89715327e+01, 0.00000000e+00, 1.00000000e+02, 1.00000000e+02,
1.00000000e+02, 0.00000000e+00, 1.00000000e+02, 1.00000000e+02, 1.00000000e+02,
1.00000000e+02, 1.00000000e+02, 1.00000000e+02, 1.00000000e+02, 8.77648862e-01,
1.41352297e+00, 1.00000000e+02, 0.00000000e+00, 1.00000000e+02, 5.87399500e+01,
1.00000000e+02, 7.89673831e+01, 7.17216921e-01, 7.08622898e+01, 1.00000000e+02,
1.00000000e+02, 0.00000000e+00, 1.00000000e+02, 0.00000000e+00, 7.08652210e+01,
1.00000000e+02, 1.00000000e+02, 1.00000000e+02, 2.28740165e+00, 1.00000000e+02,
1.00000000e+02, 1.00000000e+02, 6.26644343e+01, 1.51915932e+01, 9.33156003e+01,
1.00000000e+02, 5.73480226e-01, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 1.00000000e+02,
6.51947143e+01, 0.00000000e+00, 1.00000000e+02, 3.61854680e+01, 1.50700439e+00,
3.93114839e+01, 1.00000000e+02, 1.00000000e+02, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00,
1.00000000e+02, 1.62942145e+01, 1.00000000e+02, 1.00000000e+02, 3.65697187e+01,
3.32328741e+01, 1.00000000e+02, 1.00000000e+02, 1.00000000e+02, 1.00000000e+02,
1.00000000e+02, 0.00000000e+00, 3.84017861e-02, 3.27497129e+00, 1.00000000e+02,
1.00000000e+02, 0.00000000e+00, 1.00000000e+02, -1.00000000e+02, -1.00000000e+02,
-1.00000000e+02, -1.00000000e+02, -1.00000000e+02, -0.00000000e+00, -7.87287696e+01,
-1.00000000e+02, -2.17133274e+01, -1.00000000e+02, -0.00000000e+00, -1.00000000e+02,
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-1.00000000e+02, -4.03561653e+01, -1.00000000e+02, -1.00000000e+02, -0.00000000e+00,
-1.00000000e+02, -0.00000000e+00, -0.00000000e+00, -8.73885349e+01, -1.00000000e+02,
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-0.00000000e+00, -0.00000000e+00, -1.00000000e+02, -1.00000000e+02, -0.00000000e+00,
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-1.00000000e+02, -0.00000000e+00, -1.00000000e+02, -1.00000000e+02, -0.00000000e+00,
-1.00000000e+02, -1.00000000e+02, -1.00000000e+02, -0.00000000e+00, -1.00000000e+02,
-0.00000000e+00, -1.00000000e+02, -1.00000000e+02, -7.69821289e+01, -0.00000000e+00,
-1.00000000e+02, -8.28241499e+01, -1.00000000e+02, -6.27852100e+00, -8.74723914e+01,
-0.00000000e+00, -0.00000000e+00, -1.00000000e+02, -1.00000000e+02, -1.00000000e+02,
-0.00000000e+00, -0.00000000e+00, -1.00000000e+02, -1.00000000e+02, -0.00000000e+00,
-1.00000000e+02, -1.00000000e+02, -1.00000000e+02, -2.15412985e+01, -0.00000000e+00,
-2.97074994e+01, -9.62658735e+01, -1.00000000e+02, -1.00000000e+02, -1.00000000e+02,
-1.00000000e+02, -0.00000000e+00]])
# intercept = rho
intercept = np.array([-0.62674907, 1.31994877, 0.67252991])
# support vectors = x_i
support_vec = np.array([[5.49570019e-07, -2.58632551e-07, 3.16229206e-02, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 7.07110000e-02, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 5.49570019e-07,-1.79132036e-08],
[0.01061208, -0.00799413, 0.00572262, 0.025, 0.02809756,0.016263, 0.058, 0.00866667, 0.01061208, 0.03799132],
[0.0005069, -0.0005069, 0.0031833, 0.007, 0.00060976,0.0070711, 0.014, 0.00087179, 0.00039282, 0.00024191],
[0.02659884, -0.02236652, 0.01818914, 0.054, 3.49731707,0.062225, 0.063, 0.01923077, 0.02659884, 3.53815367],
[0.1959552, -0.19377234, 0.49935644, 2.567, 0.212,1.2473, 4.086, 0.27730769, 0.1959552, 0.21128449],
[0.01296803, -0.01070662, 0.01579683, 0.055, 2.52643902,0.043134, 0.057, 0.0114359, 0.01296803, 2.54031008],
[0.04634941, -0.03616377, 0.03342396, 0.285, 1.25278049,0.11031, 0.285, 0.05482051, 0.04634941, 1.24439126],
[0.01161685, -0.01161685, 0.01472225, 0.061, 0.00495122,0.036062, 0.131, 0.00758974, 0.00936955, 0.00494698],
[3.36047450e-17, -2.42947453e-17, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 3.36047450e-17,-2.74622599e-18],
[0.05403825, -0.04130143, 0.01255584, 0.27, 3.89758537,0.047376, 0.27, 0.06717949, 0.05403825, 3.87923565],
[0.06322635, -0.0450853, 0.0069893, 0.107, 0.52617073,0.019799, 0.166, 0.01469231, 0.06322635, 0.51547654],
[0.02740927, -0.02740927, 0.01595008, 0.106, 0.93326829,0.043841, 0.106, 0.01169231, 0.01663183, 0.92669874],
[0.02181645, -0.02181645, 0.00031623, 0.045, 0.04685366,0.00070711, 0.045, 0.00605128, 0.01964941, 0.05939633],
[0.03168223, -0.03168223, 0.03369301, 0.13, 4.64253659,0.10182, 0.13, 0.03661538, 0.02589546, 4.63806066],
[0.00648365, -0.00648365, 0.00126494, 0.039, 0.29312195,0.0056569, 0.039, 0.00682051, 0.0043318, 0.28575076],
[0.02260403, -0.02260403, 0.01570345, 0.123, 3.08187805,0.053033, 0.123, 0.03435897, 0.01139526, 3.11862292],
[7.19856842e-05, -7.19856842e-05, 0.00000000e+00, 1.00000000e-03, 2.43902439e-05, 0.00000000e+00, 2.00000000e-03, 1.02564103e-04, 5.59639155e-05, 2.43769719e-05],
[5.77955577e-09, -2.77557303e-09, 2.88676449e-04, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 7.07110000e-04, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 5.77955577e-09,-4.05052739e-10],
[0.0168393, -0.0168393, 0.04987211, 0.172, 0.83290244,0.13011, 0.287, 0.02610256, 0.01063438, 0.82408369],
[0.00670974, -0.00670974, 0.00420523, 0.009, 0.92597561,0.012021, 0.012, 0.00369231, 0.00394705, 0.92583814],
[0.04881422, -0.04881422, 0.06039519, 0.128, 0.84173171,0.15274, 0.166, 0.0145641, 0.02705203, 0.83114509],
[5.56411248e-04, -5.56411248e-04, 4.25246049e-03, 1.00000000e-03, 2.43902439e-05, 9.19240000e-03, 1.00000000e-03, 2.56410256e-05, 4.16114259e-04, 2.18000765e-04],
[0.00461828, -0.00346772, 0.00394135, 0.022, 0.88760976,0.011314, 0.022, 0.00489744, 0.00461828, 0.88799505],
[0.02181738, -0.02181738, 0.06135461, 0.472, 9.21263415,0.16688, 0.472, 0.0695641, 0.01361679, 9.19153391],
[0.18064104, -0.18064104, 0.02243327, 0.141, 1.74753659,0.065761, 0.141, 0.02587179, 0.08614869, 1.89288442],
[0.04502684, -0.04502684, 0.03092595, 0.075, 0.66726829,0.070004, 0.075, 0.01507692, 0.02703687, 0.6524218 ],
[0.00350864, -0.00337375, 0.00472601, 0.026, 0.48378049,0.016971, 0.038, 0.00794872, 0.00350864, 0.48333175],
[4.22507597e-120, -2.00921455e-120, 0.00000000e+000, 0.00000000e+000, 0.00000000e+000, 0.00000000e+000, 0.00000000e+000, 0.00000000e+000, 4.22507597e-120, 9.65026603e-122],
[0.0511954, -0.0511954, 0.00917865, 0.032, 1.50741463,0.028284, 0.056, 0.00958974, 0.01612377, 1.43087637],
[0.0504243, -0.03682241, 0.03693438, 0.147, 3.4434878,0.086267, 0.147, 0.02051282, 0.0504243, 3.49633275],
[0.00556735, -0.00442938, 0.00870258, 0.033, 0.10897561,0.025456, 0.033, 0.00553846, 0.00556735, 0.12761266],
[2.34438020e-08, -2.34438020e-08, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 1.15475168e-08,-1.38812548e-09],
[0.01361869, -0.01361869, 0.00208565, 0.05, 0.66663415,0.0049497, 0.05, 0.00510256, 0.0087315, 0.66182973],
[0.00526982, -0.00287197, 0.016589, 0.06, 0.02595122,0.042426, 0.06, 0.00515385, 0.00526982, 0.02530658],
[1.65194036e-02, -1.65194036e-02, 3.87787571e-04, 7.00000000e-02, 3.74146341e+00, 2.33350000e-02, 1.06000000e-01, 2.41025641e-02, 1.58008422e-02, 3.72790310e+00],
[7.19856850e-05, -7.19856850e-05, 2.88676449e-04, 1.00000000e-03, 2.43902439e-05, 7.07110000e-04, 2.00000000e-03, 1.02564103e-04, 5.59639159e-05, 2.44149661e-05],
[4.35202063e-02, -4.35202063e-02, 5.32593935e-03, 3.24000000e-01, 1.14713659e+01, 1.20920000e-01, 3.24000000e-01, 8.83589744e-02, 3.31111507e-02, 1.13977278e+01],
[0.0767267, -0.0767267, 0.07121201, 0.446, 8.87180488,0.24324, 0.446, 0.10620513, 0.0720187, 8.83162683],
[0.02927458, -0.02914746, 0.03271076, 0.138, 1.63631707,0.074953, 0.138, 0.02410256, 0.02927458, 1.65473267],
[0.02124579, -0.00660226, 0.05683001, 0.218, 0.16541463,0.13718, 0.241, 0.04171795, 0.02124579, 0.07039812],
[2.71490067e-40, -2.71490067e-40, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 1.26462710e-40, 6.01460518e-42],
[0.0147575, -0.0147575, 0.016589, 0.06, 0.03368293,0.042426, 0.06, 0.00917949, 0.01001548, 0.03172037],
[0.05563514, -0.05003055, 0.0377493, 0.474, 3.34209756,0.10819, 0.474, 0.04441026, 0.05563514, 3.34310614],
[0.01066405, -0.01066405, 0.00912966, 0.03, 0.52358537,0.026163, 0.042, 0.00769231, 0.00753237, 0.52319376],
[0.02506229, -0.01686662, 0.06327203, 0.407, 0.10931707,0.1492, 0.407, 0.04461538, 0.02506229, 0.13188551],
[0.05540528, -0.05540528, 0.05916798, 0.36, 5.93456098,0.18526, 0.36, 0.14474359, 0.03879351, 5.91696978],
[0.05114493, -0.04906722, 0.03169166, 0.444, 1.59946341,0.089803, 0.444, 0.051, 0.05114493, 1.39984371],
[1.87455177e-04, -8.82323678e-05, 3.60629601e-02, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 7.63680000e-02, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 1.87455177e-04,-1.21670239e-05],
