Make table visible in Doryab's documentation

JulioV 2020-07-24 20:26:15 -04:00
parent b53c075a4f
commit 766c94413f
1 changed files with 24 additions and 24 deletions

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@ -676,9 +676,9 @@ minutes_data_used This is NOT a feature. This is just a quality control che
**Available Location Features**
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Name Units Description
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locationvariance :math:`meters^2` The sum of the variances of the latitude and longitude columns.
loglocationvariance Log of the sum of the variances of the latitude and longitude columns.
totaldistance meters Total distance travelled in a ``day_segment`` using the haversine formula.
@ -699,7 +699,7 @@ meanlengthstayatclusters minutes Average time spent in a cluster
stdlengthstayatclusters minutes Standard deviation of time spent in a cluster (significant location).
locationentropy nats Shannon Entropy computed over the row count of each cluster (significant location), it will be higher the more rows belong to a cluster (i.e. the more time a participant spent at a significant location).
normalizedlocationentropy nats Shannon Entropy computed over the row count of each cluster (significant location) divided by the number of clusters, it will be higher the more rows belong to a cluster (i.e. the more time a participant spent at a significant location).
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