Fix bugs in create participants files script

- The PHONE and FITBIT flags were mixed up
- The start/end dates from the CSV file weren't being parsed correctly
JulioV 2021-01-06 11:14:15 -05:00
parent 3a80f93771
commit 5203aa60d1
1 changed files with 8 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ group <- config$SOURCE$DATABASE_GROUP
timezone <- config$SOURCE$TIMEZONE
phone_device_id_column = config$PHONE_SECTION$DEVICE_ID_COLUMN
fitbit_device_id_column = config$FITBIT_SECTION$DEVICE_ID_COLUMN
add_fitbit_section = config$PHONE_SECTION$ADD
add_phone_section = config$FITBIT_SECTION$ADD
add_phone_section = config$PHONE_SECTION$ADD
add_fitbit_section = config$FITBIT_SECTION$ADD
@ -39,7 +39,8 @@ if(config$SOURCE$TYPE == "AWARE_DEVICE_TABLE"){
} else if(config$SOURCE$TYPE == "CSV_FILE"){
participants <- read_csv(config$SOURCE$CSV_FILE_PATH, col_types=cols_only(device_id="c",pid="c",label="c",platform="c",
start_date=col_date(format = "%Y-%m-%d"),end_date=col_date(format = "%Y-%m-%d"),fitbit_id="c"))
start_date=col_date(format = "%Y-%m-%d"),end_date=col_date(format = "%Y-%m-%d"),fitbit_id="c")) %>%
mutate(start_date = as.character(start_date), end_date = as.character(end_date)) # we read as date to validate format
participants <- participants %>%
mutate(!!phone_device_id_column := str_replace(!!rlang::sym(phone_device_id_column), ";",","),
platform = str_replace(platform, ";",","),
@ -55,16 +56,18 @@ participants %>%
empty_fitbit <- c("FITBIT:", " DEVICE_IDS:", " LABEL:", " START_DATE:", " END_DATE:")
row <- tibble(...)
lines <- c()
start_date = if_else($start_date), "", row$start_date)
end_date = if_else($end_date), "", row$end_date)
if(add_phone_section == TRUE && ![phone_device_id_column])){
lines <- append(lines, c("PHONE:", paste0(" DEVICE_IDS: [",row[phone_device_id_column],"]"), paste0(" PLATFORMS: [",row$platform,"]"),
paste(" LABEL:",row$label), paste(" START_DATE:", row$start_date), paste(" END_DATE:", row$end_date)))
paste(" LABEL:",row$label), paste(" START_DATE:", start_date), paste(" END_DATE:", end_date)))
lines <- append(lines, empty_phone)
if(add_fitbit_section == TRUE && ![fitbit_device_id_column])){
lines <- append(lines, c("FITBIT:", paste0(" DEVICE_IDS: [",row[fitbit_device_id_column],"]"),
paste(" LABEL:",row$label), paste(" START_DATE:", row$start_date), paste(" END_DATE:", row$end_date)))
paste(" LABEL:",row$label), paste(" START_DATE:", start_date), paste(" END_DATE:", end_date)))
} else
lines <- append(lines, empty_fitbit)