[0.00573919, -0.00573919, 0.00418135, 0.04, 0.0444878,0.013435, 0.04, 0.00984615, 0.00463094, 0.03577326],
[0.02921642, -0.02921642, 0.06455675, 0.145, 1.28114634,0.15486, 0.145, 0.0314359, 0.00907076, 1.30595106],
[0.08101569, -0.05496349, 0.03591274, 0.557, 5.79265854,0.1294, 0.557, 0.10274359, 0.08101569, 5.7521422 ],
[5.37317466e-07, -2.56175141e-07, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 5.37317466e-07, 1.03127202e-08],
[0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.],
[7.79437718e-04, -7.79437718e-04, 1.24131975e-02, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 3.04060000e-02, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 3.70210952e-04, 3.27917545e-05],
[7.19856850e-05, -7.19856850e-05, 2.88676449e-04, 1.00000000e-03, 2.43902439e-05, 7.07110000e-04, 2.00000000e-03, 1.02564103e-04, 4.31188798e-05, 2.60691650e-05],
[0.00866364, -0.00866364, 0.01214903, 0.03, 0.46446341,0.033941, 0.048, 0.00933333, 0.00584264, 0.46299034],
[0.03683296, -0.03683296, 0.07256353, 0.2, 0.89,0.18385, 0.353, 0.0225641, 0.02517257, 0.88537216],
[0.03602508, -0.03342342, 0.05528397, 0.172, 0.12058537,0.14991, 0.173, 0.05969231, 0.03602508, 0.10686173],
[0.02253416, -0.02253416, 0.01985341, 0.112, 5.89978049,0.084146, 0.12, 0.04453846, 0.01958278, 5.88525247],
[0.00622806, -0.00622806, 0.00926554, 0.015, 0.01317073,0.026163, 0.036, 0.00538462, 0.00320484, 0.00829287],
[0.01379371, -0.01379371, 0.00563317, 0.02, 1.16509756,0.020506, 0.043, 0.01051282, 0.0134218, 1.16338281],
[0.01159407, -0.01159407, 0.01052999, 0.058, 1.19278049,0.028991, 0.058, 0.00697436, 0.0092909, 1.19462633],
[0.01666124, -0.01508531, 0.01591668, 0.15, 4.25739024,0.057276, 0.15, 0.02835897, 0.01666124, 4.23504838],
[0.02791508, -0.02791508, 0.00861704, 0.059, 2.72943902,0.031113, 0.059, 0.01371795, 0.02720056, 2.66137841],
[0.02677122, -0.02677122, 0.00984899, 0.043, 4.52929268,0.051619, 0.074, 0.02512821, 0.02513023, 4.52779804],
[0.00820856, -0.00820856, 0.04182701, 0.229, 0.85280488,0.12374, 0.229, 0.02958974, 0.00626605, 0.8738938 ],
[0.00660789, -0.00533542, 0.00713786, 0.049, 0.06365854,0.027577, 0.049, 0.01835897, 0.00660789, 0.05446593],
[0.00553774, -0.00553774, 0.00491419, 0.026, 3.13085366,0.014849, 0.026, 0.00651282, 0.0033944, 3.12413464],
[7.01018256e-03, -7.01018256e-03, 2.29380976e-02, 1.26000000e-01, 6.56448780e+00, 4.45480000e-02, 1.26000000e-01, 1.09743590e-02, 5.16783812e-03, 6.55718858e+00],
[0.01903315, -0.01903315, 0.02305625, 0.102, 4.03021951,0.073539, 0.127, 0.04748718, 0.01826975, 4.03932544],
[0.010121, -0.00916936, 0.01151868, 0.072, 0.54807317,0.037477, 0.072, 0.02423077, 0.010121, 0.56664269],
[0.02477958, -0.02477958, 0.00811683, 0.072, 2.91585366,0.033941, 0.106, 0.01771795, 0.02394629, 2.93431172],
[0.01211938, -0.01211938, 0.01493102, 0.059, 1.22153659,0.038891, 0.059, 0.0164359, 0.00614063, 1.21761274],
[2.29049895e-02, -2.29049895e-02, 6.47077661e-03, 3.14000000e-01, 1.10041220e+01, 1.23740000e-01, 3.27000000e-01, 1.18076923e-01, 2.12905216e-02, 1.09333661e+01],
[0.01060994, -0.01060994, 0.01007483, 0.034, 3.8605122,0.024042, 0.034, 0.01323077, 0.00897269, 3.85004794],
[0.00627491, -0.00627491, 0.00093988, 0.022, 0.77860976,0.0056569, 0.022, 0.00546154, 0.0034974, 0.77367652],
[0.05803024, -0.0551299, 0.10802924, 0.289,15.55358537, 0.20435, 0.289, 0.05861538, 0.05803024, 15.56158018],
[0.01871651, -0.01186601, 0.0663762, 0.171,11.80826829, 0.13011, 0.171, 0.02697436, 0.01871651, 11.8298579 ],
[0.05996643, -0.05996643, 0.01671762, 0.244, 0.87841463,0.042426, 0.244, 0.02264103, 0.03965289, 0.87488872],
[4.98711743e-02, -4.98711743e-02, 3.65041596e-03, 5.28000000e-01, 1.48976098e+01, 1.90920000e-01, 5.28000000e-01, 1.90358974e-01, 3.84779140e-02, 1.48525928e+01],
[0.01136134, -0.01136134, 0.00951859, 0.069, 3.72480488,0.043841, 0.132, 0.02179487, 0.00932468, 3.66845001],
[0.03194417, -0.03194417, 0.00795281, 0.026, 1.34785366,0.028284, 0.028, 0.00864103, 0.03178111, 1.33144448],
[2.64572119e-02, -2.21160394e-02, 7.74479696e-04, 7.50000000e-02, 4.26239024e+00, 2.82840000e-02, 7.50000000e-02, 2.74358974e-02, 2.64572119e-02, 4.25156996e+00],
[0.02750577, -0.0258611, 0.04753049, 0.27, 9.51297561,0.092631, 0.27, 0.06833333, 0.02750577, 9.52726146],
[0.00866709, -0.00541625, 0.06576809, 0.186, 0.70678049,0.15415, 0.186, 0.01346154, 0.00866709, 0.70474759],
[0.03066446, -0.02713743, 0.02467478, 0.232, 4.49546341,0.097581, 0.35, 0.08861538, 0.03066446, 4.52324303],
[0.03264028, -0.03264028, 0.06438005, 0.102, 0.34746341,0.15415, 0.2, 0.01420513, 0.02531656, 0.31306559],
[0.10027745, -0.10027745, 0.24027297, 2.921,19.25053659, 0.87257, 2.921, 0.42974359, 0.095849, 19.15442972],
[0.00700114, -0.00699188, 0.00745196, 0.051, 0.07097561,0.028991, 0.056, 0.01948718, 0.00700114, 0.07004534],
[0.02156914, -0.02156914, 0.00709096, 0.037, 2.22063415,0.028284, 0.055, 0.01587179, 0.01496926, 2.2271266 ],
[0.04052342, -0.04052342, 0.01554335, 0.088, 4.43229268,0.060104, 0.088, 0.02589744, 0.02803208, 4.44932817],
[0.03391535, -0.03391535, 0.03559771, 0.18, 0.57178049,0.13576, 0.236, 0.08284615, 0.0298453, 0.61786751],
[0.01311557, -0.01311557, 0.01651455, 0.096, 5.56714634,0.034648, 0.098, 0.02623077, 0.01097477, 5.57445898],
[0.02984218, -0.02984218, 0.04015245, 0.156, 0.49970732,0.11384, 0.162, 0.05010256, 0.02111739, 0.50149962],
[0.00525823, -0.00525823, 0.0044271, 0.017, 1.22795122,0.014849, 0.024, 0.00615385, 0.00431849, 1.2262395 ],
[0.01034227, -0.0064927, 0.00905154, 0.054, 3.7145122,0.022627, 0.059, 0.01389744, 0.01034227, 3.71109431],
[0.01480054, -0.01480054, 0.01288003, 0.1, 4.24504878,0.04879, 0.1, 0.03451282, 0.01429233, 4.26818139],
[0.02487982, -0.02487982, 0.04157097, 0.238, 9.47917073,0.084146, 0.238, 0.06812821, 0.02178416, 9.4506215 ],
[0.0519567, -0.0519567, 0.03125581, 0.244, 3.01041463,0.10394, 0.244, 0.04551282, 0.03842769, 3.00134531],
[0.11461199, -0.11461199, 0.18484777, 1.671,15.49843902, 0.63498, 1.671, 0.38930769, 0.10481226, 15.48006191],
[0.07299834, -0.06491022, 0.18753433, 0.99,21.14187805, 0.35002, 0.99, 0.19264103, 0.07299834, 21.11450374],
[0.00637064, -0.00336012, 0.05694093, 0.131, 1.2014878,0.13647, 0.175, 0.01325641, 0.00637064, 1.18082784],
[3.20491472e-02, -3.20491472e-02, 5.58137707e-03, 3.42000000e-01, 1.17296585e+01, 1.27280000e-01, 3.52000000e-01, 8.53589744e-02, 2.53251481e-02, 1.17137294e+01],
[0.02781479, -0.02778159, 0.02039015, 0.06, 4.47456098,0.060811, 0.06, 0.02194872, 0.02781479, 4.48594928],
[2.46837687e-02, -2.46837687e-02, 5.41311894e-03, 5.08000000e-01, 1.48384390e+01, 1.92330000e-01, 5.44000000e-01, 1.59897436e-01, 2.11520468e-02, 1.48894277e+01],
[0.00868918, -0.00474268, 0.05575972, 0.069, 0.05356098,0.13576, 0.069, 0.00579487, 0.00868918, 0.02191644],
[0.04526781, -0.04408048, 0.07762039, 0.253,13.55292683, 0.16405, 0.461, 0.10697436, 0.04526781, 13.52730947],
[0.05879119, -0.05879119, 0.13295615, 0.455,18.92917073, 0.30759, 0.83, 0.13789744, 0.04592195, 18.93763555],
[0.02189384, -0.01216995, 0.05066665, 0.246, 9.98273171,0.098995, 0.28, 0.06220513, 0.02189384, 9.99516767],
[0.02539376, -0.02539376, 0.01551926, 0.07, 4.18487805,0.048083, 0.07, 0.01479487, 0.01839075, 4.18516621],
[0.03555225, -0.02731574, 0.02814509, 0.204, 3.88414634,0.099702, 0.235, 0.08258974, 0.03555225, 3.93872613],
[0.0582598, -0.04036336, 0.04616096, 0.319,11.37339024, 0.11455, 0.337, 0.06123077, 0.0582598, 11.34920676],
[0.01981077, -0.01981077, 0.03330417, 0.106, 8.0285122,0.062933, 0.188, 0.03092308, 0.01455206, 8.03116754],
[0.05959746, -0.04430587, 0, 0.99,21.09304878, 0.35002, 0.99, 0.43153846, 0.05959746, 21.13322117],
[3.21965997e-02, -3.21965997e-02, 4.40061045e-03, 2.82000000e-01, 1.03585610e+01, 1.06070000e-01, 2.82000000e-01, 1.04769231e-01, 3.08413155e-02, 1.03278009e+01],
[1.61063213e-02, -1.61063213e-02, 5.67556300e-02, 3.14000000e-01, 1.12777805e+01, 1.14550000e-01, 3.14000000e-01, 4.11025641e-02, 1.10897848e-02, 1.12605687e+01],
[0.02189384, -0.01179437, 0.05216424, 0.151,10.04721951, 0.098995, 0.151, 0.04297436, 0.02189384, 10.08818858],
[0.00238657, -0.00238657, 0.0034182, 0.014, 0.77714634,0.011314, 0.016, 0.00351282, 0.00232057, 0.77743005],
[0.06433761, -0.06083287, 0.14957506, 0.946,20.62917073, 0.33446, 0.946, 0.37597436, 0.06433761, 20.61320173],
[1.39575245e-04, -6.63125529e-05, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 1.39575245e-04, 8.37811140e-07],
[2.78771985e-10, -2.78771985e-10, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 2.70507545e-10, 2.56354866e-11],
