Fix return error in call metrics script

JulioV 2019-11-12 15:54:12 -05:00
parent 6cf39ad9c4
commit 209a9232a3
1 changed files with 1 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -43,9 +43,9 @@ compute_call_feature <- function(calls, metric, day_segment){
"entropyduration" = calls %>% summarise(!!paste("call", type, day_segment, metric, sep = "_") := entropy.MillerMadow(call_duration)),
"timefirstcall" = calls %>% summarise(!!paste("call", type, day_segment, metric, sep = "_") := first(local_hour) + (first(local_minute)/60)),
"timelastcall" = calls %>% summarise(!!paste("call", type, day_segment, metric, sep = "_") := last(local_hour) + (last(local_minute)/60)))
calls <- read.csv(snakemake@input[[1]], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
day_segment <- snakemake@params[["day_segment"]]