[1.17302985e-02, -7.71146815e-03, 2.53259440e-02, 1.64000000e-01, 7.73348780e+00, 6.50540000e-02, 1.74000000e-01, 4.20000000e-02, 1.17302985e-02, 7.74824436e+00],
[0.01495479, -0.01495479, 0.05647272, 0.306,11.12082927, 0.11455, 0.306, 0.03379487, 0.01350048, 11.13703625],
[0.06224454, -0.06224454, 0.10018563, 0.528,14.96365854, 0.19799, 0.528, 0.08512821, 0.04174687, 14.9855656 ],
[1.50784174e-02, -1.50784174e-02, 5.75469303e-02, 3.14000000e-01, 1.12202439e+01, 1.11020000e-01, 3.14000000e-01, 8.52051282e-02, 8.68754010e-03, 1.12353267e+01],
[0.00507143, -0.00507143, 0.00379475, 0.017, 0.02482927,0.0098995, 0.023, 0.00358974, 0.00308139, 0.023151 ],
[0.02900558, -0.02900558, 0.09336675, 0.528,14.83170732, 0.18668, 0.528, 0.08441026, 0.0267984, 14.78693574],
[0.01743156, -0.01634197, 0.06142791, 0.354,11.68380488, 0.13011, 0.355, 0.09658974, 0.01743156, 11.6854788 ],
[0.06157537, -0.04061912, 0.09114882, 0.434, 8.39795122,0.31396, 0.878, 0.17061538, 0.06157537, 8.3171658 ],
[0.01157586, -0.00787553, 0.00781547, 0.103, 3.28846341,0.034648, 0.103, 0.02582051, 0.01157586, 3.29875571],
[7.33132616e-03, -6.81397261e-03, 3.00898494e-02, 1.88000000e-01, 7.75687805e+00, 6.64680000e-02, 1.88000000e-01, 4.87179487e-02, 7.33132616e-03, 7.75743580e+00],
[0.0325806, -0.02489858, 0.06056313, 0.347, 1.96856098,0.17678, 0.347, 0.09082051, 0.0325806, 1.93503196],
[0.02057271, -0.02057271, 0.03637653, 0.168, 7.91641463,0.070004, 0.168, 0.03194872, 0.0175232, 7.87590288],
[0.02488661, -0.02177646, 0.01564241, 0.205, 0.40578049,0.087681, 0.205, 0.05994872, 0.02488661, 0.41578688],
[0.07366755, -0.07366755, 0.13654436, 0.99,20.81831707, 0.35002, 0.99, 0.11958974, 0.04818856, 20.83153348],
[0.02708256, -0.02708256, 0.08111137, 0.224,13.16290244, 0.15839, 0.42, 0.09841026, 0.02505871, 13.18839945],
[0.00958152, -0.00958152, 0.02217553, 0.12, 6.09365854,0.045255, 0.12, 0.02551282, 0.00690841, 6.10985475],
[0.02958837, -0.01655602, 0.0402901, 0.206, 4.10741463,0.1393, 0.276, 0.05653846, 0.02958837, 4.02902721],
[0.07592541, -0.07592541, 0.19758112, 1.738,16.99126829, 0.50275, 1.738, 0.51812821, 0.06254254, 16.89231623],
[0.03172265, -0.0218731, 0.0643494, 0.611, 6.06187805,0.21567, 0.611, 0.11628205, 0.03172265, 6.03346158],
[0.00524933, -0.00425262, 0.00617516, 0.022, 0.88902439,0.015556, 0.022, 0.00415385, 0.00524933, 0.88950276],
[2.94223481e-02, -1.75922046e-02, 1.93346063e-03, 3.24000000e-01, 1.13452439e+01, 1.14550000e-01, 3.24000000e-01, 1.01076923e-01, 2.94223481e-02, 1.14096319e+01],
[0.04812244, -0.03838389, 0.06461018, 0.461,13.97795122, 0.1789, 0.461, 0.13925641, 0.04812244, 13.95949649],
[0.03621849, -0.03433152, 0.03043904, 0.165, 1.58258537,0.08556, 0.184, 0.03061538, 0.03621849, 1.53392771],
[0.02373659, -0.02277035, 0.05867974, 0.434,13.38863415, 0.16405, 0.434, 0.07953846, 0.02373659, 13.34239253],
[0.02111005, -0.02111005, 0.07987431, 0.224,13.04126829, 0.15839, 0.224, 0.04605128, 0.02028668, 13.05917311],
[0.03671861, -0.03671861, 0.01580834, 0.064, 3.6292439,0.060811, 0.084, 0.03615385, 0.03589838, 3.59330461],
[0.03538591, -0.03538591, 0.05734932, 0.175,11.07687805, 0.11738, 0.175, 0.04389744, 0.02528186, 11.06401646],
[0.01139907, -0.01139907, 0.0404773, 0.256, 9.43263415,0.09051, 0.256, 0.04312821, 0.01139243, 9.44721736],
[2.21139985e-02, -2.21139985e-02, 7.74479696e-04, 1.13000000e-01, 4.05441463e+00, 2.68700000e-02, 1.13000000e-01, 3.17948718e-02, 1.83677482e-02, 4.02531967e+00],
[0.03887186, -0.02634328, 0.0509491, 0.189,11.66063415, 0.13364, 0.189, 0.07851282, 0.03887186, 11.63597796],
[4.18064577e-02, -4.18064577e-02, 7.74589241e-03, 3.82000000e-01, 1.81040000e+01, 1.41420000e-02, 7.64000000e-01, 7.98974359e-02, 2.37616498e-02, 1.81240583e+01],
[0.0610875, -0.05055225, 0.17753526, 1.452,16.057, 0.49144, 1.452, 0.30223077, 0.0610875, 15.96984146],
[0.04722622, -0.02572493, 0.06540382, 0.494,14.07109756, 0.17466, 0.494, 0.16689744, 0.04722622, 14.02996765],
[0.00210856, -0.00193237, 0.01084809, 0.048, 0.28902439,0.028284, 0.053, 0.00574359, 0.00210856, 0.28286954],
[0.01251112, -0.01153534, 0.03329564, 0.094, 7.72314634,0.066468, 0.178, 0.04507692, 0.01251112, 7.71739425],
[0.07891577, -0.05286848, 0.10496868, 0.385,17.73741463, 0.2588, 0.751, 0.13687179, 0.07891577, 17.7611277 ],
[2.57691246e-03, -1.65339484e-03, 1.37839166e-03, 1.00000000e-02, 1.53980488e+00, 9.19240000e-03, 1.00000000e-02, 4.35897436e-03, 2.57691246e-03, 1.52310545e+00],
[1.65446780e-02, -1.65446780e-02, 5.91533656e-02, 1.30000000e-02, 1.14603171e+01, 1.14550000e-01, 1.30000000e-02, 1.33333333e-03, 1.26380521e-02, 1.14674074e+01],
[4.11400031e-02, -3.79141831e-02, 6.84964646e-03, 5.12000000e-01, 1.48432683e+01, 1.97990000e-01, 5.28000000e-01, 1.59692308e-01, 4.11400031e-02, 1.47993898e+01],
[0.02155868, -0.01887666, 0.07962665, 0.238,13.24478049, 0.15344, 0.238, 0.04825641, 0.02155868, 13.22587027],
[0.00599973, -0.00599973, 0.00697133, 0.034, 0.63663415,0.019799, 0.034, 0.00594872, 0.00480282, 0.61555439],
[0.04266586, -0.04266586, 0.0106888, 0.126, 3.67914634,0.041719, 0.132, 0.02676923, 0.03469959, 3.67052968],
[0.00042144, -0.00042144, 0.00109543, 0.004, 0.11331707,0.0021213, 0.006, 0.0014359, 0.00027545, 0.11329803],
[0.02663118, -0.02639755, 0.01336405, 0.07, 4.36412195,0.054447, 0.079, 0.025, 0.02663118, 4.359373 ],
[0.00730426, -0.00730426, 0.00435895, 0.072, 0.61409756,0.012728, 0.096, 0.00930769, 0.00603133, 0.60116405],
[0.01877031, -0.00838677, 0.02480503, 0.068, 2.56031707,0.077075, 0.068, 0.02294872, 0.01877031, 2.4790144 ],
[0.01901328, -0.01785507, 0.0129973, 0.155, 2.71221951,0.047376, 0.155, 0.03697436, 0.01901328, 2.68282596],
[0.00190969, -0.00179795, 0.00162791, 0.01, 0.06846341,0.0056569, 0.01, 0.00307692, 0.00190969, 0.06774886],
[0.02343739, -0.02343739, 0.06043373, 0.17,10.8854878, 0.11172, 0.17, 0.07266667, 0.01923799, 10.87016693],
[1.59897956e-02, -1.15451745e-02, 1.01170444e-02, 3.20000000e-01, 1.16454634e+01, 1.37890000e-01, 3.47000000e-01, 8.94615385e-02, 1.59897956e-02, 1.15869935e+01],
[0.01774385, -0.01578744, 0.03231943, 0.085, 2.70382927,0.12233, 0.133, 0.03161538, 0.01774385, 2.68325119],
[0.02835417, -0.02835417, 0.0188188, 0.111, 3.12563415,0.054447, 0.111, 0.02897436, 0.01213407, 3.17337638],
[2.35933619e-04, -1.84870042e-04, 2.60312573e-11, 4.00000000e-03, 8.50975610e-02, 1.41420000e-03, 4.00000000e-03, 8.20512821e-04, 2.35933619e-04, 8.50491997e-02],
[0.00684639, -0.0053288, 0.01423898, 0.121, 0.82373171,0.041012, 0.121, 0.01853846, 0.00684639, 0.82149219],
[0.00656202, -0.00298516, 0.00525832, 0.04, 0.32917073,0.013435, 0.04, 0.00435897, 0.00656202, 0.32469572],
[0.03061193, -0.01830022, 0.02278918, 0.083, 3.852,0.07566, 0.083, 0.02366667, 0.03061193, 3.82389036],
[0.03450864, -0.03206468, 0.07235446, 0.354, 4.39680488,0.20506, 0.354, 0.09258974, 0.03450864, 4.35973108],
[1.33757941e-03, -1.33757941e-03, 1.81681257e-02, 1.60000000e-02, 6.81234146e+00, 4.73760000e-02, 1.60000000e-02, 5.74358974e-03, 7.88662159e-04, 6.81237822e+00],
[0.05408959, -0.05408959, 0.07739115, 0.232,13.12702439, 0.16263, 0.46, 0.12551282, 0.02715891, 13.09196866],
[0.01414166, -0.01414166, 0, 0.214, 9.05543902,0, 0.214, 0.01707692, 0.01284695, 9.04209973],
[0.00262455, -0.00262455, 0.00092195, 0.021, 0.13329268,0.0035355, 0.021, 0.00338462, 0.00176235, 0.13419267],
[0.00766504, -0.00766504, 0.02270081, 0.065, 0.15463415,0.067882, 0.065, 0.01617949, 0.00760269, 0.15422134],
[0.01601326, -0.01601326, 0.00953142, 0.044, 4.34658537,0.029698, 0.082, 0.02784615, 0.0152717, 4.34824852],
[1.36058722e-04, -1.36058722e-04, 9.39849132e-04, 2.00000000e-03, 1.47902439e-01, 2.12130000e-03, 4.00000000e-03, 3.84615385e-04, 1.20873351e-04, 1.48269290e-01],
[0.01692731, -0.01692731, 0.00934515, 0.17, 2.76797561,0.04879, 0.17, 0.03212821, 0.00804809, 2.84223399],
[0.00021792, -0.00016886, 0.00077459, 0.002, 0.16504878,0.0014142, 0.004, 0.00020513, 0.00021792, 0.16495962],
[0.0025624, -0.0017206, 0.00242901, 0.013, 0.22082927,0.0084853, 0.015, 0.00476923, 0.0025624, 0.21293887],
[0.00825234, -0.00825234, 0.00915876, 0.068, 4.30339024,0.028284, 0.073, 0.02058974, 0.00762434, 4.32659455],
[0.03004306, -0.02691667, 0.04972124, 0.152,10.16087805, 0.10324, 0.158, 0.07189744, 0.03004306, 10.1129346 ],
[0.02155975, -0.02155975, 0.04474389, 0.129, 8.92531707,0.084146, 0.236, 0.07838462, 0.02002646, 8.88551601],
[1.14268607e-02, -9.73097720e-03, 7.75027419e-04, 6.40000000e-02, 3.79953659e+00, 2.40420000e-02, 6.40000000e-02, 1.87692308e-02, 1.14268607e-02, 3.80236594e+00],
[0.02707888, -0.02707888, 0.01880556, 0.076, 4.34395122,0.053033, 0.076, 0.02764103, 0.02459437, 4.34208839],
[0.01727205, -0.01727205, 0.01056655, 0.066, 1.30939024,0.03182, 0.066, 0.0165641, 0.01633014, 1.2967273 ],
[0.00877545, -0.00877545, 0.01277828, 0.028, 0.0914878,0.032527, 0.037, 0.00364103, 0.00682708, 0.08295897],
[0.00040731, -0.00036169, 0.00082663, 0.006, 0.13621951,0.0021213, 0.006, 0.00174359, 0.00040731, 0.13689296],
[0.00145672, -0.00145672, 0.00184393, 0.006, 0.05692683,0.0056569, 0.008, 0.00189744, 0.00103611, 0.05532006],
[0.00539013, -0.00539013, 0.01083511, 0.025, 0.60539024,0.02687, 0.052, 0.00476923, 0.00387435, 0.60237517],
[0.00576748, -0.00576748, 0.01658765, 0.082, 2.201,0.045962, 0.082, 0.01251282, 0.00554347, 2.2021353 ],
[0.00038011, -0.00035004, 0.0011832, 0.006, 0.07460976,0.0028284, 0.006, 0.00097436, 0.00038011, 0.07430141],
[0.00232859, -0.00232859, 0.00442728, 0.011, 0.04782927,0.012021, 0.012, 0.00353846, 0.00200706, 0.04406202],
[0.03710778, -0.03710778, 0.00465324, 0.076, 4.443,0.03182, 0.086, 0.02310256, 0.03407041, 4.40858239],
[1.13293306e-02, -1.13293306e-02, 3.98170020e-02, 2.08000000e-01, 8.79678049e+00, 8.06100000e-02, 2.08000000e-01, 4.19487179e-02, 8.02841512e-03, 8.78487800e+00],
[0.00241135, -0.00186458, 0.0089488, 0.059, 1.06817073,0.02192, 0.059, 0.00302564, 0.00241135, 1.06816635],
[0.01979542, -0.0079298, 0.02172778, 0.128, 2.58236585,0.062225, 0.128, 0.02112821, 0.01979542, 2.5705713 ],
[0.02311331, -0.02311331, 0.01137534, 0.062, 4.10326829,0.048083, 0.076, 0.02253846, 0.02280474, 4.08634796],
[0.00020308, -0.00020308, 0.00116188, 0.006, 0.08992683,0.0021213, 0.006, 0.00030769, 0.0001032, 0.09000535],
[0.02430024, -0.01198259, 0.05125066, 0.284,10.61465854, 0.10041, 0.284, 0.04492308, 0.02430024, 10.68180335],
[0.00456388, -0.00456388, 0.00310646, 0.037, 0.09085366,0.0098995, 0.037, 0.00694872, 0.00379939, 0.09607742],
[0.0258999, -0.02057017, 0.03178882, 0.123, 5.97997561,0.086974, 0.123, 0.02774359, 0.0258999, 5.91008859],
[0.02995729, -0.02995729, 0.02248653, 0.065, 3.89078049,0.067175, 0.072, 0.02235897, 0.02419343, 3.84855841],
[0.03168889, -0.01073342, 0.02388286, 0.091, 4.27865854,0.08061, 0.091, 0.02253846, 0.03168889, 4.27815091],
[0.00558419, -0.00558419, 0.00877511, 0.022, 1.34473171,0.030406, 0.026, 0.00953846, 0.00182773, 1.37010789],
[0.0002998, -0.0002998, 0.00057734, 0.004, 0.14253659,0.0014142, 0.004, 0.00097436, 0.00028829, 0.14237889],
[0.00219221, -0.00094528, 0.01264908, 0.057, 0.64868293,0.027577, 0.057, 0.00864103, 0.00219221, 0.63404688],
[0.00025949, -0.00025949, 0.00057734, 0.004, 0.07617073,0.0014142, 0.004, 0.00179487, 0.00015403, 0.07597272],
[3.54995192e-04, -3.54995192e-04, 5.16299928e-02, 1.00000000e-02, 2.85024390e-01, 1.28690000e-01, 1.00000000e-02, 2.41025641e-03, 2.75611646e-04, 2.85969148e-01],
[0.01468492, -0.01456906, 0.01003006, 0.072, 4.19787805,0.030406, 0.072, 0.02764103, 0.01468492, 4.21230508],
[0.02925993, -0.02564169, 0.0243944, 0.069, 3.981,0.081317, 0.069, 0.01961538, 0.02925993, 3.88386281],
[0.00033805, -0.00023428, 0.00154918, 0.005, 0.06904878,0.0035355, 0.005, 0.00117949, 0.00033805, 0.06819891],
[0.02167887, -0.01716068, 0.03000235, 0.167, 7.68443902,0.068589, 0.176, 0.05779487, 0.02167887, 7.62067289],
[0.00860053, -0.00687122, 0.00984125, 0.028, 1.9362439,0.032527, 0.028, 0.01158974, 0.00860053, 1.85928806],
[1.62829923e-02, -1.27782612e-02, 5.03488484e-03, 2.93000000e-01, 1.10292927e+01, 9.19240000e-03, 2.93000000e-01, 4.98717949e-02, 1.62829923e-02, 1.10624738e+01],
[5.11402880e-02, -5.11402880e-02, 0.00000000e+00, 4.40000000e-02, 2.07410488e+01, 1.55560000e-02, 4.40000000e-02, 1.24102564e-02, 2.17468552e-02, 2.07288498e+01],
[0.02048881, -0.01983837, 0.01785776, 0.068, 3.90980488,0.045255, 0.068, 0.02412821, 0.02048881, 3.92262256],
[0.00066236, -0.00066236, 0.00180276, 0.008, 0.15141463,0.0049497, 0.008, 0.00161538, 0.00045688, 0.15286961],
[0.00060837, -0.00053966, 0.00036514, 0.006, 0.15390244,0.0021213, 0.006, 0.00184615, 0.00060837, 0.1543969 ],
[0.00261392, -0.0025949, 0.00945165, 0.046, 1.07970732,0.026163, 0.046, 0.00725641, 0.00261392, 1.0819483 ],
[2.21525541e-02, -2.09299114e-02, 4.55533610e-03, 1.75000000e-01, 7.59114634e+00, 6.50540000e-02, 1.75000000e-01, 4.90256410e-02, 2.21525541e-02, 7.58764892e+00],
[7.56803574e-03, -5.22375992e-03, 1.39641061e-03, 3.40000000e-02, 1.45278049e+00, 8.48530000e-03, 3.90000000e-02, 8.23076923e-03, 7.56803574e-03, 1.46401853e+00],
[0.00042417, -0.00042417, 0.00109543, 0.003, 0.16736585,0.0021213, 0.006, 0.00123077, 0.00031221, 0.16745186],
[3.55599268e-04, -3.33958979e-04, 2.60312573e-11, 4.00000000e-03, 1.18829268e-01, 1.41420000e-03, 4.00000000e-03, 1.17948718e-03, 3.55599268e-04, 1.18657803e-01],
[8.49163246e-03, -7.36645573e-03, 1.26472005e-03, 4.00000000e-02, 4.19334146e+00, 2.82840000e-02, 8.00000000e-02, 2.64615385e-02, 8.49163246e-03, 4.21478989e+00],
[0.04132153, -0.04132153, 0.08233984, 0.491,13.82968293, 0.1789, 0.491, 0.09758974, 0.02614823, 13.93101321],
[0.00138337, -0.00104703, 0.00203719, 0.007, 0.09217073,0.006364, 0.007, 0.00258974, 0.00138337, 0.07952256],
[0.02013966, -0.02013966, 0.06794402, 0.35,11.46958537, 0.12728, 0.35, 0.09010256, 0.01988961, 11.45768721],
[0.00205373, -0.00205373, 0.0030984, 0.015, 0.06936585,0.0084853, 0.017, 0.00394872, 0.00152146, 0.06837444],
[0.01040894, -0.01040894, 0.00890233, 0.068, 0.26421951,0.025456, 0.068, 0.00902564, 0.00546137, 0.2587529 ],
[8.19684883e-03, -8.19684883e-03, 2.09202670e-02, 6.30000000e-02, 6.51109756e+00, 4.45480000e-02, 6.30000000e-02, 1.66153846e-02, 5.80672162e-03, 6.50965345e+00],
[0.00023369, -0.00023369, 0.00246646, 0.007, 0.16326829,0.006364, 0.007, 0.00079487, 0.00019522, 0.1627248 ],
[0.00490015, -0.00322078, 0.00861112, 0.016, 1.29187805,0.025456, 0.016, 0.00689744, 0.00490015, 1.27916244],
[0.0134886, -0.00766548, 0.0189313, 0.109, 6.21553659,0.041012, 0.109, 0.03533333, 0.0134886, 6.22416714],
[0.02813757, -0.01747513, 0.0254467, 0.127, 6.28670732,0.084146, 0.127, 0.03102564, 0.02813757, 6.35501978],
[0.02044022, -0.02044022, 0.03488198, 0.176, 8.10602439,0.065761, 0.176, 0.04466667, 0.01777938, 8.12759058],
[0.01947497, -0.01946271, 0.05739752, 0.284,10.64578049, 0.10889, 0.296, 0.04564103, 0.01947497, 10.64447668],
[0.01922614, -0.01922614, 0.02849813, 0.097, 4.29178049,0.08061, 0.097, 0.02720513, 0.01556252, 4.30987745],
[0.00027514, -0.00027514, 0.00073029, 0.004, 0.07358537,0.0014142, 0.004, 0.00153846, 0.0002546, 0.0735262]])
num_support_vec = [61, 97, 89]
return {'dual_coef': dual_coef,
'support_vec': support_vec,
'intercept': intercept,
'gamma': gamma,
'num_support_vec': num_support_vec}
if __name__ == '__main__':
binary_test_data = np.array([
[0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.14212846, 0.02368808, 0.0580237, 0.06960633, 0.04921911, 0.],
[0.21073171, 0.794, 0.922, 0.14076923, 0.20974742, -0.32312654, 0.32312654, 0.88741901, 0.17300546, 0.3544437, 0.39891235, 0.5271785, 0.0076014],
[0.04058537, 0.009, 0.008, 0.00225641, 0.03362015, -0.00420592, 0.00420592, 0.00565685, 0.00235702, 0.00193218, 0.00581951, 0.00861878, 0.00671751],
[0.07887805, 0.0035, 0.007, 0.00179487, 0.07598638, -0.00096018, 0.00113304, 0.00494975, 0.00235702, 0.00177012, 0.00098742, 0.00128452, 0.00335876],
[0.10126829, 0.0015, 0.004, 0.00174359, 0.09954269, -0.00034342, 0.00034342, 0.00212132, 0.00153206, 0.00028868, 0.00075829, 0.00064872, 0.00212132]
binary_predictions = predict_binary_classifier(binary_test_data)
import pickle
f2 = open('/Users/sarataylor/Dev/eda-explorer-public/SVMBinary.p', 'rb')
s2 =
clf = pickle.loads(s2)
assert(len([1 for i in range(5) if binary_predictions[i] != clf.predict(binary_test_data)[i]]) == 0)
# Test multiclass
test_data = np.array([[3.11141105e-02, -3.11136868e-02, 2.42079822e-02, 7.49220000e-02, 1.15335178e+01, 8.37681119e-02, 7.49220000e-02, 1.03606795e-02, 3.11141105e-02, 1.15205823e+01],
[0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.],
[0.10255266, -0.10255266, 0.03827904, 0.328471, 6.61645195, 0.26352986, 0.406695, 0.02494941, 0.05696297, 7.64941098],
[0.1095642, -0.1095642, 0.08589464, 0.113983, 11.49373772, 0.26352986, 0.113983, 0.01375942, 0.03753318, 11.51816541],
[0.15404637, -0.08878016, 0.1020834, 0.768917, 11.40673696, 0.28606288, 0.768917, 0.08697605, 0.15404637, 11.46339086]])
multi_predictions = predict_multiclass_classifier(test_data)
f2 = open('/Users/sarataylor/Dev/eda-explorer-public/SVMMulticlass.p', 'rb')
s2 =
clf = pickle.loads(s2)
assert (len([1 for i in range(5) if multi_predictions[i] != clf.predict(test_data)[i]]) == 0)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,411 @@
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pywt
import os
import datetime
from load_files import getInputLoadFile, get_user_input
from ArtifactClassifiers import predict_binary_classifier, predict_multiclass_classifier
matplotlib.rcParams['ps.useafm'] = True
matplotlib.rcParams['pdf.use14corefonts'] = True
matplotlib.rcParams['text.usetex'] = True
def getWaveletData(data):
This function computes the wavelet coefficients
data: DataFrame, index is a list of timestamps at 8Hz, columns include EDA, filtered_eda
wave1Second: DateFrame, index is a list of timestamps at 1Hz, columns include OneSecond_feature1, OneSecond_feature2, OneSecond_feature3
waveHalfSecond: DateFrame, index is a list of timestamps at 2Hz, columns include HalfSecond_feature1, HalfSecond_feature2
startTime = data.index[0]
# Create wavelet dataframes
oneSecond = pd.date_range(start=startTime, periods=len(data), freq='1s')
halfSecond = pd.date_range(start=startTime, periods=len(data), freq='500L')
# Compute wavelets
cA_n, cD_3, cD_2, cD_1 = pywt.wavedec(data['EDA'], 'Haar', level=3) #3 = 1Hz, 2 = 2Hz, 1=4Hz
# Wavelet 1 second window
N = int(len(data)/8)
coeff1 = np.max(abs(np.reshape(cD_1[0:4*N],(N,4))), axis=1)
coeff2 = np.max(abs(np.reshape(cD_2[0:2*N],(N,2))), axis=1)
coeff3 = abs(cD_3[0:N])
wave1Second = pd.DataFrame({'OneSecond_feature1':coeff1,'OneSecond_feature2':coeff2,'OneSecond_feature3':coeff3})
wave1Second.index = oneSecond[:len(wave1Second)]
# Wavelet Half second window
N = int(np.floor((len(data)/8.0)*2))
coeff1 = np.max(abs(np.reshape(cD_1[0:2*N],(N,2))),axis=1)
coeff2 = abs(cD_2[0:N])
waveHalfSecond = pd.DataFrame({'HalfSecond_feature1':coeff1,'HalfSecond_feature2':coeff2})
waveHalfSecond.index = halfSecond[:len(waveHalfSecond)]
return wave1Second,waveHalfSecond
def getDerivatives(eda):
deriv = (eda[1:-1] + eda[2:])/ 2. - (eda[1:-1] + eda[:-2])/ 2.
second_deriv = eda[2:] - 2*eda[1:-1] + eda[:-2]
return deriv,second_deriv
def getDerivStats(eda):
deriv, second_deriv = getDerivatives(eda)
maxd = max(deriv)
mind = min(deriv)
maxabsd = max(abs(deriv))
avgabsd = np.mean(abs(deriv))
max2d = max(second_deriv)
min2d = min(second_deriv)
maxabs2d = max(abs(second_deriv))
avgabs2d = np.mean(abs(second_deriv))
return maxd,mind,maxabsd,avgabsd,max2d,min2d,maxabs2d,avgabs2d
def getStats(data):
eda = data['EDA'].values
filt = data['filtered_eda'].values
maxd,mind,maxabsd,avgabsd,max2d,min2d,maxabs2d,avgabs2d = getDerivStats(eda)
maxd_f,mind_f,maxabsd_f,avgabsd_f,max2d_f,min2d_f,maxabs2d_f,avgabs2d_f = getDerivStats(filt)
amp = np.mean(eda)
amp_f = np.mean(filt)
return amp, maxd,mind,maxabsd,avgabsd,max2d,min2d,maxabs2d,avgabs2d,amp_f,maxd_f,mind_f,maxabsd_f,avgabsd_f,max2d_f,min2d_f,maxabs2d_f,avgabs2d_f
def computeWaveletFeatures(waveDF):
maxList = waveDF.max().tolist()
meanList = waveDF.mean().tolist()
stdList = waveDF.std().tolist()
medianList = waveDF.median().tolist()
aboveZeroList = (waveDF[waveDF>0]).count().tolist()
return maxList,meanList,stdList,medianList,aboveZeroList
def getWavelet(wave1Second,waveHalfSecond):
max_1,mean_1,std_1,median_1,aboveZero_1 = computeWaveletFeatures(wave1Second)
max_H,mean_H,std_H,median_H,aboveZero_H = computeWaveletFeatures(waveHalfSecond)
return max_1,mean_1,std_1,median_1,aboveZero_1,max_H,mean_H,std_H,median_H,aboveZero_H
def getFeatures(data,w1,wH):
# Get DerivStats
amp,maxd,mind,maxabsd,avgabsd,max2d,min2d,maxabs2d,avgabs2d,amp_f,maxd_f,mind_f,maxabsd_f,avgabsd_f,max2d_f,min2d_f,maxabs2d_f,avgabs2d_f = getStats(data)
statFeat = np.hstack([amp,maxd,mind,maxabsd,avgabsd,max2d,min2d,maxabs2d,avgabs2d,amp_f,maxd_f,mind_f,maxabsd_f,avgabsd_f,max2d_f,min2d_f,maxabs2d_f,avgabs2d_f])
# Get Wavelet Features
max_1,mean_1,std_1,median_1,aboveZero_1,max_H,mean_H,std_H,median_H,aboveZero_H = getWavelet(w1,wH)
waveletFeat = np.hstack([max_1,mean_1,std_1,median_1,aboveZero_1,max_H,mean_H,std_H,median_H,aboveZero_H])
all_feat = np.hstack([statFeat,waveletFeat])
if np.Inf in all_feat:
if np.NaN in all_feat:
return list(all_feat)
def createFeatureDF(data):
filepath: string, path to input file
features: DataFrame, index is a list of timestamps for each 5 seconds, contains all the features
data: DataFrame, index is a list of timestamps at 8Hz, columns include AccelZ, AccelY, AccelX, Temp, EDA, filtered_eda
# Load data from q sensor
wave1sec,waveHalf = getWaveletData(data)
# Create 5 second timestamp list
timestampList = data.index.tolist()[0::40]
# feature names for DataFrame columns
allFeatureNames = ['raw_amp','raw_maxd','raw_mind','raw_maxabsd','raw_avgabsd','raw_max2d','raw_min2d','raw_maxabs2d','raw_avgabs2d','filt_amp','filt_maxd','filt_mind',
# Initialize Feature Data Frame
features = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros((len(timestampList),len(allFeatureNames))),columns=allFeatureNames,index=timestampList)
# Compute features for each 5 second epoch
for i in range(len(features)-1):
start = features.index[i]
end = features.index[i+1]
this_data = data[start:end]
this_w1 = wave1sec[start:end]
this_w2 = waveHalf[start:end]
features.iloc[i] = getFeatures(this_data,this_w1,this_w2)
return features
def classifyEpochs(features,featureNames,classifierName):
This function takes the full features DataFrame and classifies each 5 second epoch into artifact, questionable, or clean
features: DataFrame, index is a list of timestamps for each 5 seconds, contains all the features
featureNames: list of Strings, subset of feature names needed for classification
classifierName: string, type of SVM (binary or multiclass)
labels: Series, index is a list of timestamps for each 5 seconds, values of -1, 0, or 1 for artifact, questionable, or clean
# Only get relevant features
features = features[featureNames]
X = features[featureNames].values
# Classify each 5 second epoch and put into DataFrame
if 'Binary' in classifierName:
featuresLabels = predict_binary_classifier(X)
elif 'Multi' in classifierName:
featuresLabels = predict_multiclass_classifier(X)
return featuresLabels
def getSVMFeatures(key):
This returns the list of relevant features
key: string, either "Binary" or "Multiclass"
featureList: list of Strings, subset of feature names needed for classification
if key == "Binary":
return ['raw_amp','raw_maxabsd','raw_max2d','raw_avgabs2d','filt_amp','filt_min2d','filt_maxabs2d','max_1s_1',
elif key == "Multiclass":
return ['filt_maxabs2d','filt_min2d','std_1s_1','raw_max2d','raw_amp','max_1s_1','raw_maxabs2d','raw_avgabs2d',
print('Error!! Invalid key, choose "Binary" or "Multiclass"\n\n')
def classify(classifierList):
This function wraps other functions in order to load, classify, and return the label for each 5 second epoch of Q sensor data.
classifierList: list of strings, either "Binary" or "Multiclass"
featureLabels: Series, index is a list of timestamps for each 5 seconds, values of -1, 0, or 1 for artifact, questionable, or clean
data: DataFrame, only output if fullFeatureOutput=1, index is a list of timestamps at 8Hz, columns include AccelZ, AccelY, AccelX, Temp, EDA, filtered_eda
# Constants
oneHour = 8*60*60 # 8(samp/s)*60(s/min)*60(min/hour) = samp/hour
fiveSec = 8*5
# Load data
data, _ = getInputLoadFile()
# Get pickle List and featureNames list
featureNameList = [[]]*len(classifierList)
for i in range(len(classifierList)):
featureNames = getSVMFeatures(classifierList[i])
# Get the number of data points, hours, and labels
rows = len(data)
num_labels = int(np.ceil(float(rows)/fiveSec))
hours = int(np.ceil(float(rows)/oneHour))
# Initialize labels array
labels = -1*np.ones((num_labels,len(classifierList)))
for h in range(hours):
# Get a data slice that is at most 1 hour long
start = h*oneHour
end = min((h+1)*oneHour,rows)
cur_data = data[start:end]
features = createFeatureDF(cur_data)
for i in range(len(classifierList)):
# Get correct feature names for classifier
classifierName = classifierList[i]
featureNames = featureNameList[i]
# Label each 5 second epoch
temp_labels = classifyEpochs(features, featureNames, classifierName)
labels[(h*12*60):(h*12*60+temp_labels.shape[0]),i] = temp_labels
return labels,data
def plotData(data,labels,classifierList,filteredPlot=0,secondsPlot=0):
This function plots the Q sensor EDA data with shading for artifact (red) and questionable data (grey).
Note that questionable data will only appear if you choose a multiclass classifier
data: DataFrame, indexed by timestamps at 8Hz, columns include EDA and filtered_eda
labels: array, each row is a 5 second period and each column is a different classifier
filteredPlot: binary, 1 for including filtered EDA in plot, 0 for only raw EDA on the plot, defaults to 0
secondsPlot: binary, 1 for x-axis in seconds, 0 for x-axis in minutes, defaults to 0
[plot] the resulting plot has N subplots (where N is the length of classifierList) that have linked x and y axes
and have shading for artifact (red) and questionable data (grey)
# Initialize x axis
if secondsPlot:
scale = 1.0
scale = 60.0
time_m = np.arange(0,len(data))/(8.0*scale)
# Initialize Figure
# For each classifier, label each epoch and plot
for k in range(np.shape(labels)[1]):
key = classifierList[k]
# Initialize Subplots
if k==0:
ax = plt.subplot(len(classifierList),1,k+1)
ax = plt.subplot(len(classifierList),1,k+1,sharex=ax,sharey=ax)
# Plot EDA
# For each epoch, shade if necessary
for i in range(0,len(labels)-1):
if labels[i,k]==-1:
# artifact
start = i*40/(8.0*scale)
end = start+5.0/scale
ax.axvspan(start, end, facecolor='red', alpha=0.7, edgecolor ='none')
elif labels[i,k]==0:
# Questionable
start = i*40/(8.0*scale)
end = start+5.0/scale
ax.axvspan(start, end, facecolor='.5', alpha=0.5,edgecolor ='none')
# Plot filtered data if requested
if filteredPlot:
ax.plot(time_m-.625/scale,data['filtered_eda'], c='g')
plt.legend(['Raw SC','Filtered SC'],loc=0)
# Label and Title each subplot
# Only include x axis label on final subplot
if secondsPlot:
plt.xlabel('Time (s)')
plt.xlabel('Time (min)')
# Display the plot
if __name__ == "__main__":
numClassifiers = int(get_user_input('Would you like 1 classifier (Binary or Multiclass) or both (enter 1 or 2): '))
# Create list of classifiers
if numClassifiers==1:
temp_clf = int(get_user_input("Select a classifier:\n1: Binary\n2: Multiclass\n:"))
while temp_clf != 1 and temp_clf !=2:
temp_clf = get_user_input("Something went wrong. Enter the number 1 or 2.\n Select a classifier:\n1: Binary\n2: Multiclass):")
if temp_clf == 1:
print('Binary Classifier selected')
classifierList = ['Binary']
elif temp_clf == 2:
print('Multiclass Classifier selected')
classifierList = ['Multiclass']
classifierList = ['Binary', 'Multiclass']
# Classify the data
labels, data = classify(classifierList)
# Plotting the data
plotDataInput = get_user_input('Do you want to plot the labels? (y/n): ')
if plotDataInput=='y':
# Include filter plot?
filteredPlot = get_user_input('Would you like to include filtered data in your plot? (y/n): ')
if filteredPlot=='y':
# X axis in seconds?
secondsPlot = get_user_input('Would you like the x-axis to be in seconds or minutes? (sec/min): ')
if secondsPlot=='sec':
# Plot Data
print("Remember! Red is for epochs with artifact, grey is for epochs that are questionable, and no shading is for clean epochs")
# Saving the data
saveDataInput = get_user_input('Do you want to save the labels? (y/n): ')
if saveDataInput=='y':
outputPath = get_user_input('Output directory: ')
outputLabelFilename= get_user_input('Output filename: ')
# Save labels
fullOutputPath = os.path.join(outputPath,outputLabelFilename)
if fullOutputPath[-4:] != '.csv':
fullOutputPath = fullOutputPath+'.csv'
featureLabels = pd.DataFrame(labels, index=pd.date_range(start=data.index[0], periods=len(labels), freq='5s'),
featureLabels.rename(columns={'index':'StartTime'}, inplace=True)
featureLabels['EndTime'] = featureLabels['StartTime']+datetime.timedelta(seconds=5) = 'EpochNum'
cols = ['StartTime', 'EndTime']
featureLabels = featureLabels[cols]
featureLabels.rename(columns={'Binary': 'BinaryLabels', 'Multiclass': 'MulticlassLabels'},
print("Labels saved to " + fullOutputPath)
print("Remember! The first column is timestamps and the second column is the labels (-1 for artifact, 0 for questionable, 1 for clean)")
print("Please also cite this project:")
print("Taylor, S., Jaques, N., Chen, W., Fedor, S., Sano, A., & Picard, R. Automatic identification of artifacts in electrodermal activity data. In Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference. 2015")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import os
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pprint
from .load_files import getInputLoadFile, get_user_input, getOutputPath
def findPeaks(data, offset, start_WT, end_WT, thres=0, sampleRate=SAMPLE_RATE):
This function finds the peaks of an EDA signal and returns basic properties.
Also, peak_end is assumed to be no later than the start of the next peak. (Is this okay??)
********* INPUTS **********
data: DataFrame with EDA as one of the columns and indexed by a datetimeIndex
offset: the number of rising samples and falling samples after a peak needed to be counted as a peak
start_WT: maximum number of seconds before the apex of a peak that is the "start" of the peak
end_WT: maximum number of seconds after the apex of a peak that is the "rec.t/2" of the peak, 50% of amp
thres: the minimum uS change required to register as a peak, defaults as 0 (i.e. all peaks count)
sampleRate: number of samples per second, default=8
********* OUTPUTS **********
peaks: list of binary, 1 if apex of SCR
peak_start: list of binary, 1 if start of SCR
peak_start_times: list of strings, if this index is the apex of an SCR, it contains datetime of start of peak
peak_end: list of binary, 1 if rec.t/2 of SCR
peak_end_times: list of strings, if this index is the apex of an SCR, it contains datetime of rec.t/2
amplitude: list of floats, value of EDA at apex - value of EDA at start
max_deriv: list of floats, max derivative within 1 second of apex of SCR
EDA_deriv = data['filtered_eda'][1:].values - data['filtered_eda'][:-1].values
peaks = np.zeros(len(EDA_deriv))
peak_sign = np.sign(EDA_deriv)
for i in range(int(offset), int(len(EDA_deriv) - offset)):
if peak_sign[i] == 1 and peak_sign[i + 1] < 1:
peaks[i] = 1
for j in range(1, int(offset)):
if peak_sign[i - j] < 1 or peak_sign[i + j] > -1:
#if peak_sign[i-j]==-1 or peak_sign[i+j]==1:
peaks[i] = 0
# Finding start of peaks
peak_start = np.zeros(len(EDA_deriv))
peak_start_times = [''] * len(data)
max_deriv = np.zeros(len(data))
rise_time = np.zeros(len(data))
for i in range(0, len(peaks)):
if peaks[i] == 1:
temp_start = max(0, i - sampleRate)
max_deriv[i] = max(EDA_deriv[temp_start:i])
start_deriv = .01 * max_deriv[i]
found = False
find_start = i
# has to peak within start_WT seconds
while found == False and find_start > (i - start_WT * sampleRate):
if EDA_deriv[find_start] < start_deriv:
found = True
peak_start[find_start] = 1
peak_start_times[i] = data.index[find_start]
rise_time[i] = get_seconds_and_microseconds(data.index[i] - pd.to_datetime(peak_start_times[i]))
find_start = find_start - 1
# If we didn't find a start
if found == False:
peak_start[i - start_WT * sampleRate] = 1
peak_start_times[i] = data.index[i - start_WT * sampleRate]
rise_time[i] = start_WT
# Check if amplitude is too small
if thres > 0 and (data['EDA'].iloc[i] - data['EDA'][peak_start_times[i]]) < thres:
peaks[i] = 0
peak_start[i] = 0
peak_start_times[i] = ''
max_deriv[i] = 0
rise_time[i] = 0
# Finding the end of the peak, amplitude of peak
peak_end = np.zeros(len(data))
peak_end_times = [''] * len(data)
amplitude = np.zeros(len(data))
decay_time = np.zeros(len(data))
half_rise = [''] * len(data)
SCR_width = np.zeros(len(data))
for i in range(0, len(peaks)):
if peaks[i] == 1:
peak_amp = data['EDA'].iloc[i]
start_amp = data['EDA'][peak_start_times[i]]
amplitude[i] = peak_amp - start_amp
half_amp = amplitude[i] * .5 + start_amp
found = False
find_end = i
# has to decay within end_WT seconds
while found == False and find_end < (i + end_WT * sampleRate) and find_end < len(peaks):
if data['EDA'].iloc[find_end] < half_amp:
found = True
peak_end[find_end] = 1
peak_end_times[i] = data.index[find_end]
decay_time[i] = get_seconds_and_microseconds(pd.to_datetime(peak_end_times[i]) - data.index[i])
# Find width
find_rise = i
found_rise = False
while found_rise == False:
if data['EDA'].iloc[find_rise] < half_amp:
found_rise = True
half_rise[i] = data.index[find_rise]
SCR_width[i] = get_seconds_and_microseconds(pd.to_datetime(peak_end_times[i]) - data.index[find_rise])
find_rise = find_rise - 1
elif peak_start[find_end] == 1:
found = True
peak_end[find_end] = 1
peak_end_times[i] = data.index[find_end]
find_end = find_end + 1
# If we didn't find an end
if found == False:
min_index = np.argmin(data['EDA'].iloc[i:(i + end_WT * sampleRate)].tolist())
peak_end[i + min_index] = 1
peak_end_times[i] = data.index[i + min_index]
peaks = np.concatenate((peaks, np.array([0])))
peak_start = np.concatenate((peak_start, np.array([0])))
max_deriv = max_deriv * sampleRate # now in change in amplitude over change in time form (uS/second)
return peaks, peak_start, peak_start_times, peak_end, peak_end_times, amplitude, max_deriv, rise_time, decay_time, SCR_width, half_rise
def get_seconds_and_microseconds(pandas_time):
return pandas_time.seconds + pandas_time.microseconds * 1e-6
def calcPeakFeatures(data,offset,thresh,start_WT,end_WT, sampleRate):
returnedPeakData = findPeaks(data, offset*sampleRate, start_WT, end_WT, thresh, sampleRate)
data['peaks'] = returnedPeakData[0]
data['peak_start'] = returnedPeakData[1]
data['peak_end'] = returnedPeakData[3]
data['peak_start_times'] = returnedPeakData[2]
data['peak_end_times'] = returnedPeakData[4]
data['half_rise'] = returnedPeakData[10]
# Note: If an SCR doesn't decrease to 50% of amplitude, then the peak_end = min(the next peak's start, 15 seconds after peak)
data['amp'] = returnedPeakData[5]
data['max_deriv'] = returnedPeakData[6]
data['rise_time'] = returnedPeakData[7]
data['decay_time'] = returnedPeakData[8]
data['SCR_width'] = returnedPeakData[9]
# To keep all filtered data remove this line
# featureData = data[data.peaks==1][['EDA','rise_time','max_deriv','amp','decay_time','SCR_width']]
# Replace 0s with NaN, this is where the 50% of the peak was not found, too close to the next peak
# featureData[['SCR_width','decay_time']]=featureData[['SCR_width','decay_time']].replace(0, np.nan)
# featureData['AUC']=featureData['amp']*featureData['SCR_width']
# if outfile is not None:
# featureData.to_csv(outfile)
return data
# draws a graph of the data with the peaks marked on it
# assumes that 'data' dataframe already contains the 'peaks' column
def plotPeaks(data, x_seconds, sampleRate = SAMPLE_RATE):
if x_seconds:
time_m = np.arange(0,len(data))/float(sampleRate)
time_m = np.arange(0,len(data))/(sampleRate*60.)
data_min = min(data['EDA'])
data_max = max(data['EDA'])
#Plot the data with the Peaks marked
plt.figure(1,figsize=(20, 5))
peak_height = data_max * 1.15
data['peaks_plot'] = data['peaks'] * peak_height
y_min = min(0, data_min) - (data_max - data_min) * 0.1
plt.ylim([min(y_min, data_min),peak_height])
plt.title('EDA with Peaks marked')
if x_seconds:
plt.xlabel('Time (s)')
plt.xlabel('Time (min)')
def chooseValueOrDefault(str_input, default):
if str_input == "":
return default
return float(str_input)
if __name__ == "__main__":
data, filepath_confirm = getInputLoadFile()
fullOutputPath = getOutputPath()
print("Please choose settings for the peak detection algorithm. For default values press return")
thresh_str = get_user_input('\tMinimum peak amplitude (default = .02):')
thresh = chooseValueOrDefault(thresh_str,.02)
offset_str = get_user_input('\tOffset (default = 1): ')
offset = chooseValueOrDefault(offset_str,1)
start_WT_str = get_user_input('\tMax rise time (s) (default = 4): ')
start_WT = chooseValueOrDefault(start_WT_str,4)
end_WT_str = get_user_input('\tMax decay time (s) (default = 4): ')
end_WT = chooseValueOrDefault(end_WT_str,4)
settings_dict = {'threshold':thresh,
'rise time':start_WT,
'decay time':end_WT}
print("Okay, finding peaks in file "+ filepath_confirm + " using the following parameters")
peakData = calcPeakFeatures(data,fullOutputPath,offset,thresh,start_WT,end_WT)
print("Features computed and saved to " + fullOutputPath)
# Plotting the data
plot_ans = get_user_input("Do you want to plot the detected peaks? (y/n): ")
if 'y' in plot_ans:
secs_ans = get_user_input("Would you like the x-axis to be in seconds or minutes? (sec/min): ")
if 'sec' in secs_ans:
print("\tOkay, script will not produce a plot")
print("Please also cite this project:")
print("Taylor, S., Jaques, N., Chen, W., Fedor, S., Sano, A., & Picard, R. Automatic identification of artifacts in electrodermal activity data. In Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference. 2015")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
EDA-Explorer is an open-source project under the MIT License
Copyright (c) 2016 Sara Taylor and Natasha Jaques
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
Scripts to detect artifacts and in electrodermal activity (EDA) data. Note that these scripts are written for Python 2.7 and Python 3.7
Version 1.0
Please also cite this project:
Taylor, S., Jaques, N., Chen, W., Fedor, S., Sano, A., & Picard, R. Automatic identification of artifacts in electrodermal activity data. In Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference. 2015.
Required python packages can be found in requirements.txt
To run artifact detection from the command line:
Currently there are only 2 classifiers to choose from: Binary or Multiclass
To run peak detection:
Descriptions of the algorithm settings can be found at
To run accelerometer feature extraction:
This file works slightly differently than the others in that it gives summary information over periods of time.
1. Currently, these files are written with the assumption that the sample rate is an integer power of 2.
2. Please visit [](
to use the web-based version

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
from .load_files import *

View File

@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
from sklearn.svm import SVC
import pickle
class SVM:
def __init__(self, C=1.0,beta=0.0, kernel='linear', poly_degree=3, max_iter=-1, tol=0.001):
#possible kernels: linear, 'poly', 'rbf', 'sigmoid', 'precomputed' or a callable
#data features
self.n_features = None
self.train_X = []
self.train_Y = []
self.val_X = []
self.val_Y = []
self.test_X = []
self.test_Y = []
#classifier features
self.C = C
self.beta = beta
self.kernel = kernel
self.poly_degree = poly_degree
self.max_iter = max_iter
self.tolerance = tol
self.classifier = None
#SVC(C=1.0, cache_size=200, class_weight=None, coef0=0.0, degree=3,
# gamma=0.0, kernel='rbf', max_iter=-1, probability=False,
# random_state=None, shrinking=True, tol=0.001, verbose=False)
def setTrainData(self, X, Y):
self.train_X = X
self.train_Y = Y
self.n_features = self.train_X.shape[1]
def setTestData(self, X, Y):
self.test_X = X
self.test_Y = Y
def setC(self, c):
self.C = c
def setBeta(self, beta):
if beta is None:
self.beta = 0.0
def setKernel(self, kernel, poly_degree=3):
self.kernel = kernel
self.poly_degree = poly_degree
def setValData(self, X, Y):
self.val_X = X
self.val_Y = Y
def train(self):
self.classifier = SVC(C=self.C, kernel=self.kernel, gamma=self.beta, degree=self.poly_degree, max_iter=self.max_iter,
tol=self.tolerance), self.train_Y)
def predict(self, X):
return self.classifier.predict(X)
def getScore(self, X, Y):
#returns accuracy
return self.classifier.score(X, Y)
def getNumSupportVectors(self):
return self.classifier.n_support_
def getHingeLoss(self,X,Y):
preds = self.predict(X)
hinge_inner_func = 1.0 - preds*Y
hinge_inner_func = [max(0,x) for x in hinge_inner_func]
return sum(hinge_inner_func)
def saveClassifierToFile(self, filepath):
s = pickle.dumps(self.classifier)
f = open(filepath, 'wb')
def loadClassifierFromFile(self, filepath):
f2 = open(filepath, 'rb')
s2 =
self.classifier = pickle.loads(s2)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
import pandas as pd
import scipy.signal as scisig
import os
import numpy as np
def get_user_input(prompt):
return raw_input(prompt)
except NameError:
return input(prompt)
def getInputLoadFile():
'''Asks user for type of file and file path. Loads corresponding data.
data: DataFrame, index is a list of timestamps at 8Hz, columns include
AccelZ, AccelY, AccelX, Temp, EDA, filtered_eda
print("Please enter information about your EDA file... ")
dataType = get_user_input("\tData Type (e4, q, shimmer, or misc): ")
if dataType=='q':
filepath = get_user_input("\tFile path: ")
filepath_confirm = filepath
data = loadData_Qsensor(filepath)
elif dataType=='e4':
filepath = get_user_input("\tPath to E4 directory: ")
filepath_confirm = os.path.join(filepath,"EDA.csv")
data = loadData_E4(filepath)
elif dataType=='shimmer':
filepath = get_user_input("\tFile path: ")
filepath_confirm = filepath
data = loadData_shimmer(filepath)
elif dataType=="misc":
filepath = get_user_input("\tFile path: ")
filepath_confirm = filepath
data = loadData_misc(filepath)
print("Error: not a valid file choice")
return data, filepath_confirm
def getOutputPath():
print("Where would you like to save the computed output file?")
outfile = get_user_input('\tFile name: ')
outputPath = get_user_input('\tFile directory (./ for this directory): ')
fullOutputPath = os.path.join(outputPath,outfile)
if fullOutputPath[-4:] != '.csv':
fullOutputPath = fullOutputPath+'.csv'
return fullOutputPath
def loadData_Qsensor(filepath):
This function loads the Q sensor data, uses a lowpass butterworth filter on the EDA signal
Note: currently assumes sampling rate of 8hz, 16hz, 32hz; if sampling rate is 16hz or 32hz the signal is downsampled
filepath: string, path to input file
data: DataFrame, index is a list of timestamps at 8Hz, columns include AccelZ, AccelY, AccelX, Temp, EDA, filtered_eda
# Get header info
header_info =, nrows=5)
except IOError:
print("Error!! Couldn't load file, make sure the filepath is correct and you are using a csv from the q sensor software\n\n")
# Get sample rate
sampleRate = int((header_info.iloc[3,0]).split(":")[1].strip())
# Get the raw data
data =, skiprows=7)
data = data.reset_index()
# Reset the index to be a time and reset the column headers
data.columns = ['AccelZ','AccelY','AccelX','Battery','Temp','EDA']
# Get Start Time
startTime = pd.to_datetime(header_info.iloc[4,0][12:-10])
# Make sure data has a sample rate of 8Hz
data = interpolateDataTo8Hz(data,sampleRate,startTime)
# Remove Battery Column
data = data[['AccelZ','AccelY','AccelX','Temp','EDA']]
# Get the filtered data using a low-pass butterworth filter (cutoff:1hz, fs:8hz, order:6)
data['filtered_eda'] = butter_lowpass_filter(data['EDA'], 1.0, 8, 6)
return data
def _loadSingleFile_E4(filepath,list_of_columns, expected_sample_rate,freq):
# Load data
data = pd.read_csv(filepath)
# Get the startTime and sample rate
startTime = pd.to_datetime(float(data.columns.values[0]),unit="s")
sampleRate = float(data.iloc[0][0])
data = data[data.index!=0]
data.index = data.index-1
# Reset the data frame assuming expected_sample_rate
data.columns = list_of_columns
if sampleRate != expected_sample_rate:
print('ERROR, NOT SAMPLED AT {0}HZ. PROBLEMS WILL OCCUR\n'.format(expected_sample_rate))
# Make sure data has a sample rate of 8Hz
data = interpolateDataTo8Hz(data,sampleRate,startTime)
return data
def loadData_E4(filepath):
# Load EDA data
eda_data = _loadSingleFile_E4(os.path.join(filepath,'EDA.csv'),["EDA"],4,"250L")
# Get the filtered data using a low-pass butterworth filter (cutoff:1hz, fs:8hz, order:6)
eda_data['filtered_eda'] = butter_lowpass_filter(eda_data['EDA'], 1.0, 8, 6)
# Load ACC data
acc_data = _loadSingleFile_E4(os.path.join(filepath,'ACC.csv'),["AccelX","AccelY","AccelZ"],32,"31250U")
# Scale the accelometer to +-2g
acc_data[["AccelX","AccelY","AccelZ"]] = acc_data[["AccelX","AccelY","AccelZ"]]/64.0
# Load Temperature data
temperature_data = _loadSingleFile_E4(os.path.join(filepath,'TEMP.csv'),["Temp"],4,"250L")
data = eda_data.join(acc_data, how='outer')
data = data.join(temperature_data, how='outer')
# E4 sometimes records different length files - adjust as necessary
min_length = min(len(acc_data), len(eda_data), len(temperature_data))
return data[:min_length]
def loadData_shimmer(filepath):
data = pd.read_csv(filepath, sep='\t', skiprows=(0,1))
orig_cols = data.columns
rename_cols = {}
for search, new_col in [['Timestamp','Timestamp'],
['Accel_LN_X', 'AccelX'], ['Accel_LN_Y', 'AccelY'], ['Accel_LN_Z', 'AccelZ'],
['Skin_Conductance', 'EDA']]:
orig = [c for c in orig_cols if search in c]
if len(orig) == 0:
rename_cols[orig[0]] = new_col
data.rename(columns=rename_cols, inplace=True)
# TODO: Assuming no temperature is recorded
data['Temp'] = 0
# Drop the units row and unnecessary columns
data = data[data['Timestamp'] != 'ms']
data.index = pd.to_datetime(data['Timestamp'], unit='ms')
data = data[['AccelZ', 'AccelY', 'AccelX', 'Temp', 'EDA']]
for c in ['AccelZ', 'AccelY', 'AccelX', 'Temp', 'EDA']:
data[c] = pd.to_numeric(data[c])
# Convert to 8Hz
data = data.resample("125L").mean()
# Get the filtered data using a low-pass butterworth filter (cutoff:1hz, fs:8hz, order:6)
data['filtered_eda'] = butter_lowpass_filter(data['EDA'], 1.0, 8, 6)
return data
def loadData_getColNames(data_columns):
print("Here are the data columns of your file: ")
# Find the column names for each of the 5 data streams
colnames = ['EDA data','Temperature data','Acceleration X','Acceleration Y','Acceleration Z']
new_colnames = ['','','','','']
for i in range(len(new_colnames)):
new_colnames[i] = get_user_input("Column name that contains "+colnames[i]+": ")
while (new_colnames[i] not in data_columns):
print("Column not found. Please try again")
print("Here are the data columns of your file: ")
new_colnames[i] = get_user_input("Column name that contains "+colnames[i]+": ")
# Get user input on sample rate
sampleRate = get_user_input("Enter sample rate (must be an integer power of 2): ")
while (sampleRate.isdigit()==False) or (np.log(int(sampleRate))/np.log(2) != np.floor(np.log(int(sampleRate))/np.log(2))):
print("Not an integer power of two")
sampleRate = get_user_input("Enter sample rate (must be a integer power of 2): ")
sampleRate = int(sampleRate)
# Get user input on start time
startTime = pd.to_datetime(get_user_input("Enter a start time (format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS): "))
while type(startTime)==str:
print("Not a valid date/time")
startTime = pd.to_datetime(get_user_input("Enter a start time (format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS): "))
return sampleRate, startTime, new_colnames
def loadData_misc(filepath):
# Load data
data = pd.read_csv(filepath)
# Get the correct colnames
sampleRate, startTime, new_colnames = loadData_getColNames(data.columns.values)
data.rename(columns=dict(zip(new_colnames,['EDA','Temp','AccelX','AccelY','AccelZ'])), inplace=True)
data = data[['AccelZ','AccelY','AccelX','Temp','EDA']]
# Make sure data has a sample rate of 8Hz
data = interpolateDataTo8Hz(data,sampleRate,startTime)
# Get the filtered data using a low-pass butterworth filter (cutoff:1hz, fs:8hz, order:6)
data['filtered_eda'] = butter_lowpass_filter(data['EDA'], 1.0, 8, 6)
return data
def interpolateDataTo8Hz(data,sample_rate,startTime):
if sample_rate<8:
# Upsample by linear interpolation
if sample_rate==2:
data.index = pd.date_range(start=startTime, periods=len(data), freq='500L')
elif sample_rate==4:
data.index = pd.date_range(start=startTime, periods=len(data), freq='250L')
data = data.resample("125L").mean()
if sample_rate>8:
# Downsample
idx_range = list(range(0,len(data))) # TODO: double check this one
data = data.iloc[idx_range[0::int(int(sample_rate)/8)]]
# Set the index to be 8Hz
data.index = pd.date_range(start=startTime, periods=len(data), freq='125L')
# Interpolate all empty values
data = interpolateEmptyValues(data)
return data
def interpolateEmptyValues(data):
cols = data.columns.values
for c in cols:
data.loc[:, c] = data[c].interpolate()
return data
def butter_lowpass(cutoff, fs, order=5):
# Filtering Helper functions
sos = scisig.butter(order, cutoff, btype='low', analog=False, output='sos', fs=fs)
return sos
def butter_lowpass_filter(data, cutoff, fs, order=5):
# Filtering Helper functions
sos = butter_lowpass(cutoff, fs, order=order)
y = scisig.sosfilt(sos, data)
return y

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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
.csv files in this archive are in the following format:
The first row is the initial time of the session expressed as unix timestamp in UTC.
The second row is the sample rate expressed in Hz.
Data from temperature sensor expressed degrees on the Celsius (°C) scale.
Data from the electrodermal activity sensor expressed as microsiemens (μS).
Data from photoplethysmograph.
Data from 3-axis accelerometer sensor. The accelerometer is configured to measure acceleration in the range [-2g, 2g]. Therefore the unit in this file is 1/64g.
Data from x, y, and z axis are respectively in first, second, and third column.
Time between individuals heart beats extracted from the BVP signal.
No sample rate is needed for this file.
The first column is the time (respect to the initial time) of the detected inter-beat interval expressed in seconds (s).
The second column is the duration in seconds (s) of the detected inter-beat interval (i.e., the distance in seconds from the previous beat).
Average heart rate extracted from the BVP signal.The first row is the initial time of the session expressed as unix timestamp in UTC.
The second row is the sample rate expressed in Hz.
Event mark times.
Each row corresponds to a physical button press on the device; the same time as the status LED is first illuminated.
The time is expressed as a unix timestamp in UTC and it is synchronized with initial time of the session indicated in the related data files from the corresponding session.

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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
requires = ["setuptools", "wheel"]
build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
name = CalculatingFeatures
version = 0.1.0
description = 'Library for calculating features'
packages = CalculatingFeatures
install_requires =

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

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@ -3,114 +3,164 @@ channels:
- conda-forge - conda-forge
- defaults - defaults
dependencies: dependencies:
- _libgcc_mutex=0.1
- _openmp_mutex=4.5
- _py-xgboost-mutex=2.0 - _py-xgboost-mutex=2.0
- appdirs=1.4.* - appdirs=1.4.4
- arrow=0.16.0 - arrow=0.16.0
- asn1crypto=1.4.* - asn1crypto=1.4.0
- astropy=4.2.* - astropy=4.2.1
- attrs=20.3.* - attrs=20.3.0
- binaryornot=0.4.* - binaryornot=0.4.4
- blas=1.0 - blas=1.0
- brotlipy=0.7.* - brotli=1.0.9
- bzip2=1.0.* - brotlipy=0.7.0
- ca-certificates - bzip2=1.0.8
- certifi - ca-certificates=2022.2.1
- certifi=2021.10.8
- cffi=1.14.4 - cffi=1.14.4
- chardet=3.0.* - chardet=3.0.4
- click=7.1.* - click=7.1.2
- cookiecutter=1.6.* - colorama=0.4.4
- cryptography=3.3.* - cookiecutter=1.6.0
- datrie=0.8.* - cryptography=3.3.1
- cycler=0.11.0
- datrie=0.8.2
- dbus=1.13.18
- docutils=0.16 - docutils=0.16
- expat=2.4.4
- fontconfig=2.13.1
- fonttools=4.25.0
- freetype=2.11.0
- future=0.18.2 - future=0.18.2
- gitdb=4.0.* - giflib=5.2.1
- gitdb2=4.0.* - gitdb=4.0.5
- gitpython=3.1.* - gitdb2=4.0.2
- gitpython=3.1.11
- glib=2.69.1
- gst-plugins-base=1.14.0
- gstreamer=1.14.0
- icu=58.2
- idna=2.10 - idna=2.10
- imbalanced-learn=0.6.* - imbalanced-learn=0.6.2
- importlib-metadata=2.0.* - importlib-metadata=2.0.0
- importlib_metadata=2.0.* - importlib_metadata=2.0.0
- intel-openmp=2019.4 - intel-openmp=2019.4
- jinja2=2.11.2 - jinja2=2.11.2
- jinja2-time=0.2.* - jinja2-time=0.2.0
- joblib=1.0.* - joblib=1.0.0
- jsonschema=3.2.* - jpeg=9d
- libblas=3.8.* - jsonschema=3.2.0
- libcblas=3.8.* - kiwisolver=1.3.2
- libcxx=10.0.* - lcms2=2.12
- libedit=3.1.* - ld_impl_linux-64=2.36.1
- libblas=3.8.0
- libcblas=3.8.0
- libcxx=10.0.0
- libcxxabi=10.0.0
- libedit=3.1.20191231
- libffi=3.3 - libffi=3.3
- libgcc-ng=11.2.0
- libgfortran - libgfortran
- liblapack=3.8.* - libgfortran
- libopenblas=0.3.* - libgfortran
- liblapack=3.8.0
- libopenblas=0.3.10
- libpng=1.6.37
- libstdcxx-ng=11.2.0
- libtiff=4.2.0
- libuuid=1.0.3
- libwebp=1.2.2
- libwebp-base=1.2.2
- libxcb=1.14
- libxgboost=0.90 - libxgboost=0.90
- lightgbm=3.1.* - libxml2=2.9.12
- llvm-openmp=10.0.* - libzlib=1.2.11
- markupsafe=1.1.* - lightgbm=3.1.1
- llvm-openmp=10.0.0
- lz4-c=1.9.3
- markupsafe=1.1.1
- matplotlib=3.5.1
- matplotlib-base=3.5.1
- mkl - mkl
- mkl-service=2.3.* - mkl-service=2.3.0
- mkl_fft=1.2.* - mkl_fft=1.2.0
- mkl_random=1.1.* - mkl_random=1.1.1
- more-itertools=8.6.* - more-itertools=8.6.0
- munkres=1.1.4
- ncurses=6.2 - ncurses=6.2
- numpy=1.19.2 - numpy=1.19.2
- numpy-base=1.19.2 - numpy-base=1.19.2
- openblas=0.3.* - openblas=0.3.4
- openssl - openssl=1.1.1m
- pandas=1.1.* - packaging=21.3
- pbr=5.5.* - pandas=1.1.5
- pip=20.3.* - pbr=5.5.1
- pcre=8.45
- pillow=9.0.1
- pip=20.3.3
- plotly=4.14.1 - plotly=4.14.1
- poyo=0.5.* - poyo=0.5.0
- psutil=5.7.* - psutil=5.7.2
- psycopg2
- py-xgboost=0.90 - py-xgboost=0.90
- pycparser=2.20 - pycparser=2.20
- pyerfa=1.7.* - pyerfa=
- pyopenssl=20.0.* - pyopenssl=20.0.1
- pyprojroot - pyqt=5.9.2
- pysocks=1.7.* - pysocks=1.7.1
- python=3.7.* - python=3.7.9
- python-dateutil=2.8.* - python-dateutil=2.8.1
- python-dotenv
- python_abi=3.7 - python_abi=3.7
- pytz=2020.4 - pytz=2020.4
- pyyaml=5.3.* - pyyaml=5.3.1
- qt=5.9.7
- readline=8.0 - readline=8.0
- requests=2.25.0 - requests=2.25.0
- retrying=1.3.* - retrying=1.3.3
- scikit-learn=0.23.2 - scikit-learn=0.23.2
- scipy=1.5.* - scipy=1.5.2
- setuptools=51.0.* - setuptools=51.0.0
- sip=4.19.8
- six=1.15.0 - six=1.15.0
- smmap=3.0.* - smmap=3.0.4
- smmap2=3.0.* - smmap2=3.0.1
- sqlalchemy
- sqlite=3.33.0 - sqlite=3.33.0
- threadpoolctl=2.1.* - threadpoolctl=2.1.0
- tk=8.6.* - tk=8.6.10
- tornado=6.1
- tqdm=4.62.0 - tqdm=4.62.0
- urllib3=1.25.11 - urllib3=1.25.11
- wheel=0.36.2 - wheel=0.36.2
- whichcraft=0.6.* - whichcraft=0.6.1
- wrapt=1.12.1 - wrapt=1.12.1
- xgboost=0.90 - xgboost=0.90
- xz=5.2.* - xz=5.2.5
- yaml=0.2.* - yaml=0.2.5
- zipp=3.4.* - zipp=3.4.0
- zlib=1.2.* - zlib=1.2.11
- zstd=1.4.9
- pip: - pip:
- amply==0.1.* - amply==0.1.4
- bidict==0.21.4
- biosppy==0.8.0
- build==0.7.0
- cached-property==1.5.2
- configargparse==0.15.1 - configargparse==0.15.1
- decorator==4.4.* - decorator==4.4.2
- ipython-genutils==0.2.* - h5py==3.6.0
- jupyter-core==4.6.* - ipython-genutils==0.2.0
- nbformat==5.0.* - jupyter-core==4.6.3
- nbformat==5.0.7
- opencv-python==
- peakutils==1.3.3
- pep517==0.12.0
- pulp==2.4 - pulp==2.4
- pyparsing==2.4.* - pyparsing==2.4.7
- pyrsistent==0.15.5 - pyrsistent==0.15.5
- ratelimiter==1.2.* - ratelimiter==1.2.0.post0
- shortuuid==1.0.8
- snakemake==5.30.2 - snakemake==5.30.2
- tomli==2.0.1
- toposort==1.5 - toposort==1.5
- traitlets==4.3.* - traitlets==4.3.3
prefix: /usr/local/Caskroom/miniconda/base/envs/rapids202108 prefix: /opt/conda/envs/rapids